And to Smudge: What a beast! Turns up the day before the actual tourney, cracks out the melee and pretty much runs the tourney for me too. On top of winning it. Your success is short lived though my friend, The Climbers are coming for you son. No amount of Marth is going to be stopping the ice cold beatdown <3.
Keep them Iceies away from me >.<
And mate, it was not problem turning up the day before, the practice, the chat, the walks, all immense.
I actually really enjoy running tournaments, almost as much as winning. (BTW, to prove I didn't cheat, I did the brackets in clear veiw and had someone choose number randomly that corrosponded with a name, no fowl play whatsoever)
And the Melee was epic, still have a soft spot for it, just keepn my copy safe do.
Might do shout outs tomorrow, off to the pub courtesy of the NorthWest, thanks guys.