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PM Arts and Alts Thread

Thank you PMDT!

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    Votes: 6 31.6%
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    Votes: 9 47.4%

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Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
Because it's a nice way to reference something from Brawl that got lost. Charizard's current forward throw animation isn't too fast and its knockback makes sense for a headbutt so the properties of the attack wouldn't change a bit.
Seems unnecessary when the current animation works fine/better.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2014
YALL GOING OFF TOPIC!!!!!!!! Don't worry I'll fix it with.... MEOWSER!!!! As in, like, I'm praying to Nano that they put him in.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Screen Shot 2015-06-27 at 6.09.07 PM.png

I'd really like Tink to have a recolor referencing ALttP, btw. The colors just look really great. I know he wasn't Toon-styled in that game, but the colors aren't as good on Adult Link IMO, plus he's already full.

Maybe with slightly more saturated clothes and hair and a less bright sword.
Or Conductor or Minish Link, of course, but this is another one that would be great.
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Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2014
Spiral Mountain
So here's a thought...

The D-Pad has four directions, and is used for taunts. What if... One of the directions did a fourth taunt? BAM.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
That's too obvious. There must be something that makes it not work, otherwise I feel like that would already be how it is..
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Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2013
So I had a thought while discussing the possible future of Kirby's alt if the wizards can get their code to work.

In case you didn't know, Kirby uses his cutter when he absorbs Roy and I think I remember hearing it was due to limitations. See below for a picture of this. Though the cutter looks fine, here's my thought.

In most of Kirby's games, he can acquire the sword copy ability and his sword has kept roughly he same design over the years. So when Kirby absorbs Marth, what if you changed the Falchion to his traditional sword and then copied that asset when he absorbs Roy? Not sure if that would even be possible, but it would certainly help consistency and a neat homage to Kirby. Plus, it's not like he wouldn't be able to perform a shield breaker with any old sword.



Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2014
Spiral Mountain
So I had a thought while discussing the possible future of Kirby's alt if the wizards can get their code to work.

In case you didn't know, Kirby uses his cutter when he absorbs Roy and I think I remember hearing it was due to limitations. See below for a picture of this. Though the cutter looks fine, here's my thought.

In most of Kirby's games, he can acquire the sword copy ability and his sword has kept roughly he same design over the years. So when Kirby absorbs Marth, what if you changed the Falchion to his traditional sword and then copied that asset when he absorbs Roy? Not sure if that would even be possible, but it would certainly help consistency and a neat homage to Kirby. Plus, it's not like he wouldn't be able to perform a shield breaker with any old sword.

So if I'm understanding you right, the hat itself for Marth and Roy wouldn't change, it'll stay the hair, but his weapon would?

You're a mad genius. In fact - what if they did the same for other Smash fighters?


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2013
Hats need to stay so we know exactly what to expect from his sword. I can't think of any other abilities that would benefit from this though.


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2014
Spiral Mountain
Hats need to stay so we know exactly what to expect from his sword. I can't think of any other abilities that would benefit from this though.
Links and Pit's, Kirby uses a bow sev'ral timez!
Hammers for Nana and Popo!
That looks about it.
Since I don't really play Kirby games, what sort of alt costumes could Kirby have that aren't recolors?
Yarn Kirby.
Also, play Kirby games.
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Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2009
New Glasgow N.S.
I think it's a neat idea to have the sword he uses from sword Kirby when it comes to copying Roy, Marth, and Ike's powers, just so long as he keeps their hair to tell what power he has taken.

If they did do this then I think that when Pit, Link or Tink get absorbed then it would be cool if he got Cupid Kirby's bow (the arrows being the same as they would be normally between the three), who knows maybe that'll some how save up space on him that they'll be able to use later if they choose idk.

talking about this kinda makes me wish they could take this to the extreme and have him use the powers he'd get in his own games for when he swallows a character mostly Sword though as that's my favorite power to use in his games haha ;D
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Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2013
I guess I could see getting his own bow for the Links, but not Pit. Pit's arrows have special properties and he should use that bow to reflect that.

