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Noobs: The kind that think they're the best!

Jeff Highwind

Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2007
FYI, not ALL casuals are scrubs. Thanks.
Dont you know Pwny, if you aren't competitive you are a scrub! /sarcasm

And to the OP, you're just basically bashing your head against a wall. They are obviously a clique bent on satisfying each other's self-worth and will conspire to frustrate anyone who threatens their fragile ego. It's common in MMO's, you are just taking the blunt of it in your local area.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2006
St. Clair Shores, MI
congrats for stomping the competition, but it's called "anything goes" and there's nothing wrong with that

in all seriousness, they do have a point: there's no denying that item play does require its own brand of quick thinking


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2007
Jesus, the OP is the epitome of what is wrong with the community.

Stop crying because people think they're good at the game. How do you know they're even aware of the tournament scene and the standard rules for that? Besides you telling them...

I know for a fact that I used to think I was good at the game way back when, when I played FFA with items on exclusively. It wasn't until within the last year when I was looking up smash stuff online for the first time that - hey! - playing 1v1 with no items is a perfectly valid form of the game. Never in my wildest dreams would I have considered that. Now I vastly prefer it, though my skill in surviving FFA (itemless, now) is a little less than my friends who I almost always own 1v1 (I usually get the most kills in FFA though...)

Now, during that time when I was your average casual player, I would have called bull**** on anyone who thought they could challenge me/my group and then decided to come in and declare "No items!" "1v1 only!" "Tourneystages only!" Why would we play that way? That's not how the game is played.

So I'm very sorry that you're BAWWWWWWing that there are casual players who are ignorant of the comepetitive rules. I'm very sorry you're so upset that people enjoy the game differently than you. I'm so very, very sorry that you have to deal with people thinking they're good at the game when you think they're not and you're basically talking about two different games.

Big Bob

Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
In this story, I felt that both sides were at fault.

Those casual players were insisting that he was playing the game wrong, and refuse to recognize that items put an element of chance in the game that more serious players prefer not to deal with.

On the other hand, this guy is a prime example of a competitive elitist; he refused to go after the smash ball, saying that "it requires no skill", and then whined about losing when his opponent got it. These two types of people don't mix well, and it's better off that they just leave each other alone.

Me? No items, Final Destination is great fun, but so is all items, Spear Pillar. I enjoy the game the most because I can play it however anyone wants!


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
From your post it seems like you are just like then :$

I see where you are coming from though.. I hate kids who are cocky about anything that they do. Sometimes people just need to man up and realize that they aren't the best. That is how you can tell a good player from a bad one.. A good player will admit that he made a mistake and try to fix it, while bad players will just whine and blame their losses off bad luck. You need to find new people to play with if it is really bothering you that much..
Well said. I mean, I enjoy a good fair battle, and though I'd like to win, I accept defeat. My favorite match is a close one, because the most comes out of it. So fun. Losing only creates winners, as we can only learn from our mistakes. Though you're right, some people just whine incessantly and blame luck. So true, and there is no excuse for that.

How old are these kids? Seven? Eight? If that's the case then give them a break. They probably don't understand half the things they're saying now. Give them some time to mature.

The only thing this wall of text told me is that you're just another prime example of Smash elitism.

In fact, I'd say the fact that they're playing matches with items set to high on stages like PictoChat show that they enjoy Smash way better than you do.
I didn't exactly refine my writing as I wasn't going to make a project out of ranting. So, I may have typed in a way that voiced myself differently from reality. I don't consider myself an elitist. I have no problem with losing, I don't have to have things my way, I'm flexible. It's just they were calling me out, and not handling it properly. Twas' just annoying. Also, I played it their way with no complaints, for the longest time-- in fact, I didn't even complain. I just asked if we could turn items off, changes a few settings and play a few one vs ones, no such luck.

For the record, maybe I should have used a word that better reflected reality, as kids doesn't really work. These "kids" are 19. Heh.


i might read this some time, when i can think of a reason to.

no offense though, i fully support letting out rants on the community of smashboards
Haha, thanks.

No offense, but... When people say they're not noob, usually they are. If you were really that good, you don't even need to tell anyone because you don't need to. Just go out there and play. Thats why I admire people that are great and modest at the same time.

Anyway, If you were smart enough in the first place, you wouldn't even want to play with those ignorant people. Why would you still want to play with those idiots if you know you're gonna beat them/ they're gangbanging/ playing with items?

I wouldn't even talk with them about smash if I were you.

So just find a new community to play smash with. Enjoy life.
Thanks for the comment, I understand what you mean. As I said, my intent was not to make my self out to be an uber player, sorry if it sounded that way. Sure I think I'm good, but there is no reason to say I'm the best. After all, there's always a bigger fish, right? The thing is, I enjoy having competition, someone I can't beat, because when I learn to beat them it's that much better. Every one plays to their own beat, learning that beat results in fairing well against them. When you play new people, it's interesting because you don't know what to expect, so it may take a few rounds to really get a grips on each other.

None the less, you make good points, I'll just stick to playing with my friends, and maybe find some other people to play with.

"Enjoy Life" there couldn't have been a better response. :D


I'd like to add few words to this.

