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Official Pac-Man's Amazing Full Colour Fan Club! - Pac-Man General Thread


Deleted member

Really loving some of these sets, especially that Pac-Man9 posted a set in Make Your Move. Keep 'em coming guys, maybe I'll make one myself as I keep saying I will!


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
I have represented pac-man and our forum in the make your move forum. Here is my newest movset I posted in the forum

Pac-Man Eats the Competition!


Pac-man was not always the best of fighters until he was trained by the famed pac-master and went on his own journey. His speed is now around Mario's, but when he dashes, he takes out his roller skates and goes at foxes speed. He has traction that allows him to stop on a dime and turn faster than anyone In smash. His first jump is pretty average matching foxes's, but his second jump is when he uses his magic boots from pac-land and he goes pretty high, surpassing Mario's first jump in height. He can also, cling to the stage and wall jump His aerial speed is above average and can easily connect aerials for great combos. He can glide with his hang glider from pac man 2. His falling speed is at about falco's speed surprisingly knowing that he eats everything. His power in moves is actually surprisingly above-average after a long history of chasing ghosts and duking it out with other spectral creatures and monsters. Can match mr.G&W's power in a fight. He focuses on exploiting weaknesses in the opponent and gimps them. He also keeps the opponent running since most of his attacks pressure shields and have good spacing. A close up, but well spaced shield breaker. Wanna shield all day, breaks the shield with high pressuring chomps. Wanna camp on the other side of the stage, a pac-double will kick your tail without pac-man having to go over there.

  • Size: 2./5 (Mario height)
  • Weight: 2.5/5 (average weight)
  • Power: 3.5/5 (good power, all around)
  • Ground Speed: 3/5 (dash speed at donkey kong's level)
  • Traction: 5/5 (stops and turns on a dime)
  • Jump Ability: 2.5/5 (average, down special helps this)
  • Air Speed: 3/5
  • Fall Speed: 3/5

B: Double Trouble- Pac-man eats a cyan pill from pac-man arrangement and a translucent pac-man appears as a mirror image on the opposite side of the stage. He points in the opposite direction of pac-man what ever you do, you look left, he goes right, you go right and he goes left. What ever move you do is copied by the double and can lead to nasty chain grabbing and double smashes (if you master the reverse controls). The double stays on the screen for 15 seconds for nasty comboing.

Side B: Rev Roll- Pac-Man charges up a run in place and is fully charged after 1 second. But you can stop charging and cancel the move by pressing A and you will do a back flip kick that can hurt opponents and cause average upwards knockback if they touch his body. You roll through opponentsafter you release B. Unlike the sonic side B, it does actual average knockback, and crouching characters are buried. Can ride up ramps and hills and while in mid air, it can be up aired out of. (Does 17% if fully charged and cancel-kick does 9%.) From Pac-Man world 2

Down B: Butt Bounce- Pac-Man jumps up and bounces back down with his...Butt. Can be use 3 times in a row after the first bounce. Meteor smashes in mid-air, 3rd hit pushes opponent away like toon link's d-air. Can be moved side to side across the whole stage. 3rd hit makes a shock wave that does 5% on contact (1st hit does 9%, 2nd does 10%, and 3rd does 13%. ) From Pac-Man world 2

Up B: Pac-Dot Chain- Pac-Man throws out a red pac dot and eats it. He turns back into 8 bit form and a ghost chases him while he is eating. When he does a line of pac-dots form in mid air. You can control where the pac-dots turn. It can also latch onto the stage. Pac-Man eats the dots as fast as a fire fox's speed. The hitboxes in this move are pacman and the ghost. From Pac-Man world 2


Forward smash- Chomp: Pac-man leans forward a bit and chomps the opponent. short start up lag and fast IASA. The hitbox is the head and the sweetspot is the tip of the mouth. Can pierce shields (17% uncharged 30% fully charged.) very high knockback. From original pac-man

Up Smash- Uppercut:
Pac-man jumps upward and does an uppercut. The hitbox is from the ground to the tip of his fist with the sweetspot and sour spot being like marth's up smash (15% uncharged 24% fully charged.). Start up fast and drags foes inward and upward. average knockback. from world series

Down Smash- Metal Pac: Pac-man jumps upward and slams down on the ground causing a shockwave. Noticable start-up lag, but is one of the strongest down smashes in terms of horizontal knockback. inspired by bridgeswithturtles. from the world series (14% uncharged 22% fully charged.) average knockback.

