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Pink Reaper's Crew Tourney In a world where Sharks can fly we're all ****ed

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CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
it was on shoddy, not wifi- so if you have a computer you could have played. and poison is ****** because:

1) Drugged is playing it well, with a well-made team
2) poison has some great typing (surprising, right)
3) Gengar is a god (i dont even remember seeing gengar on his team, lol)
lol his gengar is pretty much the only reason i lost finals v him

Ugh. Oh well.

Uh, what about any time tomorrow after 3?
if you could now that would be awesome :/

however tomorrow after 3 im pretty busy, im running one of my biweekly tourneys that starts at 4 which means i have to be there around 3 to start setting up, etc. il be busy with the biweekly till late at night, like atleast midnight


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
lol his gengar is pretty much the only reason i lost finals v him

if you could now that would be awesome :/

however tomorrow after 3 im pretty busy, im running one of my biweekly tourneys that starts at 4 which means i have to be there around 3 to start setting up, etc. il be busy with the biweekly till late at night, like atleast midnight
I can't help it if I'm a kid with a bedtime. lol

How about any time this weekend? I won't be on after midnight tonight, I can tell you that.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
Drugged Fox is in finals because me+mia have been helping his ***, not to mention that he doesn't really need it.

I won't state predictions because that would involve posting my reasonings to them, and with that players would have an unfair advantage to how to metagame against each other. However, if you are not participating in loser's finals, feel free to hit me up on AIM and I can share my views with you as to who will win.

Cease Tick

Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2008
Drugged Fox is in finals because me+mia have been helping his ***, not to mention that he doesn't really need it.

I won't state predictions because that would involve posting my reasonings to them, and with that players would have an unfair advantage to how to metagame against each other. However, if you are not participating in loser's finals, feel free to hit me up on AIM and I can share my views with you as to who will win.
Your predictions for loser's finals or for grand finals?


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
I also think, simply based off typings and player matchups, it shouldn't be terribly hard to guess what his prediction is, but maybe i just know him too well >.<

GL in loser's finals people, lemme know when it happens =P.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
how bout we set a time for it so i can be rdy

hows 8pm est? i can do it earlier if u want, but that would be awesome

IM me on AIM, my name is ChiboSempai

Deleted member

I would like to watch this. Don't start without me. Will be on @ 8 sharp.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2005
Ah, what the hell, I'll watch too.

If there's another, count me in. I wanna learn how mono-type works anyway.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2005
I'm there, but I always set myself to away 'cause I hate getting challenged to random battles.

Kill some time until Zook & Chibo are ready, Mow?

And Umbreon > me. That is all.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
Just for everyone who doesn't know: If you want to connect to the smogon server when it's not appearing on the list click the "advanced" button, and use smogon.com as the host and 50000 as the port.
Thanks for this. I was starting to think I wouldn't be able to watch the tourney.

Man, I'm hyped. I wanna see some crazy **** go down. :)

