Well then you'd be part of PA's power ranking ~_~
What difference does it make anyways haha
Yeah, but just because I attend PA tournaments as well as MD/VA tournaments doesn't mean I should be excluded.
It wouldn't be a national PR because we all live in MD/VA. How we perform oos is just as important HENCE a POWER RANKING for others to see. What's the point if we're only looking at locals here, why would we even make a list? So the people who play each other all the time can confirm what they already know? Hell no, it's to create a more competitive environment and give incentive for us all to get better SPECIFICALLY to place higher at nationals and oos tournies. Because, quite frankly, the scene here isn't as big as other places. And until we get a lot of oos ers coming back here to our tournies it'll stay that way.
You're making it out to be a list that is only going to be seen and only matters to the people of this region, which isn't true.
I agree OOS performances should have a HUGE bearing on PRs, but my point is that the PR should not be ENTIRELY based on nationals. If Sova plays MD as often as Cali (only at nationals), does it really matter that one state is closer than the other?
The only reason anyone is even considering having Sova included in the PR is because the state borders offer an ARBITRARY cut off. All I am arguing is that we are intellectually capable of realizing that tournament attendance is drastically more important in determining what constitutes a "region" than random lines on a map are. If the US had divided Virginia into two states: Vir (north) & Ginia (south), this would not even be an argument. It would be a MD/Vir PR because those are the people that play against each other. Ginia would have their own PR with the people in their region.
If the purpose of PRs is to promote competitiveness amongst a region, I fail to see how including people NOT in our region (state =/= region) who will only be competing against us at nationals will assist in that goal. If Cyrain is considered the best in our region, there is less competition being promoted because the top MD players do not have a CHANCE to compete against his placings except at nationals. If you are mostly worried about calling them MD/VA PRs and leaving out good VA players, then I can understand that, but the solution is to call them MD/NoVA PRs, not include a completely disjointed community.