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O.H.S.N.A.P. 3 August 11th, get some! URGENT UPDATE!!!


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
ATTENTION OKLAHOMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i want to bring 2 more people. can anybody house

1. TGM (creator of the TGM Combo and 3rd best in Houston)
2. Mouf (best dk in tx)
3. Sethlon (best roy in tx)
4. SideEffect (best player in Houston)
5. Roy_R (2nd best in Houston)
6. another guy im not sure who.

i promise i will bring no more than 6. can anybody house us?


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
ATTENTION OKLAHOMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i want to bring 2 more people. can anybody house

1. TGM (creator of the TGM Combo and 3rd best in Houston)
2. Mouf (best dk in tx)
3. Sethlon (best roy in tx)
4. SideEffect (best player in Houston)
5. Roy_R (2nd best in Houston)
6. another guy im not sure who.

i promise i will bring no more than 6. can anybody house us?
Lol, you can bring as many people as you want. Anyway, like before, I'm sure that we can house the two extras.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
so i could bring 8 people and you would have room? anyway, so whos huse would we be staying at? i need directions! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Jay Bizzy

Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2007
la marque, texas
ATTENTION OKLAHOMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i want to bring 2 more people. can anybody house

1. TGM (creator of the TGM Combo and 3rd best in Houston)
2. Mouf (best dk in tx)
3. Sethlon (best roy in tx)
4. SideEffect (best player in Houston)
5. Roy_R (2nd best in Houston)
6. another guy im not sure who.

i promise i will bring no more than 6. can anybody house us?
according to the tournaments, im the 3rd best player in houston ;)


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
Reasons why u arnt:

1. u live in the galveston area
2. My marth is better than all your characters(dk and falco give me problems)
3. its WHO you beat, not where u place. brackets screw people/bless people all the time.

Jay Bizzy

Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2007
la marque, texas
Reasons why u arnt:

1. u live in the galveston area
2. My marth is better than all your characters(dk and falco give me problems)
3. its WHO you beat, not where u place. brackets screw people/bless people all the time.
wow i made a bigass post but apparently it got deleted or my computer messed up and didnt post it or something, but ill just summarize it.

1. okay yes i live in galveston, you should of just left it at this though instead of makin yourself look ******** with your other points.
2. my dk, falco, AND peach give you problems. and we've been going roughly even in friendlies and i beat you last time we played in tournament, so what would make you think your undisputably better than me?
3. exactly, and ive beaten more/better people in tourney, money matches, and even friendlies (although counting those would be ********, but ill include it since you care so much about them) than you have, including you, while you lost to like rockettrainer and t-rex recently :\

okay so to sum this all up, im not saying that im better than you, im just asking you to please lower your ego son and not declare yourself better than everybody else. and if you still think that you are without a doubt better than me, than im just wondering...where are all these impressive feats that you have over me? what have you done that i can't? please stop talking all this ******** ****

and to oklahoma, can't wait to play yall...if i said that oklahoma sucked, would you guys wanna play me more? ;)

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Don't worry, we'll play you anyway... No need to piss anybody off or anything. It's just that TGM was supposed to come to OHSNAP 1 and 2 and kept johning out each time, so a lot of us are really wanting to play him.

Looks like quite a few peeps are coming down to this... should be fun.


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
I dunno if I can house 6 people, I think somebody else said they wanted to stay with me. We will see what happens.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Indeed, I main tha Weege... $5, best of three, random stage sound good? I look forward to seeing all the new faces and maybe actually getting past the second round this time...


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Jay Bizzy, are you actually Mouf? I recognize your AIM, and you sound better than someone I've never heard of, especially in the fact that you seem to have a good DK.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2007
Houston TXXX
Oh omega... He is not_mouf... ; )

Hello I am fairly new to the area and I would like to know if anyone would be willing to .... money match?