Edit: Does he really not use his own hammer when he has IC's ability?
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Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2014
Spiral Mountain
I guess I could see getting his own bow for the Links, but not Pit. Pit's arrows have special properties and he should use that bow to reflect that.

Edit: Does he really not use his own hammer when he has IC's ability?
Last I recall, the uses the Ice Climber's hammer.
Turns out there's an archer Kirby and a Cupid Kirby. Bam, problem solved.

Chaos Wolf

Smash Cadet
Nov 8, 2007
Since I don't really play Kirby games, what sort of alt costumes could Kirby have that aren't recolors?
Well, reposting an old photoshop of mine, Yarn Kirby would be pretty amazing if they pulled it off but it'd be one hell of a batch of wizardry by the PMDT to get it to work. I'm talking G&W Thin-ness on one alt alone, a new set of hats, the results would be amazing but realistically speaking it's probably not a thing.

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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Well, reposting an old photoshop of mine, Yarn Kirby would be pretty amazing if they pulled it off but it'd be one hell of a batch of wizardry by the PMDT to get it to work. I'm talking G&W Thin-ness on one alt alone, a new set of hats, the results would be amazing but realistically speaking it's probably not a thing.

I think G&W thinness is done by a combination of materials and shaders on his model (which is actually 3D), so I do believe it can be done on other characters, and since it's not controlled by moveset data it can be costume-specific. Not sure how that would affect the character's hitboxes and such, though.

Most hats (with a few exceptions) don't vary between costumes and use the same model and texture, although I do wonder if some coding wizardry might make them do so. I'm pretty sure it can be done in BrawlEx if you have the know-how, although I myself don't know how it works since I haven't bothered to look into it. I might check and see if I can add some extra hats in my BrawlEx build, just to see if it works the way I think it does. I know brand-new hats require PSA on Kirby but I don't know if multi-hats on existing characters do.

Edit: Works as I thought in BrawlEx. Had a thought - PMDT probably already know how to do multiple hats on existing characters. They did it with Mewtwo already. He's cloned from Lucario, who only has one hat, yet Mewtwo has one per costume.

There is a problem I can foresee with this. We would only want one extra hat for the Yarn costume, but so far it seems like the only possibilities are one hat for every costume or just one hat. No in-between. It would be bothersome to have to add a hat for every costume on every character. Although they could just copy the existing hats onto most slots, I suppose. It would be kind of inelegant, but it might work.

Tl;dr: It might be possible to do exactly what you're suggesting IF the magical PMDT feel like going to all the trouble it would take to do so. The setup and coding alone would be a ton of work since it would require coding edits to every character, not to mention actually making all of the new hat models.
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Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2014
Yoshi's Island
Well, reposting an old photoshop of mine, Yarn Kirby would be pretty amazing if they pulled it off but it'd be one hell of a batch of wizardry by the PMDT to get it to work. I'm talking G&W Thin-ness on one alt alone, a new set of hats, the results would be amazing but realistically speaking it's probably not a thing.

Hey the shading technique for this Kirby looks like it could be done easily with the technique they used to make Butter(Beta) Knight's sword.. But the new copy hats are indeed gonna be a problem..

