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Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Well I guess thats a good enough reason then lol. I agree, Warhawk needs more content.. Yet a campaign option would suffice also.
The actually had a very skimmed down campaign mode (think Battlefield games), but it was so lame they said that instead of wasting time on that, they focused all on the online aspect. I really can't see them ever putting a campaign mode since they'd make more money just releasing maps for online addicts.

Burnout Paradise will be awesome! I heard they removed the menus and it's all free roam. If you want to do a certain mode, you just initiate it.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
For the record my D-link router doesn't seem to be wanting to work at the moment, :sigh: It's just one thing after the other.. Maybe, sometime next week I can finally create my PSN account..

Other than that, LittleBigPlanet looks awesome! Seriously, i've never seen such level editing capabilities like this in a game before...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2007
So anyone looking forward to Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction?
Absolutely, I've played the first two R&C games and loved 'em. Didn't get time to play the third and fourth game (think the fourth one didn't really count as story, but did have online). Ratchet and Clank always have such unique memory, making it worth every minute of time I've spent with the series so far. I wish the PS3 title has online, though. Only so much I can do in Warhawk and Resistance.

I'll be buying R&C when it comes out, which should hopefully last me 'til Mario Galaxy comes out (it's Mario... playing it is practically a requirement if consider yourself a true gamer). Which'll then last me up to Brawl, and then I won't care what game comes out for several months (which is why I'm kinda glad GTA was delayed).

The Skate demo was pretty decent, given that it's coming from EA. Controls are a bit awkward at first, but it's just the learning curve. Didn't feel like the game was cheezing me (like Ninja Gaiden does), but I'm not into sports games enough to buy it or give Skate a serious amount of attention. The Tony Hawk demo was reasonably fun as well, though I can see how it hasn't really changed much over the years.

Also... it -looks- like they finally fixed stats in Warhawk, but too early to say for sure. Still working on being able to join ranked servers, but there don't seem to be too many issues with unranked servers.

What's the Jericho game about/what type is it?

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I rented Skate and was so put off by it. They tried to basically make the game a skate simulator which is not very fun at all. I played it about an hour and found the controls so awkward that I'm returning it soon.


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
I found the skate. demo on 360 to be a nice breath of fresh air compared to the Tony Hawk Proving Grounds demo, which was the same thing as the last 4 games.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I LOVED Project 8. It was arcade-like like the rest, but realistic at points. I really just hated skate.

Amazing day in Warhawk. My girlfriend and I were doing split screen, she captured the flag, died mid-way and I stole it before she could respawn. As I was running back to our base a Warhawk drops down and opens fire while I just let loose all the rockets I had. I died from some guy with a pistol in the end. Another incidence on a different map saw me spawn in one of our bases as it was being sieged. I walked to where the flag was as a Warhawk came down and two enemies got out. I threw a grenade which blew up the warhawk, killing one and shot the other. Then a tank got me. I love this game!

Also, LocoRoco is so **** addicting and hard. The game has one big staging zone, then branches off into 3 other zones with a boss zone. If you want to just beat it once, it'll take 30 minutes. If you want to collect all 200 locorocos, it'll take you days. Great game for $7.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City

I just watched the video review for Folklore. I don't usually watch video reviews preffering to read them but I really wanted to see what it looked like. I'm definately impressed with the finished result and look forward to playing this.

I actually went back and watched some older reviews because I liked this one so much.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
The demo is VERY fun. It had a blast wresting the souls out of enemies. It does get tedious a bit, but really it's a fun experience.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 14, 2004
so there's a new model coming out, a 40gb for $400 or something like that? not sure about the price but it's not a bad deal considering it's a working, high tech peice of equipment. except i've heard there's no BC, not even through emulation, wtf up with dat?

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002

MGO trailer posted - That's Metal Gear Online ONLY on PS3. It's coming in 2008. I'm pretty interested.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
The US price hasn't been "announced" but will likely come in at $400. That's great for me because that was the price I had mentioned I was waiting for.

