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NW South Carolina Weeklies! List of Known Good SC Smashers!


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina
Looking for Smashers Close to Clemson University!

I'm attending Clemson University. Surprisingly the best I've found around here all attend the same college. Anyways, we are about 3-4 consistent smashers with a few fun players who join once in a while. We typically get together and play at least once a week.

Please feel free to post if you're close and interested in some COMPETITIVE SMASH and we can try to get a meeting going.

Now on to the...

Known Good South Carolina Smashers!

  • Dan2 (Mewtwo, Marth)
  • everlastingyay (Falco, Fox)
  • ImpactAR (Link, Marth)
  • Kidd (Jiggyfupp, C. Falcon)
  • Juicebox (Marth, Sheik)
  • TRC (Falco, C.Falcon)
  • scha-k-47 (Dr. Mario, ???)
  • Spin Jump (Samus, Ganondorf)
  • XDsGrrr (Peach, Samus)
  • Yoshido (Yoshi, ???)
  • Yum Yum (Ganondorf, Y. Link)

** This list is listed in ALPHABETICAL ORDER and NOT BY ANY MEANS OF RANKINGS. There is not enough SC Smasher data to determine rankings.

** This list MAY or MAY NOT include all the "real" top 10 SC Smashers.

** If you're not on this list and you are a known smasher then by all means let me know. I will make an attempt to confirm that you have been known to be good and list you.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2004
Waukegan, IL
Its yoshido. but were defintely goin to have some sets to figure this thing out. I know im better then F ing 6th in state.

Byron X

Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2005
I live in Gaffney, and I think thats an hour away, I just need a car to drive.


Smash Rookie
Jun 30, 2006
I go to clemson and I'm pretty decent. If you ever want to play one just give me a PM.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina

Don't worry all this is talk. A lot of things change. Anyone could of obtain more experience, became more wise, and/or plain old gotten better at . While some may have just stayed the same. All this is based on old, old matches and talk. Nothing is truely official. Not until we get a SC Smasher session of some kind and figure it all out.


I sent you a PM. I hope to hear from you soon. Feel free to tell me about yourself (smash-wise) through posting, PM, or e-mail.

I would like to set up another tournament of somekind, my situation is a bit different from before. The place I live now has a lot more space and a lot more "clean" compared to the place I lived last year. But I have random roommates so out of respect I cannot hold a tournament at my place.

I guess I have two options.


Contact "therealmario" and see if he would like to hold a tournament at Planet Comics. However, he is very young and very inexperience as a Smasher. So I'm doubting it would be a reliable plan.


To rent SOME place. Some place that is dedicated to gamers. Something like that building in GA dedicated to gamers (you folks in Columbia know what I'm talking about). But I don't know any place like that would be. If there is even one in Greenville there would be an option you know. I mean...have anyone heard of any place like that in SC? Even so, depending on price to rent I might have to take some from the pot...


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2004
Waukegan, IL
Hey rc you just brung up a great idea. Theres a fine art of baseball at Columbia place mall. On the second floor right befor u get to steven berrys i think. Hes always done tornament for other stuff, yugioh, beyblade. So How bout i ask him


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina
Tournaments for other stuff? Like what? Card battles? Or other popular video games? Is the space good for a small or big tournament?

If you are planning to rent out he'll probably prefer you to rent it out for the whole day. So he might lose business and expect a fair price. Also, be sure to note if there are at least some TV's provided.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2005
Greenville, South Carolina
What's this? Number 7? Jigglypuff main? We certainly cannot have this! =P.

1. I don't use Jiggs anymore
2. I main Mario/CF/DK
3. I wanna play the Clemson University Group! :D.
4. I'm not complaining about my spot, but I must say that my good friend JuiceBox isn't up there, and he is a rather talented player.

So this is my PR0P0S1TION.

You think that perhaps we could arrange a get together sometime this week? Like, Thursday? Me and Juicebox can come up there, and we can have some good ole SC smash. What do you guys say? (Talking to Impact's little group of SC goodness).


