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Okay, we need to talk about ROB.


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
ROB vs Ice Climbers is pretty much a 70:30 matchup in his favor. DSmash seperates very easily. His moves have enormous hitboxes. Projectiles that hit very hard, and gyro can even seperate them. Amazing gimping ability if Nana gets caught alone. Can outcamp them. We need to figure out how to beat him, or discuss weakspots we've noticed.

This matchup might even be harder than the Ice Climbers vs. Metaknight matchup. Sooooo yeah, let's share. :]

Tips from Bnzaaa:

Bnzaaa said:
Rob has always personally been my hardest matchup.

I find Rob very hard to grab. His Jab and Tilts have good range and are quick. His Down Tilt is very annoying. It's his fastest move along with his Jab, is spammable and can cause tripping, which can easily link into another move.

Sidestep to Down Smash is obvious, but I find it hard to counter. It comes out on frame 4, which is as quick as the Climber's Jab. It's also spammable and pokes shields. It also easily splits the Climbers.

Rob has an easy time edgeguarding the Ice Climbers due to his ability to fly and his projectiles. He has his spike which is pretty situational, and N-Air has a wide hitbox. F-Air and B-Air have good range and can hit the Climbers out of Squall Hammer when properly spaced. Lazers and Gyro to a lesser extent can hit you while you are near the blast zone.

If they dare to grab the Ice Climbers, Forward and Back throw are very fast.

His camping is his best asset against them i think. Lazers go through enemies and bounce off terrain. If it's a fully charged lazer, it can eat up your shield quit a bit. If you powershiled, it will definetly hit the other Climber. They like to follow up lazers with a Gyro most of the time. You want to shield the Gyro, prefreably powershiled it. Blizzard can stop the Gyro from hitting you, but if it's on the field, Rob can just use it to Glidetoss and move around quicker, making it even more difficult to contain him.

His ledge options are also really good. He can N-Air and F-Air to knock you away from the ledge. He can also use his projectiles in one ledge hop and get back to the edge easily. Up-Air from the ledge is ****, as it can do up to 22 damage. It's a multi-hit too, so it can split the Climbers up.

Rob has all the tools to do very well against the Ice Climbers, but he does have his share of weaknesses that can be exploited:

1. His size leaves him vulnerable to juggling. He is a pretty big target, and he can't deal with Blizzard and Squall Hammer all that well. They rack a bit of damage on him and can send him into another disadvantaged position.

2. He is weak from below. N-Air and D-Air have noticeable start-up lag. And he's a big target. If he is above you, Up-Air works well. He's floaty so he'll probably have trouble avoiding it. It also juggles at low percents.

3. Everyone knows how good his recovery is. But everyone also knows that he can't air dodge out of his Up-B. Try to space an aerial if he's close enough or try to bait an attack from him. Rob's like to use an attack out of Up-B and then fly again, using the momentum of their attack to bounce in the air. If he gets above you, he'll most likely use N-air. From below, it's most likely Up-Air, and from the side it's F-Air/N-Air. Remember that he can't dodge out of his Up-B so react accordingly.

If you do manage to grab him with both Climbers intact, go for the Zero Death if you can. I would recommend not spiking him off the edge. Spiking him will almost never work. He can easily Meteor Cancel the attack and come right back. Killing him from a chaingrab will lower his survivability rate too, because he survives for a very long time otherwise.

That's what I know about the matchup. Hopefully this will help.
ChiboSempai said:
Bnzaaa alerted me of this discussion, and being a ROB main, I figure that I should throw my info down lol.

From my knowledge, ROB has got to be one of ICs worst matchups. While it's not absolutely devastating as ICs still have crazy chain grabs to rack up damage, it's still heavily in ROBs favor.

What ICs have against ROB:
Projectiles: While ICs can't necessarily outcamp ROB, with desyncing and using ice blocks and blizzard smart, you can keep ROB at bay and force him to approach from above you, which he does not want to do lol. You can fire ice blocks much faster than he can fire lasers.
Good Juggling: ROB kinda sucks when he has enemies below him, he has few options he can do. ICs on the other hand can juggle nice with uair, then even semi-combo that into an upB that can kill at a decent percent.
Chain Grabs: Of course ICs has this against ROB, they have it against everyone! I don't personally now how to do all the IC chain grabs, but from what I hear ROB is one of the harder characters to do it to, but practice makes perfect. I'm sure it's not too hard if you're used to it already.

