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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Yeah, I've been reading a lot of the "Brawl vs. Melee"-ish threads, namely those by Scar, King, and Gimpy. It seems to be that Melee proponents are able, at this point, to use facts and examples to argue their case, while Brawl proponents, who seem to generally be outnumbered (well, intelligent ones), seem to rely mostly on hope.

I do see the argument that Melee is more competitive, and I agree with it as well. However, I don't think that I was able to really tap into most of that depth anyway, and really don't want to go back. There were too many things that frustrated me to which I was apparently just not able to adapt for whatever reason(s). I had used to practice often, watch videos frequently, and read all improvement advice I could read. However, I just never really saw the results as everyone else seemed to steadily creep up on and ahead of me.

I have not, however, experienced much competitive Brawl, as I have not had many opportunities to play it with people at all. It could turn out that I like the Brawl metagame even less, idk, but for now I'm staying hopeful.

The whole issue is really rather pissing me off, though, because sensationally, I like playing Brawl more, but logically, Melee sounds more appealing due to all of the arguments in its favor, even though I'd rather play Brawl, and it is creating within me a sort of incongruity that is making me rather anxious and distracted. A big fuss to be making over video games, I'm sure, but I really don't have much other than school and Smash.

I am in sort of a wonky mood right now, though, so whatever. At this point I would really like to go back to sleep, though I should be working on a psychology presentation, but I cannot focus on it at all.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
You know, you can always, like, well, um, play BOTH...

I read back over my posts, and even though I will never take back any of what I said, I realize how silly the whole 'Brawl vs Melee' debate is.

OK, Melee is a wonderful competitive masterpiece, full of little unintentional quirks and unpolished...ness... It has a lot of depth despite some of the hair-pulling imbalances of the mechanics and characters. It is THE standard of competitive Smash Bros, however, and for that, it deserves its respect. If you like a nearly unclimbable mountain of constant improvment, Melee is your game.

Brawl is fresh, new, and polished to a fine shine. It lacks a lot of what makes Melee so competitive, but is still hilariously fun. Right now, camping seems to be nigh-unbeatable, but I believe that a creative and motivated enough player can overcome it. Brawl has a lot of hope behind it competitively, and even if it doesn't turn out to be the near-infinite well that is Melee's competitive side, it is still a hilariously awesome casual game.

See, TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT! There was never any need to argue over two titles so dissimilar in philosophy. Even though we only got Melee through a few lucky accidents and oversights of the development team.

So, play the game you like(or BOTH) and shut the hell up. No one cares to hear this arguement anymore.

Unless they're some kind of masochist...


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
*throws hands up*

The entire argument was based off of 1) the fact that certain members were only going to be a part of Oklahoma smash if there was still going to be a competitive scene and 2) whether a game is actually competitive because both sides applied the same philosophies to both games before they detracted and became two schools of thought.

Call me an *** or a child or whatever, but the fact of the matter is that the majority of the community that actually knows about the game agrees that Brawl is, in fact, shallow and is meant to be shallow. From people who only visit smashboards because of the competitive scene and not because they really want to play games, there's no incentive for actually playing Brawl. Truth be told, I'd rather go to a party or go outside and play a sport or just hang out with friends.

Southern California, the main region of the United States that played the **** out of this game and showed us what its potential COULD be decided not to play this game ever again. Gimpyfish who was Brawl's biggest mascot and who everyone looked up to as some sort of Brawl Messiah is now opting out and hates this game and wants to play Melee again. PS, Gimpyfish was a Bowser main. A Bowser main decided he's going to play melee over Brawl.

The case that was stated opposite to melee proponents is: Brawl is competitive. The argument for melee proponents: Brawl is designed by Nintendo for n00bs. The only counter-argument to that which was ever developed is "Well yes, it's true Nintendo hates us; but maybe."

And we didn't really get melee over accidents. Nintendo saw the competitive scene and went full force with it in what is the Gamecube's best selling and most endearing title. If the game wasn't competitive and there was no clear distinction as to what constitutes good/bad players, this game would not have gotten here. In melee, I was able to beat people WHEN I STILL SUCKED at people WHO SUCKED IT EVEN WORSE. There was no way in hell I was going to lose to a spamming Link before I learned about wavedashing, dashdancing, L-cancelling, etc. What about Brawl? Are you seriously going to say that what I've learned about spacing and mindgames is no longer applicable because the guy who created the game doesn't want it to be applicable cause he hates the fact that in competitive games, people lose???