Deleted member

Mia_ has entered the room.
Zook: Round 2!
Druggedfox has entered the room.
bowser king77 has entered the room.
kenji has entered the room.
Mia_: give it a few min
Zook: k
drcossack: lol
ChiboSempai: yea
timssu has entered the room.
houseofgaara has entered the room.
bowser king77: that's everyone IIRC
bowser king77: other then PR
Zook: Alright.
Zook: I'm going.
Mia_: k
Mia_: go ahead
Mowpras used Hydro Pump.
It's super effective!
Pottery Barn lost 100% of its health.
Pottery Barn hung on using its Focus Sash!
Pottery Barn used Trick Room.
Pottery Barn twisted the dimensions!
bowser king77: :p
timssu: RAWR
timssu: I'm already liking this
drcossack: lol
Zook: oooh!
kenji: heh
drcossack: ugh, I hate Trick Room
timssu: I <3 trick room.
drcossack: meh, I'd rather fight 6 Darkrai's without Sleep Clause
Zook switched in Abomowsnow (lvl 100 Abomasnow ?).
Abomowsnow's Snow Warning whipped up a hailstorm!
Hail began to fall!
Pottery Barn used Explosion.
Abomowsnow lost 100% of its health.
Zook's Abomowsnow fainted.
ChiboSempai's Pottery Barn fainted.
The hail continues to fall.
timssu: It's my favorite team to use. =3
bowser king77: this looks tight
timssu: Goodness...this is going to be much better it seems.
Zook switched in Zook (lvl 100 Swinub ?).
ChiboSempai switched in Hippowdon (lvl 100 Hippowdon ?).
Hippowdon's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
The hail stopped.
A sandstorm brewed!
drcossack: hahaha
timssu: XD
ChiboSempai: ...?
Zook: oink
bowser king77: lol
drcossack: Swinub?
kenji: lolwut
bowser king77: secret weapppoooon!
Mia_: it's slow
Druggedfox: trick room worked against you? :p
ChiboSempai: NFE tier ftw?
timssu: Mamoswine looks much smaller than I remember...
drcossack: lol
timssu: :p
Hippowdon used Stockpile.
Hippowdon stockpiled 1!
Hippowdon's defence was raised.
Hippowdon's special defence was raised.
Zook used Toxic.
Hippowdon was badly poisoned!
The sandstorm rages.
Hippowdon is hurt by poison!
Hippowdon lost 6% of its health.
Zook used Protect.
Zook protected itself!
Hippowdon used Roar.
Zook protected itself!
The sandstorm rages.
Hippowdon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hippowdon restored 6% of its health.
Hippowdon is hurt by poison!
Hippowdon lost 12% of its health.
Mia_: get *****
Zook switched in Cloystmow (lvl 100 Cloyster ?).
Hippowdon used Roar.
Zook switched in Mowpras (lvl 100 Lapras ?).
The twisted dimensions returned to normal!
The sandstorm rages.
Mowpras is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Mowpras lost 6% of its health.
Hippowdon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hippowdon restored 6% of its health.
Hippowdon is hurt by poison!
Hippowdon lost 19% of its health.
drcossack: Cloystmow and Mowpras? lol
timssu: Lol, and his Swinub was named after him. <3
Mowpras used Hydro Pump.
It's super effective!
Hippowdon lost 72% of its health.
Hippowdon used Stone Edge.
It's super effective!
Mowpras lost 37% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Mowpras is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Mowpras lost 6% of its health.
Hippowdon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hippowdon restored 6% of its health.
Hippowdon is hurt by poison!
Hippowdon lost 10% of its health.
ChiboSempai's Hippowdon fainted.
ChiboSempai switched in Snuffles (lvl 100 Dugtrio ?).
Snuffles used Stone Edge.
It's super effective!
Mowpras lost 51% of its health.
Zook's Mowpras fainted.
Snuffles lost 10% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
ChiboSempai: im still scared of the swinub :(
drcossack: lol
Druggedfox: be afraid
Druggedfox: be very afraid
kenji: XD
Zook switched in Cloystmow (lvl 100 Cloyster ?).
timssu: Well yeah, because Zook always wins...
bowser king77: you should be >:D
Zook: lol
Zook: CPS jokes ftw
timssu: :D
Snuffles used Stone Edge.
It's super effective!
Cloystmow lost 34% of its health.
Snuffles lost 10% of its health.
Cloystmow used Surf.
It's super effective!
Snuffles lost 80% of its health.
ChiboSempai's Snuffles fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
Cloystmow is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Cloystmow lost 6% of its health.
Cloystmow's leftovers restored its health a little!
Cloystmow restored 6% of its health.
ChiboSempai switched in Bakuuda (lvl 100 Camerupt ?).
Zook switched in Umbreon (lvl 100 Glaceon ?).
Bakuuda used Toxic.
Umbreon was badly poisoned!
The sandstorm rages.
Umbreon is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Umbreon lost 6% of its health.
Umbreon is hurt by poison!
Umbreon lost 6% of its health.
Zook: :putnam:
ChiboSempai: so much umbreonmow meatridin on this team lol
drcossack: lol
bowser king77: umbreon the glaceon
timssu: Lol
drcossack: hmm, why switch Cloyster out? Slower than Camerupt?
Umbreon used Water Pulse.
It's super effective!
Bakuuda lost 100% of its health.
Bakuuda hung on using its Focus Sash!
Bakuuda used Overheat.
It's super effective!
Umbreon lost 87% of its health.
Zook's Umbreon fainted.
Bakuuda's special attack was harshly lowered.
The sandstorm rages.
Zook: I need a spinner, dude.
drcossack: lol
Zook switched in Cloystmow (lvl 100 Cloyster ?).
Druggedfox: lol go delibird?
drcossack: Starmie?
Mia_: needs more rosh polish
Zook: Ice?
Druggedfox: on an ice mono :p
Cloystmow used Ice Shard.
Bakuuda lost 0% of its health.
