what numbers said.
@mike it's been clearly shown in legal cases that "children" aren't able to consent until they're adolescents or past. Of course there are rare cases of kids who are well beyond their years, mentally and emotionally, and so the physical aspects of having sex with them is a distant afterthought, considering. Plus, we can't forget that only a century or two ago it wasn't uncommon for 9-12 year olds to get married. Young people still get married in "underdeveloped" countries.
But that's not what we're talking about, lol. We're talking children. The kind that watch sesame street and pick their nose and believe in santa clause. Toddlers, infants, elementary school kids. As I said above there's no need to even mention age, because it is definitely too broad. Instead we look at developmental stage. Most kids are not able to have sex safely with adults until they reach puberty or beyond. Most. Some kids may have the capacity to do it, but there's so few of them that it's irresponsible to let that few number be a justification for pedophilia, nor is it a proper basis for comparing it to homo/hetero sexuality, nor is it a good demonstration to lead to the conclusion that pedophilia is not a mental disease.
@mike it's been clearly shown in legal cases that "children" aren't able to consent until they're adolescents or past. Of course there are rare cases of kids who are well beyond their years, mentally and emotionally, and so the physical aspects of having sex with them is a distant afterthought, considering. Plus, we can't forget that only a century or two ago it wasn't uncommon for 9-12 year olds to get married. Young people still get married in "underdeveloped" countries.
But that's not what we're talking about, lol. We're talking children. The kind that watch sesame street and pick their nose and believe in santa clause. Toddlers, infants, elementary school kids. As I said above there's no need to even mention age, because it is definitely too broad. Instead we look at developmental stage. Most kids are not able to have sex safely with adults until they reach puberty or beyond. Most. Some kids may have the capacity to do it, but there's so few of them that it's irresponsible to let that few number be a justification for pedophilia, nor is it a proper basis for comparing it to homo/hetero sexuality, nor is it a good demonstration to lead to the conclusion that pedophilia is not a mental disease.