BC, is completely gone. The PAL PS3s were running off a combination of software and hardware emulation. Since software emulation is well, software it may become possible in the future but I wouldn't hold my breath. I think it was a lame move on Sonys part to not feature BC.

That said, I once thought I couldn't live without my PS1 games but sold all of them when I got a PS2. I have a collection of PS2 games that I tell myself I'll play again but haven't. The only time I used the Wiis BC was to play Melee. One time.

I wasn't going to sell my PS2 because I didn't think I would get anything for it and I'd be lying if I said I really cared about it. Infact, I was just complaining in the VC thread about not wanting to play old games again and waiting for new ones. I want a PS3 to play PS3 games not PS2 games. So while I agree that Sony shouldn't have removed it based on principle, in reality I would have never used it.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 14, 2004
So it's gone. Who cares? The inital systems had BC, but it seems like people were not making a big deal about Xbox 360's poor compatibilty so Sony followed to cut costs. It's not a big thing I mean pretty much everyone has a PS2(excluding me) and they last, and if you don't have one they're about $140 after tax, so yeeeah. Nother mountain out of a molehill.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
To me BC is just meh, I could care less. I don't mind exchanging a few cords here and there every now and then.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
I completely agree, I wanted a $400 PS3 and Sony made it. I don't care about BC and I haven't bought a PS2 game since last year, so I have nothing to complain about.


I think this is an instance where people would rather the console have 100 features they don't use than to not have 100 features they don't use. I was reading on Gamespot that the PS3 still plays PS1 games because it does so through emulation. So PS2 games should be able to be played through emulation (duh) but Sony doesn't seem to be working on it or have any plans to do so in the future.

So I definatley understand the people that want BC, I just don't care for it myself.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Honestly, without BC, I wouldn't have gotten my PS3 so soon. I am waiting to get Rock Band just to see if I can play Guitar Hero 1 and 2 on it as well. But PS1 games? No point for that since you can download them on PSN (which depresses me that it's so underrepresented - where is Warhawk? Twisted Metal?) PS2 can be downloaded as well just as easy. For $400 you aren't buying a console based on the old games it can play, but the new stuff (as said by Chill), so for that price, it's hard to pass up.

I do like how they offer two models at the very least for now, it still gives that variety.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I have no problem with not having full BC, but what pissed me off is when a Sony rep blasted MS for not having full BC. He said something like "we don't settle for sorta-backwards compatible" and it came back to bite him in the ***. Hard. I read in some PSM I bought before PS3 launch.

It was completely uncalled for, if Nintendo had said something similar regarding Sony's motion sensing I would have been just as pissed.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 14, 2004
Well I guess maybe a difference between Microsoft and Sony is MS promised full BC whereas at least Sony is giving you the hard facts for this new model. To me the BC is trivial, yeah I agree with Chill I can see where people are coming from, but dam, if it was so important to said people they've should've gone for the fully BC models when they had the chance (and they probably still can get it).


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
Well I guess maybe a difference between Microsoft and Sony is MS promised full BC whereas at least Sony is giving you the hard facts for this new model. To me the BC is trivial, yeah I agree with Chill I can see where people are coming from, but dam, if it was so important to said people they've should've gone for the fully BC models when they had the chance (and they probably still can get it).
Link to Microsoft promising full backwards compatibility, please.

From what I remember, Microsoft always stated that you would be able to play "the top" Xbox games on your 360, not every Xbox game.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 14, 2004
my bad I thought i read somewhere they wanted to have full Bc. i probably saw it on gfaqs, hence the crap information.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Kansas City, Missouri
So I've come to a conclusion. Every COMMUNITY should have a PS3. And every year when a new tolerable game comes out, they can pass it around through out the community until the next year when the next good game comes out.

I'm not anti-PS3, there just only need be 1 in an entire community, in all it's great power it should be able to suffice.

BTW, does PS3 have an Arcade Stick support? I can't see Tekken 6 without the pad.

Soul Calibur 4 = On 360, save yourself 200 bucks. And a good selection of games.

Ninja Gaiden 2 = On 360, Yum.

