1. Yay doesn't play brawl much anymore and my argument was about him being on the honorable mentions, Same with TRC.Yay won't play MK
Cause every single time he has played MK against my Sonic, he has lost
He doesn't like it (i still <3 u tho)
U jus mad cause ARS and i skew the PR with ****ty chars, lol
I kinna wish i was still there, its more active now.... :/
I would suggest a top 5 btw..
And i would legit like some opinion and no flaming: if i were still a SC resident, where would u guys have placed me on the PR (Keep in mind, in 2 of the four tourneys, i did take 3rd, goin all Sonic, and the other 2, i had already left.)
Me beating Yay and putting him out of tourney : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlRV-h9AH-I
Get. At. Me. (i will never let this die yay, cause u pwnd me sooo hard and fast in melee, no homo)
2. Did you successfully beat Yay AND place higher than him in more than one tourney?