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Pichu fans of the world...



Im bored somebody email me heres my email address mikeiggy@comcast.net


I forgot all about this game I played it a long time ago here is the game it is called super smash x heres the link from it



Get Rid of Mr. Game And Watch, Ice Climbers, Ness, and Falco!

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The Mario fan Boy

Pichu is half the reason why super smash bros melee wasn’t perfect, that and because the imbalance in characters is agrivating, that there are clones and that the adventure mode suxs out loud.

Getting rid of these few flaws for brawl and of coarse adding new, better features could make brawl perfect. Getting rid of Pichu will make the majority of smash lovers everywere happy and maybe adding a unike adventure for every character could make for that game to be a master piece. All nintendo has to do is listen to the most popular thoughts of how to make brawl better and everyone wins!

tiki taki

i agree also take you link i dont think any1 who wasent in the tralier thats new 2 ss is coming


Everyone here is an idiot, me included for coming here. Like any of you have any control over it anyway. Nintendo will do what they think will be the best game. You guys are treating this like a friggin popularity contest. My god, It is just a game. Get some lives!


Gex for brawl I have some costome ideas for him too the karite thing and the texeteo with sunglesses and one without and one with just sunglasses and no texeto

Taunt: he says oh yeah its tail time


Please I beg of you put Gex in brawl he hasn’t had a game sence playstation 1 and N64 he had a few N64 games and a few playstation 1 games he should ether be in first party or third party soplease put him in brawl

smash fan #100000

I dont wat to see gex in SSBB he isnt cool and i heat him I just imagine him like a clone of yoshi ke sucks! I want prince of persia and leon(from resident evil 4) they ARE cool and gex isn`t, and why dont they included too the zoras, goros and dekus from TLOZ:MM

smash fan #100000

maybe megaman is a bad idea for brawl (and maybe not) because he does not have a prety good reputation (because he have exactly the same style in all the gameboysp games) and is very popular, but zero and bass are a lot cooler and with a good reputation and Ithink that it would be great including them in brawl and maybe protoman can join too, but if they are going to be on brawl I supose that megaman has to be too, because he is the primary character on all its games and all the other characters(zero, bass and protoman) would`nt exist so if it is a condition to put zero, bass and protoman I think it`s fair and would`nt be problems with it… or maybe not, who knows anyway I think we`ll have to see and wait

smash fan #100000

and maybe samurai goroh would be cool… one more thing mario, its not stupi talking about taunts its diferent and funy


kriptoniteisgreen you get a if ya do not know about this game log off this thread (and ssbblog) so you get a life

smash fan #100000

aahh…, where could I start?(Im talking to “kreptonite is green”) lets start by saying that your name is completly out of place and stupid, next, you are the one that has to go get some life, do you know the sensation that a videogame gives you? the emotion it make you feel? don`t you dare to say “go get some lives” because you are the one that gotta try to find something else than go saying someones talking of smoething that u don`t care and even know about (thats by your stupid name)… you are the Idiot here, You are the one that should go get some boring life, YOU are the one that should **** UP AND GET AOT OF HEREEE DAMMIIIT!!!!!!… idiot and you probably wont read this because you alredy go get your bored life of idiot.


posting to say that everybody saying pichu should leave f***ing suck :/ OH WAIT WHUT HE IS A WASTE O’ SPACE how do you know how much space there is? HE CANNOT FIGTH OMFGGG no. he is a f***ing Pokemon; they all can battle. Might aswell take out Captain Falcon then OMGFDGGFDGFA TAKING OUT PICHU WILL MAKE EVERYBODUYCAT HAPPPY ZOMG no. Every character has fans obviously. Look at how the Dr.Mario fans are complaining about everybody wanting their favorite character out ;/ PRICKACHU IS WAAAY BETTERRRRR no Pichu is waaay better at being evasive.


have anymore s***ty reasons for throwing pichu out and I will gladly rip them to bits ;/


also posting to say that SUper flash Bro is a waste o’ internet space ;)


yo Tk i think falco should be in brawl and kick fox out cuz falco is more powerful than fox

some nigga


smash fan #100000

I think that they`ll should keep falco and fox, both are cool, just think about it falco is powerful but a lot slower and fox is very fast and has he`s points too I prefer fox than falco but falco is cooler than fox and I like the effects that falco`s attacks make but I heat that he don`t survive a thing, and that`s other thing that I like from fox, he is the best character to survive with don`t you guys think?


I forgot to tell you does anybody here have the WiFi?
the WiFi conection to internet from DS?


I don´t think they should take out any character, not even the”clones” the’re good too. Personally I suck with Mr.G&amp;W,Mewtwo and Jigglypuff but I don’t hate them I just avoid them. Every character has at least one person on this planet that prefers them and uses them properly, and even tough the “clones” attacks are slightly familiar to their original selves they still have a parcial escense of themselves and players like that, they shouldn’t be removed because the’re already part of the history of Smash Bros.

smash fan #100000

to GOTH:…I agree

to shadow:I don`t have it, either, I have to buy another DS, my top screen is broken but it still functin perfectly, its like if you just see the down screen and play like that, and now I gotta buy another one and im waiting the lite to come to mexico

The Mario fan Boy

Yo boo

You know that they can always upgrade Pichu right?

anywayz the only reason why they should get rid of Pichu is because he is just a baby and it doesn’t have the body frame to be capable of beating anyone. They need more characters that look the part of being able to stand up to other characters (i’m a bit iffy on Jiggs but she seemed ok in the first 2 smash games).

The Mario fan Boy

Ohh! I personaly don’t think clones should leave they have their place ( I’mean I use Falco, Gdorf and roy).

Options for the clones in melee:

1. They should be “luigified” meaning some of their moves should be
changed so the way they play can be much more different (Falco
should have more differences aswell as Gdorf from their clones).

2. They should just get ride of the clones that just have no purpose in the
game for numerous reasons (Pichu: younger version of Pikachu and
also worse in nearly every practical sense. Roy: Worse than Marth in
nearly every single way and not very well known; he should be
replaced by Ike from fire emblem path of radiance Y.Link is a good
character but he is just a younger version of Link and also worse in alot
of areas. Dr.Mario: He is a great character but he’s Mario with a suit
and Mario is way cooler anywayz.).

3. Replace the clones with other characters from their game franchises
(instead of Pichu how about Ash. Instead of Y.Link how about Wind
Waker Link. Instead of Dr.Mario how about Waluigi. Instead of Roy how
about Ike).

4. Replace them for a character from an entirely different franchise al

Anyone agree?


i disagree with the roy idea i am better with roy than marth and pichu than pikachu cause im just different but for heavens sake keep roy!!!!

The Mario fan Boy

If Roy is kept I wouldn’t be surprised I mean he does have a lot of loyal fans and all but some of his moves really suck (his air attacks are God aweful). And Pichu what can I say I just don’t like him all I can think of is giving Pikachu what what is good about Pichu in Brawl. That would make me happy because I actually like Pikachu and i’d like him to get better in brawl.


I saw on a website (don’t remember the site) that bowser jr. is confirmed to be in it, and that g+w and ice climbers aren’t coming back. Woot!


do you mean a site like this http://www.codenamerevolution.com/?p=809


yeah bowser jr.!!!!!!!
yeah ridley!!!!!!!!!!
yeah cell shaded link!(I wish (T_T) )
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