Well if you want variety.
Best team EVAR!
Dark Falchion
In the case of characters.
Falco: Choppers and H2O should be enough.
Fox: Rock and Noucles. Also we got Meleguy and Nafix. very deep in that character to.
Marth: Johny, Mave, DarkFalchion, Synical, QDVS omg this area is too deep. I say we wait it out. QDVS is fired up, DF is yet to be tested but he DOMINATES his region. Synical is too good, Mave and Johny are the marth's of SFL. This spot can be up for grabs.
Sheik: Well we got Shin, Chris, and 1up. all very good, if it comes to toughness though I'll take Chris. Hes been to OOS tourneys with his cousin (who happens to be 4th ranked in USA Chu Dat) and just a solid player. Always does good in tourneys, even though he has vanished as of late. Shin and 1up are good. Very good, but They don't have the experience of Chris. Shin got his mindgames, 1up got that super fast shiek. But Chris packs it all in one package of Cheap sexyness.
Peach: OMG only XIF and Exarch. I really don't know who is the better of these two. I sat and played you two and really your styles are completely different. If it comes down to the clutch though I might take Exarch over you XIF. he just goes to more tourneys (OMG at CFL having a tourney EVERY week)
Falcon: Mave has a sick falcon. Lambchops also has a kick arse falcon. However how this team is shaping up to be (being strong with Falco and Fox) FLA might not need a Falcon player.
Ganon: TIPMAN....... Nuff said.
Samus: Well at least FLA is having an emergin(es? Samus player. W. jr is too good. But this is really our weekness and softspot right here.
Jiggly: Well Shin has a jigs. So does N2K5. I really don't know in this are. Will we even need a puff?
I think I just mentioned all the tourney characters. IF there are more they are not in my head right now! overall I am liking how the FLA team is looking. We got mad skill in our starters. And our reserves are just as good!
also I propose a mathematical point ranking system. 1st gets X number of points and so on.
We add the total points and divide the number by the total of tournaments the player went to. So the formula is Tournament placing points / number of tourneys attended
Eg. Rock has gotten first place last two tourneys
Rock has earned 30 points for being first.
Since he won the other tourney he gets another 30 points.
You divide that by 2 (since it was two tourneys) you will get 30. Which means he averages 1st place at all the tourneys he has attended thus far. This can end alot of debate.
Please post comments! SA7 FLA must take that ish!