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Ottawa Ontario Canada

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Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
GanonPWN is the best in Ottawa, but nearby lives the Pwn Party consisting of Dice, Rimi, and Locke), and they live in Kanata which is really close by (Locke) and Rimi are a bit better than GanonPWN, although if you really look at it the skill level is so close it's hard to compare). GanonPWN's buddies (Vexed, Tect, Shuriken) are also really good. Fogel and Reaver aren't that bad either, also in Ottawa.
No one respects my skill level. Fogel = Ottawa bottom tier :(

Hey Fogel, nice to meet you. I live in Centerpoint in Nepean, its in the west end of Ottawa. Where did you move too? I'm assuming your still in Ottawa. Right now there are 3 of us who are just beginning to develop wavedashing and L-cancelling, but we hope to get to experienced enough (as soon as possible) to be worthy competitors of GanonPWN and play for the fun of the competition in Ottawa tournaments. How does the Ottawa smash community compare skill wise to GanonPWN? About how large is the smash community at GanonPWN's skill level in Ottawa?

I've really attached to smash bros, I was doing a lot of reading about advanced techniques today and its mind blowing about how much more there is to smash bros than what casual players think there is. I see it as there being two complete levels of skill in smash bros, causing two very different gameplay experiences. There is the casual level, and then there is wavedashing and beyond.
Hey Phrozn, I live in Nepean as well now, Centerpoint is pretty close to me actually. I live close to the Greenbank+Baseline intersection. The smash community in Ottawa isn't very large at all, the only people who play regularly are Pwn Party and GPWN's crew, not even 10 people. There are some others who play occasionally, but they don't really post here very much. Skill-level wise I'd say Pwn Party and GPWN's crew are pretty even, it'd be hard to pick 1 "best" player in Ottawa in my opinion.

Since I'm so close it shouldn't be a problem to get together with you guys and play sometime, just let me know when/if you're up for it.

edit: My MSN's fogelfogelfogel at hotmail period com if you wanna get ahold of me.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2006
Pwn Party >>>>> Gpwn's Crew, it's quite obvious :p

Oh and my pichu is the #1 best player in Ottawa.

oh and Cam, if you're up to it, another Ottawa tournament would be awesome (I'm talking about in like 2-3 months, not right now lol)


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
oh and Cam, if you're up to it, another Ottawa tournament would be awesome (I'm talking about in like 2-3 months, not right now lol)
Don't expect anything anytime soon, I've been doing a lot of overtime at work lately, plus moving and house stuff take up a lot of time too. I haven't even played smash for like a month. If you guys want to have one then I'd suggest trying to organize it yourself.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Hey Phrozn, I guess we're the worst smashers in Ottawa then considering all the others are GPWN and the like. :p Unfortunately I'm 16 so I can't drive but if you're ever closer to say where GPWN lives then feel free to talk to me, my MSN is: Wizard_Elder@Hotmail.com

Anyway, it's definitely good to know that I'm not absolutely the worst player in Ottawa, just one of the worst. :D


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Have any of you guys ever heard of facebook? Its kinda like myspace except much cleaner and much more private. I don't use it as much for social networking as I do from organizing and planning. Its great, what you can do is as long as everyone has an account you can all join what is called a group, say, the Ottawa Smasher's group and your group gets what is kinda like a forum, but its called a 'wall'. You can post comments and have discussions there. I like it much more than msn and its like forums but more neat. If you guys want me to make a group I can but it won't be as effective as these forums are unless everyone uses it.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Don't expect anything anytime soon, I've been doing a lot of overtime at work lately, plus moving and house stuff take up a lot of time too. I haven't even played smash for like a month. If you guys want to have one then I'd suggest trying to organize it yourself.
I really would like to organize a smash event, high schools exams are coming up quick so I don't know if I'll be able to take running a tournament seriously for at least 5 weeks. I've always enjoyed putting on LAN stuff at my house. I've had many halo fests at my house before, 6 tv/consoles, 14+ people. But always all close friends. Maybe its time for me to stop bothering my mom by making such a big racket in the house and look into renting a space. Haha my dream its to put on something like Dreamhack in north America. Dreamhack if you don't know, is a huge biannual LAN gaming event in Sweden. Just this winter they are going for the world record of 10,000 players with computers. They have like 40 gigs per second of internet, its crazy... anyways I should check up on that and see if it has happened yet. I want to go with some friends sometime later in life. Anyways getting back on topic, yeah we should think about getting something together sometime.

