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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
Southwest power rankings are up! Who wants to be in charge of Oklahoma's rankings? The job will include keeping the list up-to-date and assigning panelists, etc...

It's a good opportunity to get competition going! Everyone wants to dethrone the top player, and this is a good way of identifying who that is.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Southwest power rankings are up! Who wants to be in charge of Oklahoma's rankings? The job will include keeping the list up-to-date and assigning panelists, etc...

It's a good opportunity to get competition going! Everyone wants to dethrone the top player, and this is a good way of identifying who that is.
Lol, well ****, I don't think that any of us would be at the top of Brawl power rankings, since KOS-MOS and I both got eliminated by someone who doesn't post here, who in turn got eliminated by one of his friends, who in turn got eliminated by a random player from Tulsa, lol. Though I'm stepping up my gayme, and KOS-MOS might be too, so perhaps we can rectify this at future tournaments.

Are there going to be Brawl power rankings only? Or can there be Melee power rankings too?

And I guess that I could be in charge of Oklahoma's rankings, if nobody else particularly wants to, since I'm probably on Smashboards more than anyone else in OK and aren't too shabby of a player myself.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Soufwest PRs are an awesome idea, however, OK's Smash scene is so screwed up right now, it's pretty sad...
The whole Brawl vs Melee thing really did a number on an already limping scene. No one outside of a few play Brawl regularly, and only one guy in the entire state hosts anything anymore. There are a couple of upcoming tournaments, but I doubt there will be much (if any) Smashboards representation...

On that note, I REALLY, REALLY wish I had more time on my hands, so I could go around and kick the **** out of all you OK peeps. Never before have I seen such apathy and laziness in a 'competitive' group. Seriously, we used to be such a tight-knit group, and I really thought that our trip to San Antonio was going to be a major turning point in the evolution of OK Smash.
It was just the wrong turn...

Come on, Brett is the only one that can host Smashfests?!? I'm calling BS on that one. I don't have my own spot, but that's going to be changing pretty soon, (but not as soon as I'd like) so I'll definitely be up to hosting something, eventually.
I'm not saying we need something on the level of Babac's old Smashfests, but for one, Chris, Kuni, and Andy are all like right next to each other... Why the hell aren't you guys getting together and playing?!? You don't need me and Marc(although we'd love to come) to get better, because you have three of our best Melee players RIGHT THERE. No excuses on that one.

Marc and I try to play whenever we can, but my new gig has limited my schedule dramatically. Whenever we play, it's for like, 1 or 2 hours and that's it. I can't get better at anything like that... Then you have Brett who's so far removed from the epicenter of the player base, it's amazing that he even cares enought to invite us all down so often. Thanks for caring, Brett...

As for the rest of you, I understand completely that you guys don't have the space/time/money to do a Smashfest, so I won't be too hard on you, but everyone can do SOMETHING to help. Check around your area, see if any local store owners or community centers are willing to let us host something sometime. You'd be surprised at the connections you can make/already have.

The point I'm trying to make is that Oklahoma DESPERATELY needs to step up and be a Smash Community again. If you guys don't care/have time anymore, I understand completely. It just pains me to see the family Marc, Pablo, Heath, Derrick, myself and several others who've come and gone worked so hard to build just crumble to dust and fade into the wind...



Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Brandon is right. I actually played Melee with Chris on Sunday, and I expect to again, though probably after this week of "summer cleaning" -_- Kevin is in Japan right now, and Andy actually lives closest to me, though we haven't really played in awhile, which should change <_< Though I bet once Kevin gets back to Japan and my house becomes available again, Kevin, Andy, Chris, and I will be able to meet up more often, since Kevin and Chris live really close to each other, Andy and I live really close to each other, all of us but Kevin can drive, and there's only about 20 minutes (10 minutes if Chris is driving) between the two areas. I want to play Melee primarily, and while my respect for Brawl as a competitive game has taken a huge hit, I still want to get better (gayer) at it so I can place in tournaments, which Brawl will probably enjoy the majority of.

I expect to be played a lot more once I start at OU next semester, though, since I'll be rooming with Kevin and will be attending the same school as Brett and Yawara.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
*****, you know I'm ready to play every day. EVERYDAY ***** YOU HEARD ME!