What ROB has in the matchup:
Downsmash: Downsmash comes out fast, it's amazing, and somewhat splits up ICs (not completely all the time like Peach in Melee, but if it doesn't split them up enough, it will set them up for an aerial attack on Nana to finish splitting them up)
Laser: Laser goes through all of ICs projectiles, and can even be used to hit only one of the ICs to cause an unwanted desync confusing your opponent buying yourself time to get in and approach with the projectiles on hold.
Fast Grabs: ROBs grabs are really fast. Many characters can't grab ICs because you'll simply get attacked from the other one, however a ROB can dash grab to fthrow in just a handful of frames. It's quite impressive how fast it is.
Edgeguarding: Especially against a single IC, their recovery is terrible and ROB can capitalize on it beautifully. I like to abuse my power in the situation with a well placed slam dunk
Hard to Meteor: ICs love that chain grab to Nana meteor. I see it used on almost everyone. However, yea... it's not that great on ROB lol. It's still good of course, but it can kill many characters at low percents, except ROB. To give you an idea, I was playing Brawl this past weekend online and an ICs chained me across Battlefield to a Nana meteor. I ended up at around 78% I think after the fair, and still survived EASILY (and if it was offline I would have reacted even faster). It's very easy for ROB to meteor cancel with his upB. In this situation I've even lived Nana meteors at around 100% with proper DI and good meteor cancel timing.
Tilts: ROB can outrange almost all of ICs physical attacks with moves like his ftilt. Additionally, ROB can dtilt which has a very high chance of making one of the ICs trip which just screams OPPORTUNITY!

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
well he doesn't have a reflector or anything that can really stop blizzard, so spamming it is hard to punish.

ROB's biggest weak point is below him, so if he takes off into the air don't forget about our amazing priority with upair.

Also don't forget ROB can't be spiked until really high percents, I haven't tested anything but Im sure he can live from dthrow or fthrow to spike at like 110% so you have to end CGs with upsmash. Hylian says he dies at 85% from a fully charged upsmash but id definitely go a little bit higher just to be sure its not stale and he doesn't break out or DI it.

Ive been playing a pikachu with Ice Climbers lately and avoiding dsmash really isn't that hard, you just have to stay out of its range and then punish it because they WILL try to spam it if they know it separates them.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2008
Kumasi, Ghana
Rob has always personally been my hardest matchup.

I find Rob very hard to grab. His Jab and Tilts have good range and are quick. His Down Tilt is very annoying. It's his fastest move along with his Jab, is spammable and can cause tripping, which can easily link into another move.

Sidestep to Down Smash is obvious, but I find it hard to counter. It comes out on frame 4, which is as quick as the Climber's Jab. It's also spammable and pokes shields. It also easily splits the Climbers.

Rob has an easy time edgeguarding the Ice Climbers due to his ability to fly and his projectiles. He has his spike which is pretty situational, and N-Air has a wide hitbox. F-Air and B-Air have good range and can hit the Climbers out of Squall Hammer when properly spaced. Lazers and Gyro to a lesser extent can hit you while you are near the blast zone.

If they dare to grab the Ice Climbers, Forward and Back throw are very fast.

His camping is his best asset against them i think. Lazers go through enemies and bounce off terrain. If it's a fully charged lazer, it can eat up your shield quit a bit. If you powershiled, it will definetly hit the other Climber. They like to follow up lazers with a Gyro most of the time. You want to shield the Gyro, prefreably powershiled it. Blizzard can stop the Gyro from hitting you, but if it's on the field, Rob can just use it to Glidetoss and move around quicker, making it even more difficult to contain him.

His ledge options are also really good. He can N-Air and F-Air to knock you away from the ledge. He can also use his projectiles in one ledge hop and get back to the edge easily. Up-Air from the ledge is ****, as it can do up to 22 damage. It's a multi-hit too, so it can split the Climbers up.

Rob has all the tools to do very well against the Ice Climbers, but he does have his share of weaknesses that can be exploited:

1. His size leaves him vulnerable to juggling. He is a pretty big target, and he can't deal with Blizzard and Squall Hammer all that well. They rack a bit of damage on him and can send him into another disadvantaged position.

2. He is weak from below. N-Air and D-Air have noticeable start-up lag. And he's a big target. If he is above you, Up-Air works well. He's floaty so he'll probably have trouble avoiding it. It also juggles at low percents.