Hey Phrozn, I guess we're the worst smashers in Ottawa then considering all the others are GPWN and the like. :p Unfortunately I'm 16 so I can't drive but if you're ever closer to say where GPWN lives then feel free to talk to me, my MSN is: Wizard_Elder@Hotmail.com

Anyway, it's definitely good to know that I'm not absolutely the worst player in Ottawa, just one of the worst. :D
Hey our crew of people (Clan Zero Effect) are all only 16 too. We'll be getting our G2's soon hopefully, a few of us anyways. Yeah we like the name Zero Effect. We made a clan since we knew we wanted to take the Wii seriously, so Cbone and I set up a website it really needs to be updated to suit our new smash bros lust because it hasn't had any major updates since it when up a few months ago. You can check it out, tell us what you think. Also we have forums. The forums we can use too for organizing... hmm it could be useful for that too. But again it would require everyone checking up on them often, and when I hear that a lot of people don't even post on these forums it doesn't look promising. But for anyone who wants a private section on our site, forums or a major page, talk to me, we'll see what we can do to expand and mature our Ottawa Smash community.

Also I'm paying for a Ventrilo server that we use every day. Ventrilo, if you don't know, is a VoIP (voice over internet protocol) program. Its basicly a chat room where everyone has a username and sits in a channel and talk using a microphone, no typing. Its awesome for a lot of things. You guys could get active on that too if you wanted. I'm there when ever my comp is on, which is always except when I sleep. To connect, download the program at http://www.ventrilo.com/download.php its the windows version under clients. Make a Username and connect to IP: Port: 3935 No password required.

Hey im an ottawa smasher friend of phrozn. live in nepean as well, around greenbank+huntclub im up for any smash bros that happens in ottawa!
Yeah Cbone (Ian) is pretty excited about this new world of smash... thats the reason we haven't gotten to updating our website. He's pretty focused on getting to your guys' level of skill, along with Potatoman (Derek) and myself. Also there are two other guys that have the resources and time to keep up with us, but I don't think they have the effort that the practicing will take. Names are Krantastic (Kevin) and Michael. Yeah Cbone lives really close to you Fogel, we should all play sometime. I know within a week we will be having another smashfest at Ian's place. Maybe Cbone will let you in on that. I'll try to give you as much notice as possible. It will hopefully be at least a day long so you'd be able to come by when ever your free like GanonPWN did.

Yo Ian, i'm free for like 4 days strait, any chance we could play as much of those 4 days as possible!?

PS: I laughed when you spelled @ Fogel.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Yarr Smashboards is awesome, but just so vast, I hardly even try to keep up with all the topics and posts. That'd be impossible.

Have a good New Years


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I don't keep up with many of the threads either, these days I only really check the international community boards for the EC Canada threads ;)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Pretty often, usually after supper everyone is on, even if their just afk.

Yay, I just got back from work and I finaly have some time to myself for smash practice, I'm going to work on Falco. I'm finding him better than Fox. His laser his more useful, down-b can be used better for combos, his spike owns... yess must ownn friends.... I've found in alot of the tournament smash videos that I've seen, most often Falco wins, does Falco have an advantage against Fox? In a tournament setting is is for sure better to have a skilled game with both Fox & Falco, for different maps and opponents.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
We're doing another smashfest starting tomorrow night at Cbone's house. Then my house the next night, then another friends the next night. (hmm when am I going to start studying.. oh well) Fogel and GPWN, you guys should come by. Anyone else who wants to play tell us :)


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Phrozn+crew: It was fun playing you guys! Just keep learning those advanced techniques and you'll be competitive quickly. Focus on L-cancelling, short hop, and DI first, as those are the most important ones to know, and you need them for every character.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2002
geez, of course I would find this thread while I'm visiting home for the Christmas break.

I'm in Ottawa, about ten minutes from the Rideau Centre and Chateau Laurier walking. I have to walk everywhere.. it's terrible. I'm going back this Saturday.. going to be there till the summer starts, probably.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2006
geez, of course I would find this thread while I'm visiting home for the Christmas break.

I'm in Ottawa, about ten minutes from the Rideau Centre and Chateau Laurier walking. I have to walk everywhere.. it's terrible. I'm going back this Saturday.. going to be there till the summer starts, probably.
Do you happen to go to Ottawa U or something?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2005
Corin did you ever go to any of the tournaments here in ottawa? how do you have such a high post count and yet i havnt seen you post in our ottawa/canada threads? Maybe i have, maybe im blind. But i'll be ****ed if im not sexy.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2002
haha, I actually just moved to Ottawa recently to attend the Ottawa School of Art. So no, I don't go to Ottawa U, but I have a couple friends who do - so I'm over there every now and then.

All of the posts I've made (before the last.. ten, maybe?) were made about two years ago. Before either of you were even on these forums haha.

