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PM Arts and Alts Thread

Thank you PMDT!

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    Votes: 6 31.6%
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    Votes: 9 47.4%

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Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2014
Spiral Mountain
I like all of em but maybe Diddy and DK could have their Strikers costumes, or for DK.....
(I swear I freaking love old nintendo power) and possibly for Ivy he could have the Ivysorcerer alt to round off the whole Perkermern alts.
I think EVERYONE should have a Striker costume, but I don't think there's enough room, haha.

Also I updated mine to include costumes for every character with more room. I AM MAD.
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Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2014
Yoshi's Island
:luigi2:- Cowboy Luigi based on Mario Party 2, with more cowboy-ish apparel, like this:
:bowser2:- 3 Costume Slots left - Wedding Bowser(with black tux as a recolor)
Donkey Kong -
:dk2:- 1 Costume Slot left - Classic Swanky Kong
:popo:- 3 Costume Slots left - I have an idea in my mind for a Rock Climbers alt that could look awesome in Project M. It makes them wear rock climbing gear, a T-shirt and shorts, and an oversized rock climbing hammer. Comes with a standard blue outfit, and red and green are the recolors.
:gw:- 1 Costume Slot left - Why not just a white G&W with a black outline around him?
F-Zero -
:falcon:- 2 Costume Slots left - Phoenix recolor and Dr. Stewart recolor for Classic C. Falcon
Pokemon -
:pikachu2:- 3 Costume Slots left - Brendan(Player Character)'s original Ruby/Sapphire hat/bandana, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Blue Neckerchief, and Melee Green Fedora
:squirtle:- 2 Costume Slots left - Clone Squirtle, regular and Shiny variants
:ivysaur:- 3 Costume Slots left - Clone Ivysaur (Based on Clone Venusaur or Clone Bulbasaur), regular/shiny variants, and Gardener Ivysaur
:charizard:- 3 Costume Slots left - Clone Charizard, regular/shiny variants, Dragonite recolor
:lucario:- 2 Costume Slots left - Fighter Lucario recolor based on Kurt's GI from Gold/Silver/Crystal, and Evil Lucario sooooonn plsssss
:jigglypuff:- 3 Costume Slots left - Melee Bow(red, green, and blue)
:lucas:- 3 Costume Slots left - DCMC shirt, Good Kid Shirt, Earthbound 64 Lucas
:sonic:- 2 Costume Slots left - Alex Kidd cosplay, NiGHTs cosplay

Ive thought of more costumes, but many of them are already in the OP.

Or are recolors of costumes in-game.
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
:popo:- 3 Costume Slots left - I have an idea in my mind for a Rock Climbers alt that could look awesome in Project M. It makes them wear rock climbing gear, a T-shirt and shorts, and an oversized rock climbing hammer. Comes with a standard blue outfit, and red and green are the recolors.
Reminds me of a pic I came across on DA a while back.


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2014
Spiral Mountain
Reminds me of a pic I came across on DA a while back.
That's actually very clever... But very different. I think having 100% unique costumes is... Weird. I'm weird. Bacon.
Oh my gosh, I've seen your Smashboards profile and your Ninten model so many times, but I've never actually looked at your other Vault items... And they're all ones I've downloaded a bajillion times! Wow! Haha, weird!

:luigi2:- Cowboy Luigi based on Mario Party 2, with more cowboy-ish apparel,

:bowser2:- 3 Costume Slots left - Wedding Bowser(with black tux as a recolor)
Donkey Kong -

:pikachu2:- 3 Costume Slots left - Brendan(Player Character)'s original Ruby/Sapphire hat/bandana, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Blue Neckerchief, and Melee Green Fedora

:ivysaur:- 3 Costume Slots left - Clone Ivysaur (Based on Clone Venusaur or Clone Bulbasaur), regular/shiny variants, and Gardener Ivysaur

:lucario:- 2 Costume Slots left - Fighter Lucario recolor based on Kurt's GI from Gold/Silver/Crystal, and Evil Lucario sooooonn plsssss
:jigglypuff:- 3 Costume Slots left - Melee Bow(red, green, and blue)
:lucas:- 3 Costume Slots left - DCMC shirt, Good Kid Shirt, Earthbound 64 Lucas
:sonic:- 2 Costume Slots left - Alex Kidd cosplay, NiGHTs cosplay

Ive thought of more costumes, but many of them are already in the OP.