I understand what the op is meaning by this. It's not that the kids just have fun playing the game, but even while the op beats them by default, they continue to be cocky noobs and then go out and piss him off by calling him a noob for not using items as a testimony of skill. And while they force the op to play their way and op still beats em, they refuse to play on his terms because they're sore losers that can't admit defeat.

It's not about some elitism or whatever, it's just arrogance from the kiddies side. Though boys can be so immature before puberty you shouldn't take anything what they say seriously. If you beat em, you beat em and that means you're the better player. And you don't need to play with them especially if you do not enjoy playing on such stages and items on. I'm still a noob on brawl, having just played it yesterday for the first time (and yes, I did trip as for my first movement on the game -_- ) and we did play some wacko stages and a bit of items, but in the end I enjoyed a lot more by playing on the less hectic stages where you don't need to watch out random turtles or trampolines chucked at you 24/7. I did not need any more random variables and then try to learn what move does what and how do certain things work. >_> But yea, if you don't enjoy playing with them, then don't. If you try to prove you're the better player, it doesn't work either cause they cannot admit defeat even while it hits them to the face.
Thank you! That's exactly what I was trying to get across! Finally someone that understands me! Also, good points!

I agree with the majority of competitive players when it comes to the debate over items, the raise the amount of chance in the game and, therefore, lower the ability to win for the skilled player over another, especially so when considering instant kill items like hammers or stars.
I second that notion.

I think that the people who are saying "Well they enjoy the game that way, leave them be!" are ignoring the fact that the guys in the story trash talked, and acted as if they were great players.

It's fine if you play for fun, and play with wacky rules, and laugh with friends and curse about bombombs in kind. Smash is really fun on defualt settings. However, if you're going to make challenges and trash talk about your skill then you should be playing by challenge (i.e. tourney) rules.

Big boy talk requires big boy actions to back it up. You can't challenge someone to hold'em and then when they show up inform them that you play hold'em with 7 card hands, aces and deuces wild. That isn't hold'em. All the same, items on FFA isn't a challenge match.
Great reply! Yeah, maybe you're more perceptive than the many posters before you. Because, I felt many people had missed the point until you. I have no problem with how people play the game. There is no "right or wrong" way to go about it. It has immense customization to back that (e.g. special brawl, and oodles of settings). Heck, on any other day I'd enjoy a game with items and wacky maps, it's just, they were being lame. If they're going to act like they're the best, at least meet me halfway and play by more realistic standards. Standards that reveal who's better, tourney standards.

Orca, I get what you mean, I have this problem too sometimes, only to a lesser extent, because we don't play with items, but one friend of mine is ALWAYS wining about stages and AT's....
Anyway, that whole bunch of text (although I read the whole thing) wasn't neccesary, because I knew exactly what you wanted to say when I saw the title of this thread...
You can just post the title of this thread alone, and you will get the same reactions from people, because these kind of threads maybe are 10-20% out of all the threads on Smashboards...
Search these threads if you want information about how to deal with your friends, because it doesn't sound like you're having the maximum amount of fun playing the game at the moment, and that's what it's all about right ;)!
Thanks for the reply man! Hmm good point, I suppose I did get a tad carried away with the text. Sorry to have stolen 5 minutes from your life for having to read it. :( Thanks for the advice man! Happy Smashing!

Well duh. I didn't say there wasn't a simple solution. I was just pointing out that being challenged by people who talk up their game and expecting tourney rules matches wasn't "OMG tourney***gotry!"
:D some1 else understands where I'm coming from. Thanks!

omg i am such a n00b can anyone explain how to wavedash in brawl i heard that in Japan some guy can wavedash in brawl like by like sneezing and farting at the same time. omg did you here that megaman is in the game if you beet all 41 events on super intense difficulty 100 times in a row.

oh and if you are over 30, have no girlfriend, life, and live in your moms basement you atomatically apply for SUPER SMASH HUSBANDS which is scheduled to come out in a few months in the underground circuit.

OMG did you unlock captain falcon's secret uniform. if you masterbate over five times a day captain falcon's wedding dress costum becomes available!!!

lol j/k
LoL. Dude, hilarious. I was quite amused at this reply. Thanks haha!

You people are idiots. Stop telling him he just wants attention and that he is ranting. HE WARNED YOU BEFOREHAND.
It's true people, the warning was there. Thanks for the comment Battousai :D

Your narrative makes it sound like you've been playing with them repeatedly, despite your frustrations. You are aware that you can simply stop, yes?
I've played with them a few times in total-- maybe 3. Very blunt response, "are you aware that you can stop?" haha, so true. Yes, you bring up the obvious, maybe I should just put it behind me as there is no point to this. There is no point to beating them, there is no point to trying to prove anything, for what? What does it matter? Thanks man.

Dont you know Pwny, if you aren't competitive you are a scrub! /sarcasm

And to the OP, you're just basically bashing your head against a wall. They are obviously a clique bent on satisfying each other's self-worth and will conspire to frustrate anyone who threatens their fragile ego. It's common in MMO's, you are just taking the blunt of it in your local area.
Very well put! 5 stars. You put things into perspective. Which brought me to my conclusion: whats the point? I'm fighting an uphill battle in which for every five steps forward I'm taking 10 steps backward, I'm getting nowhere. Might as well forget Smash with them as we see the game differently. :p

In this story, I felt that both sides were at fault.