What we have here, this entire site, is a community of people who loved this game enough and wanted it so badly that they developed it into one of the best fighting games in the history of fighting games. Nintendo intentionally laid down the foundations of a competitve fighter. Wavedashing was discovered BEFORE the PAL version was released. They kept it in for melee players in Europe. That allowed for a competitive scene to grow, and that developed into what you see today--Smash World Forums.

In case there are any mistaken thoughts, this entire website was created for the purpose of fostering competitive smash play. Smashboards is not gamefaqs or ign or whatever else gaming board there is. It is meant for competitive players to come together, and that is the exact reason why we all gather here today.

None of us made an account just because. We all did it to get better to compete. And all of us got better as a result, all of us became the greatest players in America because of it. Because of the competitive scene and the nature of the people on the boards, all of us pushed each other to become better and better. In less than one year, I've seen myself grow as a player. I remember when Brett could practically shine combo me without even looking at the TV, Bryan used to stare at Chris playing a 2 vs 2 match while playing me, and Andy could basically combo me with just nairs from one side of DL64 to another. And I don't even want to talk about how ridiculous Chris appeared. My best matchup with Falcon has always been vs Marth. I've never been 4 stocked by a Marth so quickly in my entire life. Now I can at least say that I can put up a fight and go even with most of Oklahoma.

I mean, come on Oklahoma. Most of this state has competed in some sort of a tournament. Most of this state has travelled outside of it to play in an out of state tournament. There's not one of you that can deny this fact. We JUST went to a tourney a couple of months ago! Of the people that went to San Antonio, who will actually say that they had a bad time playing smash? Even though we lost our fights, I'm willing to bet all of you will say you had fun playing it!

Remember when Kuni super wave dashed into a taunt? Or when Brandon misfire killed Tink? Or hearing Kuni and Andy BEAT FORWARD AND DOH! And then get ***** the next two matches. Or what about my Falcon destroying the scrubby crew and taking 11 stocks followed by getting five stocked by Tink the next match (lol).

Or better yet, can you remember some of the more amazing things we saw with our own eyes?

I watched a Luigi take out one of the top 10 Falco players in the entire nation and destroy him and went on to ripping apart Forward's Ice Climbers . . . and made Forward switch controllers! I saw a kid who was handicapped and couldn't stand or use his hands to hold a controller beat the hell out of some of the biggest names in smash. I saw a Roy player completely humiliate person after person after person. And I saw Cyphus pull out the most fantastic thing that a Doc player could ever hope to do.

This game is unimaginably great. I've stated over and over about how imbalances in gameplay have been overcome time and time again. The best players in the world now aren't just fox/falco/marth/sheik players. If we had to discuss the best players in smash, you'll find someone mention a Donkey Kong player. You'll find people talk about Ka-Master, about Chu Dat's Pikachu/Young Link, and if we look further back in history, we'll see the people who made smash the way it is today are Mario players (Muffin/The Cape) or Ganondorf mains (Eddie).

So far as I'm concerned, the regional zones are meant to shepherd competitive players together for a competitive game. Why am I so passionate and anti-Brawl? Because it's a game where I just basically **** around in. If I wanted to play competitive, I stand back and camp cause I'm too afraid of the fact that people can instantly attack due to a lack of stun time. Competitive Brawl is an oxymoron. These boards are created for the purpose of competition. Anything less is just . . . dumb.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
now that you bring it up, i never really realized it before. . .

when we were down in SA, my tourny matches werent anything special, but pools. in pools i probably had the most fun, met the most oos smashers and played my best that i can ever remember. i opted out of crews because no m atter what i said at the time i was basically a sore loser. but that doesnt really change the fact that i impressed myself in pools, and then again the next day when we beat forward and doh. . .once.

anyway, with this recent recognition of mine, im going to jump off the fence that i was barely on and rejoin the melee fanboys. im not necessarily anti brawl, but im not going to play it.

also, i dont think this argument is ever going to stop, so we might as well get used to it. i dont remember who posted it (i think doh) but some incredibly long post about how melee will never die and the thread got closed by drew. but i agree almost whole heartedly. brawl certainly will draw in many more people, as it is more casual, but, for some of us, or atleast me, i think melee should stil lhave tournies and so on.

