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Official Smash Bros. Brawl Complaint Thread

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Smash Rookie
May 26, 2008
So far my only complaint is that a loser like Lucario replaced a legend like Mewtwo.


and tripping...... i just cant seem to imagine why?

otherwise id just complain about what they did to my beautiful baby ganondorf, but all is well


Wow my complaint is seeing the same complaint over and over again.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2006
I'm complaining about how D.K. get's camped and chain thrown. BOO...

Plus tripping, uncool hitstun, non-existent dash dancing, and no mewtwo is lame.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2007
nintendo again caters to the "too young to cross the street by themselves" crowd

bah...why dont they listen....

online is crap

no voice chat

Tripping-WHAT THE HELL? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?(sakurai really doesnt want people getting competitive here does he?)

Subspace E.-not bad but......you spent WAY too much time on a game that doesnt even need **** like that..

Challenges-Again a good way to entertain for A LITTLE BIT

ALT COSTUMES-WTF?! theres only like 2-3 of tthem....i was reading the site about varieties of different alts like link and wario... i didnt think that would be IT



sakurai needs a good "falcon kick in the balls"

although i still do like the game =)

it is not as good as melee though


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2007
New England
the Melee extremists

I can deal with ppl just liking Melee better...that's fine...but when they say Brawl is Crap and call Sakurai an idiot and everything he says is invalid (Im looking at u CivicSmash) just because he made a gae that didnt meet their standards...this is where their beatdown gets laid out


Smash Journeyman
Apr 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, LA
My complaint would be that they nerfed characters that totally didn't deserve to be nerfed... Now some got nerfed just because of diff. game mechanics but some were just blatantly thrown away. Ganon, Shiek, Cpt. Falcon, Jiggs, Samus, and Link.


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
my complaint would only be the Team Colors and Alternate costumes

oh and tripping...why would a puffball trip? i mean don't they roll??

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Nintendo's gone now. People thought Microsoft was greedy but at least they try hard for their fans. Nintendo just sweeps it's fans under the rug and goes straight for the casuals. Look at every 1st party game for the Wii and you'll see the same crap happening over and over. Nintendo is turning every franchise into a casual ****fest, straight for serious games like Metroid and Zelda to fun games like Mario Kart and Brawl.

They've taken on this 'new players on an even playing field with veterans' mentality and it's turning everything to ****. If Wii wasn't backwards compatible I would have sold mine months ago.

EDIT: So this isn't spam my complaint is how half the items randomly malfunction. Who the hell was dumb enough to come up with that idea let alone put it in the game?

And why can't we build stages to fill up the bottom? I want to build a walk off stage or a stage where you can't fly under the platform without having to make the huge ugly structure that doesn't even help the stage play out better. Stage builder was poorly executed.


Smash Cadet
Feb 25, 2008
Dover, Delaware
i'm REALLY dissappointed in tripping RANDOMLY. i can understand tripping because i f ucked up on something, but when it's random you can trip into a fully charged smash. Diddy Kong's banana's should be the only tripping.

And what's the deal with Wolf being in the game? Who the hell cares about Wolf? He's the last person you unlock, I was expecting someone a little more popular and exclusive (Ridley or something).


Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2006
Queens, NY
I remember being extremley hyped for Brawl..... It's like nintendo left me with the blue balls. I been so loyal to them for years. 80% of the reason why I even bought the wii was for Brawl:urg:


Smash Rookie
May 27, 2008


Smash Cadet
Apr 25, 2008
Bay Area
I hate how people complain about brawl so much, and contradict themselves in doing so. Complaining about broken characters, and somehow a stage that is flat [ Final Destination ] is somehow broken. Its a flat stage. You get what you see.

Also, when somebody makes a post about how, say, Pikachu or somebody is overpowered, because in their group of friends, Pikachu seems to be the best. Then a group of people make posts saying " Pikachu is not overpowered your stupid " afterwards.

Other than that, I hate the masterpieces cause they are so short! Make them like 30 minutes or something, not a taste test!


Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2008
It's easy to come up with a legion of complaints towards this game, nothing like swaying a loyal gamer with pure ignorance and exhausted efforts in the wrong areas.

Here are a few I would like to point out:


Let's be realistic here, no game, no matter how great has immaculate balance. But with the obvious nerfing to a vast majority of the classic roster, it already narrows down the choices for a tier list creating limitations, that rightfully should have been expanded. Due to this game shedding it's "rock, paper, scissors" format, we now have a weird priority system that ignores logic. Certain character match-ups can fatefully ruin your characters chances of winning in a tournament even furthermore negating the ability to create a versatile tier list.