Those casual players were insisting that he was playing the game wrong, and refuse to recognize that items put an element of chance in the game that more serious players prefer not to deal with.

On the other hand, this guy is a prime example of a competitive elitist; he refused to go after the smash ball, saying that "it requires no skill", and then whined about losing when his opponent got it. These two types of people don't mix well, and it's better off that they just leave each other alone.

Me? No items, Final Destination is great fun, but so is all items, Spear Pillar. I enjoy the game the most because I can play it however anyone wants!
I'd have to disagree with some of your comments, as I think you've overlooked the point. I refused to go after the smash ball after I had already played with them for hours under their rules, when I requested we play a few one vs ones my way, they changed the stock from 6 lives (which is how many they usually play with) to 2 lives. However, they refused to turn off items, or even lower their spawn rate, also, they wouldn't even let me pick the map. So to make a point, I tried playing with out the use of items, despite the fact that my opponent capitalized on them still. I dodged nearly everything he dished out at me. When I saw the smash ball, if I were to get it it would defeat the point of the attempted one vs one, at least by my standards, so I said I wasn't going to get it. I was just trying to make it known to them why I think it's lame in the 1vs1 serious competition. In fact, many people who posted negatively towards this thread didn't realize that the guys I played against though noob, truly think that they aren't. They honestly don't think of themselves as "casual" gamers. *sigh*.

In addition Bob you mentioned that I whined when I lost to my opponent after he had grabbed the smash ball..? Did you actually read the entirety of what I wrote? Because, this is what I said. "The Ironic thing is, the ball spawned near me, I quite obviously PURPOSELY didn't get it, and backed it with my 'speech.' Yet, knowing that without items he had no chance, he stooped to the low of using the smash ball, I dodged it for quite a while, but eventually the final smash got me. I was actually happy at this point. Because, at least now they witnessed pure *** kickage, and me willingly not taking the easy way out like they liked." Allow me to stress, "I was actually happy at this point." So that doesn't quite fit what you said Bob, as I don't see where the whining on my behalf went down.

I was content with the outcome of the match, in a sense. Even after having lost due to the smash ball. As I said I was "actually happy" with the fact that he used the smash ball after what I had said. I was thinking about what I meant by that, and here's an example. For those of you who've seen the movie 300, at the end when Leonidas throws the spear at King Xerxes it grazes his cheek, tearing off his piercings. It showed that Xerxes wasn't as godly as he thought. Despite making a point to Xerxes, Leonidas is met with a hail of of arrows, hundreds of them. So how does this relate to this scenario in smash? Well, I beat my opponent (Xerxes) pretty ridiculously without the use of items, despite the fact that he used them. When he didn't have an item-in-hand, and had to deal with straight up skill and mind games, I reigned supreme over him. In the end, he called upon the smash ball (the hail of arrows) to finish me. So, to that effect, I'm happy that he realized he needed to take the ball to beat me. :) Strange, does that make any sense at all?

Any way Bob, I have a question, what takes more skill fighting with or without smash balls? Because you seem to think there is a large amount of skill involved with smash balls. hmmm... Anyway, I appreciate your response. Thanks.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2007
Those kids sound like punks. I would have loved to Warlock PUNCH them in the faces.

You're right to say what you're saying. Items are merely a crutch players use to try and win, and usually (unless you have a hammer, a good AT or a good PokeBall) they screw up using said items. Smash's in-depth fighting engine is well worth the time it takes to practice and learn, and frankly, I commend you for conforming to their regime (I would have smacked them upside the head myself), and soundly beating them (aside from the stray bob-omb of course XD).


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
The player's at my school all think they're the best after winning
Usually I don't mind since they are all underclassmen and I don't jump around(well..feel like I actually won..they're 3 stock matches 4 players with usually 2 other people trying to kill me off since they are friends..they're the ones that usually win and keep the controller in changing hands) in victory after I win (which is fairly enough)
I don't ever wanna say I could beat them all on 1 on 1 matches because I don't wanna look like the bad guy.. especially with one of my friends watching..I could probably beat them in 1 on 1 matches (that is the case on our Battle Royals) but our player count is massive so that'd be impossible..which is a disappointment since the only recognized (good) player is the Club President..(he's good still)
I also hate the fact how the noobs think I'm running away
I would have more stock then them and they would think "he has more stock because he won't fight"
I quickly point out after the match how many KOs i do..which is usually 3x then everybody else..
Also there are certain Ike players there that reeeally don't like me.. I keep my distance from those Ike's because I know they'll just spam smash attacks once I get near..and I attack them when I have the opportunity.. I'm not gonna attack a Ike that's charging his eruption and they call my play 'wuss' play cause i won't attack them when they clearly have the priority.. and the players try to lure me into hitting them..saying, "what's a matter? afraid you'll lose your winning streak and become embarrassed?"
I'll try to response with, "why would I be afraid to lose? Calling one loss an embarrassment proves how narrow-minded you trash are..(a pro basketball player will sometimes lose to a rookie player..one loss isn't a big deal)"
but again I don't wanna be seen as the mean one..


