So my brother got me a PS4 as a surprise present the other day, along with Ground Zeroes, The Phantom Pain, Destiny and GTA5
So we were trying to get things set up nice and proper, everything seemed to be working fine until internet got involved. To cut a long story short, there's 2 things about the PS4 I find very irritating:
1. It's download speed is capped, whatever the specific number is I dunno, but the point is it downloads **** way too slow for my liking and it refuses to use the full speed I have available.
2. It is a complete bandwidth hog. I'm well aware that when things are downloading it takes priority and everything else using the internet is going to be slower, such is the case with Steam especially, but this thing demands soo much that everything else comes to a near screeching halt, almost unusable. And it's like just being on, rest mode or otherwise.
From how much I looked into this, there doesn't seem to be any fix or solution other than to just deal with it, and if that's the case, then I'm gonna get multiplat games on the PC whenever possible so I can avoid the hassle.