3. Everyone knows how good his recovery is. But everyone also knows that he can't air dodge out of his Up-B. Try to space an aerial if he's close enough or try to bait an attack from him. Rob's like to use an attack out of Up-B and then fly again, using the momentum of their attack to bounce in the air. If he gets above you, he'll most likely use N-air. From below, it's most likely Up-Air, and from the side it's F-Air/N-Air. Remember that he can't dodge out of his Up-B so react accordingly.

If you do manage to grab him with both Climbers intact, go for the Zero Death if you can. I would recommend not spiking him off the edge. Spiking him will almost never work. He can easily Meteor Cancel the attack and come right back. Killing him from a chaingrab will lower his survivability rate too, because he survives for a very long time otherwise.

That's what I know about the matchup. Hopefully this will help.


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
Good stuff. I'll put it in the original post.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
Other than bein really hard to grab he isnt too bad... Lot of ice climbers players dont use dash attack enough as it has decent priority and comes out real fast out of shield. This messes rob up a lot especially if you shield his dsmash and it scores a lotta free uairs because hes so easy to juggle. Other than that powershield his projectiles and attacks on stage and it shouldnt be too bad. But i dunno i havent played a rob who knew the ic match that well. This is one matchup you cant revolve around grabbing as its probably the hardest thing to land on rob.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
2. He is weak from below. N-Air and D-Air have noticeable start-up lag. And he's a big target. If he is above you, Up-Air works well. He's floaty so he'll probably have trouble avoiding it. It also juggles at low percents.

ok, his dair will kill whatever you throw at him short of nana (up b). its really easy to see ICs coming from below and they don't need that long to dair you. plus if you ever wind up in a situation where you're under him, its a good chance that he'll nair and send you flying. air is BAD. if you fight ROBin the air YOU WILL DIE. all of his air attacks will out range you.


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
Weird. Right after making this thread, I fought a ROB. =^_^=;;

All I had to do was stay under and be more patient and I won.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
Other than bein really hard to grab he isnt too bad... Lot of ice climbers players dont use dash attack enough as it has decent priority and comes out real fast out of shield. This messes rob up a lot especially if you shield his dsmash and it scores a lotta free uairs because hes so easy to juggle. Other than that powershield his projectiles and attacks on stage and it shouldnt be too bad. But i dunno i havent played a rob who knew the ic match that well. This is one matchup you cant revolve around grabbing as its probably the hardest thing to land on rob.
his dsmash stops your dash attack and then pulls you in. shielding his dsmash is a good idea, except that when the ICs get hit in their shield they slide... which means you just did nothing. his laser is mildly annoying, but can be avoided. his gyro on the other hand can be a *****. the ICs can't get as close as some characters to pick it up so if you misjudge the distance then you get hit.... but he won't get hurt by it so its easy for him to rush in, pick it up and hit you with it again. most of the time the rob will hold onto the gyro till they get knocked off, fly back to the ledge, launch the gyro, grab the edge, and then continue ****** you.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
i didnt say beat dsmash with dash attack, i said dash attack out of shield if u block dsmash. It always hits and you can follow up with uairs. If they spam dsmash just fair them. Lot of people get spam happy when they play ice climbers because they have the worse prority in the game. If people play like that its easy picking. Its not hard to get inside rob you just have to play smart. The only time rob is annoying as hell is if he ledge camps. I had an easy time against the best rob in md/va, he had to switch to metaknight against me -_-.


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
ICs have the worst priority? Sonic...?


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008
United States
I got a question, does the ICs' Ice Blocks help & prevent them from getting hit from the Gyro onto blocking it from the Ice Blocks?

And doesn't R.O.B's Arm Rotor reflect Blizzard? Or not? I'm not sure...


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
I got a question, does the ICs' Ice Blocks help & prevent them from getting hit from the Gyro onto blocking it from the Ice Blocks?