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2005
Melbourne, Fl
They might be annoying, but I wish I ran across more people like the ones in your story.
It's always great fun showing people like that that they really aren't all that good. That there's a whole new level of skill that they can't even comprehend.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 23, 2008
I don't know, I went through a phase there with my roomates very recently where we played Mario Kart for like 2 months straight every day playing Double Dash!!, 5 laps a track, every track, twice a day. Mario Kart rocks and I'm psyched for the Wii game.
In my dorm we would play mario kart 64 with the RA for pushups.

It was Mario Kart 64, we only raced koopa troopa beach and did battles occasionally.
In order to finish a race you have to get a blue shell.
If you finished without getting a blue shell you would automatically have to do atleast 30 push ups.

First place would assign 20 push outs to anyone however he saw fit. Second place got to give 10, but could not make first place do them.
Like every 10 races they would do a 50 pushup race/battle.

I would certainly consider it some competitive mario kart play, especially since you didn't want to end up being the person who had to do like 300 push ups in a half hour.


Smash Rookie
Mar 19, 2008
I completely agree with u. I prefer to play ur way except i like 5 lives instead of three though. Never really like timed much because there is always someone who if they get the first kill will run until time runs out.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
to the OP: I can understand that you would be miffed by these players, if they are so "good" at the game they should be fine playing in any circumstances, not just items only, other wise, they arnt nearly as good as they want to think.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2007
I guess I'm lucky to have the smash freinds I do. All of 'em understand competitive play, even if they don't follow it to a pro extent, and we only turn items on occasionally. But the last match is always 4-stock, neutral stage, mains. (and I usually win with sonic. W00t)

-.-Still, You have to admit, when four bomb-ombs appear in a row, someone says, "Look at all those bombs" And you run smack into them, that's good for a laugh.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
This happened while I was waiting for Brawl at a game store in the afternoon.

Me and my friend played a dude for $20. He said he could beat both of us on the same team and that he beat dudes in smash that were pretty good compared to most people. He said he beat them all and that he was the best player on the island. My friend gave him a lot of trash talk but I just looked at the games in stock and checked out the prices. When we both got our copies we went over to an arcade so we could do our match.

I picked Falco my friend picked Falcon [I think] and the dude picked Fox. We let him choose the number of stock [he choose 5] and the first stage and lo and behold, he chose Hyrule Temple. At this point me and my friend look at each other with a WTF expression, and my friend said "yeah, you're ****". So the match starts and we knock him over to the right side and I SD'd with a Falco Illusion, you know, nerves and lack of warm-ups but whatever. So I respawn give him a quick beatdown and take a stock. Then my and my friend proceed to beat him without losing any other stocks. He ran down to the tunnel of safety or whatever people call it but he couldn't wall tech so he died easily.

Next I played him 1v1 with Mario and I chose FD, he stuck with Fox. He got the first kill off me, and I took a stock and then he another one bringing me to 3. At the point I had learned his patterns and his moves and took him from 4 to 0 without losing another stock. Throughout the match he'd say "****, I hate shielding" whenever I blocked so I immediately knew that'd throw him off his game and that he was still at noob level. At one point he went to dair and I WD'd back and he was like "WTF was that!" I would have laughed if I wasn't concentrating on not losing anymore stock and my friend replied "wavedashing buddy". For the last kill I gimped him by caping his Fire Fox.

My friend took him on with Marth and lost by like 2 stocks and then the dude johned and said he played with items so we turn on everything to very high [his settings] and we proceed to beat him and only lost like 1 stock each. That was my first encounter with a smash noob but it was pretty funny and me and my friend walked away from $10 each.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
The player's at my school all think they're the best after winning
Usually I don't mind since they are all underclassmen and I don't jump around(well..feel like I actually won..they're 3 stock matches 4 players with usually 2 other people trying to kill me off since they are friends..they're the ones that usually win and keep the controller in changing hands) in victory after I win (which is fairly enough)
I don't ever wanna say I could beat them all on 1 on 1 matches because I don't wanna look like the bad guy.. especially with one of my friends watching..I could probably beat them in 1 on 1 matches (that is the case on our Battle Royals) but our player count is massive so that'd be impossible..which is a disappointment since the only recognized (good) player is the Club President..(he's good still)
I also hate the fact how the noobs think I'm running away
I would have more stock then them and they would think "he has more stock because he won't fight"
I quickly point out after the match how many KOs i do..which is usually 3x then everybody else..
Also there are certain Ike players there that reeeally don't like me.. I keep my distance from those Ike's because I know they'll just spam smash attacks once I get near..and I attack them when I have the opportunity.. I'm not gonna attack a Ike that's charging his eruption and they call my play 'wuss' play cause i won't attack them when they clearly have the priority.. and the players try to lure me into hitting them..saying, "what's a matter? afraid you'll lose your winning streak and become embarrassed?"
I'll try to response with, "why would I be afraid to lose? Calling one loss an embarrassment proves how narrow-minded you trash are..(a pro basketball player will sometimes lose to a rookie player..one loss isn't a big deal)"
but again I don't wanna be seen as the mean one..
I feel for you man. I know exactly what you're talking about. When I played with the guys from the original post I would often retreat from the fight and spam Falco's shdl, then destroy them as they broke to attack me. haha. They acted like I was "afraid" of them, they moaned that I was trying to sit the fight out but I typically had the most kills, so.. Apparently I wasn't sitting out as much as they'd like to think.

