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Noobs: The kind that think they're the best!


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
RANT! (don't read unless you're ready for a short story...)

Once upon a time I was sitting in class with these kids I had met, in time they mentioned Smash. Intrigued, that they liked Smash as well we got into talking about the game, and they said that they are really good blah blah blah. So eventually we hung out and played.
This is when the annoyances began...

Considering the fact that they said they're awesome, and the fact that they trash talked, I assumed we'd settle the dispute in 1vs1s to determine who was best. 1vs1s on tourney maps, no items, limited stock (usually 3). However, none of this was met. We played 3 player, with items on (on high and all items). Then they'd act like I wasn't all that -- when they ganged up on me (indirectly). Pissed off that they actually consider this a true skill determining match I insisted upon a 1vs1. Finally I got a 1vs1 with one of them, and... surprise surprise I won (I'm not saying I'm the best, but considering the people I've described). Though, might I add that for the 1vs1, they wouldn't turn items off. They insisted that if I didn't want to play with items that it meant that I couldn't "handle" items-- as if I was the noob. I responded with the usual, I have no problems with items, but if you want to prove your better, and you need items as a crutch, that's sad. They were so blind. They both defended the fact that items are in the game for a reason, and as such must be used. Skill is in there eyes entirely dependent on items.

When we played, I'd beat them usually, even with the aforementioned items, though, obviously I'd get boned from time to time... and a bomb-omb would come out of nowhere... Or a random beam sword would hit me from across the map when I was in mid fight with one of them. So lame.

All of that happened so long ago now... and now that Brawl is out, we finally hung out and played Brawl. I hate to say it, but nothing has changed. They still play just the way they did way back when, and they are cockier than ever. Which is so annoying. I went through the same arguments with them as I did before. I grew disgusted playing with them, and instantly remembered how lame it was playing Smash with them in the past-- everything in the game had to be their way or the highway. Thinking back now I should have picked the highway... they even complained when I didn't change my character after each round-- and proclaimed it their rule that you never use the same character twice... absolute noobs..

Call me crazy, but items take depth from the game. With items, one no longer has to rely fully on his own skill, or ability with a character. The overall game is influenced greatly by chance (e.g. wow, how lucky! A pokeball spawned in front of you, omg... articuno?) Some characters as part of their being have items. Like Link's bombs, those items are fine. They are a part of the character and should be used appropriately. It would not be unbalanced for a character like Link, or Peach, to spawn their own items vs characters who cannot spawn items, like Marth... It's supposed to be that way. For the characters who use items as part of their game it's necessary to their success. It's not the same when you have items on though... It becomes, who can get the most rediculous item fastest. I mean, think about Brawl for a moment. There are so many 1hit KO items now, the three-peice whatchamacallit, some assist trophies and pokeballs result in instant death, and of course Smash Balls. Sure Smash Balls are nice and all, but... I don't get one ounce of satisfaction when I win using a smash ball. I think it's so lame. For example, I played BRAWL with the kids mentioned before just a few hours ago. In one of the matches, I was kicking the crap out of the remaining player (the other two had died). Seriously, there was no doubt that I would win. This kid doesn't even know what the idea of mind games is, because he's too busy running and waiting for a good item. So a Smash Ball appears, and just because I didn't feel like conforming to their way I said "you know, I'd fight for the ball, but the thing is, it's stupid. It takes no skill to execute-- in fact, I don't get any satisfaction out of killing with them because it's not the same as owning yourself.."(yes-- I know you actually need a tiny amount of skill to pull off the final smash once obtained-- depending on your character. That's besides the point). This was this kids perfect opportunity to display how much he "owns" at this game. Beating me without any items-- at the very least the smash ball. Despite what I just said aloud he rigorously went for the smash ball. The Ironic thing is, the ball spawned near me, I quite obviously PURPOSELY didn't get it, and backed it with my "speech." Yet, knowing that without items he had no chance, he stooped to the low of using the smash ball, I dodged it for quite a while, but eventually the final smash got me. I was actually happy at this point. Because, at least now they witnessed pure *** kickage, and me willingly not taking the easy way out like they liked.

