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np 1-2: Fly Fly Fly


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Also, once we boost Cloyster, he'll also be a great Rampardose counter, fearing only Head Smash.
Does this make Delibird a good Rampardos counter too? He's got that awesome Ice Shard.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
Rampardos' 252 Attack EV Stone Edge vs Max HP/ Defense Cloyster:

429 Atk vs 504 Def & 304 HP (100 Base Power): 186 - 218 (61.18% - 71.71%)

That's not even considering Life Orb, Stealth Rock, Sand Stream, or any previous damage from coming into either rampardos or another pokemon.

Rampardos is always faster than defensive cloyster. Unless you go like max HP/ defense with waterfall and choice scarf, but meh.

429 Atk vs 504 Def & 304 HP (100 Base Power): 236 - 282 (77.63% - 92.76%)

That's just Life Orb.

429 Atk vs 504 Def & 304 HP (150 Base Power): 356 - 422 (117.11% - 138.82%)

Head Smash with Life Orb. Always a OHKO.

429 Atk vs 504 Def & 304 HP (150 Base Power): 276 - 326 (90.79% - 107.24%)

Head Smash max attack jolly nature: still a 41% chance to OHKO.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Sharpedo Counters:


EDIT: CB Crunch 3HKOs Vaporeon.
EDIT EDIT: Silly Smogon, Pedo has Technician. 45.8% - 54.2% with CB Bite.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Forretress is ***** by Hydro Pump.

Max / max defense Celebi can take 2 Bites.

Gyarados can get away with Intimidate, though.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Life Orb Adamant Ice Shard vs. standard Spore Punch Breloom - 81.1% - 95.5%
"" vs. 236 HP / 248 Def Breloom - 46.3% - 55%

Life Orb Adamant Bite vs. max HP / Def Vaporeon - 42% - 49.8%


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
Sharpedo@Life Orb
252 Atk/112 SAtk/144 Spe
- Fake Out
- Aqua Jet
- Ice Shard/Bite
- HP Electric (60)

252 Attack to keep all your priority in tip-top shape (although the lack of Adamant is a little saddening...but still), 144 Speed to outspeed Jolly Gyarados, and 112 Special Attack lets you 2HKO Specially Defensive Skarm, Empoleon, Gyarados (OHKO), and Poliwrath. The only ones that live (that the move is meant to hit) are Vaporeon and Crocune, which I believe are also 2HKO'd with SR up.

I might actually use this set. Originally I was using EQ so the rare Empoleon didn't set up on it (I NEED Ice Shard for the team it's on...so I had to drop Bite), but EQ was never getting used. And I was worried about Gyara with the old set too. This covers both, and is kinda scary. Could be fun.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Rockem and I discussed this earlier.

Quagsire @ Leftovers
Water Absorb / Impish
252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
~ Curse
~ Recover
~ Ice Punch
~ Earthquake

This doesn't do a bad job. Quagsire is immune to STAB Water-types and any Electric-type advances like the one mentioned above. The problem then becomes how to deal with Bite, and outlasting Sharpedo with Curse+Recover.


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
Quagsire gets counter, if that set doesn't get 2HKO'd by bite, you can counter that ****.

I would love to be able to use Quagsire in OU <3

Also is it me or is the Server down I made a team and I wanna test iiiiit D:


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
poliwrath also could counter rampardos

which is 2 pokemon
he also does a good job against empoleon and infernapes not using grass knot

so poliwrath could be pretty good in our metagame

for the record, infernape is the only pokemon with a usable priority fighting move that is faster than sharpedo

how would jirachi fair against sharpedo?


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
Not going to calc but I'm extremely sure it would need to switch into a Fire Punch to avoid being 2HKO'd.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
poliwrath learns vacuum wave


or could run a choice scarf set
so it's possible


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
252SpA Modest LO Vacuum Wave vs 4/0 Rampardos: 64.3% - 75.6%

That ain't gunna cut it.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
jeezus, i really thought that would do more

i guess low BP moves really won't cut it without technician or 4x damage


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
This guy may have had no idea what he was doing, but this still proves that Lilibelle is amazing.

[collapse=battle]Battle between UltiMario and ash started!

Rule: Unrated
Rule: Sleep Clause

ash sent out Giratina-O!
UltiMario sent out Pedoshark! (Sharpedo)

Start of turn 1
Pedoshark used Ice Shard!
It's super effective!
The foe's Giratina-O lost 34% of its health!

The foe's Giratina-O used Outrage!
Pedoshark lost 252 HP! (90% of its health)
Pedoshark fainted!

UltiMario sent out SSS! (Heatran)

Start of turn 2
SSS used Torment!
The foe's Giratina-O is now tormented!