Or are recolors of costumes in-game.
As awesome as that Luigi costume would be... I think that if a character is gonna have a costume like that, and another one doesn't... It's weird. Like how all Ganondorf, Link, and Zelda all have matching Ocarina of Time outfits!

I didn't even think of the Black Tuxedo Bowser, that's clever! And the shell could change colour from white to black depending on the suit! YOU'RE A GENIUS!!

The Pikachu, Squirtle and Ivysaur ideas are brilliant! That Kurt idea is also clever, somewhat obscure, but fantastic! it could use Lucario's white recolour! I've seen Tock Knock's Evil Lucario, I don't get it, is it based off of anything?

I feel like an idiot, I didn't even think about Jigg's bow! Too bad they can't/won't add a few bones to Jiggs to add that sash... It was my favourite costume, haha.

Earthbound 64 and Good Kid Shirt? What're those?

Wasn't Alex Kidd Sega's first mascot? I like how interconnected all of Sega's games are, where a character from one game making a cameo in another game can actually make sense. Kind of like what Rare did with Diddy Kong Racing. Which reminds me, a Mr. Pants costume for Diddy is another feasible thing.
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Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2014
Yoshi's Island
That's actually very clever... But very different. I think having 100% unique costumes is... Weird. I'm weird. Bacon.
Oh my gosh, I've seen your Smashboards profile and your Ninten model so many times, but I've never actually looked at your other Vault items... And they're all ones I've downloaded a bajillion times! Wow! Haha, weird!

As awesome as that Luigi costume would be... I think that if a character is gonna have a costume like that, and another one doesn't... It's weird. Like how all Ganondorf, Link, and Zelda all have matching Ocarina of Time outfits!

I didn't even think of the Black Tuxedo Bowser, that's clever! And the shell could change colour from white to black depending on the suit! YOU'RE A GENIUS!!

The Pikachu, Squirtle and Ivysaur ideas are brilliant! That Kurt idea is also clever, somewhat obscure, but fantastic! it could use Lucario's white recolour! I've seen Tock Knock's Evil Lucario, I don't get it, is it based off of anything?

I feel like an idiot, I didn't even think about Jigg's bow! Too bad they can't/won't add a few bones to Jiggs to add that sash... It was my favourite costume, haha.

Earthbound 64 and Good Kid Shirt? What're those?

Wasn't Alex Kidd Sega's first mascot? I like how interconnected all of Sega's games are, where a character from one game making a cameo in another game can actually make sense. Kind of like what Rare did with Diddy Kong Racing. Which reminds me, a Mr. Pants costume for Diddy is another feasible thing.
With the Mario characters, they don't all have the same costumes from the same game. Peach has Fire Peach(Super Mario 3D Land) and that Dark Peach from Super Paper Mario, and Bowser has Dry Bowser from New Super Mario Bros.
I chose Cowboy Luigi due to his reference to Mario Party 2 in his signature Down taunt, and because he pretends to fire guns with his Fireballs and in one of his Victory screens, I figured it would be a perfect costume for him that hasn't been done yet.

Lol, thanks! Part of the reason I want Tuxedo Bowser so bad is because it would look so funny seeing Giga Bowser rip out of a suit before the game starts.

Not if you're a Pokemon fan they're not obscure. Kurt's an old guy who makes unique Poke Balls in the games. And no, it's just drawing reference to Lucario's design being based off of the Egyptian Anubis.

Yeah, it was mine too.

