First snake video:
at 8 seconds u had an EASY spike. idk why u ran away after u hit him off of the edge with that purple. keep up with 6 pikmin more. at about 45 seconds u should have thrown ur 2 pikmin and then done upb ( then again, u should have had more than 2 pikmin on hand )
watch ur line. at 57, u shouldnt have ran over and tried to up smash with a white pimin. either throw it away, at him, or run up grab, pummel a few times, and up/down throw.WATCH UR LINE AND KNOW PIKMIN ARCS. at 1:49 u have a purple in hand and u do a standing throw from range distance T.T not a good choice. After u get a kill. make sure u have 6 pikmin and then whistle til u get a pikmin tot he front that is not purple. then later when recovering when u waste ur double jump and get hit off stage like u seem to enjoy doing xD u can know in ur head how many whistles u need until u cang et a purlpe the front for anti edgehog. In this specific matchup, do NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT approach snake. u can outcamp him so do it. dont try to run in and attack him, cuz in this video, about 80percent of the time that u tried that, u were punished. let HIM appraoch YOU and then abuse ur range to win the match.
focusing on how u died each time ( since ppl begining olimar need that advice )
1.Do not land in front of a snake and whistle. its just dumb T.T lol. when ur low on pikmin and in a grab, be DIing up and towards the center of the stage( and then switch direction if they throw u towards the center of the stage )momentum cancel with upair
2.second death was a dumb SD. never let those happen 2:32 u should have shielded or rolled away/behind or jabbed after u hit ground after he naird u. u shouldnt have just stood there lol
theres a lot more but i dont wanna point out every little thing. just go over this advice a lot looking in the video to see what i mean and i think that should help u a lot ^^
also, d throw combos and fatties like snake are super easy to do ( d throw, dash up smash upair / d throw short hop fair into w/e ( id go for a regrab )
use nair to up and d smash . u never did it even once. use it. also, mix it in with throws ( at the right times ) such as short hop pikmin throw, nair to up smash.