Smash Lord
According to Steelia, stock icons are indexed, but their palettes are not near their texture data. As far as I know no one has found them all, but I have seen videos with some custom ones.Since Melee Modding has basically increased in popularity pretty noticeably (also supported by the fact that a moddified Melee build was used in BEAST 5) I'm really amazed by the amount of quality content and different discoveries and tools people are developing in order to make Melee hacking available for everyone. I used to make Melee Textures in the past, but I should definetely come back and share more on this thread. I'm also very interested in CSP creation and Stage Edits so I'll look more into that in the future.
So, my question is, is there any information regarding Battle Icons? I saw on this thread a post that showed different edited Battle Portraits that matched the textures posted in the OP, but is there any actual way to replace them?
Also, I noticed there is a Captain Falcon costume of Batman, and it even has the horns. Does this means there is actually a way to add more materials to models instead of just re-coloring the existing textures? (such as hats, accesories and stuff of the sort)
Thanks in advance.
About vertex modding, we don't know who did Batman (or Rosalina Peach), but @