The foe's Giratina-O used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
SSS lost 97 HP! (25% of its health)

SSS restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 3
SSS used Substitute!
SSS made a substitute!

The foe's Giratina-O used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
SSS's substitute faded!

SSS restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Giratina-O calmed down!
The foe's Giratina-O became confused!

Start of turn 4
SSS used Lava Plume!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Giratina-O lost 13% of its health!

The foe's Giratina-O is confused!
The foe's Giratina-O used Shadow Ball!
It's not very effective...
SSS lost 63 HP! (16% of its health)

SSS restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 5
SSS used Lava Plume!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Giratina-O lost 13% of its health!

The foe's Giratina-O snapped out its confusion!
The foe's Giratina-O used Iron Tail!
It's not very effective...
SSS lost 23 HP! (5% of its health)

SSS restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 6
SSS used Lava Plume!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Giratina-O lost 11% of its health!

The foe's Giratina-O used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
SSS lost 99 HP! (25% of its health)

SSS restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 7
SSS used Lava Plume!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Giratina-O lost 12% of its health!

The foe's Giratina-O used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
SSS lost 105 HP! (27% of its health)

SSS restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 8
SSS used Lava Plume!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Giratina-O lost 13% of its health!
The foe's Giratina-O was burned!

The foe's Giratina-O used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
SSS lost 45 HP! (11% of its health)
SSS fainted!

The foe's Giratina-O is hurt by its burn!
The foe's Giratina-O fainted!
ash sent out Dialga!

UltiMario sent out Tentacruel!

The foe's Dialga is exerting its Pressure!

Start of turn 9
Tentacruel used Toxic Spikes!
Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of ash's team!

The foe's Dialga used Dragon Pulse!
Tentacruel lost 132 HP! (36% of its health)

Tentacruel restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 10
Tentacruel used Toxic Spikes!
Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of ash's team!

The foe's Dialga used Roar Of Time!
Tentacruel lost 229 HP! (62% of its health)

Tentacruel restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 11
Tentacruel used Surf!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Dialga lost 11% of its health!

The foe's Dialga must recharge!

Tentacruel restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 12
Tentacruel used Surf!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Dialga lost 12% of its health!

The foe's Dialga used Dragon Pulse!
Tentacruel lost 69 HP! (18% of its health)
Tentacruel fainted!

UltiMario sent out Cresselia!

Start of turn 13
The foe's Dialga used Aura Sphere!
It's not very effective...
Cresselia lost 40 HP! (9% of its health)

Cresselia used Trick Room!
Cresselia twisted the dimensions!

Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 14
Cresselia used Charge Beam!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Dialga lost 4% of its health!

The foe's Dialga used Stone Edge!
The attack of the foe's Dialga missed!

Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 15
Cresselia used Charge Beam!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Dialga lost 3% of its health!
Cresselia's Sp. Att. rose!

The foe's Dialga used Roar Of Time!
Cresselia lost 271 HP! (61% of its health)

Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 16
Cresselia used Rest!
Cresselia went to sleep and became healthy!

The foe's Dialga must recharge!

Start of turn 17
Cresselia is fast asleep!

The foe's Dialga used Roar Of Time!
A critical hit!
Cresselia lost 444 HP! (100% of its health)
Cresselia fainted!

The twisted dimensions returned to normal!
UltiMario sent out Calderan!

Start of turn 18
The foe's Dialga must recharge!

Calderan used Stockpile!
Calderan's Defense rose!
Calderan's Sp. Def. rose!
Calderan stockpiled 1!

Start of turn 19
The foe's Dialga used Dragon Pulse!
Calderan lost 124 HP! (33% of its health)

Calderan used Stockpile!
Calderan's Defense rose!
Calderan's Sp. Def. rose!
Calderan stockpiled 2!

Calderan restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 20
The foe's Dialga used Aura Sphere!
Calderan lost 58 HP! (15% of its health)

Calderan used Stockpile!
Calderan's Defense rose!
Calderan's Sp. Def. rose!
Calderan stockpiled 3!

Calderan restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 21
The foe's Dialga used Roar Of Time!
Calderan lost 141 HP! (37% of its health)

Calderan used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
The foe's Dialga lost 46% of its health!

Calderan restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 22
The foe's Dialga must recharge!

Calderan used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
The foe's Dialga lost 22% of its health!
The foe's Dialga fainted!

Calderan restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
ash sent out Mew!
The foe's Mew was badly poisoned!

Start of turn 23
The foe's Mew used Fire Punch!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
Calderan lost 41 HP! (10% of its health)

Calderan used Earthquake!
The foe's Mew lost 24% of its health!