Those kids sound like punks. I would have loved to Warlock PUNCH them in the faces.

You're right to say what you're saying. Items are merely a crutch players use to try and win, and usually (unless you have a hammer, a good AT or a good PokeBall) they screw up using said items. Smash's in-depth fighting engine is well worth the time it takes to practice and learn, and frankly, I commend you for conforming to their regime (I would have smacked them upside the head myself), and soundly beating them (aside from the stray bob-omb of course XD).
Well put! I'll back that Warlock Punch of yours with a Falcon Punch ;D

They might be annoying, but I wish I ran across more people like the ones in your story.
It's always great fun showing people like that that they really aren't all that good. That there's a whole new level of skill that they can't even comprehend.
I know what you mean, but it's a pointless attempt. They are one-sided, and won't allow themselves the opportunity to fight you in a way that will put them under. It'd be great if you could simply dismantle their world of the game and beat them senseless.. This would be more executable in a tournament fashion, which they won't have. I mean, unless you just wanted to out-item them... sure... Some people argue that items take "skill." What they don't realize is, one who plays without items will still do just as well against those who play with items all the time. Why is this? Well, there are characters who have items such as Link's bomb, and Peach's turnip, you'll learn how to catch said items, and use them against your opponent. You'll learn to dodge the items mentioned, along with a slew of projectiles (e.g. Samus's beam) The addition of items changes the game a ton, but does it take an excess of skill? Not really. You'll still have the know-how from playing without items just relying on the character trade-offs to handle items. You'll be able to dodge the items, and wield them just as gracefully as some who only plays with them. For those of you who think that items require skill, aside from the skill of using character specific items (e.g. Pit's arrow), I just don't see where the skill comes into affect.

to the OP: I can understand that you would be miffed by these players, if they are so "good" at the game they should be fine playing in any circumstances, not just items only, other wise, they arnt nearly as good as they want to think.

I guess I'm lucky to have the smash freinds I do. All of 'em understand competitive play, even if they don't follow it to a pro extent, and we only turn items on occasionally. But the last match is always 4-stock, neutral stage, mains. (and I usually win with sonic. W00t)

-.-Still, You have to admit, when four bomb-ombs appear in a row, someone says, "Look at all those bombs" And you run smack into them, that's good for a laugh.
Yeah, the thing is, the guys I played with in the story aren't the people that I usually play Smash with. My group of friends plays Smash, some of them own it, and some of them just Smash when we're hanging out. Either way, some of them are very capable fighters, while the ones who don't own it are well, somewhat lacking. Still, we have so much fun playing the maps, usually not the ones that tend to kill you. They enjoy Final Destination as well, but grow bored of it, so we usually play a variety of maps. We also don't typically play with items, though on occasion we do. So, all in all my friends are into smash and are pretty good. I just wish they were more into one vs ones. As they almost never win, especially if I'm my main. Usually it's just slaughter and it gets to the point where they no long want to play. That I'm sure makes me out to be the kind of person who thinks "wow, I'm the best ever.." no, not really, it's just I'm better than my friends at it.

This happened while I was waiting for Brawl at a game store in the afternoon.

Me and my friend played a dude for $20. He said he could beat both of us on the same team and that he beat dudes in smash that were pretty good compared to most people. He said he beat them all and that he was the best player on the island. My friend gave him a lot of trash talk but I just looked at the games in stock and checked out the prices. When we both got our copies we went over to an arcade so we could do our match.

I picked Falco my friend picked Falcon [I think] and the dude picked Fox. We let him choose the number of stock [he choose 5] and the first stage and lo and behold, he chose Hyrule Temple. At this point me and my friend look at each other with a WTF expression, and my friend said "yeah, you're ****". So the match starts and we knock him over to the right side and I SD'd with a Falco Illusion, you know, nerves and lack of warm-ups but whatever. So I respawn give him a quick beatdown and take a stock. Then my and my friend proceed to beat him without losing any other stocks. He ran down to the tunnel of safety or whatever people call it but he couldn't wall tech so he died easily.

Next I played him 1v1 with Mario and I chose FD, he stuck with Fox. He got the first kill off me, and I took a stock and then he another one bringing me to 3. At the point I had learned his patterns and his moves and took him from 4 to 0 without losing another stock. Throughout the match he'd say "****, I hate shielding" whenever I blocked so I immediately knew that'd throw him off his game and that he was still at noob level. At one point he went to dair and I WD'd back and he was like "WTF was that!" I would have laughed if I wasn't concentrating on not losing anymore stock and my friend replied "wavedashing buddy". For the last kill I gimped him by caping his Fire Fox.