Standard Attacks

AAA combo: Punch, Punch, KO- Pac-man throws a left hook, right hook, then a jab that sends out a small shock wave in front of him that pressures shields and can go through multiple foes on start up. (4%, 6%, then 9%.)
example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UFMBujNRfs 5:12 - 5:15. From Pac-Man world 3

Dash attack: Pellet trail- Pacman flies forward and bites opponent 3 times. Pressures shields on all hits like Kirby's dash attack. Comes out fast and doesn't slow down his run. Also, has no visible lag at the cool down. (1st hit 2%, 2nd hit 3%, 3rd hit 5%. 10% in total)

F-tilt: Sonic Wave - pac man sends out a sound wave from pac and pal that does little damage but stabilizes opponents for a quick second. (5%)

U-tilt: Headbutt - pac man does a small headbutt upwards. That hits opponents from the side, and carries them upwards. Can juggle. ( 8%)

D-tilt: Ankle Biter - pacman does a rapid chomp that pushes him forward a character space. Very fast and can be combed into a grab. Breaks shields after a few hits(4%)

ledge attack: Pac-man comes up with a frontflip and hits opponent with both his fists. average knockback (5%)

100% ledge attack: pac-man comes up slowly and then chomps the opponent. Pokes shields (10%)

Floor attack: Pacman rises up like Dracula and punches both sides of him. short range, but comes out fast. low knockback (7% each side)

100% floor attack: Pac-man comes up and chomps both sides of him. Good and fast surprise attack. average knockback (10%)


U-air: Skate Slice- Pac-Man does a flip kick with skates on and does slicing damage, like a blade. Does upward knockback on starting frames, but ending frames cause sideways knockback. Cuts through air dodges and shields. Very high knockback (does 12%)From Pac-man world 2.

D-air: Galaga - Pac-Man pulls out a galaga ship and shoots downward with it. The ammo goes down really fast and if it lands on the opponent at all, on any part of their body, they are meteor smashed.(does 13%) Meteor smashes. High knockback.

F-air: Pellet blast - Pac-man shoots pellets out of his mout while moving his head up and down. Barrages foe and hits above, below, and in front of pac-man. Shield pressure. 11% damage. medium knockback

B-air : Ghost - Pac-man turns back and chomps backwards while being chased by a ghost. It turns pac-man around and does multiple hits with shield breaking capabilities. Comes out fast and the hitboxes are the ghost and pac-man. The ghost absorbs projectiles. (10% damage) average knockback

N-air : Smiling Spin - pac-man spins around in a circle and hurts opponents while facing the screen. (does 6% on first hit, 1% on any other frame but the first.) average knock back on first frames, but no knockback after that.

Z- air : Grappling Hook - pac man pulls out his grapple from the old pac-in-time game and lunges it forward like link's. The tip can hit multiple times on starting and ending frames but only the tip does damage. The rope will push the character into the tip however. (5%)


Grab: Pac-man flies forward and grabs the opponent with his mouth. Well spaced grab that has invincibility frames on start-up. Can reverse grab with slightly less range as pac-man instead pulls the opponent with his hand first and then puts them in his mouth.
Pummel: Chomp - Pac-man bites the opponent rapidly (2% each hit)

F- throw - Pellet shoot : pacman throws opponent up, and blasts them forward with rapid-fire pellets. Can hit nearby opponents. Great for blasting opponents off the stage. Does multiple hits (does 12%) High knockback

D-throw: Ribbon-loop - pacman spits the opponent on the ground and eats a ribbon loop pellet. The opponent stands up while pac-man circles around the opponent. A circle appears around them and then closes in on them, exploding on contact. (does 15%damage) does high knockback and sends them careening upwards.