And doesn't R.O.B's Arm Rotor reflect Blizzard? Or not? I'm not sure...
If the blocks actually hit it, yes. You're better off blizzard'ing the gyro. And I think Arm Rotor does. Not many ROBs use that move though.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2008
Bloomington, IN
I don't have too much experience against R.O.B.s at the moment (pretty much only against 56K), but I can agree on what Bnzaaa said earlier. I'll admit, I never really thought about R.O.B.'s underside to be a weak point, since he has his N-air and D-air to cover it well enough. He can be easily CG'd if grabbed, to be sure, since he's a relatively big target. The following is speculation, since I still have to test it, but I wonder if R.O.B. would die more easily off the top than from the side, since he's a bit floaty. Also, I don't exactly know how quickly the ICs' grab comes out, but I can almost imagine that if you can predict a spotdodge into D-smash, then you can grab him in between the end of his dodge and the beginning of his smash. Again, that's speculation on my part, and if anyone has answers readily available, then feel free to tell me.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
i don't think you guys are appreciating how hard a good ROB player is. this matchup can actually be harder than MK. whatever you think works is a myth. if you fight someone who dedicates as much of their time to rob as, say, lain or hylain to ICs, you will be *****. i'm talking 3 stock. its not funny how long his reach is and how ****ing high his dsmash's priority is. half the time you can't tell when his spot dodge stops ans smash starts. this is about as close to an 85:15 matchup you will ever see.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
I don't have too much experience against R.O.B.s at the moment (pretty much only against 56K), but I can agree on what Bnzaaa said earlier. I'll admit, I never really thought about R.O.B.'s underside to be a weak point, since he has his N-air and D-air to cover it well enough. He can be easily CG'd if grabbed, to be sure, since he's a relatively big target. The following is speculation, since I still have to test it, but I wonder if R.O.B. would die more easily off the top than from the side, since he's a bit floaty. Also, I don't exactly know how quickly the ICs' grab comes out, but I can almost imagine that if you can predict a spotdodge into D-smash, then you can grab him in between the end of his dodge and the beginning of his smash. Again, that's speculation on my part, and if anyone has answers readily available, then feel free to tell me.
just jab him if he spot dodges. Its not worth getting dsmashed over again. You guys want a hard match up play ic against a good peach in melee. -_-


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2007
I've played a good ROB, and by the time his % was above 100, I was on my last stock. >_____>

ROB is too good, and I find it hard to CG him. D:


Master of Caribou
Aug 24, 2007
Claremont, CA
I think nair, blizzard, and squall hammer are better for punishing spot dodge and dsmash. I don't have a lot of experience in this match-up and I suck at theory-crafting, so I can't say a lot about this match-up.

edit:@ meepxzero: Melee Peach is the bane of my existence.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
Let's see...

ROB's advantages:
- can camp very well
- has a spike that can hurt the Ice Climbers when they are recovering both ways.
- projectiles do much damage and have high priority against Ice Climbers
- most aerials and tilts of his outrange the Ice Climbers

Ice Climber advantages:
- can bair stage spike when ROB is recovering under the ledge
- can CG
- has a very good aerial game above and behind them
- blizzard prevents spot dodge spam

Well, ROB's weakness is his blindspots below and behind him. Since your aerials come out way earlier than his dair, nair, or bair, it will become very easy to juggle him as long as he isn't facing the same direction as you are. You should never be at a higher altitude than he is. This puts you in a position of being juggled by his upair and getting killed by his nair. His fair will also gimp you if you are in this position so beware of the air. Short-hopped aerial dodges can help in dodging probable lasers... All I can think of is that CG's will have to do for this match up because he is such a huge target...


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
Let's see...

ROB's advantages:
- can camp very well
- has a spike that can hurt the Ice Climbers when they are recovering both ways.
- projectiles do much damage and have high priority against Ice Climbers
- most aerials and tilts of his outrange the Ice Climbers

Ice Climber advantages:
- can bair stage spike when ROB is recovering under the ledge
- can CG
- has a very good aerial game above and behind them
- blizzard prevents spot dodge spam

Well, ROB's weakness is his blindspots below and behind him. Since your aerials come out way earlier than his dair, nair, or bair, it will become very easy to juggle him as long as he isn't facing the same direction as you are. You should never be at a higher altitude than he is. This puts you in a position of being juggled by his upair and getting killed by his nair. His fair will also gimp you if you are in this position so beware of the air. Short-hopped aerial dodges can help in dodging probable lasers... All I can think of is that CG's will have to do for this match up because he is such a huge target...
good analysis, but remember that he's harder to cg than other heavy characters.