The foe's Mew is hurt by poison!
Calderan restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 24
The foe's Mew used ThunderPunch!
It had no effect!

Calderan used Roar!
The foe's Rayquaza was dragged out!

Calderan restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 25
The foe's Rayquaza used Earthquake!
Calderan lost 34 HP! (9% of its health)

Calderan used Roar!
The foe's Mew was dragged out!

The foe's Mew is hurt by poison!
Calderan restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 26
The foe's Mew used ThunderPunch!
It had no effect!

Calderan used Roar!
The foe's Rayquaza was dragged out!

Calderan restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 27
The foe's Rayquaza used Earthquake!
Calderan lost 31 HP! (8% of its health)

Calderan used Roar!
The foe's Groudon was badly poisoned!
The foe's Groudon was dragged out!
The foe's Groudon's Drought intensified the sun's rays!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Groudon is hurt by poison!
Calderan restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 28
The foe's Groudon used Eruption!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
Calderan lost 152 HP! (40% of its health)
Calderan fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Groudon is hurt by poison!
UltiMario sent out Lilibelle!

Start of turn 29
Lilibelle used Protect!
Lilibelle protected itself!

The foe's Groudon used Eruption!
Lilibelle protected itself!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Groudon is hurt by poison!

Start of turn 30
The foe's Groudon used Eruption!
It's super effective!
Lilibelle lost 176 HP! (45% of its health)

Lilibelle used Leech Seed!
The foe's Groudon was seeded!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Groudon's health is sapped by leech seed.
The foe's Groudon is hurt by poison!
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 31
Lilibelle used Protect!
Lilibelle protected itself!

The foe's Groudon used Eruption!
Lilibelle protected itself!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Groudon's health is sapped by leech seed.
The foe's Groudon is hurt by poison!
The foe's Groudon fainted!
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
ash sent out Mew!

Start of turn 32
The foe's Mew used Fire Punch!
It's super effective!
Lilibelle lost 124 HP! (32% of its health)

Lilibelle used Night Shade!
The foe's Mew lost 27% of its health!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Mew is hurt by poison!
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 33
Lilibelle used Protect!
Lilibelle protected itself!

The foe's Mew used Fire Punch!
Lilibelle protected itself!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Mew is hurt by poison!
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 34
The foe's Mew used Fire Punch!
It's super effective!
Lilibelle lost 146 HP! (38% of its health)

Lilibelle used Leech Seed!
The foe's Mew was seeded!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Mew's health is sapped by leech seed.
The foe's Mew is hurt by poison!
The foe's Mew fainted!
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
ash sent out Rayquaza!

Start of turn 35
Lilibelle used Protect!
Lilibelle protected itself!

The foe's Rayquaza used Outrage!
Lilibelle protected itself!

The sunlight is strong!
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 36
The foe's Rayquaza used Outrage!
Lilibelle lost 141 HP! (36% of its health)

Lilibelle used Leech Seed!
The foe's Rayquaza was seeded!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Rayquaza's health is sapped by leech seed.
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 37
Lilibelle used Protect!
Lilibelle protected itself!

The foe's Rayquaza used Outrage!
Lilibelle protected itself!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Rayquaza's health is sapped by leech seed.
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 38
Lilibelle used Protect!
But it failed!

The foe's Rayquaza used Outrage!
Lilibelle lost 135 HP! (35% of its health)

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Rayquaza's health is sapped by leech seed.
The foe's Rayquaza calmed down!
The foe's Rayquaza became confused!
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 39
Lilibelle used Protect!
Lilibelle protected itself!

The foe's Rayquaza is confused!
The foe's Rayquaza used Hyper Beam!
Lilibelle protected itself!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Rayquaza's health is sapped by leech seed.
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 40
The foe's Rayquaza is confused!
The foe's Rayquaza used Surf!
It's not very effective...
Lilibelle lost 37 HP! (9% of its health)

Lilibelle used Night Shade!
The foe's Rayquaza lost 26% of its health!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Rayquaza's health is sapped by leech seed.
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 41
Lilibelle used Protect!
Lilibelle protected itself!

The foe's Rayquaza is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!
The foe's Rayquaza lost 11% of its health!
The foe's Rayquaza fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
ash sent out Darkrai!
The foe's Darkrai was badly poisoned!

Start of turn 42
The foe's Darkrai used Hypnosis!
The attack of the foe's Darkrai missed!

Lilibelle used Leech Seed!
The foe's Darkrai was seeded!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Darkrai's health is sapped by leech seed.
The foe's Darkrai is hurt by poison!
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 43
Lilibelle used Protect!
Lilibelle protected itself!

