So i've been meaning to ask this thread this question for some time in regards to how well the remakes will sell.
What do you think Nintendo's sales expectations are for Re-Boot Camp? Also, at what benchmark would you consider the remakes to be...
- A flop
- Pitiful
- Passable
- A success
- A breakout hit
For me personally, this is how much each of those benchmarks entail.
- A flop (<500K units sold)
- Pitiful (500-700K units sold)
- Passable (700-999K units sold)
- A success (1M-2M units sold)
- A breakout hit (Anything over 2M units sold)
Curious to see what you guys think of this and if you agree or disagree with these benchmarks so please let me know. It would be an interesting discussion talking about how much these remakes need to sell to be successful.
I mean this time last month, people would think you're wack for thinking Advance Wars had any shot lol. Even more the reason why these remakes need to sell otherwise that's going to continue for the next 15-20 years.