Hello, iheartkookys and Safaridor, and welcome to SWF, where after hours of finally changing forum engines, it still retains that new forum smell. I'm glad you two could come on board. If you have lurked the boards previously before the change, you'll find that the boards are pretty organized in more or less the same way as before, but this time with a new interface, so it isn't confusing to navigate. That said, it will still be a new experience for everyone - regular users and mods alike. Feel free to browse the boards to your hearts content in the meantime, and if you're feeling lost or confused, don't hesitate to ask a moderator, super moderator, administrator, or member of the Itty Bitty Welcoming Committee, such as me, Old Man Grey, and Ndayday for assistance. Until then, enjoy your stay here at SWF. Be sure to pay no mind to the occasional troll, and do not reply to spam/advertisement threads. Also, please keep your belongings secure, as Smash World Forums (is it still called that, or is it just "Smashboards" now?) are not held responsible for lost or stolen items.