My friend took him on with Marth and lost by like 2 stocks and then the dude johned and said he played with items so we turn on everything to very high [his settings] and we proceed to beat him and only lost like 1 stock each. That was my first encounter with a smash noob but it was pretty funny and me and my friend walked away from $10 each.
haha! Nice! I wonder why that guy thought he was so good. Who had he been fighting? geez! Good story! haha. Yeah, that's the thing, when you fight someone new they may actually do well against you at first even if they aren't as good as you don't know their patterns. The thing is a good player will change his patterns as much as possible to keep his enemy guessing and on his feet. Once you realized his pattern reality struck, and you became impossible to kill. I love it. Good stuff. I know what you mean about shielding. The people I played with complained about my quick dodges / shielding. Saying that "it should have hit you". Then they'd also wonder how on earth I cought the items they dished out in mid air. lol. Fun fun.


Smash Cadet
Aug 6, 2007
This reminds of a match of ssb64 I had against a friend a month ago. He said he was "probably one of the best in the world" (Fat chance, unless he was Isai in disguise :laugh:) So I just said "I bet you 10 bucks that you can't beat me" He agreed, and I must say, it was rather brutal for him... He didn't know how to z/l-cancel, and here I was DJCing dairs, juggling him with uairs, etc... Needless to say I 5 stocked him without items on :p After that he said he plays with items and he wanted a rematch, so we did. Lets just say he probably only got ahold of one item during that entire game because I was too busy chasing him down :chuckle: I was $10 richer that day!

And... Not on topic, but this caught my attention...

now dont get me wrong, i wasnt dissin on mario kart. im just sayin u dont see ppl goin around playin it like smash

i love mario kart.
lemme refer you to... the player's pages!!! *gasp*

Make sure you do your research before making assumptions... k? :p


Smash Journeyman
Oct 30, 2007
Arizona / New Jersey
If you can't stand them and dislike their rules so much, then why do you even bother playing with them? Instead of trying to get them to change, just play with other people who like to play the way you do. It really isn't that complex.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
lol the kids are freaking 19!

haha yeah. Surprised?

ill play with items sometimes...like orca, im very flexible. but i prefer a standard, 4 stock battle on tourny stages
good man!

Hey ya know what they say noobs will be noobs and there is nothing you can do about it.
Yeah, this is true... It's funny how some noobs stay noobs for longer durations than others. I think we should examine a noob under a microscope to see what makes them tic... :D

If you can't stand them and dislike their rules so much, then why do you even bother playing with them? Instead of trying to get them to change, just play with other people who like to play the way you do. It really isn't that complex.
Good point, I've already reached this conclusion in the thread however, it's not so much that I'm trying to make them change the way they play, rather I'm just trying to fight them 1vs1 as they are calling me out. Oh well. Initially I had wanted to have them over my house one at a time and 1vs1 them to death. Though, I realized there's no point. I may as well just not play with them. :D

Thanks for the reply.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2007
Centre, Mexico
Of course defeating people 1 vs 1 shows some sort of skill, slightly questionable.

but, haven't you tought that If you have so much ability with your character wich I could bet is Wolf, Falco, Marth, Sheik or Fox, don't you have so much control over his maneuvering that you can easily avoid anything, be items or stage?

beat someone in a flat area= much skill
beat someone while avoiding external hazards = amazing more skill

also, you should have fun brawling, If those people bother you so much, I wonder why do you play with them.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
beat someone in a flat area= much skill
beat someone while avoiding external hazards = amazing more skill.
Getting killed by randomly appearing crates, bombs, ect. = ???
Having your combo stopped by a smart bomb appearing on the ground in front of you = ???
Instant kill or infinite combos with certain characters = ???

Not being mean, just throwing that out there.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 15, 2007
Columbus, OH
Wow, this thread is so off base. You have no basis to complain about the way those guys want to play or want to make you play at their house, even if they're trash talking. The day they show up to a tourney is the day this thread becomes valid.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
Wow, this thread is so off base. You have no basis to complain about the way those guys want to play or want to make you play at their house, even if they're trash talking. The day they show up to a tourney is the day this thread becomes valid.
no he really does have a point here. If those guys say they are skillful, they need to play in the most fair *SKILL-BASED* style of play.

and items, and unfair levels take out the players reliance on skill simply because: hazards are completely random, and items are as well.

Items only take slightly more skill in the fact that you have to use them properly, but sitll whoever is in a better position to aquire them ultimately wins, i mean come on.. a handicapped kid and use a final smash ball proplerly


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2005
Nottingham UK
sounds to me like you got owned, bro.

if they insist on playing with items, then beat them using their items. you have to conform to the rules of the competition if you want to win.


you're playing soccer. someone decides to make a rule that you're allowed to grab people and nail them into the ground. the game is no longer a test of soccer skill, but if you want to win, you're gonna have to be prepared to conform to those rules.

If you can't beat them by their rules, they are better at winning by their rules.

True, you may be the better smasher. Me, I'm a no items 4-stock on somewhat neutral stages kinda guy, but if someone forced me to play with items, I'd grab the Hammer at first opportunity and deal some spanks!


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Getting killed by randomly appearing crates, bombs, ect. = ???
Having your combo stopped by a smart bomb appearing on the ground in front of you = ???
Instant kill or infinite combos with certain characters = ???

Not being mean, just throwing that out there.
My point exactly!

no he really does have a point here. If those guys say they are skillful, they need to play in the most fair *SKILL-BASED* style of play.

and items, and unfair levels take out the players reliance on skill simply because: hazards are completely random, and items are as well.