Metal Gear Solid 3 = ****, now I gotta put up signs in the community to get the Community PS3 going.

But, PS3 is too advanced for good sales. Maybe one day when we all catch up with it's mind numbing processing power we'll get one.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
BTW, does PS3 have an Arcade Stick support? I can't see Tekken 6 without the pad.
Did the last Tekken games have AS support?
Soul Calibur 4 = On 360, save yourself 200 bucks. And a good selection of games.
Are you using a time machine to buy the PS3? From the past?
Ninja Gaiden 2 = On 360, Yum.
It's always been exclusive but it's good to now there are only two games worth playing out of the hundreds released every year.
Metal Gear Solid 3 = ****, now I gotta put up signs in the community to get the Community PS3 going.
Here's an idea, play MGS3 on the PS2.
But, PS3 is too advanced for good sales. Maybe one day when we all catch up with it's mind numbing processing power we'll get one.
Maybe one day you'll post in the right thread. Or you can at least start being funny, Sony definately provides you with the material.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
So, no new maps yet for Warhawk. I REALLY want a snow map now! The rankings are finally working and I haven't had any issues getting a game going like I used to, though yesterday the servers were all over the place and the Sony's servers went down. No clue what was up.

I REALLY need a break in my schedule to beat all the games I have - Lair, Rainbow 6, LocoRoco, Syphon Filter all remain unbeaten. PLUS all the PSP games I have/am getting AND PC games. Right now, with school being so hectic, games are just a time for me to unwind.

Can we start a Warhawk game for say "Thanksgiving?" I want a big game going that weekend for SWF, we could even do a clan by then.

Also, don't forget Rock Band will be out next month (in time for my birthday. Pay attention, mom and dad!) Other than that, I'm done buying games until January. I need to save money for Infamous, Chains of Olympus, GTA4, DMC4, RE5, and MGS4. How much can I get RE4 on PS2?


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
Haha, Eric, I'm done buying games this year other than Rock Band as well. I'm going to rent the Orange Box for the 360 tomorrow, but not buying anything else other than Rock Band. Microtransactions are going to plague the game, but it's ****ing Rock Band. I'll happily pay more money for a CD I love, or for a couple songs that I really want.

Seems pretty early for new maps to come to Warhawk, hasn't the game been out like, a month?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Kansas City, Missouri
I'm sorry, but the PS3 really is overpriced trash.

Here's an idea, play MGS3 on the PS2.
I meant MGS4.

Did the last Tekken games have AS support?
It's always been exclusive but it's good to now there are only two games worth playing out of the hundreds released every year.
In the PS3/360 war, Xbox wins hands down. The only thing anyone has to complain about with the 360 is their reliability. Sorry, but the 360 has a huge list of game that trump the PS3's selection in a big way. The ONLY exclusive is MGS4.

I could post a list of the best 360 games, and the best PS3 games if you think that'd be fair.

Yes actually they did, you can plus the X-Arcade stick into the PS2 and play the Tekken games that way, it was really good for practice for the arcade. How could you not know that?

Maybe one day you'll post in the right thread. Or you can at least start being funny, Sony definately provides you with the material.
It must really make you mad that all the trash talk on the PS3 is usually on the spot. And that everyone's prediction's about the PS3's sales, lameness (Same controller for years, bleh) and lack of support are true.

Though I do hope you enjoy your purchase. If only there was a Betamax thread that I could post in. I Wonder what your response would be.

BTW, Sixaxis blows, and it ****ed up Lair, now Factor 5 looks like n00bs. Rogue Squadron for the win.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
Yes actually they did, you can plus the X-Arcade stick into the PS2 and play the Tekken games that way, it was really good for practice for the arcade. How could you not know that?
It was a rhetorical question. You asked if the future versions would have it so I asked you if past versions did. It's usually a good sign that the trend will continue.

Blah,blah,blah PS3 sucks.
That's fine if you want to think that but there's a topic for that stickied at the top of the page. This one is for people who actually have an interest in the PS3 and/or other related discussion.