Stage Borders

I'm not to sure if many of you have noticed how the stage borders have differed from the previous installments in Brawl, but they have vacuum-esque properties that the other two games never really shared. ie. I. Pikachu's down+b kills at 0% if the opponent is at the top of the screen II. Lucas/Ness PK Thunder is eaten or stopped in it's tracks by some invisible border force causing the player to plummet to their death III. A character receives a knockback attack and recovers before the stage border, but cannot stop their momentum and is swallowed by the border. This occurs at any percent, if the the opponent is knocked back far enough.


I don't want to go in great detail with this one, but never take control away from a player, it's a cardinal gaming rule.

The Developers choices

The games developers have all their priorities mixed up. This isn't MGS4 or FFXIII, Super Smash does not require a rich intricate story line. I personally could care less about Subspace Emissary. The attention to detail is in all the wrong places, don't add Stage Builder and WIFI if you are only going to make them as minimal as possible, give us strong beta-tested multiplayer before you even think about these features.

Character Choice

I don't have a particular fan favorite, but most gamers appreciate familiarity rather then obscurity. Rob is a cool fighter and all, but digging a little deep Nintendo? If that's the case why not "Boy and his Blob". I could name a few more deserving characters then "Wolf" & "Rob". Not to say that these aren't cool characters, but just not that fan friendly. I'm not sure how many people mistook R.O.B. for Johnny 5, or one of those things from Batteries not included. Oh and Bring Back all the characters, don't remove the clone characters just to add more.

Brawl to me is like meeting your high school sweet heart, and falling in love. But now she is fat, whiny, and bloated. But you stay with her cause you still love her. Tough reality man. Tough...


Smash Cadet
Apr 18, 2008
Hiding in the Playboy Mansion
I remember being extremley hyped for Brawl..... It's like nintendo left me with the blue balls. I been so loyal to them for years. 80% of the reason why I even bought the wii was for Brawl:urg:
Same here. Now that I found how dissapointing Brawl was for me I've gotten really bored of my Wii ~sigh~ .....


Smash Rookie
Apr 5, 2005
Canfield, OH
I am really disappointed in this game. I know that I wasn't going to get what I expected because I was expecting too much, and they certainly have given this game a lot. But to me, the people who complain about alternate costumes and such are missing a much major problem: the gameplay.

You have to admit, Nintendo sure has done a good job of taking an amazing title that one could compete in tournaments with and making it into a casual game for people that just pick up a controller for the first time can play. For example, Mart Kart 64 was amazing; you could get good at that game and you knew that you could properly "own" someone at that game if you were good enough; then Mario Kart Double Dash came out and everything became more casual...slower speeds if you were in first place, insanely good items in last place (if you manage to stay in first place for a modern Mario Kart game, plan on getting hit with at least 3 bowser shells. Mario Kart Wii added fixed this problem slightly by adding the Wii Wheel (so that people better at the wheel could win) but you could just tell from the smooth, stiff gameplay that it was built for casual purposes.

I was just watching old super smash bros 1 videos before I managed to get inspired to post this, but I feel good that I can spill my hatred somewhere, as cheesy as it may sound. Anyway, while watching the videos, I was reminded about the feel of the old Super Smashes...what made them so fun was that you could get good at them...how do you get good? By managing to keep the other guy in a combo! I remembered the awesome game winning combos I pulled off in close matches in Melee. Then I thought, "Wow, in brawl, you're lucky if you can combo someone with two seperate moves." Another thing that caught my attention was the speed of Brawl. It is so much slower...almost as slow as Smash Bros one speed. But the thing is that at least Smash Bros. 1 took skill because although it was slow, opponents could own the hell out of each other with combo tactics. That changed. Now, in Brawl, you're better off sitting off to the side because the game is so stiff and slow that chances are you are going to get countered if you attack. Basically, in Brawl, you throw your character into the fray without much of a strategy and hope you come out victorious. Much less skill. I'm not even a melee player that uses crazy advanced techniques like pillaring and wavedashing, but as an average player, I see how this game has gone downhill in terms of gameplay. When I see the older Smash Bros, I should think that I'm playing the better one, not wishing that I was still playing the older version of the game...which is at my grandma's right now, by the way.

In terms of tournaments, I know Melee was a huge tournament success, with people traveling all over the world to challenge each other at that game. Now, with Brawl, Game Informer quotes that "your dog is just as likely to win chewing on the controller" because it is a kids game built for people with less skill. You may not agree with me, but open your eyes...you know it is true. Everything is simplified to the point in which it is just no fun. It is too easy to play and therefore to hard to get good at. And if you do get good at it, your wins are hardly considered legit because the other guy could just as easily beat you the next round. In short, Brawl is a masterpiece in terms of features, but a disaster in terms of gameplay. Face it, compared to the other, previous Smash Bros., this version is for noobs. It sucks. No comboing. Too bad gameplay is the only thing that really matters. People can have tournaments in Halo, Soul Calibur, Call of Duty, and Warcraft because those games actually take skill to get good at. It will be interesting to see how long and interesting Brawl "tournaments," if you can call them that, actually last.