Just a bit of Smash info about me...
I've played Smash since the beginning! It has always been very competitive between my "real" friends and I. (no I have never gone to a tournament, and I know that many of you will more than likely flame me, assuming that I have no skill. The thing is, I don't know much about tourney happenings. I don't know where they are held, and I recently found this site...) I was into the ATs' in Melee, and I mained Shiek. For example, I was into wavedashing, L canceling and what not. So I'm no noob... So maybe someday I will enter a tournament, at this point I'd like to. At the very least, I'd like to try out a wifi tourney.

All I can say is this. I can't wait to have those kids over, maybe one at a time-- if they are together they will ***** that items have to be on, and will chose maps like flat zone 2 for 1vs1's.... Or even the pictochat map--which they did today... so dumb. If I were to have them over, under my roof, smash will be played in the way that in my opinion takes skill... and as such I would refuse items to them, and stupid maps.. and I will insist upon a 1vs1 to prove once and for all that they aren't as good as they think they are. !!!!

Does anyone know what I mean? Why I'm annoyed? I know that there are two sides to every coin, so many of you will agree with me, while others will disagree, let's see it. I'm curious as to what you guys have to say.

Thanks for taking the time to read.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Actually, all of you are playing this game wrong. It's supposed to be a 2-minute time match, just like the way it was set by default.

And if some kids are insisting on some asinine rules that you don't like to play by, then it's not like they're the only ones who own a copy of Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 23, 2008
so you are ranting bout casuals/scrubs that play the game the way they want to, blissfully ignorant of the competitive scene? Then you pretty much tell them the way they are playing is wrong?

This is exactly where the elitist tourny *** stereotypes stem from.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2008
New Jersey
From your post it seems like you are just like then :$

I see where you are coming from though.. I hate kids who are cocky about anything that they do. Sometimes people just need to man up and realize that they aren't the best. That is how you can tell a good player from a bad one.. A good player will admit that he made a mistake and try to fix it, while bad players will just whine and blame their losses off bad luck. You need to find new people to play with if it is really bothering you that much..


Smash Cadet
Sep 15, 2007
How old are these kids? Seven? Eight? If that's the case then give them a break. They probably don't understand half the things they're saying now. Give them some time to mature.

The only thing this wall of text told me is that you're just another prime example of Smash elitism.

In fact, I'd say the fact that they're playing matches with items set to high on stages like PictoChat show that they enjoy Smash way better than you do.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2008
Warner Robins, GA
everyone has there own way to play. if u dont want to play with them then dont. I sometimes...not always, but about 40% of the time, i play with smash balls.

video gaming wasnt meant to be so competitive. But i do see where your comin from...obviously, the ppl rnt competitive. as long as your having fun, your playin alright. thats what Item Select is for. customize it to how you like to play. just let them play in there own way and u pplay your own way.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
London, UK
Videogaming wasn't meant to be so competetive?

... >.>

Anyhow, the simple responce would be to just stop playing with these people. They enjoy playing their games with items, and even if it does indeed leave more to random chance it's still their choice.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2008
Warner Robins, GA
well said cookiez.

but yes. vid gaming was meant to be fun.
many people...including myself...juts get very competitive with it.

im sayin u dont see ppl goin around playin mario kart all the time.

all you hear about nowadays is smash and halo though. XD


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
London, UK
well said cookiez.

but yes. vid gaming was meant to be fun.
many people...including myself...juts get very competitive with it.

im sayin u dont see ppl goin around playin mario kart all the time.

all you hear about nowadays is smash and halo though. XD
Lol very true ;).

Though I think some games, were without a doubt meant to be taken to the highest levels of competetive play, wth less focus on fun for the casual player.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2008
New Jersey
Lol very true ;).

