Also while we're waiting, I would like to proudly announce that I am now accepting
-JOB APPLICATIONS- (disclaimer: you will not be paid in any way) for the as of now still distant mafia tentatively placeholderly named
Kid Icarus Mafia: Idol Cards In Concrete! Yes, I intend to take
TWO applicants for assistants for this game, as I intend to potentially host both a larger and a more complex game than average and even the normal chaos would already destroy me.
Applicants should be able to offer such qualifications as:
Basic knowledge of the complete plot of Kid Icarus: Uprising, including but not limited to a basic understanding of the abilities of characters, a rough understanding of all events, and the understanding that logic has no place here
Ability to ferret out potential loopholes in ability descriptions and avoid unpredictable chaos
Ability to both condone and create bizarre and -to the players- unpredictable chaos, thus creating predictable chaos
Ability to check up on PMs and fulfill ability work as needed so I don't choke on my own game
Ability to pitch in with incredible flavors (such as floor ice cream and fried angel wings) as needed
A sense of humor, duh
Job perks will include access to the exclusive Planning Lounge PM (actual quality of the staff lounge not guaranteed), experience that will not level you up, and
EXPOSURE! Apply now!