i would post more, but tornado sirens are going off. so yeah
Mar 18, 2007
i still think brawl is going to be the main smash now just because its new. lets continue these arguments in about 6 months when we've had all the time in the world like we had with melee and then people will be more clear about what they like more. as for me if i want a quick game go to melee. but if i want to try and get good with a new game on the rising?? brawl.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
when SC3 was released, a lot of players kept playing SC2 competitively since SC3 was broken and not tournament-worthy, but still played SC3 for fun. Much in the same regard, even though Tekken Tag was a legit game, a lot of Tekken players didn't stray from 4 due to the fairness of 1v1 fighting. That's not to say though that it wasn't played competitively or that all Tekken players had it, and enjoyed it...especially Tekken bowling, lol.

I'm pretty sure I'll be doing the same with the smash series. 64 is old, but I play it for novelty. I'll play melee competitively if enough people are still around to compete with, and I'll play brawl all the time because it is new and hella fun (probably my favorite to play in a friendly atmosphere).

I'm bringing my dreamcast home in May, too, along with working on my Tekken 5 skill...so...next smashfest I'm at, who wants in on Tekken/Fatal Fury? I'll trade you lessons if someone teaches me how to play MvC2 or guilty gear :o

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
I'd teach you GG, Alex, but Pablo has my Accent Core so he can learn how to beat my Potemkin ^_^

I'm always down for any fighters(even the ones I can't play), so it's all good..

Also, I never intended to piss anyone off with my stance on that other issue (which I will not name, because it always gets everyone up in arms) But that's my two cents. I'll still play Melee, if someone really wants an old-school Luigi beatdown (or deserves it like, say DoH) and I will continue to play the hell out of Brawl (only 20 Challenges left for me, and a whole buttload of collectibles)

So yeah, I'll be playing both and from now on, I'll shut it about which one I prefer. So yeah, opinions...


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
i REALLY want to play third strike, so itd be cool if we could play it. im also REALLY bad at it, but its the only other fighting game ive ever liked playing.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Wichita, Kansas
Hey Oklahoma, I feel like coming down and playing you dudes in some brawl this weekend, either on Friday or Saturday (Saturday would be best). If not I might be going to a tourney else where, tell me what you guys think.

If possible I'll bring some other newbs from Wichita. But being newbs, it might not be possible.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
GGXX and Meltyblood were the only two other fighting games that seemed to interest me. :/

GG because, well, they release a new copy to balance the game out better, and Meltyblood cause it looks like GG.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Wow. Way to ignore MprisM, Oklahoma... I'll be working this weekend(as usual) so somebody else will have to play with you. So, hey OK, anybody wanna kick it with this guy? I mean y'know its not like we're Dallas or something... We do still welcome out-of-staters, right?


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Wether brawl is better or worse doesnt matter.........its the future and 85% of all the previous ssbm players go going to it........so if you wish to join minority(ssb/ssbm) then do so. The majority of player shave moved on to brawl.

also, since i(tgm) am the best player on earth, you do what the F i tell you to.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
dammit, mprism...i'm at school.
wichita could come to see OK when hazy is home :\

also, meltyblood is fun, but i don't feel like paying 65 bucks for it...plus i'm not even sure if my ps2 is compatible. i heard i could just use a startup disc to play japanese games...*shrug* i know little about the mechanisms of ps2


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Wichita, Kansas
Pretty weak dudes, if no one can / wants to get something going I'll just go to a tourney, possibly the one in Houston.

Don't feel like you have to hold something just for me.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
this is a test

melee melee
brawl brawl

also, i still have yet to see him, but ill talk to scud about it when he gets on aim

just so you know, brawl and melee are switched.

i think halo has something to do with it

april fools and all.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
@ MPrisM: Where in OK do you think you'll be staying?

@ Bryan: Isn't Prom like 2 months away? Or is it earlier here?