Smash Rookie
May 27, 2008
I'd have to say that my only complaints (and by complaints, I say that lightly) are; lag, lack of alternate costumes, and Ike being overpowered. Also, I'm a bit disappointed with the slowdown in character speed...something just doesn't feel right about it, I guess.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Same here. Now that I found how dissapointing Brawl was for me I've gotten really bored of my Wii ~sigh~ .....
Me too. I got Melee in 2002 and up till the day before I got Brawl I was playing it and now I don't even want to look at Brawl. I bought a Wii thinking "Brawl is going to be better than Melee, I'll get more than 6 years out of it especially since there's online" but I was dead wrong, online doesn't even work [unless I hassle someone for friend codes, which is crap anyway] and the gameplay was a large step down.

I had to choose between getting a 360 and getting a Wii and I thought that games like Metroid, Zelda, Brawl and Mario Kart could keep my interest afloat but Nintendo just ****ed them all up so they make more money off of their new casual fanbase that have never touched a game in there life [which is why so many wiimotes when flying through TVs, windows, etc.].

Also, inb4butthurt,baaaw or whatever else you can come up with.

Dexter Morgan

Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2008
Miami, Florida
My brother's a d*ck.

He was playing Brawl, and everytime he uses Ike's Final Smash, I make fun of it.

Basically, Everytime Ike says "Great........."
I scream "AEETHHERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!" Really loud. B*stard pushed me down a spiral staircase.
I was just punched in the arm for saying "We're gonna have fun with this thing!" in a redneck accent.
Were these things an attempt at humor? If so, you fail.


Smash Cadet
May 26, 2008
I agree with the not taking characters out from older versions to put in new ones. Also I prefer that some of the stages made less of an impact on the actual gameplay, since in some of the stages, the game is more about dodging the big laser than it is about brawling.


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2006
In your kitchen, drinking your kool-aid
After tonight, I can say without a doubt I HATE all 1-player modes in Brawl except Home-Run contest.

I'll start with Subspace Emissary, which is a pretty random name to begin with. First of all, the plot didn't make any sense.

- Some no-name chumpn named 'The Ancient Minister' is planning to destroy everything using 'subspace bombs' which are set off by some lame Nintendo accessory whose hasn't been seen for 20 years (R.O.B.).
- Ganondorf, despite being a master manipulater and all-powerful entity, is taking orders from Master Hand.
- Shiek attacks Fox's Arwing, destroys it, and then instead of duking it out they has a cup of tea. WTF?
- Boozer, Ganon, Wario, and Dedede are on a hunt to see who can collect the most human-sized trophies. Why? Who knows?
- Boozer, Ganon, Wario, and Dedede left Wolf out of the villianous trophy collection game. Seriously, I don't get why he and Jigglypuff didn't appear.
- Dedede has magical buttons that stop Tabuu's powers.
- Lucas, despite being overpowered, is a complete *****.
- Instead of appearing at the beggining with Mario for an epic start to the adventure mode, Sonic randomly appears at the very end with no explanation of where he was or why he hadn't been encased in trophy form like everybody else.
- There's some random ******* named Tabuu. There is absolutely no explanation on who he is whatsoever. Plus he has a bunch of incredibly cheap moves. Tabuu = More homo than Pichu.

Also, there was no ****ing dialogue. It's impossible to understand what's going on when there's not even any text on the bottom of the screen. Guys like Link and DK can't speak, but it wouldn't have hurt to have characters like Mario/Luigi/Fox/Falco say little one-liners.

Second, those mother****ing boss battles. And half of the giant creatures you had to fight weren't from any ****ing games! Master Hand and his twin get a freebie since they've been a staple of Smash Bros., but who the **** is Groem of whatever the **** his name is? I was surprised that LoZ didn't have any bosses (or cool assist trophies for that matter), despite all the monsters Link kills in his games. I mean there are TWO Ridleys (I ****ing hate Ridley now and I wish he'd die of a brain tumor) but no Fyrus, Stallord, etc. from Twilight Princess?

Target tests in Brawl are lame because they're five generic levels and some of them use items too (WTF?). What happened to every character getting their own target stage?