And also, since I've just moved, no, I haven't been to any tournaments. I doubt I'd good enough for tournaments, honestly. Never been to one.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
sweet man, I'm not good enough for tournaments right now either, I plan on getting better and going to tournys, but for now its about the practice... nice to know im not the only noob :p (for the moment...I'm getting better at shuffling :p)


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2002
haha, trust me when I say I'm not good enough for tournaments - I've never even bothered trying to practing those techniques since I'm an only child (thus no sibling smash rivalry) and no one around here plays like that.

this town is so small.. even without those techniques, playing at a small convention I ended up dominating a 3 vs. 1 match with Peach (just because all three of them said she was useless.)

man, when I get back to Ottawa, gotta start practicing pronto. I haven't so much as picked up the controller in ages.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ah nice to hear that. The practice now will help you a lot when Brawl comes out, because I hear that wavedashing, L-canceling and other advanced techniques will still be in Brawl. What is there an official launch date for Brawl's release? Isn't something like 6 months away? 6 months of practice :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2005
you can't stop now its already begun. You feel it driving through your bones and you jerk it out.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2002
6 months? yeh, 6 months should be good enough to get em decent, at least haha. Hm, watching vids and being on these boards doesn't help my wanting to play the game much.. geez.. going back tomorrow.. I can play it tomorrow.. haha.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Would anyone be up for a smashfest at my place sometime in 2-3 weeks? I'm thinking of trying to get something going for the 20th or 27th. Let me know which day you guys would prefer.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
The 27 works better for me, its the day after my last exam, so it will be nice to relax that way. Although my house might be free to have a Smashfest of my own that weekend, so putting it the weekend before would allow for two days of fun. And people who can't make one, can go to the other.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
Would anyone be up for a smashfest at my place sometime in 2-3 weeks? I'm thinking of trying to get something going for the 20th or 27th. Let me know which day you guys would prefer.
how much place do you have? we could maybe, tag in. I love otwa, except for the lack of 24 hours gaz stations.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2006
how much place do you have? we could maybe, tag in. I love otwa, except for the lack of 24 hours gaz stations.
Lack of 24 hour gas stations do suck :( There are like 4 in the entire city...


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2002
20th and 27th are fine for me (ha! I'm back in Ottawa!) but oh God, I'm telling you now, I'm gonna suck. I played today and.. well.. I'm starting to pick up wave-dashing, but I mean, casual playing is all I have to go back on, and I haven't played in months xD;

I'm ashamed to admit that I had a close battle with a level 9 computer. THAT is how out of practice I am.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Looks like there is a decent amount of interest, so I'm officially going to have this on the 27th. I'm still not sure exactly how many want to come, and my place isn't super-huge, so I'm going to limit this to 20 people maximum (I don't even have chairs/couch space for more...maybe more can come if you bring chairs). If you want to come, post that you're coming in this thread and I'll keep a list. People who've already shown interest will be added to the list (also, if you've posted already and you're in a group/crew, please clarify how many are coming).

Also, for 16 people I'm thinking we'll need at least 4 TVs and cubes. I have my 2 small TVs that I usually bring to tourneys, plus my cube. So, I need volunteers to bring (at least) 2 more TVs and 3 more Gamecubes. A power bar or 2 would be nice as well.

I'm just going to use this post as the organization-type post since I'm not going to start a whole new thread for a smashfest.


When: January 27th; Start - noon End - whenever you want it to end :)
Where: I'll send out a smashboards PM/email with directions later. I don't want to post my home address on teh intarwebz.

Housing: It's my own house, so if you're coming from out of town you can stay overnight. I don't have any extra beds though, so bring a sleeping bag.

Smashfest Rules:

- bring your own controller!
- don't hog TVs, if someone else wants to play and you've been on the same tv for 3-4 matches, move
- no breaking stuff in my house
- no fighting or otherwise causing trouble with any other participants of the smashfest


1. Fogel
2. Fogel
3. phrozn
4. phrozn


1. Fogel
2. phrozn
3. phrozn (Wii)
4. Corin
5. Shuriken

Registered (13):

- Fogel
- Phrozn
- Cbone
- Potatoman
- Corin
- tect
- Dice
- Locke)
- GanonPWN!
- Shuriken
- Krilj + friend (2)
- Jazriel


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2006
Kingston, ON
i should be up for this! i dunno if zac (ganonpwn) is gonna leave his beloved dented keyboard though. courtesy of WoW

hmm karl (vexed), eric (shuri)... Wow 2?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
My friend Ian(Cbone), Derek(Potatoman) and myself are all free on the 27th and will be planning on staying still about 10-11pm. I personally am quite happy bringing my 2 tv's and my Wii as a cube. Also I have a spare power bar that I'll bring too. What about food and drinks?
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