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
umm wtf ROB does not ever have an advantage when you're behind him in the air, its nearly impossible to punish bair and its pretty fast.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2008
Kumasi, Ghana
And doesn't R.O.B's Arm Rotor reflect Blizzard? Or not? I'm not sure...
Arm Rotor reflects blizzard. But it leaves Rob open because it only deals about 2-4 damage to you, and barely makes you flinch. By the time you recover from being hit by your blizzard, he'll still be using that move or cooling down. It's just not safe for him to use.

Also, I don't exactly know how quickly the ICs' grab comes out, but I can almost imagine that if you can predict a spotdodge into D-smash, then you can grab him in between the end of his dodge and the beginning of his smash. Again, that's speculation on my part, and if anyone has answers readily available, then feel free to tell me.
The Ice Climbers grab comes out on frame 6, like most grabs. It's not a good option to punish Rob's sidestep with a grab though. You will get hit everytime. Like Meep said, jab is your best bet. It will punish Rob's sidestep.

umm wtf ROB does not ever have an advantage when you're behind him in the air, its nearly impossible to punish bair and its pretty fast.
I think Demonic Trilogy meant that the Ice Climbers' Up-Air and B-Air are really good in general. The Ice Climbers aren't as vulnerable in the air when they are facing backwards.

But it is pretty difficult to punish Rob's B-Air. I usually powershield it anyway.

Speaking of B-Air, you can hit Rob with it off a short hop if he's standing I think. I find myself mixing it in with Squall Hammers.

You guys want a hard match up play ic against a good peach in melee. -_-
That matchup is worse than any matchup the Ice Climbers have in Brawl :(.

@ FrozenPopo: Just curious. Who's Rob have you faced?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
ROB's (aka Wall-E) (<3) Dsmash is pretty dangerous to the ICs, it seprates them very well, just sheild the hold thing and GTFO of his range ASAP. I dont' get hit with it much since I'm always beside him.

I usually nver be behind him since his Bair is just too **** good agasint the ICs, you either get a Bair in your face or you have to (power)sheild the Bair, you can really only punish his Bair if you powersheild it and go fo a Blizzard, if you sheild it, you get pushed back and it won't enough range to hit him even with your blizzard.

His aerial game is much more better than the ICs; his Fair just ***** them in range is priority if I can remember so, the only thing you should be donig in the air to him is squall, since it's the only thing that somewhat effective agasint him. His Nair isn't that bad to see since there's a noticable startup lag to the move, it's easy to see IMO because of that reason so I rarely get killed by his Nair. His Uair is a great damaging move and should never be used agasint you since you're usually not above ROB. -.-

His Ftilt kills ICs. Period. Don't question this statement pl0x.

His Dtilt it annoying, it trips and you can desync and lose control of the secondary climber if you're not careful.

Blizzard is a very good move to use agasint him since it has really good rang and priority, it should be used in this match alot but not to the point where you become predictable.

In conclusion ROB has the range and the priority to take you. You have the same, but with less options and not as much range as ROB.

3:7? Too me it seems like 65: 35 ROB.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2005
From my experience:
Never get dsmashed (which means play very safe when close to ROB, don´t try to grab the spotdodge.

Play very safe/patient, I would say ROB actually is the character who really forces ICs to play the game more in the air, gyro, laser and ROB's dsmash all means like free damage if you stand on the ground and in this matchup, ROB's all about racking up damage for easy kills (atleast in this matchup).

Fulljumped retreating fairs seems to work great for me as long as they are not overused since they have some slight landing lag not sure though, for some stange reason the ROB didn´t use fair too much against me though, which probably is why he has that aerial priority some of you speak about .

When close to the ground just blizzard to keep him away.

And like in all other matchups, IF you land a grab- be sure to 0-KO him.


The Sultan of Smut
Dec 7, 2004
Winston-Salem, NC
As a ROB main, I guess I can let you guys in on a little information- for the sport of the game, as it were.

ROB is harder to CG than his size might have you believe. Some less skilled DDD's actually have a mild bit of trouble doing it, and I know you guys' grabs are much harder to pull off. The thing is, his weight doesn't coincide with his size, so it throws a lot of IC players off.

Honestly, we are going to eat away at your shield with angled lasers, SH lasers, gyros, SH gyros, full hopped... well, you get the idea. Then, D-smash when we get close enough for an almost guaranteed separation.