U-throw - Flip kick: pacman spits out opponents upward and flip kicks them. average vertical knockback

B-throw- toss: pacman tosses opponent diagonally backwards and chomps opponents as they go upward. Does three hits. (1st hit 2%, second hit 4%, 3rd hit 4% damage) high knockback


Up-taunt - pacman turns back into 8 bit and does his dying animation with the death music.

Down taunt- pac-man turns and gives a thumbs up to the audience

Side-taunt- pacman throws and kicks a pac dot around like a soccer ball then eats it. From pacman world series

Final Smash
Pac-man eats a power pellet and everyone turns blue. Some people even revert to ghost forms (like boo Mario and luigi). Pac-man turns into 8 bit form and if he chomps you then it is an immediate KO while point show up on the screen after every kill. Lasts for about 10 seconds and everyone turns back to normal with pac-man being brought back to his 3d form.

When defeated: Pac-man sits on the ground like this only without armor while scratching his head.

When Pac-man wins: the pac-man opening theme plays while pac-man is chasing a ghost, and he finally eats it and gives a thumbs up.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
I have to say, if I was playing as Kirby? I'd want to steal Pac-Man's Double Trouble power immediately. That sounds... super good.

Can the Double get hit?


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
I admit the set is overpowered buy that's because i got criticism from bridgrd with turtles before finishing my moveset. He said it was too boring and generic, so i made it power full, unique, and exciting. Turtles said the double getting killef in one hit would be underpoweref so i made it invimcible.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
I admit the set is overpowered buy that's because i got criticism from bridgrd with turtles before finishing my moveset. He said it was too boring and generic, so i made it power full, unique, and exciting. Turtles said the double getting killef in one hit would be underpoweref so i made it invimcible.

I kinda like the idea that the double getting hit will also launch Pac and that the double is in play until Pac turns it off with B. I think it'd probably work better too if the double was spawned in the same spot as Pac at the beginning instead of spawning at some mirrored location.

But I like the moveset! It has some nice archetypal Pac abilities with some fun new flavors as well.


Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
I should clarify: the problem with the double isn't necessarily that its stamina is too low. It's tje combination of only being able to take one hit and having a 5-second recharge time that makes it weak. I think it'd be balanced if Pac himself getting hit didn't destroy the clone (can't remember if you specified this) or if the recharge penalty weren't so long.


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
I made it a mirror image because that's how it functions in pacman arrangement and i wanted to manifest it in the same way. @turtles: i did go beyond making the B move more powerful. I was thinking of making pacman take only knockback if his double gets hit, and vice versa, but i thought it still would remain overpowered.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
Pacman walks into smash tavern, and sits next to mario.
Ike, was at the piano. But we got no symphony from him.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
@PacMan9's moveset: It's nothing we haven't seen before. The up B is a nice touch. The B move makes no sense and his other moves are very unoriginal. The other moves are such a stretch. The Galaga ship is a nice touch and may work as a special move. Just the rest of the moves are bland. I think you did a good job, but the issue is the same; Pac-Man has nothing interesting or unique to offer.

Pacman walks into smash tavern, and sits next to mario.
Ike, was at the piano. But we got no symphony from him.
Pacman walks into smash tavern, and sits next to mario.
Mario says "Uhhh, what are you doing he?"
Megaman adds "you shouldn't be here"
And Olimar adds "Maybe you should go."
Everyone glares as Pac-Man walks out of the bar in shame.
Ike gives him no sympathy.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Pacman walks into smash tavern, and sits next to mario.
Mario says "Uhhh, what are you doing he?"
Megaman adds "you shouldn't be here"
And Olimar adds "Maybe you should go."
Everyone glares as Pac-Man walks out of the bar in shame.
Ike gives him no sympathy.
While I'm not a fan of Pac-Man, this joke wasn't funny at all (if it was even meant to be joke, that is).