Earthbound 64 Lucas is the blond kid on the left, the costume would work as an alt due to the extra fanny pack:

The Good Kid's Shirt is a late-game item in Mother 3 for Lucas that's really good. It's basically a black shirt with a skull on it in it's item sprite.
< that's the sprite.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2014
People keep suggesting more hats for Pikachu, but he needs a proper alt. I'd loved to see the masked Pikachu from ORAS.


Smash Cadet
Jun 3, 2009
Rock climbers sounds cool to me the only problem is the attack where they throw ice and the the other that freese you but it visualy could be changed to dust but that's about it.

But I think that some sort of hood down ice climbers would be cool


Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2014
Rock climbers sounds cool to me the only problem is the attack where they throw ice and the the other that freese you but it visualy could be changed to dust but that's about it.

But I think that some sort of hood down ice climbers would be cool
Yeah this is pretty much the reason, unless they somehow make it like Doc and change the ice to like, rocks or something?

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Why would it be an issue? They're changing their clothes, not identity or their powers. They're still the Ice Climbers, just dressed differently. There's no reason that having on the costume would change that.
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Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2014
Spiral Mountain
They'd have to make them fat for the hit-hurt boxes to work. Shin F. has a point... But so do kyleglor and ConDeeCas (how is that pronounced?) It really depends on how drastic it is, I think. I am having trouble imagining the kids throwing ice around and having ice breath when they're wearing T-Shirts and shorts.

In all honesty... I don't think it's a good idea. I think anything in a costume should be a reference to their game or Smash Bros. in one way, shape, or form.

But then again, Ninja Squirtle is 100% original content, and I love it.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I am having trouble imagining the kids throwing ice around and having ice breath when they're wearing T-Shirts and shorts.
The way I see it, if they're wearing t-shirts and shorts, it's probably because it's hot out, and if it's hot out, all the more reason to be throwing out ice to try and cool things off. :p

I'd like to see a more modernized design a la what Pit got in Brawl, personally. Something like this, but fitting their current proportions:
(Actually working on something like this right now since this month is their 30th anniversary :p).
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2014
I would rather have an alt where they're full on Ice Climbers with picks instead of hammers and like parkas (i think that's what their called?) up to their face and stuff. (ex.http://
) also to pronounce my username it's Con- Deee- Case.
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Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2014
They'd have to figure out a way to make it so the costume doesn't cover up his arms, since he uses them in some attacks. Guess they could add some sleeves to it or something.
Doesn't R.O.B. have an attack where he spins only his arms around? It would look sort of odd if he was wearing robes.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2014
Yoshi's Island
Ugh. How I wish there was a decent Ninten model out there that sorta kept to his original clay model, AND his in-game sprite..

Also, i don't think we're paying enough attention to how this was and how it should be re-done in PM.

EDIT: Oh and btw someone on Facebook made these really detailed paintings/Photoshoppings(?) of Zelda Cd-i Zelda and Link.

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Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
Ugh. How I wish there was a decent Ninten model out there that sorta kept to his original clay model, AND his in-game sprite..

Also, i don't think we're paying enough attention to how this was and how it should be re-done in PM.

EDIT: Oh and btw someone on Facebook made these really detailed paintings/Photoshoppings(?) of Zelda Cd-i Zelda and Link.

Evil Link 2 confirmed.Forget Shadow Link,this Link is more evil than he'll ever be.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 30, 2014
I'd want to see a PED + Hazard Suit Samus with 0% Corruption. That would be awesome. Too bad they already put in the Light Suit, so I'd never use it.

Unfortunately, Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf is not going to happen. OoT Ganondorf's Ridley-sized nose eat up all the remaining space. Oh well. At least we have enough space for Striker Bowser.


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2014
Spiral Mountain


Smash Ace
May 17, 2013
How "safe" is it? I never installed that one because I know they had to adjust a few bits on the Light Suit Samus to make that one work, I don't know if they would have to make the same changes here.
100000000% safe.
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