I kinda feel the need to play devil's advocate here...
I feel like a few of you aren't considering the fact that a number of players just flat-out
don't like customs. Yes, there are pros and cons to a customs meta, and yes, there are legitimate reasons as to why they are interesting to have on, but if a player has tried customs significantly and decided that they don't like them and don't want to see them in tournaments then there really isn't anything to be done. People love to make No True Scotsmen arguments when it comes to how much time we have to have customs on in tournament to "validate" experimenting with them.
When Diddy Kong was the king of S4, people were super in favor of customs. Nearly everyone was at least willing to give them a shot. As time went on though, imbalances were found, and more and more top players started speaking out against them.
Then when the Diddy nerf came, a lot of people lost their reason to support customs, since the game got "de-centralized" from Diddy. (I still think the reaction to Diddy was hasty and over-reactive, he was not nearly as bad as people made him out to be, and the game was VERY new at the time, but that's another topic.) Despite this, however, numerous people said "let's give it more time, see how things settle" since customs had been confirmed for EVO at this point.
In the weeks leading up to EVO, public opinion pulled almost a complete 180, with disapproval of customs becoming the norm. As more and more tournament series were adopting customs in order to prep for EVO, many players who had only ever kinda heard of customs got thrust into them head-first, and had to learn to adapt, and quickly. This is when several glitches, exploits, and degenerate strategies involving customs came to light. Custom moves were being tested and used on a national scale, and it resulted in significant negativity towards them.
During EVO, a few custom related upsets did happen (like CaptAwesum) but the top players in the world largely ignored customs in bracket matches. I'm sure each had their own reason for neglecting customs, but the fact remains that customs were simply not used by a not insignificant number of players.
And now, post-EVO, we find ourselves in a situation where local events are dropping customs left and right, because A) no other major has announced the use of customs, and B) after having used customs for months and seeing how they affect the meta at all levels, players simply don't want them anymore.
It seems to me like we as a community gave customs a fair shot, and the consensus is that the majority of players don't want them. It sucks for those of us that like customs, but we can't exactly force them on the community if it doesn't want them. It also is unreasonable to just keep saying "let's keep using them for the next major, and see how things work out!". It isn't fair to people who have tried and do not like customs to continue to force them to play a game they don't want to play.
I'm the TO for the biggest Smash 4 tournament series in MA, and when we announced that we were dropping customs after EVO it was met with the cheers of 60+ players. I have been told by numerous people that they would simply stop playing smash 4 if customs became the standard.
Also @
and other people making the comparison. Smash 4 is not DOTA. I have seen numerous people draw the comparison between custom moves and the flexibility of items in MOBAs like DOTA and LOL. I get the parallel, but there are many players who DON'T play those games BECAUSE they are too complex competitively. Even among fighting games Smash is pretty simple control and mechanic-wise, and many players enjoy it
because of it's simplicity. Not all players find value in making the game arbitrarily more complex.