The foe's Darkrai used Hypnosis!
Lilibelle protected itself!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Darkrai's health is sapped by leech seed.
The foe's Darkrai is hurt by poison!
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 44
The foe's Darkrai used Hypnosis!
Lilibelle fell asleep!

Lilibelle is fast asleep!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Darkrai's health is sapped by leech seed.
The foe's Darkrai is hurt by poison!
Lilibelle has bad dreams!
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 45
Lilibelle is fast asleep!

The foe's Darkrai used Dream Eater!
Lilibelle lost 77 HP! (20% of its health)
The foe's Darkrai devoured Lilibelle's dreams!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Darkrai's health is sapped by leech seed.
The foe's Darkrai is hurt by poison!
The foe's Darkrai fainted!
Lilibelle restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

UltiMario won the battle![/collapse]


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
I stopped reading at "Iron Tail"

I don't see how that logs shows anything about anything.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
I'm bumping this to clarify the difference between this thread and the PCT Tiering thread. We discuss everything about the metagame here, including suspects, and etc. The other thread is for determining tiers and usage roles related moreso to the server. That will also encompass some suspect discussion but more of it should go in here, where we'd deal with / vote on such matters before the changes are made in the Tiering thread.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Jumpluff isn't actually that much better. He's just seeing a ton more usage because (DRUMROLL PLEASE) we improved him a little.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
He's a Breloom who can't take nor deal a hit, but can get his Spore off easier. A great deal of sweepers have 115 speed an outspeed Jumpluff. Then when you consider the many choice scarfed pokemon and the pokemon carrying Priority attacks, I don't think Jumpluff is that much of a problem at all. Its simply the best status pokemon. This is why I want to make Altaria a beastly cleric, so that its the anti Jumpluff.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
tricksporescarfpluff is retardedly good

most sleep absorbers are screwed over by being tricked a scarf (like standard machamps and brelooms)

spore stops any counters
with scarf, it outruns pretty much everything
u-turn is an amazing scouting move, so countering the thing is almost impossible anyways, since it outruns everything anyways
and lastly, it learns leech seed, which is awesome team support

in general, trickscarfsporepluff is probably the best set it can run as it can singlehandedly ruin an opponents team in 2 turns


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
So can Breloom if you don't play against it right. The two are equal in effectivness, neither are OU. If its running Choice Scarf, then after it spores it must switch. After two switches, Jumpluff is now at 50 percent health. Once you trick, it has nothing else it can do. You could literally switch in your sleeping pokemon and it couldn't do much of anything.

Secondly, once we buff Pokemon with Vital Spirit and Insomnia, sleep will no longer be an issue.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
breloom doesn't outrun everything with choice scarf
nor does it learn trick NOR u-turn
jumpluff with this set also anti-leads, only SR leads carrying lum berries will be able to get them up

like, she seriously stops everything


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Why the **** are you running u-turn? Are you stupid or something? What good is U-turn doing on this pokemon? U-turn allows a pokemon to hit his opponent hard and not sacrificing his turn. Jumpluff can't hit hard at all.
She doesn't stop everything, she only puts somethings to sleep, and can piss you off with Trick. Both of these methods are counterable. Both of these can be dealt with if yuo know they are coming, and you will. On the choice scarf set, Trick will always come first.
You know what Breloom can do that Jumpluff can't? Kill something and take a hit. Thanks to its typing, Toxic Heal, and its frequently present Substitute, Breloom can deal fairly well. Another thing Breloom has over Jumpluff is versatilty. In OU, Jumpluff can only do one thing, spore, trick, and leech seed. Jumpluff has no uses outside of this. Breloom on the other hand can run without a sub and run as an attacker. Jumpluff is even more predictable than Breloom, which is an acheivment in its own. Jumpluff is annoying. Its by no means Uber, though its now a potent Uber choice for a Groudon team.


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
That set looks terrible on paper, you can't even express how bad it looks on paper.

In practice, that thing is god**** amazing.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
So we have concluded on how no suspect from this stage has been too powerful? Or something like that. I'm not exactly sure how I was going to say that.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
I vote Nothing to Ubers.
I'd also like to propose that anyone who wants Jumpluff sent to Ubers simply vote to have Spore and Trick made to where they can't be placed on the same set.
I also vote that we adopt Arti's new Ampharos and test it in the next batch.
I also vote that Fearrow, Typh, and Lanturn all be voted into the Unfinished category to be left for adjustments later when we see fit.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Articanus' Ampharos submission can be discussed in the NU to OU thread.

Later edits to those "undiscovered" Pokemon will be made. Just not now. Possibly at the end of 1-3.
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