Though I think some games, without a doubt were meant to be taken to the highest levels of competetive play, wth less focus on fun for the casual player.
Counter Strike and Shadowrun for example :p

Anyway, I'm pretty competitive with video games in general.. I've been that way since Halo: CE, so it's just my nature to take games more seriously then casual players.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2008
New Jersey

I *like* Mario Kart. =p
A lot of people *like* Mario Kart, but the point of his post was that it isn't ment to be a competitive game. I'll play Mario Kart when I go to my friends house, but I don't care if I win or lose, whereas a game like SSB (64, melee, and Brawl) attract interest from both competitive players, and casual gamers.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
London, UK
Well, Halo and Smash were always (imho) intended at heart to be games for random multiplayer fun rather than competetive play, but as Melee was released so early, players were able to mould it to what they wanted, so i'm not sure they would fit under what I was saying.

Im thinking more along the lines of certain online PC games, and as Supax stated CS and Shadowrun. A less extreme example would be games such as Guild Wars, which for example was engineered around GvG (thus the high rewards for high end PvPers, GvG centric skill balences) with PvE on the side.


Smash Ace
Apr 26, 2006
The Netherlands
I read it, but it's just a bunch of whinening ._.
Seriously, just don't play em if you don't like em. Play someone else or force your rules up through there nose and own them if that's what satisfies you...


Smash Lord
Dec 25, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
No offense, but... When people say they're not noob, usually they are. If you were really that good, you don't even need to tell anyone because you don't need to. Just go out there and play. Thats why I admire people that are great and modest at the same time.

Anyway, If you were smart enough in the first place, you wouldn't even want to play with those ignorant people. Why would you still want to play with those idiots if you know you're gonna beat them/ they're gangbanging/ playing with items?

I wouldn't even talk with them about smash if I were you.

So just find a new community to play smash with. Enjoy life.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv

I'd like to add few words to this.

I understand what the op is meaning by this. It's not that the kids just have fun playing the game, but even while the op beats them by default, they continue to be cocky noobs and then go out and piss him off by calling him a noob for not using items as a testimony of skill. And while they force the op to play their way and op still beats em, they refuse to play on his terms because they're sore losers that can't admit defeat.

It's not about some elitism or whatever, it's just arrogance from the kiddies side. Though boys can be so immature before puberty you shouldn't take anything what they say seriously. If you beat em, you beat em and that means you're the better player. And you don't need to play with them especially if you do not enjoy playing on such stages and items on. I'm still a noob on brawl, having just played it yesterday for the first time (and yes, I did trip as for my first movement on the game -_- ) and we did play some wacko stages and a bit of items, but in the end I enjoyed a lot more by playing on the less hectic stages where you don't need to watch out random turtles or trampolines chucked at you 24/7. I did not need any more random variables and then try to learn what move does what and how do certain things work. >_> But yea, if you don't enjoy playing with them, then don't. If you try to prove you're the better player, it doesn't work either cause they cannot admit defeat even while it hits them to the face.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
I agree with the majority of competitive players when it comes to the debate over items, the raise the amount of chance in the game and, therefore, lower the ability to win for the skilled player over another, especially so when considering instant kill items like hammers or stars.

A New Challenger

Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2007
I think that the people who are saying "Well they enjoy the game that way, leave them be!" are ignoring the fact that the guys in the story trash talked, and acted as if they were great players.

It's fine if you play for fun, and play with wacky rules, and laugh with friends and curse about bombombs in kind. Smash is really fun on defualt settings. However, if you're going to make challenges and trash talk about your skill then you should be playing by challenge (i.e. tourney) rules.

Big boy talk requires big boy actions to back it up. You can't challenge someone to hold'em and then when they show up inform them that you play hold'em with 7 card hands, aces and deuces wild. That isn't hold'em. All the same, items on FFA isn't a challenge match.


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2006
Netherlands, NB
Orca, I get what you mean, I have this problem too sometimes, only to a lesser extent, because we don't play with items, but one friend of mine is ALWAYS wining about stages and AT's....
Anyway, that whole bunch of text (although I read the whole thing) wasn't neccesary, because I knew exactly what you wanted to say when I saw the title of this thread...
You can just post the title of this thread alone, and you will get the same reactions from people, because these kind of threads maybe are 10-20% out of all the threads on Smashboards...
Search these threads if you want information about how to deal with your friends, because it doesn't sound like you're having the maximum amount of fun playing the game at the moment, and that's what it's all about right ;)!


