I don't really have any.
Wanna be bad with Little Mac? Go ahead.
Like projectile spammy characters? Go get 'em.
Feel like playing one game? Sweet.
Feel like playing a dozen? Awesome.
The only straight up disrespectful thing people do is quit just before losing. Like, while they're falling to their deaths on their last stock. It makes the other person have to wait for you to disconnect, which can take upwards of 30 seconds, before the game just finishes.
I just destroyed someone online called Nat with bowser. He changed to pikachu while I was the dorf. Still was getting stomped but then he gimped me due to lag. upB didn't come out. disconnected the instant he won too.
this attitude is what makes me hate online.
I gladly play matches where someone beats me skillfully. I learn from it.
Other disconnect as soon as they win against me.
There was one time I was playing this guy while I kept losing. learning and learning.
I improved until I beat him once and he DCed.
I don't get it.
'Cause if I beat you in the last game that means I'm better, right?
And if I leave after losing only one game but beat you a bunch, I'm still better you just got lucky. But I don't want to give you the chance to "get lucky" again.
These people are probably just young kids who don't like to lose, and are just trying to protect their egos.
Re: Little Mac's
TBH I feel like we're being pretty harsh on them. If this game came out when you were 7 and wanted to play the cool boxer guy who punches guys really hard online, you'd probably have left after losing against others, too. Especially if you don't understand why you lost, because it's not like they're coming on the forums and having people explain to them that Little Mac is really easy to gimp and he should try to stay on the ground in the center stage.