ROB is one of the few chars that has the ability to edgeguard both climbers simultaneously, while remaining safely on stage. I've shot a gyro at popo, it bounced off him and hit nana, laser to nana, f-air to popo... gg--- on more than one occasion.

If we are in the air approaching and look as if we are poorly spaced... by all means use your squall. But, we will most likely stay on the ground and deal with you with tilts. Gyro to shield us from blizzard until you eventually drop it, move in and hit with an F-tilt and go from there.

As has been said, get us in the air, and you are MUCH better off... but only if you approach from directly underneath, or diagnally below where his "power cord" is. However, we can guard this to some degree using a reverse n-air. The hitbox begins right at his blind spot, and starts almost immediately. If you space poorly, you are going to eat it.

As I said, your best bet is to get him in the air, attack him from below with U-airs and even Nana. Space correctly, otherwise you'll be eating some serious damage. Personally, I will grab and throw IC's IMMEDIATELY, and 8 times out of 10 it works before Nana can do anything. Take good care of Nana, especially off-stage. A laser-proficient-rob will be able to snipe her at a moment's notice, just as you start to belay her.

I wish I could offer you some real "secret" advice (not that I would if there was any), this is just a matchup that is not in your favor. Be patient, and don't whiff your grabs. If you grab us, make **** sure to kill us. Other than that... good luck. 35:65 in favor of ROB


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
As a ROB main, I guess I can let you guys in on a little information- for the sport of the game, as it were.

ROB is harder to CG than his size might have you believe. Some less skilled DDD's actually have a mild bit of trouble doing it, and I know you guys' grabs are much harder to pull off. The thing is, his weight doesn't coincide with his size, so it throws a lot of IC players off.

Honestly, we are going to eat away at your shield with angled lasers, SH lasers, gyros, SH gyros, full hopped... well, you get the idea. Then, D-smash when we get close enough for an almost guaranteed separation.

ROB is one of the few chars that has the ability to edgeguard both climbers simultaneously, while remaining safely on stage. I've shot a gyro at popo, it bounced off him and hit nana, laser to nana, f-air to popo... gg--- on more than one occasion.

If we are in the air approaching and look as if we are poorly spaced... by all means use your squall. But, we will most likely stay on the ground and deal with you with tilts. Gyro to shield us from blizzard until you eventually drop it, move in and hit with an F-tilt and go from there.

As has been said, get us in the air, and you are MUCH better off... but only if you approach from directly underneath, or diagnally below where his "power cord" is. However, we can guard this to some degree using a reverse n-air. The hitbox begins right at his blind spot, and starts almost immediately. If you space poorly, you are going to eat it.

As I said, your best bet is to get him in the air, attack him from below with U-airs and even Nana. Space correctly, otherwise you'll be eating some serious damage. Personally, I will grab and throw IC's IMMEDIATELY, and 8 times out of 10 it works before Nana can do anything. Take good care of Nana, especially off-stage. A laser-proficient-rob will be able to snipe her at a moment's notice, just as you start to belay her.

I wish I could offer you some real "secret" advice (not that I would if there was any), this is just a matchup that is not in your favor. Be patient, and don't whiff your grabs. If you grab us, make **** sure to kill us. Other than that... good luck. 35:65 in favor of ROB
its 30:70 ROB. don't sugar-coat it.


The Sultan of Smut
Dec 7, 2004
Winston-Salem, NC
its 30:70 ROB. don't sugar-coat it.
30:70 or 35:65, doesn't make a difference when its that lopsided. Extrapolating that into percentages, that is you (theoretically) losing 30% of the time, or 35% of the time. Making a 30 on an exam, or a 35. Out of 100 matches, you'll win 5 more. You're splitting hairs.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
30:70 or 35:65, doesn't make a difference when its that lopsided. Extrapolating that into percentages, that is you (theoretically) losing 30% of the time, or 35% of the time. Making a 30 on an exam, or a 35. Out of 100 matches, you'll win 5 more. You're splitting hairs.
actually i put it earlier at 85:15, but i really am. i just don't like it when its clearly a horribly unbalanced matchup and people try and make it seem slightly better than it actually is.


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
As a ROB main, I guess I can let you guys in on a little information- for the sport of the game, as it were.

ROB is harder to CG than his size might have you believe. Some less skilled DDD's actually have a mild bit of trouble doing it, and I know you guys' grabs are much harder to pull off. The thing is, his weight doesn't coincide with his size, so it throws a lot of IC players off.

