Something popped into my head this morning while I was practicing in the form of a question. What does the community as a whole some characters consider just "gay"? Honestly it never registered in my mind until my friends complaints of calling me tryhard. But I wonder what everyones input on this is? To me (in most cases where the "gay" wins) gettin called "gay" is practically a compliment, it means you admit you lost, you couldnt figure out how to beat what you think is "gay" and to get past your loss you gotta talk ****.
I know some people call jigglypuffs gay, but its just like...why? Campy styles are hard to deal with but just find a counter strategy and a way to beat em instead of just makin johns. Seriously man. In my time in Melee I've been called everything under the sun including "playing gay" but serious it just seems like an excuse to me.
What does the community as a whole some characters consider just "gay"?
hahah, wtf is this sentence
why? because its easier than getting better and few people can admit their own mistakes, not just in smash but in LIFE...
i think we've all learned something here today.
imo peach is not gay, she's a very hard char.. but here i go: jigglypuff IS, in fact, a gay character, and i'm not talking about the campy stuff, his bair just makes the match truly boring, uncomfortable, it takes away almost every good technical/logical aspect that makes this game playable, i'ts really hard for most of the people not to think he is "gay" or "lame" when you know you're a better player than a jiggz main and he just rest you 3 stocks in a row. There's many good jiggz out there, but just a few are really good melee players.
I hope you don't take any offense with this, is just an opinion.
P.S: Peach is amazing, just play Peach lol
When i was really new to this game i thought marth was super broken since i played ics and could never get close to him because of his range... but as i got better i started realizing that he has a lot of weaknesses that make up for his range.
You sound exactly like that but with jiggs instead of marth.
At low level play, jiggs is pretty overpowered... if both players cannot hit lcancels consistently (and lets say the other player is playing fox), then the jiggs will completely destroy the fox without having to do much except shield-grab-upthrow-rest...
however, jiggs at high level is much different, and requires an equal or possibly greater amount of "technical/logical aspect that makes this game playable" than the other top tiers, so there is no use in calling jiggs gay or being upset that you are better and losing...
just keep getting better and things will change
There's many good jiggz out there, but just a few are really good melee players.
This line makes me just think you are regurgitating what every "cool" top player says when they talk **** about jiggs.
Like i said before, you don't seem to know enough about this game to make such bold statements. What makes a "really good melee player"? Are you positive you know the answer to that?
never cared much about bair camp. Jigg's punishes are just ridiculous. u miss a tech ... jab ur dead. like come on... some of us have to do more than 1 input for our kills... to some degree thats why i dont like peach. except its not as extreme, more like getting combo'd for 50 %.
their rewards are too much.
You're getting hit with a move that will force you to tech... then you miss the tech... then you get jab reset...
BUT, ofc if you are up a stock, she cant rest you and if shes above ~50%, its trading stocks
doesn't sound as bad when you put it that way imo