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Paunch Day is currently a huge success.


Smash Cadet
Aug 17, 2007
Farmington Hills, MI
I got into a match just like that. Dunno if it was the same one or not, but I was playing a pink Captain Falcon.
We all fought together in the end fellow paunching brother, for we Paunchers are an indomitable spirit, and it is our job to spread the gospel, one paunch at a time. Right in thier face....PAUNCH!


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
this is coming from one of those guys you PAWNCH in WA mode.
hahaha, no..i see what you mean but falcon and ganon are best at saying:
"FU" to players on WA mode. that doesnt mean the chars themself arent serious.
the whole idea of pawnch day is to remind people that basic brawls are ridiculous.
2 minutes, items, and mental *********** at its earthly limits.
how many paunches does it take to feel violated? only one.
No, it's because Captain Falcon mainers by far seem to be the less focused of players. I play online on a daily basis and the tactics of Captain Falcon players are probably the most stale which isn't good because he's more than likely doomed to be low tier this time around. I've seen plenty of Yoshi, Ganondorf, and Shiek players trying to improve their respective character's game but I've seen close to no improvement/new tactics from Captain Falcon players in the past 3 months.

Also, not all online matches have items and depending on what time you play, it varies greatly to the skill level of your opponents. For example, from what I've noticed, the later you play on week days, the better your opponents are. Also, if you're whining because you've lost to an Ike who spams fsmash or a Pikachu who spams thunder then it's your own fault. You learn how to counter such things. Also, I personally like the 2 minute time span because it makes it easy to record and review what you did right/wrong and discover new strategies.

More or less, I know Captain Falcon has potential but it doesn't seem like anyone's doing anything with it. What I see is a lack of focus and a fixation with the Falcon Punch. Seriously, this board is almost as bad as the Ike boards. Instead of pretending that Captain Falcon is the equivalent of Chuck Norris, realize that he definately has a long battle ahead of him if he wants to be taken seriously in the world of Smash.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
Fatmanonice: You know not everyone has to take the game so ****ing seriously. Is it a crime to mess around once in awhile?

Really lighten up


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
No, it's because Captain Falcon mainers by far seem to be the less focused of players. I play online on a daily basis and the tactics of Captain Falcon players are probably the most stale which isn't good because he's more than likely doomed to be low tier this time around. I've seen plenty of Yoshi, Ganondorf, and Shiek players trying to improve their respective character's game but I've seen close to no improvement/new tactics from Captain Falcon players in the past 3 months.

Also, not all online matches have items and depending on what time you play, it varies greatly to the skill level of your opponents. For example, from what I've noticed, the later you play on week days, the better your opponents are. Also, if you're whining because you've lost to an Ike who spams fsmash or a Pikachu who spams thunder then it's your own fault. You learn how to counter such things. Also, I personally like the 2 minute time span because it makes it easy to record and review what you did right/wrong and discover new strategies.

More or less, I know Captain Falcon has potential but it doesn't seem like anyone's doing anything with it. What I see is a lack of focus and a fixation with the Falcon Punch. Seriously, this board is almost as bad as the Ike boards. Instead of pretending that Captain Falcon is the equivalent of Chuck Norris, realize that he definately has a long battle ahead of him if he wants to be taken seriously in the world of Smash.
People are trying. Just because they fool around sometimes it doesn't mean they don't try. Maybe you haven't seen much new stuff because Falcon really doesn't have much potential. New things HAVE been discovered by the way, you're probaly not looking hard enough.

Also, all characters have stale tactics on wifi. Most character just spam tons of smash attacks and sometimes use aerials. Go play on wifi and you'll notice that. It's because of the input lag which makes wifi nearly unplayable crap to anyone with skill.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2008
long island, NY
More or less, I know Captain Falcon has potential but it doesn't seem like anyone's doing anything with it. What I see is a lack of focus and a fixation with the Falcon Punch. Seriously, this board is almost as bad as the Ike boards. Instead of pretending that Captain Falcon is the equivalent of Chuck Norris, realize that he definately has a long battle ahead of him if he wants to be taken seriously in the world of Smash.

if youre basing your theroy off of with anyone mode your argument is invalid.
the majority of WA mode players arent competitive, not because of the mode,
but go into spectator and watch. people cant take it seriously,
a time match isnt very competitive, it forces you to spam KO moves in hopes of stealing a kill. plus there are 4 players, with items on almost all the time...is that serious?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Fatmanonice: You know not everyone has to take the game so ****ing seriously. Is it a crime to mess around once in awhile?

