Yeah or at least some other Old Stage update.
It feels like Sakurai is building up to something good.
Last few weeks were kinda wack but nearing the end of last week and this week seems like Updates get better.
Like it
Love it
Gotta Have It
-Events was pretty cool to hear about but still on the "Yeah we know, duh" side.
-Melee Stages was an eye opener, now we know that old stages are coming back for sure. And we can hope/talk about which stages we would like to see.
-Friend List I thought was cool to finaly see what it would look like and how to go about doing it .
-Returning Pokémon... ok well its a "Duh, We Know" again and kinda felt dumb, imo. Again, was cool to hear but I didnt need an update for it when we could of had something else.
-The Battle for the Smash Ball has to be one of my fav updates of last week cause it finaly answered one of the big questions, "Can we please turn off Smash Balls if we want just a Normal Match?!?" But also brought back the other question, "Ok so you can turn off Smash Balls, does that mean you cant play as Zero Suit Samus if they are off??? And will she be a character you can choose because of this update??"
-X: Tunnel Scene, also pretty cool. Gave us another opportunity to wonder and speculate about which Songs will be in Brawl? "Songs and title themes other then those of the characters in Brawl!? Nice! Can I get some Tetris music with my PictoChat?"
-King Dedede: Final Smash, alright sure I guess we cant have a perfect build up of awesomeness, lets throw in a Final Smash and get another one out of the way so we can get back to the real updates. (personaly i feel we should have gotten an update saying "Final Smash! -and list all the final smash attacks- instead of posting 'em one by one; he's just buying time
-With Anyone/Basic Brawl Alright back to the awesomeness! This was a really cool update for me, and you too I hope, cause it shows us interface of looking for random fights online will look, connection goodness and NO abrupt endings if someone craps out on you match. That was a really cool new feature, along with others that came with this update.
-Bonsly ok ok, so its still a Pokemon but at least its one that wasn't in Melee and you can interact with. Instead of just tossing a Poke Ball and seeing what happens, you actually have to pick up this thing and throw it (with skill) to hit someone and seeing how it doesnt go far you might need to be a little more strategic than just randomly throwing a Ball in your opponent's direction.
-Rotation. So maybe its not the best of updates we could have gotten, but I like it cause its something new! Something newly added to the games backbone. Just something else we can have to use or not. I love updates that give us more choices to use or not to use in this game.
Personaly I like the "Its in the game but you dont have to use it if you dont want to" updates. This is also why I want all Melee characters to return, cause whats wrong with having More characters, I dont see any cons for taking out stuff from this game.
BTW, The update for 12-12 was pretty cool. gave me an Idea to make this.