On that note, yeah OK PRs. Why has it never come to fruition even though I tried like a million times to get it going?

On a serious note--seriously.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
I guess OK power rankings were never reborn because we couldn't gather an adequate amount of people at a single event. And when we did, we felt like goofing off or something instead. It's actually kind of weird, cause we're like all at Brett's and it's like, "ok guys we're going to do round robins after this," but we never do <_<;


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
my reason (read: JOHN) is that i have found something i want more than to play games, and to get that i have to work A LOT. once i get it i can hopefully cut down on my hours and get back in the scene.

that said, im (probably) free friday to go to bretts thing, and im (again, probably) free thursday to do stuff.

and sorry i missed your call chris, but ive been really busy.


Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2007
Paoli Oklahoma

Hiya i guess
Id like to come to some sort of events you guys are hosting even though i would get crushed
i say im decent but Ive seen gravity and omega play on youtube and they were good like 3x better than me

im like rly young though (13)

just give me locations and time and i might be there
Gamertag=Fiya (i know its corny)


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Lol, where the hell is Paoli? But anyway, welcome to the boards, hopefully you'll get to meet us sometime. And I'm flattered that you've watched me on Youtube :laugh:


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
i want a smashfest, brett. and i want your babies.
the next time there is an event at brett's house, let's make it hella big. everyone who is interested in being on the PR should be on it.

because...i'm bringing ohsnaptop v2.0

and we're going to settle this shiz once and for all. after i get some ranking set up, someone will have to volunteer to keep the system going, someone who is an active participant in both the melee and brawl scene, if only as an observer at least. but we will have pools and brackets, even in 2v2 and weight out the results (1v1 result multiplied by .7, 2v2 result multiplied by .3 or something) :o i've got more planned but don't feel like blabbing yet.

brawl, melee, and why the hell not, some 64 rankings if some nublets want to bring some 64 controllers (i got the rest!).
i have never stolen this line until now, but it is highly appropriate:
this is going to be mario big.
i love this scene, and made some cool friends by it. let's keep it alive, and while we're at it, noob some pwns.

edit: don't worry, sars, when you come back, the system has a way to cycle you in to the existing results. and cycle me out.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Dear Andy:

"no we didnt record matches, i had to leave at 3:30 right? so yawara and i woke up at like 1:15, played smash for about 20 minutes and decided to go get a vcr and tapes at wal mart.

turns out we dont know where wal mart is, so we llok around for like 40 minutes, ask a few people and finally end up in the parking lot next to walmart. we say screw it and just walk the rest of the way.

anyway long story short they dont make vcrs any more, just combos, so we bought the tapes and decided to head to taco bell.

were on the wrong road, and do about 4 u-turns, passing the same stretch of road like 5 times, and this one wendys too. . .we eventually go like one block south and find it.

we got back at 3:23, ate, and then i stayed another 30 minutes playing smash.

so no, we didnt record."

--Yeah. That was a good day.

<3 Oklahoma <3 the former okies <3 Mario Big.


Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2007
Paoli Oklahoma

Have you ever heard of pauls valley or purcell??

Paoli is right near that 7 miles south of pauls valley (in garvin county)

the reason i have so few posts and i joined along time ago is because i forgot my password >_>

And wtf happened there?? is that the effects of smash Di-ing into toon links d smash??


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
And wtf happened there?? is that the effects of smash Di-ing into toon links d smash??
Oh, I think what happened there is that the first hit of the downsmash connected, sending Zelda flying to the left, like normal, but the second hit didn't connect, like it is supposed to, so Zelda's momentum to the left was not cancelled by the second hit, and, thus, she just kept flying that way, speeding towards her death in a demonstration of Brawl's wonky programming.

Now how it was the case that the second hit of the downsmash did not connect, I do not know. It might have been the result of smash DI, maybe to the left so Zelda sped past the second hit before it could hit her.


Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2007
Paoli Oklahoma
i knew that much

But what im asking is why didn't the second hit of his d smash connect? i think its if you smash-di into tl as the first hit connects

but im better in comparison to others in brawl than i am in melee

Edit:i found anbother vid that may explain it
you just have to have some wacky DI-ing once your getting hit and it'll just basically gimp your stock


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Man, got through with a big *** smash session today. Some of it was actually recorded professionally lol So yeah, hit it up.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Brandon is right.

Yeah, sorry to get all emotional and brash, but I just don't want to see this community disappear after all our combined hard work. Each and every one of you has something amazing you bring to the table. I consider you all good friends and I KNOW any one of you has the capability to do amazing at any Smash competition.

I know I say this a lot, but there was a time when I had no one to play. I would travel all over the place, looking for a challenge. The lack of competition drove me to seek Smash tourneys, getting trounced again and again just to satisfy my urge for facing high-level opponents.
I always wished I had the kind of communities I saw at all the out-of-state tourneys.
They all seemed to know one another, sharing in each others' triumphs and defeats. They were a team, no they were like family.

I finally got that "family" I had sought for so long, and just when we were beginning to hit our stride, it feels like its being taken away from me... Be it Brawl, my job, or just all of us growing apart and moving on through our lives, it feels like I'm about to lose a limb.

Competitive Smash will always hold a special place in my heart, but I realize that even Po Pimpus has his limits. I will stay around as long as I can, but at the same time, I understand that the community as I have come to know it is changing... This ain't no retirement speech, more like a President at the end of his term: I won't be running things anymore(when did I ever? :laugh: ), but I will always be on hand to give advice and show up at special ceremonies.

However, unlike former Presidents, I WILL still kick eight different kinds of *** every now and again.

Oh yeah, that means going to Brett's and proving that the Pimpest is still one of the best.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2005
Norman, OK
So yea, I did ask my mom so it's official woots! waveshinespike we'd like to see a new face, so don't be worried about how good you are. We'll help you improve. Everyone bring money and stuff to sleep on if you want food and ....something to sleep on lolz. I might start my intership by friday so I'm not for sure when to tell you guys to come. I'll post sometime before friday when to come. If you never see it, just come at like 6 pm. HEARTS someone play SC with me too

Edit: I don't want to lose this family either! We have to keep meeting. I'm not for sure how we could do the whole PR thing. Maybe when we have the smashfest we could have a crew battle with the few people we have. I want that and team matches. Singles are cool too. Round robin thingy I guess we could try.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Edmond, OK
Epic story of Grand proportions of win and Cpt. Falcon blood
No matter how corny this may sound, I consider all of us to be Oklahoma Smash BROTHERS MELEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
But seriously, I dig this commun- , no, this family we got going, I've been taught not only about video games, but life lessons, I too, consider all of you to be close friends, everyone except josh, lol jk.

Oklahoma's heart is big

Welcome to the family waveshinespike


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
I agree with what Po said. I didn't really have that sense of community in Louisiana. Guys there are my bros, but they're not my like what you guys are, you know?

Every one of you I have memories of--hours worth of memories. And I like to tell stories, and in LA, some of my best stories are stories about you guys. Everyone that I've met, I've grown fond of. Andy said it best, this state has no douche bags. Everyone is a fun dude to hang out, and I'm glad I stuck with smash in college and played with y'all.

In order of when I met you guys (I hope to God I don't miss anyone):

Craig (who I miss a lot, why is he not here???)

Every one of you deserve a paragraph's worth of Yawara-talk to explain how awesome I think each of you are. But basically, you guys are all cool. Every one of you are guys I respect as friends, not just smash acquaintances.

Until next time guys. Really want to hit it up with you kids.


Plasman, Auddy, Waveshinespike, we need to play one day. OK smash will get big.

You know how big.


Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2007
Paoli Oklahoma

so i take it brett is scud
im confused `\(O_o)/`

also i would love to have.. like.. a location... so you know... i know where to go -____-

also.. is this melee and brawl? or just melee? and if it just brawl then gawd help us all you guys need help

also... just call me shine...

