Sexual abuse happens when an adult or older child uses a younger child for sexual stimulation. -
Do you see, now, Mike why I seem to be repeating myself? Your idea stems from the assumption that a child isn't limited in some fashion. That they're capable of making healthy informed decisions for themselves. But as you can see from this article, a child need only be involved somehow, not even intercourse, just stimulation, like... if an adult rubs up against a child in public because it feels good, that child has just been sexually abused. You see? I realize it's incredibly broad to look at it this way, but we're not talking specifically about child ****, molestation, incest, or the like. We're talking about all forms of sexuality and sexual encounters between adults and kids, and how it correlates to the mental health of the adult perpetrator.
Again, you are simply defining terms for your own convenience! You claim that if one is not damaged by a sexual act, he is not a child. Why should we accept this criterion?
>.> I'll write it out the long way for you.
If a
child person incapable of giving informed consent somehow doesn't end up damaged in some way, however small, then they
weren't a child to begin with technically were able to give informed consent, and that's not what we're talking about in this thread (people who are capable of giving informed consent).
Syntactically that's a horrible sentence which is why I didn't write it like that to begin with, but in order for you to understand what I'm saying you'll need to drive it into your head this one simple equation. Child = person who cannot give informed consent. Notice I have not mentioned age here. Child. Not 10 year old, 3 year old, 13 year old. Child. In a court, when the perp is being arraigned for molestation or statutory ****, the question before the court is "was the person able to give informed consent." If the answer is no, then the perp's a pedophile. It just so happens that legally speaking in the US people between the ages of 16-18 can, but lower cannot. I do not necessarily agree with this. I think there are plenty of 14 yo's and maybe even younger that can indeed give informed consent. Can a 6 year old? MAYBE... in a super rare case (as I said earlier). But that's not what we're addressing. We're only talking about people who cannot give informed consent. And you yourself have already agreed with me on this.
"So you are defining a child as someone who cannot give informed consent. Obviously it would then not be okay!" -You
In debates, the person making the claim needs to back his statements up. You have not shown me WHY "interfering" with a child's sexual development is harmful to that child (ignoring negative societal influences).
Okay before I go on any further I am just going to say this one more time. Based on what I just said, a child is someone who cannot give informed consent. Therefore a child who engages in sexuality with an adult is being abused.
I don't know why it's like that. I am not God, I didn't create the human body, lol. Those sources do clearly show what happens to a child when they are molested, *****, sodomized, etc. These are examples of interference. The "why" is in biology. If you cannot see why by reading what I've linked to, I'd suggest asking your doctor for it may be easier to hear it explained than to read through some of those links.
All this evidence is for ****. Yes, I'm sure we ALL agree that ****** a child is very harmful to it. But not all sex with children is ****. As long as the adult is makes sure he doesn't physically harm the child and the child voluntarily agrees to (and perhaps enjoy) performing sexual actions with the adult, where is the harm?
Ta-da. The underlined is the problem with your argument. You used the word "children" see, so... yeah. Wrong. All sex between adults and
children is ****. This idea you have that a child can voluntarily agree to have sex completely ignores what I've already established, which is that informed consent is not the same as agreement. As I said earlier, obviously a child can say "sure, lets have sex." But do they REALLY know what they're saying okay too? Coercion of this sort is one of the biggest issues with pedophiles. They spend a great deal of time disarming children to the idea of sex, warming them up to it, convincing them it's okay to keep it a secret, etc. This is the opposite of informed consent. It's trickery.
Now as I said earlier I've spent a great deal of time presenting my case for why adults and -children- (ergo people who cannot give informed consent) should not have sex, and you've technically agreed. So now I'd like for you to show me some evidence that there's a such thing as a child who CAN give informed consent. If you do that, we'll have something more substantial. And in this case I'll retract my assertion that such a person is just not a child to begin with so it's moot. I'll bite for now, and allow the idea to be present that it's possible a person of child-age may somehow have the emotional, mental and physical maturity to be capable of proper consent and to participate in sex without it causing harm, thus not resulting in abuse. (Good luck finding even one example in this that's been documented.)
I don't understand what you are saying Succumbio.
You seem to be just repeatedly asserting your conclusion.
Well hopefully I've spelled it out now to the point that I don't have to keep repeating myself. It's not even that hard a premise to wrap one's head around, and yet it has eluded now two people so far. I think he gets it now though, but we'll see.
Also, posting correlated illnesses isn't really a good argument, if that is what you are doing. The matter is one of whether an act is voluntary. It's like saying "ban soda because it gives you illnesses". Well if I voluntarily agree to drink soda anyway, then that's not a good argument for banning soda.
Eh, not really. Whether or not the act is voluntary is not as important, because it's definitely possible for a child to be convinced to do something, thus making their actions voluntary in the strictest sense. What's really the matter at hand at this point is whether or not there's some form of safe sex with kids, and due to the constraints of legal definitions there's not. Now if we ignore these definitions for a moment, and simply look at a study of say, 100 children ranging in age from 5 - 15 all having sex with adults ranging from ages 18-30, and say for a 3 month period, and none of them forced, but agreed to, and all using safe practices and none of them causing physical pain or harm... how would all those 100 kids turn out?
These links and studies I've pointed out suggest that they'd more than likely still develop mental, emotional or physical illness. I'm sure there's a reason that these definitions have been so carefully constructed so as to make sex between adults and children legally and morally impermissible. But it's not as if the definitions came first. The definitions of "child," "informed consent," "statutory ****" in a legal context were so coined in order to give a vocabulary for the real-world occurrences taking place. It just so happens that I agree with this decision and these definitions, because I trust the science, psychology and studies behind them.
And remember this all goes back to an earlier root premise which is that a pedophile either does or does not suffer from a mental illness. The reason for the last few pages' diatribe on what is and isn't abuse is because the difference between a pedophile and a homosexual is that a homosexual isn't harming anyone with their sexual practice, whereas a pedophile is.