Things i noticed after playing:
*His Up smash. It's kind of ridiculous. It not only hits above but it hits at the sides and below him all of which has really high knockback. To say the least, the range is huge. I've beat Link's down air with it. I've hit people who were below my platform as they tried to hit me. I've hit people who are clearly outside of the range standing at what they thought was outside the range and they got sucked in and killed. I've also had it hit twice in the same up-smash I believe. I've killed a Mario like in the 70s on the shadow moses (I think that's the name) stage on the top platform when he got hit by it.
One other thing about it: I don't believe that it has "super armor". It just seems that he's flat out invincible during some of the frames of his up-smash. When you hit Ike during his up-b, you see hit sparks. Attacks go through Lucas during certain frames. I've had Falco throw his reflector clear through my body at near point blank range and get hit by the up-smash. I played all day and did not see anything outprioritize my up-smash or even cancel it out. It just... won... and owned anything that was near me.
EDIT: One thing I also forgot. If you block his up-smash, you get sent flying back in your shield. You would have to be a Link or somethign to shield grab it. From my experiences, people barely had enough time to drop their shield, run up and dash attack before I could block.
*His stick [forward-smash] reflects projectiles (I did it by mistake but I thought people might care).
*His down-b has like no lag. After you do it, you can just block almost immediately after. I've absorbed an approaching pit's short hop arrow and shieldgrabbed the dash attack that came immediately after.
*All of his attacks feel like they beat every other character's moves. I clanked (tied in priority but I like the word clank) with Mario's f-smash with my down tilt. His nair which should have like negative priority seems to just eat through other people's attacks. Maybe I'm getting lucky with it but I have like no fear in just approaching with nair. I've had people try to intercept it with F-smashes and just get owned by it as my attacks wins and comboes into an utilt. By the end of the day, people started working their way around my up-smash (as opposed to trying to find something that outprioritized it) while coming down and baiting my down-air (as opposed to blindly trying to uair it) while trying to keep me in the air. There was seemingly no option in challenging them because their move seemed to get eaten.
*I wasn't able to wavedash by doing the directional double jump.
*Getting the bair to spike was pretty difficult for me. When I was going specifically for that, it would knock them back instead of sending them down even when they were below me.
I hope this helped some.