Really lighten up
Every once in awhile? All but maybe two Captain Falcon players I've played in the past 3 months have been jack offs who spam Falcon Punch and his taunts. Also, if you haven't noticed, this "Paunch Day" is being promoted in a COMPETITIVE forum. That's my beef. Telling people to spam online matches so that wifi looks even worse than it really is... nice. I don't care if you screw around with your friends but it's horrifically annoying when it's on someone else's time. For example, earlier this evening, I went to one of my friend's house and just screwed around with Sonic and King Dedede's taunts. We had explosives on high and just messed around but it wasn't on someone else's time. Online is pretty much my only source of good competition right now so having an organized spam session is more than just a little annoying. I have 18 names on my friend list but, obviously, people aren't always on so it's either anyone matches or the CPU. With that being said, anyone matches are my source of practice probably 60% of the time.

Having decent people drop out of online matches between they're annoyed definately doesn't progress anything. Also, why is this going for three days? You mean the hundreds of Falcon Punch videos on You Tube aren't enough? You mean the Captain Falcon=Chuck Norris jokes on a daily basis aren't enough? Ugh...

People are trying. Just because they fool around sometimes it doesn't mean they don't try. Maybe you haven't seen much new stuff because Falcon really doesn't have much potential. New things HAVE been discovered by the way, you're probaly not looking hard enough.

Also, all characters have stale tactics on wifi. Most character just spam tons of smash attacks and sometimes use aerials. Go play on wifi and you'll notice that. It's because of the input lag which makes wifi nearly unplayable crap to anyone with skill.
I play online an average of 5-6 hours a day. As I said, it all really depends on when you play. From what I've noticed, the earlier you play in the morning, the better the players are. From about 1-4 in the afternoon, it's clogged with the people you forementioned. The time you play at also affects how bad the lag is and, more often then not, your internet connection may be part of the problem. Also, I think I've played good players with every character online except Captain Falcon. I've seen both sides of every character but good Captain Falcon players seem to be lacking. Also, in case you're wondering, I have two people on my friend list that used to main Captain Falcon but gave up on him because he became too much of a novelty character. Falcon Punch and the taunts are only funny for so long to a certain degree. Ike was hard to take seriously for almost a month and a half before more people online started to get bored with just spamming his specials and smashes.

if you are basing your theroy off of with anyone mode your argument is invalid.
the majority of WA mode players are (obviously) very bad, not because of the mode,
but go into spectator and watch. Its people who dont take the game seriously,
a time match isnt very serious, it forces you to spam KO moves in hopes of stealing a kill. Because we all know that there's absolutely no way to counter an Ike that spams smashes or a Pikachu spams thunder and Dsmash... Playing like a ****** doesn't guarentee that you'll win.
plus there are 4 people...with items almost all the time...is that serious?
i think you just dont know any real Cfalcon players, ya cant base your thoughts off of
random people paired up across the world.
Spectator's an even worse mode to base a theory off of because people can submit videos that are no longer than 3 minutes even if it's offline just like the photos and stages. Also, there isn't always items and 4 players and, once again, depends on when you play.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Every once in awhile? All but maybe two Captain Falcon players I've played in the past 3 months have been jack offs who spam Falcon Punch and his taunts. Also, if you haven't noticed, this "Paunch Day" is being promoted in a COMPETITIVE forum. That's my beef. Telling people to spam online matches so that wifi looks even worse than it really is... nice. I don't care if you screw around with your friends but it's horrifically annoying when it's on someone else's time. For example, earlier this evening, I went to one of my friend's house and just screwed around with Sonic and King Dedede's taunts. We had explosives on high and just messed around but it wasn't on someone else's time. Online is pretty much my only source of good competition right now so having an organized spam session is more than just a little annoying. I have 18 names on my friend list but, obviously, people aren't always on so it's either anyone matches or the CPU. With that being said, anyone matches are my source of practice probably 60% of the time.

Having decent people drop out of online matches between they're annoyed definately doesn't progress anything. Also, why is this going for three days? You mean the hundreds of Falcon Punch videos on You Tube aren't enough? You mean the Captain Falcon=Chuck Norris jokes on a daily basis aren't enough? Ugh...