And our threads memo should be MARIO BIG lol

Lol, where the hell is Paoli? But anyway, welcome to the boards, hopefully you'll get to meet us sometime. And I'm flattered that you've watched me on Youtube :laugh:
right here...lol i live on the corner of mark and stewart....rly small town.... like REALY SMALL TOWN... might be on the news in a day or so... lady up the street shot herself today :O


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
yeah, im not one to get all emotional, but i agree with everything everyones said here.

i dont have much too add, except i hope you can make it waveshine, its in norman btw. im looking forward to seeing everyone there. . .im already picking up bryan and gt and whoever gt decides to bring along, but if i have room i can give peopel rides. . .

also, waveshine, that town is really small. my grandma used to live in a town like that.


Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2007
Paoli Oklahoma
im guessing its on fridays? and its weekly..
im i right?

and everyone is specifing others by name and im getting realy confused


normon... not to far 30 miles i think

also... who lives the closest to me? does anyone know?

and i think my sig is fitting =)


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Wait what is the word that is all starred-out supposed to be? <_<; D-a-m-n?

I just got back from Smashing at Andy's, it was a great time and I had a white chocolate raspberry cheesecake ice cream shake from Braum's. I got lost in his neighborhood for a bit during the return trip though :dizzy: I had the track "Find Your Way" from FFVIII playing in my head the entire time.

And speaking of Final Fantasy music, I need to find a way to set Dancing Mad as my ringtone.

And I'm glad that I've stopped being emo with Smash (which happened quite awhile ago as people may have noticed), that suxed.

And I want to see some Yawara-graphs :O Especially one about me :p


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005

Going for the S-sounds (OMG) there mate.

And what the hell is a Yawara Graph?

Also yeah WSP, just head over to Brett's place, and I'm sure you'll get introduced to everyone just fine :p Basically, we're a tight crew, and if you're up for it, you're in with us too. And also, the title of Falco noob is specifically saved for Scud.

That beotch sucks lol


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Edmond, OK
waveshinespike, where is Peoli close to?
I'm sure someone can give you a ride. And yes Brett = Scud

im already picking up bryan and gt and whoever gt decides to bring along, but if i have room i can give peopel rides. . .
lol yeah, we might be grabbing wut?, my 2 other friends have a car so screw giving them a ride.
Besides, ones too busy getting fatter and playing Call of Duty 4, and the other is to busybeing a hypocrite and talking about how much better the psp is for everything.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
The hell, I got an infraction? Why is **** censored anyway? There are so many worse things you can say on the boards that are just visually explicit as opposed to ****.

And I gotta find a picture of me that I can upload. *searches*

And I wonder how long it'll be before people upload crotch shots and pr0n for their custom avatars. Or is there some sort of screening process?

MY PIC'S UP WIT THE OK FINGA!! And if you haven't guessed, the Asian guy is Yawara lol So yeah, peeps, help me find a pose or tell me what picture to use or something. Just hit me up. I don't want nerds looking at my profile pic and thinking they're not getting the smexy.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
The hell, I got an infraction? Why is **** censored anyway? There are so many worse things you can say on the boards that are just visually explicit as opposed to ****.
Lol don't worry, I got an infraction for "****". Or maybe that is reason to worry? :p I guess that Drew is just doing his job, either way. I suppose I should have starred out the "a" :dizzy:

Either way, I still don't really understand the phrase, "you **** skippy," except I'm supposing through context that it means something along the lines of, "you're most certainly correct there."

And a Yawara-graph is a paragraph written in Yawara-talk, lol.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Speaking of off topic, how often are we on topic lol

>_> How did you know I steal ridiculous amounts of music??? That's probably like my third favorite hobby. I don't know why but I love stealing music.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2005
Norman, OK
I guess I'll say that you guys can come at 5pm or anytime after that. I would love it if you guys came as early as possible, since it's been a long time since the last one. Dillon, my mom is talking to your parents right now. I guess we'll find out soon if you can come or not. If not then maybe next time.
Money and sleeping stuff money and sleeping stuff money and sleeping stuff. People never bring it but oh well lol, it always works out :).


Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2007
Paoli Oklahoma
i can comez!!


at least ill be able to face people better than me... im the best one in my town (lol theres like 5 people who play) and i never lose unless im fooling around as game and watch or something

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