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
@PacMan9's moveset: It's nothing we haven't seen before. The up B is a nice touch. The B move makes no sense and his other moves are very unoriginal. The other moves are such a stretch. The Galaga ship is a nice touch and may work as a special move. Just the rest of the moves are bland. I think you did a good job, but the issue is the same; Pac-Man has nothing interesting or unique to offer.
You have some audacity. What business did u have commenting on the moveset just to say pac-amn isn't interesting. I understand you don't like him, but that doesn't mean u should come to a pacman for ssb4 thread just bashing the representing character.
And this

Pacman walks into smash tavern, and sits next to mario.
Mario says "Uhhh, what are you doing he?"
Megaman adds "you shouldn't be here"
And Olimar adds "Maybe you should go."
Everyone glares as Pac-Man walks out of the bar in shame.
Ike gives him no sympathy.
Very distasteful and unfunny. Can you at least BEGIN to activate your brain before you start posting nonsense. People here support him so stop pretending that no one wants him. Maybe u should leave this thread. Pac-man fans have taken enough abuse of their supporting character, maybe its time to start acting like the very animals that aggressively hate him.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I would think Pacman would be heavily requested. He's Pacman for petes's sake
I've seen the contrary to this statement. Pac-man was a mere pipe dream during Brawl along with pretty much every other third party out there (barring Sonic and Mega Man), and even with the company Namco Bandai involved with the next titles there is a lot of pessimistic feelings towards the character.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
I've seen the contrary to this statement. Pac-man was a mere pipe dream during Brawl along with pretty much every other third party out there (barring Sonic and Mega Man), and even with the company Namco Bandai involved with the next titles there is a lot of pessimistic feelings towards the character.
Sad for the supporters but true.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
People have a case of lost childhood syndrome in modern day gaming. They'd rather people who are always ''super bad ass" or ''cool with a k." than remember the simple good times of Pac Man games of old.



Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
People have a case of lost childhood syndrome in modern day gaming. They'd rather people who are always ''super bad ***" or ''cool with a k." than remember the simple good times of Pac Man games of old.
So, what you're saying is that we should support really lame characters because actually being interesting is a sin against humanity?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
You have some audacity. What business did u have commenting on the moveset just to say pac-amn isn't interesting. I understand you don't like him, but that doesn't mean u should come to a pacman for ssb4 thread just bashing the representing character.
It's a thread about the character. I can say what I wish about it. it would be the same as going into a Chrom thread and saying he might be too similar to Ike. Pac-Man is uninteresting and doesn't really have any abilities that other Nintendo characters don't already do.

People have a case of lost childhood syndrome in modern day gaming. They'd rather people who are always ''super bad ***" or ''cool with a k." than remember the simple good times of Pac Man games of old.


You are only as good as your last game.

Deleted member

If you're only good as you're last game, then a lot of characters in Smash aren't that good at this point. :troll:


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Aww, what happened to the stealth pun in the title? :/ It used to be aMAZEing...


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Aww, what happened to the stealth pun in the title? :/ It used to be aMAZEing...
It was removed because almost 95% of the users didn't get it (myself included). We told Smash Daddy to make it "A-maze-ing" to keep the pun and make it more obvious, but he removed it altogether. :/

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
If you're only as good as your last game. Mega Man shouldn't be playable either then. Mario as well.

