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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2007
There's a tournament in OKC.

On June 28th, 2008 at 3:00 PM (central), there will be a LAN tournament held for Halo 3 and Madden '08 (on Xbox). However, I have been told that Super Smash Bros. Brawl will be available upon participation and if enough people show up, there will be a tournament. You don't even have to participate in the tournament, you can come out and play as well.

There will be a lot of games and prices are fairly cheap for the tournament.

Each game is $10/person for tournament play, and $5 for non-tournament play. Spectating is free.

A small list of games include: Halo 3, Gears of War, Call of Duty 4, Madden, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Dragonball Z: Burst Limit, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, NBA Live 08, Guitar Hero III, and more.

This tournament is to help promote an up and coming LAN center which will most likely be the premiere LAN center in the state of Oklahoma. Participation at this event will tell how long it'll be before the LAN center is up and running. Once it's up and running though, there will be a bunch more tournaments and everyone is/will be invited.

If you need any info on location, please contact me on AIM at iAm Zeppel1n or on yahoo at Fraktur1ka.

You have two weeks before the tournament and we're expecting a huge turnout, so please, help out the city and state of Oklahoma.

This is wonderful! I can't wait to participate in a tournament that's actually a reasonable distance from myself, AND a date.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Dude Bryan, don't forget to get the free printer also! I overlooked that and now I'm printer less . . .

I also want to buy a new macbook. Not because mine sucks or anything. I just really, really want a new macbook cause Apple steps up its game exponentially every year . . . WTF at the ridiculous harddrive increase, leopard (I need to show you some cool things with leopard btw), as well as just ridiculous performance increases.

Also, >_> does Po Pimpus want a Sars Pirate cameo?


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Dude Bryan, don't forget to get the free printer also! I overlooked that and now I'm printer less . . .
Wow, you can get a free printer, too? I had better look into that :o

And yeah, Apple is pretty amazing with their upgrades. There's pretty much something major every year; in fact, I read on Slashdot that they're apparently planning to launch the successor of Leopard (which is reportedly code-named "Snow Leopard") in early 2009.

Right now I'm running a dual 1 GHz G4 PowerPC tower. The laptop I'll get will, disregarding the possibility that they'll upgrade before then, be a 2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro, which is a huge 250% increase from what I'm currently running. I'm currently running 64 MB of video RAM, and what I'm looking at getting has 512 MB of video RAM, which is an enormous 800% increase. My current startup disk is 40 GB, and the startup disk of the laptop I'm looking at is 250 GB, which is a gigantic 625% increase. I'm currently running 1.38 GB of SDRAM, and what I'm looking at has 2 GB of SDRAM, which is a 145% (3 sf) increase. And on top of all that, I'll be upgrading from Mac OS X Tiger (10.4) to Mac OS X Leopard (10.5), which is a significant upgrade on its own. So basically I'll be blown away by this new technology and do a lot more stuff. I'm not really sure what the point of typing up all of that was; I think I was going to use it as an example of the magnitude of Apple's performance upgrades, but I got my current computer like two years ago and even then it was kind of old <_<; Either way, I had been wanting to comparatively quantify the upgrade I will be experiencing anyway.

Has anyone else heard of this UBER TOURNAMENT?
It's in Dallas, I can't believe I didn't hear about it earlier

Oh, uhh wavedash
You don't need to throw in random Smash jargon when you're talking about a Smash tournament; that's pretty much as "on-topic" as it gets here <_<;

And speaking of advanced techniques, I cannot smash-dash for the life of me.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
So... I'm planning on driving to that tulsa tournament... anyone want to come with? >.>
CHRRRRIIIIIISSSSSS!!!!!! You know it ain't a tournament unless the Pimpest shows up and misfires on some fools. It's this weekend, right? Holla at a playa when you read this post. I gots gas monies and will be bringing the camera to record some much needed footage for the montage...