Chaos Wolf

Smash Cadet
Nov 8, 2007
Hey the shading technique for this Kirby looks like it could be done easily with the technique they used to make Butter(Beta) Knight's sword.. But the new copy hats are indeed gonna be a problem..
Had to check the footage but yeah that seems like the kinda tech it'd need to be. a static image that gives the appearance of a sword shaped hole cutting through to the background underneath. or in animation terms, something like Goku Uniforms's Life Fiber lines or the "Unmoving Plaid" (Tv Tropes). I think Shin F.'s point about the alt hats is great, and I agree there is a danger that all those duplicate hats could be a lot of new files to dump onto Kirby's file. Is there a size limit imposed on the individual fighters' directories?
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Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2014
Spiral Mountain
I honestly love the idea of special hats for yarn Kirby, but I don't think it's necessary, even if he is two dimensional. Except, of course, the palette swap specific hats.
That's too obvious. There must be something that makes it not work, otherwise I feel like that would already be how it is..
That's what I thought...
Unless they made a certain directional input only last for one frame? I feel like that's within the team's coding prowess. Of course, I don't currently have such experience, so I can't say.
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Had to check the footage but yeah that seems like the kinda tech it'd need to be. a static image that gives the appearance of a sword shaped hole cutting through to the background underneath. or in animation terms, something like the "Unmoving Plaid" (Tv Tropes). I think Shin F.'s point about the alt hats is great, and I agree there is a danger that all those duplicate hats could be a lot of new files to dump onto Kirby's file. Is there a size limit imposed on the individual fighters' directories?
I don't think the directories have limits. There are limits on individual files, and there are limits to how much can be loaded simultaneously. I'm not positive, but I think the game waits until Kirby actually inhales someone before it loads their hat. Otherwise, it would be loading tons of hats he wouldn't be able to use in most matches. Why load forty characters worth of hat files if you're only fighting one character?

Also, I was experimenting earlier with them and had a messed up hat file in one of his slots that only froze the game when he actually inhaled the character, just before the hat would have appeared.
I honestly love the idea of special hats for yarn Kirby, but I don't think it's necessary, even if he is two dimensional. Except, of course, the palette swap specific hats.
It would be kinda weird for a 2D character to be wearing a 3D hat. If he's not 2D like suggested, then I agree it makes little difference.
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Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2010
Why does Mewtwo's model have bones coming from Lucario that he doesn't use?
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Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2010
Because he uses Lucario as a base model and moveset.
But does he really need them to avoid crashes and such? Just curious. I know that deleting them would have no positive impact or anything and it would mess up the bone numbers for the moveset file.

And now that we're talking about him, will the spoon be used someday?
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Smash Ace
May 17, 2013
But does he really need them to avoid crashes and such? Just curious. I know that deleting them would have no positive impact or anything and it would mess up the bone numbers for the moveset file.

And now that we're talking about him, will the spoon be used someday?
Dunno, I think we left it because we didn't want to risk crashes

Dunno, some people like the idea, some people dont.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 6, 2015
I was thinking a few days ago about Mewtwo's spoon, but I don't know what moves would it replace... Down B? Down/Forward Smash? His tail attacks? I mean, I would love if it happened (more like I want it to happen) but I like most of his moves as they are now...


Smash Ace
May 17, 2013
I was thinking a few days ago about Mewtwo's spoon, but I don't know what moves would it replace... Down B? Down/Forward Smash? His tail attacks? I mean, I would love if it happened (more like I want it to happen) but I like most of his moves as they are now...
Maaaaaaybe we wouldn't touch the moveset, and just put it as a taunt....


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2013
But I really like Mewtwo's taunts as is.

Edit: duh. smash taunts. hidden taunts.
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Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2010
What spoon

The huge one?
You lost me there lol

Unless I'm missing something, he only has one spoon that's in his moveset file (FitMewtwo.pac) which is a reference to the twisted spoon held item in Pokémon games that boosts psychic-type moves... only that it isn't twisted.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
You lost me there lol

Unless I'm missing something, he only has one spoon that's in his moveset file (FitMewtwo.pac) which is a reference to the twisted spoon held item in Pokémon games that boosts psychic-type moves... only that it isn't twisted.
He's thinking of the giant spoon Mewtwo uses in the Pokemon Adventures manga.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2014
Yoshi's Island
You lost me there lol

Unless I'm missing something, he only has one spoon that's in his moveset file (FitMewtwo.pac) which is a reference to the twisted spoon held item in Pokémon games that boosts psychic-type moves... only that it isn't twisted.
Oh, I thought they were gonna add in the huge spoon from Pokemon Adventures.

Ninja Squirtle'd.
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Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2010
I didn't know about that. If it was possible to clone items they could grab the beam sword, swap the model, change the sounds and the effects of the sword and make it only spawnable by a lengthy smash taunt from Mewtwo.
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