Oh, and let's not forget: THOSE MOTHER****ING MULTI-MAN BRAWLS. I hated them in Melee, and turned up the gay meter with it in Brawl. 100-man Brawl is not quite as easy as in Melee, but I can beat it....with about less than half the cast. But what really pisses me off are the 15-minute/Cruel Brawls. I tried to use Jigglypuff and float under the stage until time ran out, but as I was hanging on a ledge, I WAS KILLED WITH SIX SECONDS LEFT BY A ****ING SMART BOMB THAT WAS SET OFF JUST BECAUSE AN ALLOY BUMPED INTO IT. And this happened not once, but twice! GOD****IT!

More complaining later.


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2008
Most of the time, I feel a little saddened after playing a lot of rounds, realizing that Brawl is so defensive, and I'm quite the offensive player. No hitstun also depresses me. But my friends weren't that good in Melee so I never learned anything advanced while playing it. And the button lag of wifi is quite saddening too.


Smash Champion
Mar 4, 2008
Brawl sucks.

Sorry, just had to get one out of me. I love this thread. What a good way to vent.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2007
Austin, TX
******* **** the ******* wi-fi. It's by far the ******** ******* disappointment in this game. I've defended it's lag-tastic **** before, trying to be optimistic, but after seeing Mario Kart (**** shells! btw *******) and comparing it to other games out there, I've come to the impression that there really isn't any ******* excuse for it to be this ******* terrible.

I can't even direct a PK Thunder worth a ****, or HIT SOMEONE with Bowser's giant ******* back on Wi-Fi.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Why doesn't the classic controller get to have a rumble feature?! It's completely possible!

Why is it called Adventure Mode when all you get to do is fight, move on, fight, move on. Where is the exploration?!

Nintendo has forced me into a "what does the next gen have to offer?" trance becuase they half-***** this one (wifi freind codes make me cringe, the Wii gets put down for it's less than sufficient graphics)

Shouldn't there be a search box for the trophy/sticker sections?

What happened to the awsome opening movie??!?!?!?! I don't want to see all the emissary scenes! **** I want to hear the announcer yell "Super Smash Brothers... ...BRAWL!"

Oh well, theres always Super Smash Bros. Roit to look forward to...


Smash Ace
May 8, 2008
Kildeer, IL
I hate the tripping, the fact that Shadow isn't an alternate costume for Sonic, and practically everything about the online mode.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2007
After tonight, I can say without a doubt I HATE all 1-player modes in Brawl except Home-Run contest.

I'll start with Subspace Emissary, which is a pretty random name to begin with. First of all, the plot didn't make any sense.

- Some no-name chumpn named 'The Ancient Minister' is planning to destroy everything using 'subspace bombs' which are set off by some lame Nintendo accessory whose hasn't been seen for 20 years (R.O.B.).
- Ganondorf, despite being a master manipulater and all-powerful entity, is taking orders from Master Hand.
- Shiek attacks Fox's Arwing, destroys it, and then instead of duking it out they has a cup of tea. WTF?
- Boozer, Ganon, Wario, and Dedede are on a hunt to see who can collect the most human-sized trophies. Why? Who knows?
- Boozer, Ganon, Wario, and Dedede left Wolf out of the villianous trophy collection game. Seriously, I don't get why he and Jigglypuff didn't appear.
- Dedede has magical buttons that stop Tabuu's powers.
- Lucas, despite being overpowered, is a complete *****.
- Instead of appearing at the beggining with Mario for an epic start to the adventure mode, Sonic randomly appears at the very end with no explanation of where he was or why he hadn't been encased in trophy form like everybody else.
- There's some random ******* named Tabuu. There is absolutely no explanation on who he is whatsoever. Plus he has a bunch of incredibly cheap moves. Tabuu = More homo than Pichu.

Also, there was no ****ing dialogue. It's impossible to understand what's going on when there's not even any text on the bottom of the screen. Guys like Link and DK can't speak, but it wouldn't have hurt to have characters like Mario/Luigi/Fox/Falco say little one-liners.

Second, those mother****ing boss battles. And half of the giant creatures you had to fight weren't from any ****ing games! Master Hand and his twin get a freebie since they've been a staple of Smash Bros., but who the **** is Groem of whatever the **** his name is? I was surprised that LoZ didn't have any bosses (or cool assist trophies for that matter), despite all the monsters Link kills in his games. I mean there are TWO Ridleys (I ****ing hate Ridley now and I wish he'd die of a brain tumor) but no Fyrus, Stallord, etc. from Twilight Princess?

Target tests in Brawl are lame because they're five generic levels and some of them use items too (WTF?). What happened to every character getting their own target stage?