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina

Wow, Thursday is almost a perfect day for you come and play our group. Sunday would of been perfect, but on Thursday only Dan2 is busy. Hopefully this certain Thursday he will be free if you are able to come up because I know he played you and he's gotten a lot better since then.

If you don't mind playing starting around the evening time that would be cool. Being that it's Thursday, we won't be able to smash until 7:15-7:30 ish because we would be in class or at work before then. Regardless, it might be a long smash session since it's out-of-town guest smashers, right.

Don't worry about the list. It's unofficial. The list is based on the most recalled matches and experiences, so it's based on very old information. It is an attempt to create a list before SSBB. We'll decide where Juice Box goes when we play and talk.

E-mail me at lnguyen@clemson.edu so we can exchange info and what not. I look forward playing you.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 29, 2006
Clemson / Greenwood, South Carolina
OMG!!! I made the list!

Yeah... I may be busy this thursday, but I'll try my best to get free to play.
If anyone wants to get in touch with me, the best way to do it is by AIM/trillian/whatever
My screen name is Dan2GSSM.

I look forward to playing you all... Maybe I can move up the list!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2005
Greenville, South Carolina
I'd also like to make something aware to everyone here.

Earlier this summer, ITT Technical Institute hosted an AMAZING SSBM tournament at their college. Although it was partially for promotional purposes, they had overhead projector screens for every match, an organized way of keeping it running smoothly, free food, professional brackets, etc. The place was large enough to where you didn't feel cramped, and there was ample air conditioning. I'm thinking, " What if we convinced this place to do it for us? What if we convinced this place to make a competitive ssbm tournament with MLG rules?" I mean srsly, that place easily held 50 people. Without you feeling cramped. It was too nice. So, I'm on a mission right now. I'm going to try and talk with them to see if perhaps I could rent their venue for some real smash, eh? (Their rules weren't very good, rofl. Plus, they didn't have any cash prizes. Just a trophy with ITT tech stuff. Still, the potential was there. Also, realize that they got FIFTY People in there by WORD OF MOUTH, not even with forums xD."


1. Obtain ITT Tech's permission to run a SSBM tournament there.
2.Tell you guys about it.
3.Run it.
4. Remember it for life.

Anyways, I'm going to talk to you guys about going up later this week for smash, b/c that would be too good. Perhaps we could also talk about ITT?



Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina
That ITT idea sounds great. I find it strange that a school would agree to house a SSBM tournament, but you did point out that it was for promotion. However, if you as a outsider ask if you can use their place to host they probably won't provide all that stuff you said without quite a fee.

I guess you can take the cost of the tourment out of the pot. Of course I won't mind if some of the pot goes back to you for paying for the tournament since I'm close, but people who travel will. That means if you plan for that you have to be expecting to host a huge tournament.

Anyways, we'll discuss that in AIM and see how it would work , I guess.

Here is my contact. If you e-mail be sure to label your subject or I might think it's spam.

AIM: specialk42day

E-mail: lnguyen@clemson.edu


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina

I'm a little concerned about when and if you are going to come up to Clemson to play us since I haven't gotten any other notice from you.

However, I have talked to Dan2. He informed me that you want to do it on Friday, instead. Thursday and Friday is the same to me, however, I would rather it be on a Saturday night or Sometime on Sunday. Sunday is ideal because most of the day would be free. At least for me. Just let me know what you're planning.

Again, my e-mail is lnguyen@clemson.edu. Be sure to title your subject properly or I might think it's spam. You can also try to contact my be AIM, screen name: specialk42day.

I hope to hear from you VERY soon.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
Yes sir!!! Hawt Holymarf action. I'm always available if ever you're in the Columbia, can't exactly travel right now though, saving up for big trips

wakka wakka wakka south carolina needs to be better during Brawl

Byron X

Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2005
Yes sir!!! Hawt Holymarf action. I'm always available if ever you're in the Columbia, can't exactly travel right now though, saving up for big trips

wakka wakka wakka south carolina needs to be better during Brawl

Haha, ohh yeah. Believe it! :laugh:


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina
So when do all the SC Smashers want to get all together and get this "list" straighten out?! Think you should be on the list? Well, cooome on down!

