Well now that I've got a decent amount of games in.
I'm actually enjoying the game more then I thought I would. I was worried that your opponent not having a life bar or such would make beating on them not as rewarding, but filling your AP meter fast is what the game is about so you actually get rewarded pretty well for being aggro.
One thing I think the game needs is a little speed boost. Every characters just feels like they are on the moon when in the air and it seems like its faster to travel by rolling as opposed to running. When you get knocked far away from the action (which usually happens by the people just mashing forward square), it feels like it takes a little too long to situate yourself back in the action.
On that note, the sfx of the game are extremely bothersome. Everything sounds squishy and nothing really sounds like it has any force behind it aside from maybe the gunshots.
In terms of the netcode, I've had some games with no problem at all and some where everyone is teleporting around and being pulled in by attacks that don't look like they should have connected at all. No way of telling how much people's connections are at fault but games like that were extremely frustrating.
I also want to bring up the fact that you can't use any supers in the air. Was this a specific design choice? It seems like most, if not all supers should be able to be used in the air and its kind of bothersome how you have to be grounded first in order to do them.
I know they aren't looking for bug feedback, but the bug with sly's lvl 3 is extremely annoying. After he gets all his kills with the camera, he will usually be in the lead, but it will also sometimes glitch and the camera won't go away. It seems like the player has control of it still and just positions it in a far off corner of the stage so no one can see themselves. This makes it so no one can see what they are doing and can't score any kills to try to take the lead back.
Character feedback:
Kratos -
Being able to control all that space in front of him is really good. At that mid range, you are at constant threat of that forward square attack grabbing you and tossing you to the other side of the stage. Blocking it at a distance is rather annoying too since most characters don't have a fast enough attack to punish.
Combos are pretty fun and flow well.
I've found his lvl 1 is mostly useless against people that have played for a good while. It takes too long to start up and most attentive players will easily jump over it. The only use I've found for it (aside from just catching people who aren't paying attention) is tech chase and even then it is still somewhat unreliable.
Lvl 2 is pretty good and I've found you can combo into it. One thing that is throwing me off is where the heck the hitbox is on this thing. I've had people stand right behind or on me and not be effected at all while other times I've had people stand behind me with a bit of distance get caught in it.
Lvl 3 is alright. You should usually at least be able to get 3 kills, if not 4. Not much else to say really.
Parrapa -
My favorite character to use so far. His Circle attack (mic pull) is really helpful considering he is pretty short ranged. Haven't found too much use for most of his skateboard attacks other then Down Triangle. They mostly have this weird delay between him moving and actually hitting with the skateboard where you will usually get hit first.
His Down Circle isn't nearly as good as people say. Even if you isolate yourself from everyone else and start collecting AP, the amount is pretty minuscule and everyone else is usually building meter faster by beating on each other. All in all, I think its pretty useless for the most part. I prefer it that way though to avoid having people just camp in a corner and farming AP.
Lvl 1 supers are usually what I go for. It seems to build really fast and the super is really fast to so you can through it out at a lot of opportunities, as well as combo into it. This is another super where I just have no idea where the actual hitbox is and I kind of just guess. People will stand right in front of me and sometimes be totally unaffected by it. A lot of times I try Circle and super, and it will totally just whiff even if they are right in front of me.
Lvl 2 super is pretty good too. I can usually net 2 kills with it if not 3.
Lvl 3 I pretty much never try to go for. It only gets you 3 kills and it takes way too long to build. You can build like 4 or 5 Lvl 1's by the time you get this. I only really go for it to troll.
Fat Princess -
Admittedly, I haven't spent too much time using her. She seems pretty average overall though.
Lvl 1 seems pretty decent. Same uses as Kratos' Lvl 1 but better due to it being faster. I usually try to use this one mostly.
Lvl 2 seems ok. I might be bad at using the chicken but I have a lot of trouble with people being tricky about dodging it.
Lvl 3 is a hit more miss. Sometimes I'll only get 2 people with it at most, and sometimes I'll score 4 or 5 kills if I'm lucky. It's basically a gamble.
Sweet Tooth -
Seems a little better then average. He's got a lot of strong attacks with fairly fast startup. That Forward Square is fairly obnoxious if you are in the middle of fighting someone else and then it rams you across the map.
Lvl 1 seems fairly good with fast startup. You are only going to be scoring 1 kill with it though.
Lvl 2 is ok if there's a group of people, but a lot of the time you are only going to get one kill so I stick with Lvl 1 or 3.
Lvl 3 is pretty good. You'll usually get 3 kills if not more.
Radec -
I kind of like him but I'm pretty awful with him lol. Circle and Forward Triangle are great if you can get some distance from everyone and Triangle is good for those mid ranges when someone is trying to get in on you. I just wish there was a way to choose when to detonate your Down Square or Down Triangle.
Lvl 1 I'm actually not even sure how it works. When I pick a location, the missile will sometimes travel through someone without effecting them at all. I avoid using this one as much as possible.
Lvl 2 is the one I'm usually trying to go for. Can usually get at least 2 people if not 3.
Lvl 3 is also pretty good. Gets 3 to 5 kills depending on how fast you can take people out.
Sly -
I have mixed feelings about him. Not being able to block really sucks, although invisibility has its uses. Invisibility is only really seems viable in FFA because people aren't always watching you and you have the chance to sneak up on people, not to mention hide from people activating their supers. It also sucks that he isn't exactly completely invisible, you can still faintly see him. People that are aware of that fact will start swinging at him knowing he is in the general area and since he can't block, he will be hit. His Down Triangle can be used to work around that a bit, but its ultimately holding him back I think.
His combos are also rather hard to do in a FFA since they require some placement and time to do.
Lvl 1 I think should hit the entire time he's out and not just when he trips. I don't use this one too often.
Lvl 2 is pretty good. I manage to score 3 kills with this often.
Lvl 3 is also good. Can usually get at least 4 kills.
Some stages I think are just a little too huge. The Hades stage especially gets hard to see when the camera pans out so far. It's a common occurrence when the camera pans out too far and my character gets lost behind the character portraits and the meters.
The Sandover stage also should probably have a higher penalty for going into the water. A lot of lvl 2 and 3 supers can be avoided by just jumping in there.
Items don't seem like such an issue for the most part. Of the ones usable, the rpg seems like the best one.