Jay Bizzy

Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2007
la marque, texas
po_pimpus, would it be alright if we could counterpick stages? if not thats fine but i have some nasty stages for luigi id like to try out

and yup this is the artist formerly known as mouf but i dont wanna be known as mouf anymore


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
mouf or should i say tyle.......you are lower than me....face it. Ive beat u in MMs,no johns matches and tourney matches(me won won, and u won one), i even canceled out milk matches with you. ive beat rob$, while u got............well i wont bring that up. And Roy_R did what to you on yoshi story? i havnt the fogy-est. What made you drop Falco originlay? oh yea, that was sethlons............#150 on pkmn list. i did lose to RT...............my roy is fantastic..........there is no excuss for t-rex though. i just flat out got frustrated and lost. oh and i almost forgot that DoH REPEATED-ly molested your peach. i havnt lost that much to him. Mouf, every time you get the best of me, i ALWAYS come back and win and stay on top. wether it be your falco,or peach or DK.....i end up ALways being better. not the best in houston, but better than you. Plus, i invented a combo, that alone is why im the better player.

i would MM you but.......... in 4 days you will be back in the "im better than you cause i had one day of me beating you majority". you are a lost case of "tyle style". and when you respond to this, i will not say anythig back, cause this can go back and forth till SSB 12 is released. if your better, then win majority MOST OF THE TIME, not just one day or 2 days once every 6 months. I must admit one thing though, you beat jimbo. NICE!

NOW, back to important stuff.

if we cant all stay at rastas, where can we be? i highly recommend we dont be split up. Cause if something bad happens and we have to leave.....i dont know where to find everybody quickly. do any of you guys live next to you rasta(like a street or so over) cause that wouldnt be too bad if we split up then. We could stay in bathrooms,or attics or couches.....PLEASE, find us a spot! i cant leave any of my pals behind.

ALso, i think i have money matches with EVERYBODY in OK..........i will not have enough money. so ill MM like 1 or 2 of yall, if i win, ill do 2 more. Gas is killing me so my MM money is very low. Im not backing out, but i am low.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
probably will rogers world airport...its about 25 minutes away from the venue, but im sure we can arrange rides if youll be able to come.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
probably will rogers world airport...its about 25 minutes away from the venue, but im sure we can arrange rides if youll be able to come.
it is interesting to note that both airports, will rogers and wiley post, in okc are named after 2 men that died in the same airplane crash. how about that?

anyway, the san antonio people haven't said they're coming so scud may be open to housing. i'll be able to tell you, houston, by the end of the weekend, but you may be able to stay here, which is the closest place to the venue. :)

edit: also, my new sig is sick.

Jay Bizzy

Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2007
la marque, texas
notice how when you come to my house and i win i don't say anything, but when you win you have to be a little *** about it? why would you mention all of those friendlies when you've had the same, if not worse, moments against the same people.

1. according to ronnie, when him and roy were at your house roy was beating you so bad you started getting mad so roy FELT SORRY FOR YOU and started sand bagging and you noticed so YOU GOT MAD AT HIM for doing so. nah, i think i'm perfectly fine with getting 4 stocked in a random friendly against him, especially when nothing like that happened when we played in tournament.

2. hahaha you beat rob$ in a random friendly (a marth ditto) when he was just ****ing around. the fact that you're gay enough to mention me getting 4 stocked twice by rob$ WHEN YOU GOT 4 STOCKED AT 4% BY HIM just makes me sick.

3. yes i got beat by sethlon's mewtwo awhile ago and i don't care who knows. you've been losing to his roy and marth for about 400 years now.

4. you have never beaten doh EVER, so STFU

this guy makes more excuses than anyone i've ever played. you know what he said after he lost to sandtrap in a money match? "ya, i lost, but its okay. its jigglypuff, he ain't gonna go anywhere." WOW, ya sorry we can't all go places in smash like the great marth. i don't understand you at all. one day i was beating you as dk about 5 times in a row and i wasn't saying a ****ing word about it, and when i went to the bathroom you told brian something like, "nah man, i'm just mad because his dk is horrible, i'm only losing because of FD." you know, you tell people my dk is good and you even say its the best in texas, so why would you say this? roy r and ronnie beat you in marth dittos, and you say it doesn't matter because they don't main marth. i applaude you. bluezaft beats you with jigglypuff (in tournament) and you say you're better than him because you beat him in marth dittos in friendlies. and in the last post you say you lost to t-rex because you were frustrated...hardy har har. and when you lost to almost every oklahoma player you talked **** to at OHSNAP3 you said...oh wait nevermind, that hasn't happened yet.