Oh, and let's not forget: THOSE MOTHER****ING MULTI-MAN BRAWLS. I hated them in Melee, and turned up the gay meter with it in Brawl. 100-man Brawl is not quite as easy as in Melee, but I can beat it....with about less than half the cast. But what really pisses me off are the 15-minute/Cruel Brawls. I tried to use Jigglypuff and float under the stage until time ran out, but as I was hanging on a ledge, I WAS KILLED WITH SIX SECONDS LEFT BY A ****ING SMART BOMB THAT WAS SET OFF JUST BECAUSE AN ALLOY BUMPED INTO IT. And this happened not once, but twice! GOD****IT!

More complaining later.
The subspace story is that, Master Hand is evil and wants everyone who has pwnd him and might pwn him as trophies so he can rule the world. Bowser, Wario, and Ganondorf were likely following his orders with Dedede as a spy, already knowing about it. Dedede takes some as trophies and gives them buttons thinking if Tabuu was to kill everyone, some can come back and save everyone. Wario is a steroid taking psycopath, so he will kill for fun, likely seen with Lucas and Ness. Bowser wants Peach and any others so he can impress Master Hand. Ganondorf is evil like F*ck, so of course he will get bowser out of the way and try to take over the entire kingdom(like in Twilight Princess, or Ocarina of Time...obviously). Ganondorf sees that Master Hand was controlled from the beginning and wants to steal the true power. He notices Tabuu was controlling him, and broke the chains of manipulation. Master Hand was free and died. Ganondorf was killed. Dedede was shown as being good as hugging Kirby, the one who stopped his plans. When everyone was revived, they noticed Tabuu was too powerful, and wanted to stop him(Jigglypuff was unimportant in everygame, so why make her important in this game, what could she do. She seems like the character that would get pissed and just go on a rampage, but not much of a boss in anyway. Wolf may be bad, but he isn't evil. He would gladly team up with fox if it means saving the world... just as long as it means he get paid wealthily and gets to beat down Fox later. If he was a boss, he would likely be manipulated like Game&Watch(too cool for that sh*t) or a spy like Snake(too sly for that sh*t), so he has no real role. Same for Toon Link as well). Take care of Mario(champion of smash), Kirby(rival of smash), Peach(goal of smash), and Zelda(the beast who put ganondorf in that seal for how long?). R.O.B was always sad when they exploded, meaning he had no choice, and when he tried to stop it, Ganondorf just took complete POWER(with a f*cking controler(lame)) and impressed Master Hand controlled by Tabuu.

Anyways...the subspace was the world turned into black orbs giving Tabuu power. You go to those places to remove the orbs surrounding Tabuu. Sonic comes in(like the beast he isn't) and destroys Tabuu's wings before he can kill anyone again(Sonic: No Smash player wants go through all that again...believe me. I would know :D) allowing for the final battle to begin. The ending credits state that Tabuu was an ancient being who sought destruction and power and mysteriously disappeared. My guess is that the power of the Smashers(characters in smash) had too much power and he was reawakend, but ended up being defeated saving all of smash.

The Bosses in boss mode is just an endurance mode to see how good the player is. To fight all of the bosses without having to play as one player the entire subspace again. The bosses are all subspace, except Ridely and MetaRidely, who is always Samus's rival and always takes her suit. Plus the Dark Samus was also part of it. MetaRidely was in Zero Mission and always seemed like the obvious second boss for Samus after Mother Brain.

Lucas was always alone in his life and was never confident(like the alone smart as heck kid who was always confind in his home) so it seems obvious like he is too good, if he was any good(confident).

I always hated the multi man brawl, but there is a very easy way around the 15 minute man brawl and that is here at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8b9WsiuwWs. There you have it. Cruel Melee is just one kill and world record in you book. I never liked Multiman, but I think they made it better because you aren't always fighting weaklings, but I hate the new fighting polygon types.

The game is more family fun, balanced(to some standards) and of course lies less on tech skills to make it more fair for the noobs and such. This should explain a lot. Let me know anything else, but I will not read whatever the heck I just posted, it's too much for me to care. I didn't want to answer questions or complaints in the complaint thread and get pissed at. Sorry.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2007
What I hate about brawl the most:

Tripping lead me into 3 fully charged UpSmashs of Lucas, into 17 warlock punches, and of course 56 Falcon Punches(not B-turnarounds, just standstill noob Falcon Punches).

Sheik as an infinite combo in a way(10%-death combo) that is consecutive. It lead me in that too many times to count. I even counted up to 56 Falcon Punches and lost count with the combo. I found the combo and will post on Youtube. If it is old, tell me and I will take it off.

Tripping is the only thing that leads me to bullsh*ting matches.
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