Final Destination FD color colors offset offsets grnla.dat grnla
here's an incomplete list of all the offsets that are not directly accessible in the DAT texture wizard since they are not linked to a specific texture:
7970: 3line highlight magenta around top of stage 1=(FF00FF)[magenta] 2=(FF00FF)[magenta]
7B80: magenta highlights top surface 1=(808080)[grey] 2=(FF00FF)[magenta]
7B50: white triangles on the top surfaces 1=(808080)[grey] 2=(FFFFFF)[white]
7940: black sphere bottom (000000)[black]
7850: orange highlights on bottom, very bottom main 1=(808080)[grey] 2=(FF5900)[dark orange]
79A0: orange highlights on bottom, ??? 1=(808080)[grey] 2=(FF5900)[dark orange]
79C0: orange highlights on bottom, ??? 1=(808080)[grey] 2=(FF5900)[dark orange]
79F0: orange highlights on bottom, trace 1=(808080)[grey] 2=(FF5900)[dark orange]
7A20: orange highlights on bottom, trace 1=(808080)[grey] 2=(FF5900)[dark orange]
7A50: orange highlights on bottom, trace 1=(808080)[grey] 2=(FF5900)[dark orange]
7CF0: orange highlights on bottom, ring 1=(808080)[grey] 2=(FF5900)[dark orange]
7DE0: orange highlights on bottom, top main 1=(808080)[grey] 2=(FF5900)[dark orange]
7A70: trail of bottom light coming from the sphere? 1=(808080)[grey] 2=(FFFF00)[yellow]
7AA0: trail of bottom light coming from the sphere? 1=(808080)[grey] 2=(FFFF00)[yellow]
7AD0: trail of bottom light coming from the sphere? 1=(808080)[grey] 2=(FFFF00)[yellow]
7B00: trail of bottom light coming from the sphere? 1=(808080)[grey] 2=(FFFF00)[yellow]
7B20: trail of bottom light coming from the sphere? 1=(808080)[grey] 2=(FFFF00)[yellow]
for anyone seeing this post who knows more, plz write here in the thread or write me directly so I can include more into this post so all the info is in one place.
still missing: white light around the sphere at the bottom, yellow light going from the sphere to rotating stage elements and the resulting highlights on those elements