Items only take slightly more skill in the fact that you have to use them properly, but sitll whoever is in a better position to aquire them ultimately wins, i mean come on.. a handicapped kid and use a final smash ball proplerly
Again, exactly!

Locked??? This thread is so true that it should be STICKIED!


Oct 24, 2005
Sandy, UT
They're the type that like to make their own rules, not conform to the typical rules set in place by something more official (MLG). You're the opposite of them. Of course you're frustrated. You two view skill as something completely different. Someone is going to flame me for that one sentence, calling the other half "skillful" because they don't see it that way. It's pure and simple fact. You're never going to get the point across to them, even if you brought two competitive people together and they fought it out in front of said group.

Point is, let bygones be bygones. If you're willing to subject yourself to the group so you can get some type of play against another person, then sobeit. However, you also have the choice of finding someone else, or getting another person who is interested in the game and training them up to be of competitive level. The only problem with the last option is that you both know each others' playstyles, and therefore will have semi-annoying matches, and yet awesome moments because you both know just exactly what is coming up. That's how me and my friend is (except I see far more things than he does).

I could go into what I prefer, but meh, I don't want to bore y'all XD The only advice, in case you aren't doing so, is slow your game down just a touch if you know explosives are going around, or try working with them (calmly) as to what items should and shouldn't be allowed. Like the Franklin Badge. Sorry, that thing is effing ********.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Whenever I play someone who is a newb and refuses to play without items, I don't ignore them. I usually put it on medium and kill them quickly with my leet skills, and once something spawns, I either pick it up and throw it off or be an *** and actually use it. If items make your newby friend better, they will do the same for you.

Tino's White Horse

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2008
Jangamo, Inhambane, Mozambique
I'd like to point out...

Also, items do not ALWAYS make it a rat race to get it.

Even if you DO get it, you might use it wrong. And when you DO get it, you'll probably take a tilt smash to the face for wasting your time going to the other side of the screen trying to get it instead of fighting and getting to it with a little bit more tact.


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I've met this dude who think Bombsoldier suck. I don't say he's a noob or complain, but now I know he's not all that good as he say he is. End of story for me


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
They're the type that like to make their own rules, not conform to the typical rules set in place by something more official (MLG). You're the opposite of them. Of course you're frustrated. You two view skill as something completely different. Someone is going to flame me for that one sentence, calling the other half "skillful" because they don't see it that way. It's pure and simple fact. You're never going to get the point across to them, even if you brought two competitive people together and they fought it out in front of said group.

Point is, let bygones be bygones. If you're willing to subject yourself to the group so you can get some type of play against another person, then sobeit. However, you also have the choice of finding someone else, or getting another person who is interested in the game and training them up to be of competitive level. The only problem with the last option is that you both know each others' playstyles, and therefore will have semi-annoying matches, and yet awesome moments because you both know just exactly what is coming up. That's how me and my friend is (except I see far more things than he does).

I could go into what I prefer, but meh, I don't want to bore y'all XD The only advice, in case you aren't doing so, is slow your game down just a touch if you know explosives are going around, or try working with them (calmly) as to what items should and shouldn't be allowed. Like the Franklin Badge. Sorry, that thing is effing ********.
Good response. Yeah, I've simply decided to not bother with them because
A.) I hear from them once in a great while, so to not play Smash with them is hardly a big deal

B.) Many of you made it apparent that there is no point in trying to have a 1vs1 with them as it's not something they understand or want to. As such, it's more trouble than it's worth.

B.) A rule of thumb, I have no problem with items. It's just I don't care who you are, if you're going to proclaim that you're the best, prove it in the fairest of ways, that which eliminates chance.

I'm probably not going to check back at this thread much but I'd like to say one last thing. In watching these guys play, I couldn't help but realize how badly some people need items. I see why they (pro-itemers) so long for them to be allowed in tourneys, claiming they take an exorbitant amount of skill. They really are a crutch, and those who defend them in the utmost are blind of it. Here's my lasting example:

There were two players standing as the other two combatants had died off. They were playing Corneria. One player was Wolf, the other was MK (not that it matters). So Wolf had 1 stock left, MK had 2. It was the best ridiculous 1vs1 ever, why? Because Wolf was more campy then the worst campy person described in these forums. I'm not even saying that he spammed his gun, rather, he fled MK upon every approach and ran after items. He literally went from one end of the map to the other multiple times avoiding MK waiting for an item to appear. Wolf ended up getting some useful item and killing off one of MK's stocks. MK now only had one stock, and when they foguht it was brief because Wolf kept fleeing. Wolf then found something rather useful; the smash ball. As we know, this was the end of the fight, MK lost. They displayed no true skill whatsoever, MK not only allowed for this to happen by not applying pressure, but Wolf only attacked if he couldn't get away, then he'd wait for an item. It was so lame, and I almost said it out loud. Perhaps it would have been half-way interesting had they not focused solely on items and actually fought. To make things worse, both players truly think they are amazing at the game, especially the player behind Wolf. *sigh*


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
RANT! (don't read unless you're ready for a short story...)

Once upon a time I was sitting in class with these kids I had met, in time they mentioned Smash. Intrigued, that they liked Smash as well we got into talking about the game, and they said that they are really good blah blah blah. So eventually we hung out and played.
This is when the annoyances began...