Though I do hope you enjoy your purchase. If only there was a Betamax thread that I could post in. I Wonder what your response would be.
I don't even think I was born when the betamax thing went down so I wouldn't care. Glad to see you moving on though.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Haha, Eric, I'm done buying games this year other than Rock Band as well. I'm going to rent the Orange Box for the 360 tomorrow, but not buying anything else other than Rock Band. Microtransactions are going to plague the game, but it's ****ing Rock Band. I'll happily pay more money for a CD I love, or for a couple songs that I really want.

Seems pretty early for new maps to come to Warhawk, hasn't the game been out like, a month?
I'm pretty much accepting that I'll be spending $30 the day I get it for Nevermind and Who's Next.

I'm sorry, but the PS3 really is overpriced trash.
You are telling people who own it or people who are **** near buying it that it's trash. Yea, that's not trying to start a flame war. Why does it matter if it's garbage? Who said you have to buy it? Stop being a ******* and realize that if you don't like it, don't ****ing play it. Plus the new 40gb model is competitive in price to the 360.

In the PS3/360 war, Xbox wins hands down. The only thing anyone has to complain about with the 360 is their reliability. Sorry, but the 360 has a huge list of game that trump the PS3's selection in a big way.
Not in hardware. PS3 blows XBox away in hardware. Also, online, if they beefed the store up, has what the Live doesn't - dedicated servers.

The ONLY exclusive is MGS4.
Yep. Evidently Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Infamous, and all those niche little first party games like Shadows of the Colossus don't matter.

I could post a list of the best 360 games, and the best PS3 games if you think that'd be fair.
And you think we didn't do the research before paying $600? We aren't Nintendo fanboys that will by literally whatever they put down. I did MONTHS of research looking at every single avenue and I found the PS3 was a better purchase in the long run.

BTW, Sixaxis blows, and it ****ed up Lair, now Factor 5 looks like n00bs. Rogue Squadron for the win.
Lair is an excellent game. Only reason it was given a bad rating was because reviewers hate learning curves.

Don't bash consoles in here. It's spamming and we don't bash your Wii or 360 in your topics. Don't do it to ours. There are the console debates for that meaning bashing in here is just off topic and spam.

Enjoy yourself, *****.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Kansas City, Missouri
You asked if the future versions would have it so I asked you if past versions did. It's usually a good sign that the trend will continue.
Yeah so, I really was wondering how that would work. I haven't heard of any arcade sticks being able to be hooked up to the PS3. I was thinking of trying to play Virtua Fighter on the PS3 because the graphics were gorgeous.

You are telling people who own it or people who are **** near buying it that it's trash. Yea, that's not trying to start a flame war. Why does it matter if it's garbage? Who said you have to buy it? Stop being a ******* and realize that if you don't like it, don't ****ing play it.
So, lets just assume that what you're saying is true. People should be able to hear different consumer standpoints on a system? As a gamer, I have some respect for Sony in general, but as a consumer I think they're making terrible moves.

It's not a matter of me absolutely boycotting Sony or anything, it's a matter of knowing, and hearing, a LOT of people dissatisfied with their PS3 (And Xbox, as I work in retail) and sometimes you gotta spread the word.

Don't bash consoles in here. It's spamming and we don't bash your Wii or 360 in your topics. Don't do it to ours. There are the console debates for that meaning bashing in here is just off topic and spam.
I should have posted it in a different thread sure, you're right on that. But wouldn't that just start a flamewar somewhere else? You don't think the people who are **** close to buying a PS3 read that?

BTW, don't automatically assume I'm some kind of Xbox or Ninty fanboy either. There really isn't alot of contextual evidence to back that up, so comments like this one:
It's spamming and we don't bash your Wii or 360 in your topics.
Enjoy yourself, *****.
Holy shiz The Crimson King called me a "*****" and told me to enjoy myself! How offensive! But wait...he has 9,000+ posts and is a MOD, that guy can't be wrong.

Good day sir!

Banned (6 points)


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
I'm a bit doubtful of your dubious methods to "inform" others but there are generally better ways to go about it. If you're not a raving fanboy your first post didn't exactly paint you as anything but.