Please think before you type.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
Megaman's last game was a regular Megaman game, and Super mario 3D land was great.
But I kindof see what Bill was saying. That nowadays with the general gaming audiance playing Call of Duty and Halo and thinking they are far superior than any mario game, because they have cool guns and kill stuff. Really, to me what makes a game cool is how good it is or it looks. I think Mario and Donkey Kong look like BMAs, because I'm into platformers. I think it takes a real bad ass to jump like they do, and go on journeys like they do. To have the responsibility to rescue princess Zelda from some crazy ass otherworldly forces, and be courageous enough to do it. Just Nintendo in general, they've got the formula. And certain third party IP's have it as well, like Sonic, and Pacman with Pacman world and probably his new game. I actually like the plot.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
If you're only as good as your last game. Mega Man shouldn't be playable either then. Mario as well.

Please think before you type.
Maybe I should rephrase it. Pac-Man hasn't been relevant since Pac-Man 2. The series is a shell of what it once was and has made many poor attempts to find itself among the slew of more popular mascots. Pac-Man as a series lives on legacy alone where Megaman and Mario at least have some recent good games (Megaman 9, most Mario games). Better?

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Not really.

Considering any retro character pretty much proves that relevancy to modern gaming is bull**** when it comes to getting into Smash Brothers.

Popo, Nana, R.O.B., Game & Watch, Sheik, etc would all like to have to words with you.


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
Not really.

Considering any retro character pretty much proves that relevancy to modern gaming is bull**** when it comes to getting into Smash Brothers.

Popo, Nana, R.O.B., Game & Watch, Sheik, etc would all like to have to words with you.
I agree. Sonic shouldn't of been in with that kind of logic that a character is only good if their modern games are good. His modern games are absolute garbage. i guess hes irrelevent and undeserving #sarcasm#

Rosalina suporter

Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2011
Maybe I should rephrase it. Pac-Man hasn't been relevant since Pac-Man 2. The series is a shell of what it once was and has made many poor attempts to find itself among the slew of more popular mascots. Pac-Man as a series lives on legacy alone where Megaman and Mario at least have some recent good games (Megaman 9, most Mario games). Better?

Lol i disagree Pac-Man is still very relevant.

& JustABill

Marios doing a hole lot better than MegaMan to be honest.!


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
If I may also add something - Pac-Man Championship Edition and Championship Edition DX are modern, up-to-date, expand on the Pac-Man formula and were near-universally regarded as very good games by gamers and game reviewers alike. "Hasn't been relevant since Pac-Man 2" isn't just a dumb thing to say, it's factually incorrect.

However, whilst I'm here, I would like to put forward my own Pac-Man moveset/playstyle. Straight off the bat, I'd say that I actually want Pac-Man to look like his new appearance:

Sure, some say it looks creepy in images, but in motion this Pac-Man is arguably one of the better-looking designs for him (shame it hasn't been in a decent game yet), and I'd say is actually the most fitting design Pac could have to fit in with the rest of the Smash 4 cast. That being said, I'd like him to have jittery animations which look like they have a few frames missing, like Wario or Mr. Game and Watch (although not as pronounced as GW).

Onto playstyle however, my vision of Pac-Man is that he should play as close to his original games as possible, not unlike how they took utmost care to preserve Sonic, Snake and Megaman's personalities through their movesets. However, this is naturally harder to do for a character like Pac-Man who typically appears in top-down games where he has little attack capability apart from his mouth. So how could Pac-Man's iconic playstyle be implemented into Smash? My idea is for him to be a character with a strong sense of 4-directional movement and low-knockback, multi-hit attacks.

Firstly, I'd like to suggest that people's suggestion for Pac-Man's Up Special - Pellet Chomp is pretty much a shoe-in for his recovery, and frankly, there's little else I could think of that would be more fitting for Pac-Man's up Special. For this move, the player gets a few seconds to control Pac-Man in any of the four directions of the original game. The pellets that'd appear in front of Pac-Man would merely be a visual effect, as you'd actually control Pac-Man rather than the chain itself, and he would control almost exactly as he did in the original arcade classic, except he also does multi-hit damage to those he touches.