EDIT: Yawara, OF COURSE! It ain't an OK Compilation without you mangz! Who else is going to gulp down an entire glass of raspberry syrup from IHOP?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Fuyuki City
Yeah its this weekend(Saturday). Also on a side note, since the registration starts at noon. I want to get there as early as possible so I was thinking about leaving stormy's house no later than 9:45AM(I know thats early but I want to make sure we have more than enough time to find the place, warm up etc).

Also, I will be bringing a friend of mine from work(Pablo knows her >.>). She wanted to see how this whole tourny thing works.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005

She be Misty?

And *pound* Brandon. It should be a doing it big montage than an OK montage then cause that's what we do.





Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
i was thinking of going to the iron-man of gaming tournament...i read screwattack regularly and used to be pretty active on the forums until mid-second semester when WoW ate my life.
but i probably won't go, again, because of WoW. I still own all the retro games...surprisingly it is all of the modern games that has me worried. Besides brawl, i suck balls at those games. I've played Halo 3 one time. But yeah...who needs that when you have tickets to BlizzCon '08? i know i don't. rawr.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
I saw the movie Iron Man last night. It was pretty good.

And online Brawl can be the most tedious thing ever. Too much rolling and dodging.

And holy crap, the type in which our names are written has changed. At least for me, anyway.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Wow, Yahoo mail looks different too. Yesterday must have been like the day the entire internet changed or something. Since Smashboards and Yahoo mail are obviously representative of the entire internet.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Yeah I don't really like this new format :dizzy: It's kind of like Brawl, which I'll get to in a moment.

Anyway, after playing in that tournament, which was pretty well-run, I have lost all respect for Brawl as a competitive game, and maybe even as a casual game as well. I got 9th and Chris got 5th. The thing is though, that it didn't feel like any of the players to whom we lost were better than us, because they would fall for our ****, when we could get it through; rather, it was like we were out-gayed. In Chris's first match, he played a Snake who had a good stock lead on him and was really only doing tilts. I ended up getting knocked out of winners by a Snake player who didn't outsmart me and was susceptible to my attacks but just outprioritized me with Snake's **** and was able to kill me more easily with Snake's attacks. Chris lost to a Meta Knight player, Dr. Mario Kart, in the winners who ended up getting third and just chain grabbed and shuttle looped a lot. I ended up getting knocked out of losers by Hanson who used Diddy Kong, and Chris got knocked out of losers by Hanson as well. Hanson is a good player, but Diddy Kong's bananas are over-the-top gay, Hanson himself even admitting that he wouldn't be winning without them. I think Hanson ended up getting knocked out by a Falco player who just 0-death chaingrabbed a lot, who ended up beating the Meta Knight player. Incidentally, a Pokemon Trainer player won the tournament, though there was one match in which the Falco player had like 130% on his last stock, had just gotten the PT player down to his last stock, and then, from 0%, chain-grabbed PT to the edge and then gimped him with a dair spike; it was one of the stupidest things I had ever seen. I think the PT player had geniune talent, though, so I'm glad that he won.

Now some may think that my reaction is a bit radical, but you really can't understand once you've played in a Brawl tournament. Even Chris, who before the tournament had said that Brawl was growing on him, now shares my sentiment that the game is total BS.

So, in closing: Brawl is gay.

However, on a more positive note, the tournament was fun, and there were a couple of cute asian girls there. And Joe Mamma's pizza is good.

But Brawl is still gay!

And omg, FFIV DS launches July 22 of this year in the US, yes!

Dr Drew the Dragon

Sep 11, 2003
You can fix the view back to default settings you know...

User control panel -> Edit Options -> Postbit Location -> Left


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Edmond, OK
Snake, Meta Knight, Diddy Kong's bananas, and Falco are over-the-top gay.
Joe Mamma's pizza is good.