ChiboSempai's Bakuuda fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
Cloystmow is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Cloystmow lost 6% of its health.
Cloystmow's leftovers restored its health a little!
Cloystmow restored 6% of its health.
timssu: ...I'm waiting for a comeback by Chibo that will force Zook down to his last Pokemon of Swinub.
timssu: And then the Swinub wins.
drcossack: ha
Mia_: Cloyster is "the widow-maker"
Zook: Why's that?
timssu: ?
bowser king77: wondow maked?
ChiboSempai switched in Shamoomaamoo (lvl 100 Mamoswine ?).
bowser king77: maker*
Mia_: cause it's killing all of the male pokemon
drcossack: lol
Zook: Aaaah.
Zook: lol
timssu: Lol
Mia_: duh
bowser king77: lol
Zook: You're a sharp one, Mow.
drcossack: ha
Mia_: sharp as a mean look baton pass
Zook: Or should I say Cloystmow?
Shamoomaamoo used Stone Edge.
It's super effective!
Cloystmow lost 40% of its health.
Cloystmow used Surf.
It's super effective!
Shamoomaamoo lost 89% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Cloystmow is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Cloystmow lost 6% of its health.
Cloystmow's leftovers restored its health a little!
Cloystmow restored 6% of its health.
Cloystmow used Ice Shard.
Shamoomaamoo lost 11% of its health.
ChiboSempai's Shamoomaamoo fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
Cloystmow is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Cloystmow lost 6% of its health.
Cloystmow's leftovers restored its health a little!
Cloystmow restored 6% of its health.
bowser king77: sharp as a charizard with blast burn, fire blast, overheat and heat wave
ChiboSempai switched in Shamoo (lvl 100 Garchomp ?).
drcossack: lol Blast Burn
Zook: Owwwwwww
timssu: ...I actually faced a guy in ladders right before this battle who had a Charizard with blast burn.
Mia_: outrage ftw?
drcossack: oooooh
Shamoo used Earthquake.
Cloystmow lost 26% of its health.
Zook's Cloystmow fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
drcossack: in ladder? lmao
Zook switched in Zook (lvl 100 Swinub ?).
timssu: I didn't lose a single Pokemon. I almost felt sorry for him...
Zook: :)
bowser king77: :p
drcossack: What was the water one? I remember Burn & Frenzy Plant
timssu: XD
Zook: Hydro Cannon
timssu: Hydro Cannon
kenji: hydro cannon
timssu: Lol
Zook: NINJA'D!!
kenji: fffff
timssu: Aw dang.
drcossack: heh, I've 6-0'd in Ubers. <3 Plot Darkrai
Mia_: I've 6-0'd in ubers
timssu: I've actually never played in Ubers. <.<
Mia_: Kabutops ftw
drcossack: Kabutops?
bowser king77: same
drcossack: Rain team?
Mia_: flail a *****
Zook: Kabutops?
Mia_: yeah
drcossack: lol
timssu: XD
Mia_: but tbh I think I have the best ubers team in the game
Mia_: really
Zook: DO share.
drcossack: More exciting than putting everything to sleep, subbing, then Nasty Plotting 3x, finishing with Dark Pulse
Shamoo used Swords Dance.
Shamoo's attack was sharply raised.
Zook used Toxic.
Shamoo was badly poisoned!
The sandstorm rages.
Shamoo is hurt by poison!
Shamoo lost 6% of its health.
Mia_: some other time
Mia_: IM me
Zook: k
drcossack: blah, post it
bowser king77: i wanna know D:
timssu: Same. D:
Zook used Protect.
Zook protected itself!
Shamoo used Earthquake.
Zook protected itself!
The sandstorm rages.
Shamoo is hurt by poison!
Shamoo lost 12% of its health.
Zook: Just IM him...
drcossack: though, if you have any ideas for a doubles team, I might be at the Philly videogame championship thing in June
Zook used Ice Shard.
It's super effective!
Shamoo lost 34% of its health.
Shamoo used Earthquake.
Zook lost 100% of its health.
Zook hung on using its Focus Sash!
The sandstorm rages.
Shamoo is hurt by poison!
Shamoo lost 18% of its health.
timssu: I knew it. <.<
drcossack: oh my
bowser king77: lol
ChiboSempai: wow 34% from a swinub
bowser king77: this is to good
ChiboSempai: stupid swinub
drcossack: lol
Zook: 0 atk evs too.
timssu: Woowww...
drcossack: really?
Zook used Endure.
Zook braced itself!
Shamoo used Earthquake.
Zook lost 0% of its health.
Zook endured the hit!
The sandstorm rages.
Shamoo is hurt by poison!
Shamoo lost 25% of its health.
kenji: lol
timssu: That...is full of win.
Mia_: lol
bowser king77: now finish it with a quick attack!
ChiboSempai: ur such a **** lol
Mia_: endure!
ChiboSempai: u didnt need to endure
ChiboSempai: lol
drcossack: Zook sweeps!
Mia_: live swinub!
Mia_: LIVE
timssu: Go! Go!
Druggedfox: switch out the swinub >.>
timssu: NEVER
drcossack: nooooo
Zook: ...This shall forever be remembered as the day Swinub makes Garchomp OU again.
drcossack: hahahaha
Zook switched in zrky (lvl 100 Jynx ?).
zrky foresaw Outrage!
Shamoo used Outrage.
Shamoo went on a rampage!
zrky lost 100% of its health.
Zook's zrky fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
Shamoo is hurt by poison!
Shamoo lost 4% of its health.
ChiboSempai's Shamoo fainted.
Zook wins!
ChiboSempai: swinub > ground
kenji: XD
Druggedfox has left the room.
Mia_: LOL
timssu: ...
Zook: Poor zrky.
drcossack: Swinub wins it!
bowser king77: LOL
Mia_: winning @ 1 HP = amazing
Zook: lol
ChiboSempai: i got him down to 1 pokemon at 1 HP :(
timssu: It's official, Garchomp ain't uber. XD
drcossack: hahaha
drcossack: no ****
Zook: THat was too good. GG Chibo!
ChiboSempai: swinub completely counters garchomp
ChiboSempai: gg
timssu: Very good match. :p
ChiboSempai: swinub *****


