Smash Journeyman
omg dude I had no experience. I still don't really.Josh, u lost at Play N Trade
lololol that tourny was so BS, 1 minute matches with the wiimote and I got KO'd by the dragoon.[*]When Brawl 1st came out me and Ernesto were about even, but then he like stopped playing after he won that midnight tourny thing at gamestop. I've tried to get him to come to a few of the other tournys that you hosted before, but I think he said that he had been letting someone else borrow his wii. So I dunno if he has actually quit, but I know that he isn't very active.
Kyd even had to deal with a random character select rule XD
Try to convince Ernesto to come to this one. I'd do it but I lost his number a while back.
Btw, if you have another smashfest at your place just tell me the date/time and location, I should be there. Kyd also might be interested (but he lives in Kathleen lmao)
Yeah -.- I knocked him to the losers bracket but I don't know what happened after that. The only thing on my mind those last matches was how hard it is punish Metaknight.Josh, Dude, did u loose to Jubril?!? The loud dude from Macon.
No johns tho