Fight Club: Yeah, man, you guys are great. Oscar says he sees good things in your future. Anytime you guys want to Smash, hit us up. We love this game. Also, what's your crew name and members? Maybe we can get some crew action in Grandel.
Chuk: Long time no see, buddy. Get down here some time. We need to play. I'll be there Saturday. I don't work. So I should be there. Also I'm planning on going to Goop's thing. I'm going to try to make it, but if I'm scheduled for work, then I can't. I'm crossing my fingers, though.
Also, I'm in the process of purchasing something that will get videos from my VCR to the intrawebs. I'll have to take care of some stuff, but when I do, I don't see why I couldn't get some vids on the internet.
Edit: Updated Thread.