And omg, FFIV DS launches July 22 of this year in the US, yes!
No tiers in brawl is a lie, they're even more defining than in melee. :(
I knew snake was gonna be top tier when I first played as him, projectiles and priority
My friend plays diddy so I know how gay the bananas are.
And MK, I can't even talk about this ****ty character.
Were there any Pikachus there? Pikachu is the brawl equivalent to peach, minus the super projectile, dsmash^9001

As for FF4, can't wait :p


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
after getting some hands on time with both cruisers and sport bikes, id have to say i very much prefer the aggressive riding posture on the sport bikes over the laid back feet forward riding posture of cruisers.

on that note, that one bike i was talking about getting isnt gonna work out, so im just checking craigslist until i find a good deal. . .


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
So apparently I might be getting a PSP soon. Someone needs to hack it for me.

Speaking of hacking, my dad and I agre getting drunk on Father's day lol


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
I know that I'd prefer an aggressive riding posture. I want to build my own motorcycle some day when I'm an accomplished engineer; it'd have a cool angular design and be red.

I think they changed the layout sometime last week, but you can change it by going to User CP > Edit Options > Postbit Location > Left.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
So you're all just gonna quit, huh?

Alright, I REALLY didn't want to drag myself into this whole "Brawl Sucks" stuff again, but really, Bryan, are seriously kidding me? You went to ONE Brawl tournament, got WTF-pwned by some **** you weren't expecting, and now Brawl is 'teh ghey'... SIGH... Read on, my son...

Okay, let me tell you a little story: Once upon a time there was a rather pimpish Smash player who thought he was hot shiz at this new Smash game. He beat everyone on his block with ease, so naturally he thought that no one could touch him. When he heard of a tournament for this game with MAJOR prizes, he of course lept at the chance to beat down on some unsuspecting fools.

Turns out he was the foolish one. As he was rolled up, tossed aside and completely destroyed by 'ghey' tactics and characters. At the time, it seemed that there was no eqaulity, no balance of power between his character and the over-whored characters at this tournament. He considered quitting the game altogether because there was obviously NO WAY he could ever beat someone skilled with the cheap tactics and characters.

HOWEVER, he stuck with it, even after being told time and time again that his character was not good enough to win, that HE was not good enough. Again, he kept on playing and stood his ground. Yes, he lost many, many battles, but slowly, steadily, he began to win against the 'unbeatable' characters and their 'godly' strategies. He never did get that big tournament win, but he gained something far greater:
Confidence in his own ability to win and the respect of his peers for the skill he demonstrated against impossible odds.

Obviously, I'm talking about myself and my experiences with Melee as a Luigi against the hordes of Falco, Fox, and Marth players who completely ripped me a new one at my first real tourney. I had no idea what I was up against and the tactics these players employed frustrated me to all hell. However, I stuck with it, and continued to play because I loved Smash and was dead set on proving myself and my character superior.

I don't know how successful I've been at that, but all I know is that anytime I used to go up against a Fox, Falco, or Marth, I would cringe at the fact that I was about to lose. Now, I see people employing those characters and I start smiling, because I know that they are in for the fight of their lives. (Especially the Fox players, I eat Fox Steaks for breakfast ;) )

It seems to me that you are still in the mindset that your experience with Melee grants some kind of major advantage in Brawl. It does not. The design of Brawl is such that your Melee knowledge is actually more of a hinderance than a help. You have a subconscious expectation of victory that is false. You will not win in Brawl until you accept that there are 'gay' and 'stupid' tactics and characters just as I had to early on in Melee.

That is partly why you were defeated. If you want to know how to not be defeated like that again, then your only choice is to pick yourself up, suck it up, and keep playing until you do...

Just remember to have fun whilst doing so :)


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
So I don't feel like either typing or congratulating Bryan or anything so instead, I'll . . .

PO!!! There's a picture of a POE in the new avatars!!!




Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
I'll still play Brawl (just with more Meta Knight), but Brandon, man, you don't understand, even Chris...


And man, I haven't even heard of some of the robot masters in the new avatars. And there still isn't a picture of red Marth! Not that it matters anymore.

Now all I need is to have my name changed to "Zinth" :dizzy:
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