I play online an average of 5-6 hours a day. As I said, it all really depends on when you play. From what I've noticed, the earlier you play in the morning, the better the players are. From about 1-4 in the afternoon, it's clogged with the people you forementioned. The time you play at also affects how bad the lag is and, more often then not, your internet connection may be part of the problem. Also, I think I've played good players with every character online except Captain Falcon. I've seen both sides of every character but good Captain Falcon players seem to be lacking. Also, in case you're wondering, I have two people on my friend list that used to main Captain Falcon but gave up on him because he became too much of a novelty character. Falcon Punch and the taunts are only funny for so long to a certain degree. Ike was hard to take seriously for almost a month and a half before more people online started to get bored with just spamming his specials and smashes.

Spectator's an even worse mode to base a theory off of because people can submit videos that are no longer than 3 minutes even if it's offline just like the photos and stages. Also, there isn't always items and 4 players and, once again, depends on when you play.

Your post fails.


Smash Cadet
Mar 26, 2008
Oh. What. The. F.

So that's why those two Capt. Falcons were spamming paunches on Monday.
You darn smashboards people. XD ahaha.


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2008
San Francisco
Use swf finder....

Besides, if you couldn't beat them spamming falcon punch and taunts...well.....=X
And besides, 3 months? Either you haven't played many falcons or they've been doing that on their very own. This thing was promoted maybe 10 days ago tops. Not three months.
So relax. It's just a game. It's much better than having multiple people go online and start wobbling or something....

Anywho, here are my contributions =D(Sorry the first one cuts off since my camera battery died. I actually lost that one xD). Second one is ganon, but I figured I'd just post it here as well...

WTF?'s Paunch Day 1(Lol I get the first two kills =b)


Edit: For some reason it cuts off at the sudden death? =[. Anywho, I basically warlock punch two people who are attacking each other and cancel each other out LOL


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Use swf finder....

Besides, if you couldn't beat them spamming falcon punch and taunts...well.....=X
And besides, 3 months? Either you haven't played many falcons or they've been doing that on their very own. This thing was promoted maybe 10 days ago tops. Not three months.
So relax. It's just a game. It's much better than having multiple people go online and start wobbling or something....
... when did I say I lost to these people? I won the matches but they were extremelly hollow victories because anyone that wanted to play seriously usually just quit half way through the match. Also, it's not that hard to avoid a Falcon Punch especially when it has the most notiable audio warning of any attack in the game...

Why didn't I just quit then? Because dropping out of match usually means waiting 5-10 minutes for another one and that can get pretty annoying. Also, I know this "Paunch Day" is recent but a vast majority of the Falcon players I play online are what I describe. Like all online games, Brawl's online will sooner or later be controlled by the competitive community or at least those that actually know what they're doing. As I person who plays online on a regular basis, I'd like this day to come sooner rather then later. As time has passed, I have faced better and better players on Anyone and less spammers/jack offs that just kill themselves, taunt, etc. With this being said, three entire days dedicated to this kind of thing is more than just a little bit irritating.

Anyways, I celebrated "Paunch Day" today by playing with Captain Falcon for about half of the night. I won a decent amount of matches despite him being one of my worst characters and I did it without spamming Falcon Punch like a ******. (ZOMG! What a concept!)

@ the guy that posted the Falcon pic:

Thanks for providing evidence to what I'm talking about...


Smash Rookie
Apr 27, 2008
things that I learned on paunch day(s)

A surpisingly large amount of moves leave people opened to a falcon punch , F You dsmash pikachu spammer, you just left yourself opened for my perfectly spaced FALCON PUNCH.

auto canceled weak knee into rapid jab combo is awesome, especially since it causes tripping, yay!

falcon kick is fantastic agaisnt over aggressive players, you want to approch me, I think not

utilt is a move that needs more praise

did I mention falcon pucnh is great agaisnt people who tried to abuse killer up b move, like Marth, yes just fall to the ground unable to do anything as I FALCON PAUNCH.

Ness's and Lucas's recover says please knee or falcon dive me.

continuely foward throwing people is fun

nipple launching makes me feel all so special

people hate when you taunt them

oh and I can't spell kind of off topic though


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
wow. I unknowingly participated in this. I saw a couple Falcons paunch spamming, so I joined them, without knowing the truth behind it.
And yes I did it on the 9th.
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