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
time and stock and coin and style

halo and smash?

item samus link young link final destination ken combo mewtwo doctor mario doc luigi peach bowser captain falcon punch ganon ganondorf shine donkey kong dr. falco fox ice climbers jigglypuff jiggs kirby marth mr. game and & watch ness pichu pikachu roy shiek zelda yoshi dair fair shffl l cancel wavedash wd nair fsmash smash aerial ledgehog edgehog gimp.

diddy R.O.B. rob wario princess toon aran zero suit kirby metaknight meta knight king dedede pikmin olimar lucario pokemon trainer charizard ivysaur squirtle ike lucas solid snake sonic hedgehog the.

dash dance.

thats about all i can think of, lets see how this turns out.

i feel like a youtube tags thing.



this is top help with the gay confusion, but if you like the fun, than dont look at this image. ill make it intentionally small so that it takes effort to read

there, i ruined the fun.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Edmond, OK
lol at April fools on the boards
Sonic, sonic, sonic, Sonic
That's epic : )
Well, what's this tourny I've been hearing of the past pages?
And 5ma5hfest this sunday Darq?


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Victory... is my destiny.

You're too slow!

Show me your moves!

Mission complete!

You have much yet to learn!

Ho! Ha! Hee! Hay! Hoo!

Mission comprete!

Tear down this wall!

I fight for my friends.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2005
Norman, OK
Not that it really matters, or that any of you are interested, but apparently okgamers switched to hunting "game"......meaning hunting. I just found it humorous/annoying. I kinda wanted a okgamers site to work well at bringing gamers together and make the scene larger in general, but oh well. I'm not for sure if I am going to host anything friday. Friday is my birthday :-O.


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
Babac is done with smash unless jeff comes over and plays, I can always beat him.

I got owned pretty **** hard by chris, which is why he is NO LONGER able to come to my house. Chris, if you are reading this, drop off paemon's controller the get the **** outta here. I wasnt lieing when I said I dont want to see you again, this **** is done my old friend, you ****ed up big time.

I want to go to more smashfests with you guys, I do! But since I know chris will also be attending them, I dont even want to be in the same house with chris, let alone on the same cube. The last time I saw you guys was and probably will be the last time I see you, unless the occassional accidental meeting at walmart or something.

For real guys, it was tight, best times of my life, sucks that this is how it had to end. I actually wanted to throw OHSNAP4 right after school, but there is just no way I can do this now. Too many mistakes have been made and chris should have learned how to shut his ****ing mouth, but I guess he still has things to learn.

Ill see you guys, Ill rarely check this forum. Oh, and I realize I havent played anybody but chris (because he just thought it was ok to be in my house while I was still at school) but I would constantly get chris to one stock with my jiggs, just to let you know my skill level.

Brandon, I still have your controller, you are more than welcome to get it anytime during this week, saturday and sunday I have to work though.

One more thing. Becareful what all you mention to Chris, he has a habit of not knowing when to shut the **** up.

This is NOT an april fool's joke, its very important that you guys understand that.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Well, I still like playing smash with Chris.

not to say I don't like playing smash with Babac too though.

The only person I may hate playing smash with is Andy. (April fools . . .)

But yeah, that's about it.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Well, I still like playing smash with Chris.

not to say I don't like playing smash with Babac too though.

The only person I may hate playing smash with is Andy. (April fools . . .)

But yeah, that's about it.
Wait, why did I quote this?

Smash is better than Halo.

I have no idea what Babac is talking about.

Time Stock Coin Bonus.



Lucario, Trainer, Pokemon

Pikmin, Olimar


Toon Link, Marth

Diddy, Kirby, Donkey, Ness, Lucas, Ice Climbers, Roy, Ike, Dedede, ROB, Pikachu

Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Peach, Bowser, Wario, Waluigi

Vat- Zero

Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2007
Yo, this is Vat- Zero. Less than 3 days before the big Goop tourney

"Goop's AZ Brawl Tourney"

- On Saturday April 5th

- 4533 S. Mill Ave. Tempe, AZ 85282


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2004
Oklahoma City
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Less then 3 weeks until the big CCCT dance people OK players. Signup if you haven't already. Pre-registeration has been extended to the 14th. If you interested go here:

Colorado Cutthroat Console Tournament



Ha, **** Brandon, you seein' this? What were the chances :laugh:

C'mon Oklahoma, nobody up for some money matches? Zinth? Sars? RASTA? Southy? Not even the great KOS-MOS??? It's an easy 5 fellas', I would definitely mm myself if I could.

Edit: Wichita, I'm more than willing to $MM you guys as well once you're in town


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2005
Norman, OK
Smashfest at my house on friday :). It's my birthday so bring a good attitude :p. Bring money, sleeping stuff, and your setups woo. I want to see melee and brawl :-O. If anyone will EVER play Starcraft with me...then yea that would be fun lol. Also third strike, or any other fighters are really welcome.
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