I want a PS3 but I don't like everything about Sony. I have a Wii but I don't like everything about Nintendo. And as said there's a place for that. If you want to continue this discussion do it there. I shouldn't say anymore or I'm just as guilty.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
So, lets just assume that what you're saying is true. People should be able to hear different consumer standpoints on a system? As a gamer, I have some respect for Sony in general, but as a consumer I think they're making terrible moves.
Why does your opinion matter to me? It's my money, not yours. I will spend my money how I want. I don't really care about anything you have to say. Post in the console debates if you have ANY anti-console standpoint.

Chill, you getting the 40 gb? Get Warhawk. I'll school you.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
For all that is good and holy, pick up Warhawk (either the $40 download or the $60 box); you WILL NOT regret this purchase.

I REALLY want Rachet and Clank, but I am waiting. Rock Band will be amazing and extremely time-consuming so I figure no point spending $60 on games I won't play once that is out.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Microsoft owns rights to Halo now, so you probably heard wrong.
What a shock! A guy with no citation and no credibility might be wrong? Haha, just messing RE.

*****es! When are we playing Warhawk? If we want to do a smaller game, I can get my girlfriend to play. She's nearly surpassed me in kills though...

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Send me a PS3 and a copy of Warhawk and I'll play. That or you could wait till I get a crappy job and buy it in 2009-2010.

I think the first one sounds better.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
GameInformer announced in their PSN section (amid TONS of awesome games coming very soon) - Warhawk Expansion! Featuring Drop ships with 6 turrets and the ability to transport tanks, which means flag carriers. It said that with the drop ships the maps will have to be redone so we'll get new maps PLUS old maps redone.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2007
Warhawk, once they fix the stupid bugs (at least they aren't game breaking) = total win. Right now it's just made of win.

Unranked servers are funny.

I joined a semi-small (16 player, I think... not sure) one that was a CTF on Badlands. It was 3-5 minutes into the match and NOBODY had captured any of the bases.

Also... my rank got shot all the way to Commander recently, with a brief stop at 1st Lieutenant (I think). I least I get to see some of the customizations you earn at higher ranks.

I need to work on ground combat... I really suck at it. In a Warhawk I'm pretty good, but I don't always do too great on the ground after I run out of lolgrenades.

Mines (ground and air) are fun, heh. Placing them near key points like zone flags (or ctf flags) is almost a surefire kill. And going to the enemy base and putting them on Warhawks is great as well. 5 minutes later you see that you suddenly got a kill. :devil:

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Warhawk, once they fix the stupid bugs (at least they aren't game breaking) = total win. Right now it's just made of win.

Unranked servers are funny.

I joined a semi-small (16 player, I think... not sure) one that was a CTF on Badlands. It was 3-5 minutes into the match and NOBODY had captured any of the bases.

Also... my rank got shot all the way to Commander recently, with a brief stop at 1st Lieutenant (I think). I least I get to see some of the customizations you earn at higher ranks.

I need to work on ground combat... I really suck at it. In a Warhawk I'm pretty good, but I don't always do too great on the ground after I run out of lolgrenades.

Mines (ground and air) are fun, heh. Placing them near key points like zone flags (or ctf flags) is almost a surefire kill. And going to the enemy base and putting them on Warhawks is great as well. 5 minutes later you see that you suddenly got a kill. :devil:
Definitely great gameplay. What errors are you getting because they fixed nearly all the ones I had. My gf learned that mine trick the hard way and since then found the perfect spot to place mines under the Chenovan (sp?) warhawk so it's impossible to see until it's too late.

Also, 40gb PS3 = $400. Nintendo and MS still have cheaper models, but even the 360 Premium (at 350) lacks the HDMI ports and 20gb that this PS3 model has. Of course it does lack BC if that's an issue.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Skate= My new favorite game now, seriously! I love the environment, control scheme, and the music is..well... ok at the most (I got my iPod so no biggie) not saying I care for any games soundtrack..

The camera was a bit awkward for me at the start, but now i'm used to it.

Anywhoo.. ummm...

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