But seriously, Clemson and Greenville is pretty close so we might alternate on free days and have some good smash sessions going. Any other smashers in other towns even interesting in visiting Clemson or probably more ideally Greenville?

Byron X

Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2005
So when do all the SC Smashers want to get all together and get this "list" straighten out?! Think you should be on the list? Well, cooome on down!

But seriously, Clemson and Greenville is pretty close so we might alternate on free days and have some good smash sessions going. Any other smashers in other towns even interesting in visiting Clemson or probably more ideally Greenville?

What day?:)


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina
If we have a big SC Smasher get together we need someone who has space and a couple set ups so we all an have the chance to play each other. I'm hoping someone in Greenville could host an event like this. Hint, hint.

I personally don't have that space for a lot of people. I can host small get togethers with 2 set ups going. We would be playing in my room cause I don't want to bother my roommates, but our apartment bedrooms are quite spacious. I can fit another set if someone to volunteer a whole set up for a total of 3 set ups.

If anyone is interested and willing in visiting Clemson for a LONG session of smash I'll be willing to host. Typically, I'll be good for Saturday night after 7:00 PM due to work or Sunday anytime. If there is a few people who say they can come down on a Saturday, but would like it to be early I can see if I can take the Saturday off.

Usually when I smash I can get on average a group of 3 dedicated smasher playing for a while. Most is I got is 4 dedicated smashers at one time, our schedule just conflict more than we would like. There are a few others I heard about, but I'm not sure if they are even dedicated smashers or why they are unable to get with us for smash, at most they attend once.

If I do this I can tell you what would probably happen. My friend thatl lives very close to me and I will be the ones that play with the guests until the end. Dan2 and possibly other locals will have a limit on how long they would stay.


Offering to Host a Local/"Close to" Clemson LONG Smash Session Get Together!

4 Dedicated Clemson Smashers at Most; 2 Dedicated Clemson Smashers willing to play very late.

Here's how I'm going to rate the comfort-level based on the possible number of smashers assuming 3 set ups.

  • Less than 6: Comforable
  • Between 6-8: Slightly Crowded, but Manable
  • More than 8: Too Crowded
Since this is NOT a tournament I doubt I'll get more then 4 out of town smashers to come down for a long smash session, if any. But it's worth a shot to try.

Again, if anyone not so far away from Clemson is willing to come up for a LONG SMASH SESSION let me know if you're interested.

Let me know...

  • What Saturday or Sunday would be good for you.
  • Would be willing to bring a set up to make it a total of 3 set ups.
FYI I can record matches for 2 of my stations so I will record our matches for viewing pleasure. And I might put it on Youtube so people can see what SC smashers are made of.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2006
Greenville, SC (summer) West Chester, PA (school)
jeeze, I leave for college and everyone seems to forget about me :urg:. but yes juicebox and yoshido are awesome and I would have to say you cannot forget about Boxr <3 you John. I guess this power rankings might go against the joke that, "You play smash in SC, you go to tournaments, welcome to our power rankings."


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina

Not really. If this list were to expand to say 20 smashers it would probably include all competitive smashers.

Judging from the last time we played about 2 week ago, Juicebox and my friend who I will call YumYum for now would be right under holymarth007 (Kidd). Their exact placement would be in question.

Cause I know YumYum can beat Dan2 consistently. I'm not sure about Juicebox. Those two didn't really play each another enough, IMO. There were too many people for 1 smash set up for everyone to pay each other for a good amount of time to determine the list. Dan2 could be pushed off of top 10 of SC Smashers.

I'll be wary about the next time we play, Kidd, cause YumYum fairs even with me. He does worst when playing new people for some reason. So he might be able to beat you consistently next time around and push you down on the list granted we are given enough matches to say that.


Smash Rookie
Jun 30, 2006
I'm up for another big session, it's the only way to improve right?

Byron X

Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2005
I guess I'm at the very bottom of the list..lol

Oh guys and guess what? I'm gettin a car soon, so now I can go to Columbia, Greenville, and other places now. Chea!
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