Honestly, we are going to eat away at your shield with angled lasers, SH lasers, gyros, SH gyros, full hopped... well, you get the idea. Then, D-smash when we get close enough for an almost guaranteed separation.

ROB is one of the few chars that has the ability to edgeguard both climbers simultaneously, while remaining safely on stage. I've shot a gyro at popo, it bounced off him and hit nana, laser to nana, f-air to popo... gg--- on more than one occasion.

If we are in the air approaching and look as if we are poorly spaced... by all means use your squall. But, we will most likely stay on the ground and deal with you with tilts. Gyro to shield us from blizzard until you eventually drop it, move in and hit with an F-tilt and go from there.

As has been said, get us in the air, and you are MUCH better off... but only if you approach from directly underneath, or diagnally below where his "power cord" is. However, we can guard this to some degree using a reverse n-air. The hitbox begins right at his blind spot, and starts almost immediately. If you space poorly, you are going to eat it.

As I said, your best bet is to get him in the air, attack him from below with U-airs and even Nana. Space correctly, otherwise you'll be eating some serious damage. Personally, I will grab and throw IC's IMMEDIATELY, and 8 times out of 10 it works before Nana can do anything. Take good care of Nana, especially off-stage. A laser-proficient-rob will be able to snipe her at a moment's notice, just as you start to belay her.

I wish I could offer you some real "secret" advice (not that I would if there was any), this is just a matchup that is not in your favor. Be patient, and don't whiff your grabs. If you grab us, make **** sure to kill us. Other than that... good luck. 35:65 in favor of ROB
Our grabs are much harder, but thank you for the advice.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
Ok, some things to understand before people start making this match up seem horribly helpless like captain falcon vs. almost anyone with priority.

Weight has nothing to do with falling speed or air speed, it only affects how fast they go when hit by an attack or thrown.

ROB is a huge target and is floaty while having moderate to really bad air speed. The only reason why people have problems CGing him is because he is HEAVY, unlike the lightness he may advertise while falling and such which would work in real life. Just CG him like a heavy weight and you should be fine. He is a very huge target so the bad grab range the Ice Climbers have shouldn't be too much of a problem. The idea of CG's is to grab them before they can do any DI of any sort so if you aren't grabbing him, it isn't the ROB, it's you (it's true).

Another thing, when it comes to recovering, the optimum position you can be in is at the height where you can belay to recover or barely make it with Squall. This gives you the best spacing to prevent such off-stage edgeguards. If he tries to go after you in the air, do belay and have Nana take care of him. If he is ledge hogging, squall just enough to reach above the ledge and hold shield so you don't end up falling down and suffering landing lag while ROB sets up a Nair.

For the grab problem, spam side B or jab while doing whatever other button mashing you can so that the squall or jabs from Nana will stall him ad break you free and help you set up for a smash by yourself. Reacting fast to a grab is key to getting out of it. Whenever you get very close, expect a grab and start jabbing since you should be trying to space anyways. This may give you a head start if he does try to grab you. If not, you still land jabs on him and space.

Whenever a ROB is far, first think about whether he used his laser recently. If not, do a dashing shield or roll of some kind if you feel a laser is coming. They usually laser when there are gaps between the close range fighting. Don't do a standing shield or a spot dodge to dodge his projectiles or attacks. Since Nana does her shield 6 frames after you and shielding is a last second thing, she will probably get hit by the projectile when you don't inside that shield if you are standing because of her delay Rolling and doing a dashing puts them in motion so the chances of the attack being landed on both at the same time are very rare and helps them in resyncing again. With dashing shield, you alone will have your shield hit so this keeps Nana safe. Rolling by getting them out of the range of the attacks while dodging it and if you expect Nana to still get hit, you are a little farther away from ROB making Nana hunting slightly easier.

When jumping or not doing anything while recovering, aerial dodge continuously until you get to the comfortable height that you want to recover at. Just floating will most likely result you in getting hit by something and since aerial dodges don't affect your air speed, there is nothing to lose when doing so. If you see him coming at you though, try to dair to that recovery height if you are high up there and if not, fast fall because aerial dodging won't help against his fast fairs.

People have the most problems getting desynced by ROB's attacks and projectiles. If you can space attack correctly while being very cautious, setting up a grab while synced should become easier. Being desynced once can do much to you so don't take your chances.
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