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
**** I missed it.

I guess we have to switch Swinub and Garchomp in the tiers now.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
i would have won that match if i didnt swords dance :(

but i had no idea what the 6th poke was. it could have been some walling force that i wouldnt have been able to OHKO without SD, but then i found out it was jynx :(


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
i would have won that match if i didnt swords dance :(

but i had no idea what the 6th poke was. it could have been some walling force that i wouldnt have been able to OHKO without SD, but then i found out it was jynx :(
I do believe those are what we call mindgames, son. :)

And no johns. You lost fair and square. :laugh:

Still, very very good match. You both did well (second game, at least...I'm still trying to figure out how Chibo played so badly in the first...).

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
yea i know, i lost, no johns :p

the 2nd match was amazing
so close. we were pretty much tied with # of pokes left the whole time

yea.... the first match was kind of..... lol wow
i dont know what i was thinking, i was oblivious to everything
o crap i forgot he was sub'd!
what surf ohko's my steelix?


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
So does that mean I'll lose next round Mia?? =P I'm hoping not, but who knows ... GL Zook, I can do this pretty much whenever, though i wanna remake team I think.

Also, any ideas for the next tourney? Let's get pokemon moving in the pokecenter... I kinda wanna discuss a tutor system similar to smogon's if that's not overboard =P
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