you've basically been the laughing stock of texas your whole smash career. i asked you to just stop saying you're better than me (because you have no reason to say so obviously) and i wouldn't say i was better than you, and what do you do? you list a bunch of random friendlies and claim you beat me majority. it's people like you that make this game un-enjoyable. you take every friendly and try to use it against me, how about you play the ****ing game huh?

i asked you what you've done in your whole time playing (about a year longer than me) that i haven't done, and you give me jack**** like expected. good job man, you've done mediocre at pretty much every tournament you've ever entered, making lame excuses the whole time. then you play friendlies against me and on days that i beat you, you say "man i'm just not doing good today" and on days that you beat me you say "what did i tell ya? TGM is back on top!"...what an *******, why are you like this? why do you have to make this game not fun?

ya get mad when ya lose and ya talk **** when you win...and you say you're joking, but obviously you're not by the way you're talking in that last post. and if you are joking...then stop, it's not funny, it's annoying. anyways, i'll keep winning and you can keep making the excuses. if you don't change your gay ways then i'll probably just never play/talk to you again after ohsnap3.

sorry about posting this in your thread oklahoma people but i just needed to vent. look forward to playin yall.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
just so you guys know. my bro just got in a car accident(11min ago), this may or may not affect my plans to travel. this is just a heads up.

also, after the tourney, where are we gonna eat. i gotta know.

1 more thing. if we got time. lets do a crew battle milk match. houston vs OK. sound good?


Smash Rookie
Jan 15, 2007
Just do 1v1 and 2v2, maybe some crews matches for fun but no need for a whole tourney.

Low tier killed OHSNAP 2. We were all excited from teams then low tier put most everyone to sleep (at least two of us literally). It's a large part of why we didn't stay for the 2nd day. 1v1 could've easily happened an hour or so after teams and then it would've been great.

And did you really suggest possibly giving all the money to first place? Cause that'll kill the tourney real quick.
i think thats is right


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
just so you guys know. my bro just got in a car accident(11min ago), this may or may not affect my plans to travel. this is just a heads up.

also, after the tourney, where are we gonna eat. i gotta know.

1 more thing. if we got time. lets do a crew battle milk match. houston vs OK. sound good?
i hope your brother is all right. health wise and financially.
also, if you're here, the best of OK would love to own houston up.
not all of texas...we'd get ***** >.>;
but houston we can deal with.
also, i'll be in houston from the 5th to the 10th, so i'll sabotage you all somehow anyway :p


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
I'd like to do a normal crew battle with Houston if there's time, but I could really live without the fun of the losing party, whoever it may be, drinking tainted milk <_<

And yeah Alex, your new sig is pretty *****in.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
all milk is tainted. it has pus in it.

i think the losing side should all have to dress up like peach. >.>

edit: that costs too much...but yeh, something embarrassing.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
I doubt it will stop me from going but u never know. milk matches are fun. its not for money or anything.....just to make people throw up.

and thanks for caring guys. i trash talk yall and u still be nice........


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
of course we're nice. this is oklahoma,
and in the good ole' south, you must

1) drink sweet tea
2) hold the door open for the person behind you
3) say please and thank you
4) talk to your neighbors
5) make jokes to random *** people at supermarkets, on the street, etc.
6) always have ranch and/or ketchup in your refridgerator


Smash Cadet
Jun 18, 2007
Moore, Ok
Ok... like i said once TGM... My house is open from people to stay..... I can houe 5-10 people.... Just get used to the floor......


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Edmond, OK
1) drink sweet tea
2) hold the door open for the person behind you
3) say please and thank you
4) talk to your neighbors
5) make jokes to random *** people at supermarkets, on the street, etc.
6) always have ranch and/or ketchup in your refridgerator
4 and 5 are for noobs who care about who they live around.
And I think 6 should be split up
Alex, the pus in milk is the reason it's chock full of BITE-MEENS AND MAINROLLS!!! (long story)
Besides, that's only milk from animals................................. ^.^; lqtm
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