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
London, UK
I think that the people who are saying "Well they enjoy the game that way, leave them be!" are ignoring the fact that the guys in the story trash talked, and acted as if they were great players.
Then it's entirely your choice whether or not to play them. They're not forcing him to listen to their trash talk, the OP could just take the moral highground and walk away. Then play with his "real friends" and have.... omg MORE FUN!

Really, solutions to these problems are rediculously simple.

A New Challenger

Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2007
Then it's entirely your choice whether or not to play them. They're not forcing him to listen to their trash talk, the OP could just take the moral highground and walk away. Then play with his "real friends" and have.... omg MORE FUN!

Really, solutions to these problems are rediculously simple.
Well duh. I didn't say there wasn't a simple solution. I was just pointing out that being challenged by people who talk up their game and expecting tourney rules matches wasn't "OMG tourney***gotry!"

Mr Mattastic

Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2006
Fayetteville, NC
Smash with no items is like only having sex in the missionary position for no longer than 6 minutes at a time. Seriously lighten up and and enjoy the fact that people even wanted to play with you


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
If you are so good you should handle the items and have no problems to defeat them. They are noobs!! When I play with friends we have to set it to be 3x1, or else they don't stand a piece of chance. And that's because 1 of them do use adv. techniques.

But anyway don't fight with them just because they are noobs.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
well said cookiez.

but yes. vid gaming was meant to be fun.
many people...including myself...juts get very competitive with it.

im sayin u dont see ppl goin around playin mario kart all the time.

all you hear about nowadays is smash and halo though. XD
I don't know, I went through a phase there with my roomates very recently where we played Mario Kart for like 2 months straight every day playing Double Dash!!, 5 laps a track, every track, twice a day. Mario Kart rocks and I'm psyched for the Wii game.

Mr Mattastic

Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2006
Fayetteville, NC
I don't know, I went through a phase there with my roomates very recently where we played Mario Kart for like 2 months straight every day playing Double Dash!!, 5 laps a track, every track, twice a day. Mario Kart rocks and I'm psyched for the Wii game.
True that, too many people on here diss Mario Party's and now Mario Kart?


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
London, UK
Well duh. I didn't say there wasn't a simple solution. I was just pointing out that being challenged by people who talk up their game and expecting tourney rules matches wasn't "OMG tourney***gotry!"
If you read my post, you'd see I didn't dispute that. I was merely reffering to the specific part of your post I quoted, and explaining why people seemed to be saying "leave them be". Precicely because the solution IS that simple, people getting annoyed with a thread like this is to be expected.

And for the record, I do agree with you.


Smash Cadet
Mar 21, 2008
omg i am such a n00b can anyone explain how to wavedash in brawl i heard that in Japan some guy can wavedash in brawl like by like sneezing and farting at the same time. omg did you here that megaman is in the game if you beet all 41 events on super intense difficulty 100 times in a row.

oh and if you are over 30, have no girlfriend, life, and live in your moms basement you atomatically apply for SUPER SMASH HUSBANDS which is scheduled to come out in a few months in the underground circuit.

OMG did you unlock captain falcon's secret uniform. if you masterbate over five times a day captain falcon's wedding dress costum becomes available!!!

lol j/k


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
You people are idiots. Stop telling him he just wants attention and that he is ranting. HE WARNED YOU BEFOREHAND.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
They're just as bad as people here who think they're automatically awesome because they browse these boards.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2008
Warner Robins, GA
I don't know, I went through a phase there with my roomates very recently where we played Mario Kart for like 2 months straight every day playing Double Dash!!, 5 laps a track, every track, twice a day. Mario Kart rocks and I'm psyched for the Wii game.
now dont get me wrong, i wasnt dissin on mario kart. im just sayin u dont see ppl goin around playin it like smash

i love mario kart.


Smash Rookie
Mar 23, 2008
Your narrative makes it sound like you've been playing with them repeatedly, despite your frustrations. You are aware that you can simply stop, yes?
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