Secondly, he'd have a move that'd serve as a horizontal recovery of sorts - his Side Special - Quick Chomp, which, like Ike's Side Special, can be charged varying amounts to get him further across the stage. Effectively, he dashes straight horizontally, doing more chomps (which do more damage and knockback with the initial bites, and less so the further he travels). However, it is far slower-moving than Ike's Quick Draw, and takes far less time to charge. Neither Pellet Chomp nor Quick Chomp leave Pac-Man in a vulnerable state, meaning Pac-Man can continue attacking after either move. Not only that, he can perform each of the moves once whilst mid-air, meaning he can chain together either a Pellet Chomp then a Quick Chomp, or vice versa.

Pac-Man's Dash Attack should be a singular weak bite, done whilst running. Doesn't sound particularly interesting by itself, but Pac-Man's Dash Attack would be unique, in that it would be the only Dash Attack that barely slows the user down and has little-to-no lag frames at the end of the move. This means that effectively, if he goes unstopped, Pac-Man could run from one end of the stage to the other, doing consecutive Dash Attacks - something no other character in Smash can do.

Whilst we're on the topic of unique character traits, most characters fast-falls increase their falling speed by around 40% in Brawl, aside from Link and Squirtle who's fast-falls make them fall about 65% faster. Pac-Man would have the biggest fast-fall difference in the game, making him fall a whopping 80% faster. Also, when fast-falling, Pac-Man's horizontal movement ("air speed") is gimped, meaning that his fast-fall effectively brings him into a sharp vertical descent.

Pac-Man would have two other methods of sharp vertical descent - his Down Special - Butt Bounce, which I guess would perform as most expect it would, and his Down Aerial, which would simply be Pac biting downwards in mid-air, but it would be a stall-then-fall move, similar to Sheik, Toon Link or GW's Down Aerial, which propels Pac-Man downwards (even moreso if done on the C-Stick). I don't know what kind of throws Pac-Man should have, but again, I think it should be heavily influenced by his arcade origins, with each throw being very stiff in animation and the character in question being thrown almost straight in any of the three directions (rather than slight diagonals). The rest of his physical moves would probably just be variations on punches, kicks and bites - not particularly 'creative', but Pac-Man not attacking with his mouth would be like Olimar not attacking with his Pikmin, or the FE characters not attacking with their swords. For the sake of variety they could give him a Bomb move for his Standard B (from Pac-Man Championship Edition), because I think it's important that most of Pac's moves come from what would be considered 'traditional-style' Pac-Man games.

And that's all I really have, for now at least. It's not a full moveset by any means, but it gives a good idea of where I think Pac-Man should go in terms of a playable character. Lots of multi-hit attacks, and lots of single-direction moves. Nearly every attack in Smash Bros. is at a slight diagonal in terms of Knockback, but every single move in Pac-Man's line-up would be directly in one of four directions. Plus, of course, he'd be one of the best in the game in terms of aerial capability due to him lacking a vulnerable state, being able to chain his two chomp specials together, being able to drop down to land fast, an having some compelling aerial attacks. To sum it up simply, Pac-Man would be one of the best in the game in terms of both Horizontal and Vertical movement (he was always running away in his games after all), all whilst never having to compromise his ability to get as many multi-hit biting moves in as possible.


Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
CalumG, let me thank you for your contribution to this thread. After reading your moveset suggestions and your reasoning behind them, I'm convinced that Pac-Man has a lot more to offer than I may have thought before. Additionally, you've interpreted and adapted the character in yet another way unseen in this thread, which goes far in saying how much the character offers in terms of possible playstyles. Your theoretical "horizontal-vertical" characterization interests me, and I like the idea (I'm guessing his smashes wouldn't be able to be tilted?).

I do have one questioning comment, however. If Quick Chomp is essentially just a horizontal version of the Pellet Chomp, why not just allow the player to input his recovery left or right to get the same effect? I think Quick Chomp is a decent idea, but I'm not so sure it needs its own move slot when it can essentially be mimicked by his Up Special (albeit, likely at a slower pace if what I believe you intended is true).
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