Considering the fact that they said they're awesome, and the fact that they trash talked, I assumed we'd settle the dispute in 1vs1s to determine who was best. 1vs1s on tourney maps, no items, limited stock (usually 3). However, none of this was met. We played 3 player, with items on (on high and all items). Then they'd act like I wasn't all that -- when they ganged up on me (indirectly). Pissed off that they actually consider this a true skill determining match I insisted upon a 1vs1. Finally I got a 1vs1 with one of them, and... surprise surprise I won (I'm not saying I'm the best, but considering the people I've described). Though, might I add that for the 1vs1, they wouldn't turn items off. They insisted that if I didn't want to play with items that it meant that I couldn't "handle" items-- as if I was the noob. I responded with the usual, I have no problems with items, but if you want to prove your better, and you need items as a crutch, that's sad. They were so blind. They both defended the fact that items are in the game for a reason, and as such must be used. Skill is in there eyes entirely dependent on items.

When we played, I'd beat them usually, even with the aforementioned items, though, obviously I'd get boned from time to time... and a bomb-omb would come out of nowhere... Or a random beam sword would hit me from across the map when I was in mid fight with one of them. So lame.

All of that happened so long ago now... and now that Brawl is out, we finally hung out and played Brawl. I hate to say it, but nothing has changed. They still play just the way they did way back when, and they are cockier than ever. Which is so annoying. I went through the same arguments with them as I did before. I grew disgusted playing with them, and instantly remembered how lame it was playing Smash with them in the past-- everything in the game had to be their way or the highway. Thinking back now I should have picked the highway... they even complained when I didn't change my character after each round-- and proclaimed it their rule that you never use the same character twice... absolute noobs..

Call me crazy, but items take depth from the game. With items, one no longer has to rely fully on his own skill, or ability with a character. The overall game is influenced greatly by chance (e.g. wow, how lucky! A pokeball spawned in front of you, omg... articuno?) Some characters as part of their being have items. Like Link's bombs, those items are fine. They are a part of the character and should be used appropriately. It would not be unbalanced for a character like Link, or Peach, to spawn their own items vs characters who cannot spawn items, like Marth... It's supposed to be that way. For the characters who use items as part of their game it's necessary to their success. It's not the same when you have items on though... It becomes, who can get the most rediculous item fastest. I mean, think about Brawl for a moment. There are so many 1hit KO items now, the three-peice whatchamacallit, some assist trophies and pokeballs result in instant death, and of course Smash Balls. Sure Smash Balls are nice and all, but... I don't get one ounce of satisfaction when I win using a smash ball. I think it's so lame. For example, I played BRAWL with the kids mentioned before just a few hours ago. In one of the matches, I was kicking the crap out of the remaining player (the other two had died). Seriously, there was no doubt that I would win. This kid doesn't even know what the idea of mind games is, because he's too busy running and waiting for a good item. So a Smash Ball appears, and just because I didn't feel like conforming to their way I said "you know, I'd fight for the ball, but the thing is, it's stupid. It takes no skill to execute-- in fact, I don't get any satisfaction out of killing with them because it's not the same as owning yourself.."(yes-- I know you actually need a tiny amount of skill to pull off the final smash once obtained-- depending on your character. That's besides the point). This was this kids perfect opportunity to display how much he "owns" at this game. Beating me without any items-- at the very least the smash ball. Despite what I just said aloud he rigorously went for the smash ball. The Ironic thing is, the ball spawned near me, I quite obviously PURPOSELY didn't get it, and backed it with my "speech." Yet, knowing that without items he had no chance, he stooped to the low of using the smash ball, I dodged it for quite a while, but eventually the final smash got me. I was actually happy at this point. Because, at least now they witnessed pure *** kickage, and me willingly not taking the easy way out like they liked.

Just a bit of Smash info about me...
I've played Smash since the beginning! It has always been very competitive between my "real" friends and I. (no I have never gone to a tournament, and I know that many of you will more than likely flame me, assuming that I have no skill. The thing is, I don't know much about tourney happenings. I don't know where they are held, and I recently found this site...) I was into the ATs' in Melee, and I mained Shiek. For example, I was into wavedashing, L canceling and what not. So I'm no noob... So maybe someday I will enter a tournament, at this point I'd like to. At the very least, I'd like to try out a wifi tourney.

All I can say is this. I can't wait to have those kids over, maybe one at a time-- if they are together they will ***** that items have to be on, and will chose maps like flat zone 2 for 1vs1's.... Or even the pictochat map--which they did today... so dumb. If I were to have them over, under my roof, smash will be played in the way that in my opinion takes skill... and as such I would refuse items to them, and stupid maps.. and I will insist upon a 1vs1 to prove once and for all that they aren't as good as they think they are. !!!!

Does anyone know what I mean? Why I'm annoyed? I know that there are two sides to every coin, so many of you will agree with me, while others will disagree, let's see it. I'm curious as to what you guys have to say.

Thanks for taking the time to read.
They are noobs, you just have to say that you are sticking with what they use in tournaments. They call you a noob for not using items, call them a noob because they use items. Also say if they are so good, then tell them to beat you on your rules. Also try to put them in their place by doing a 2 vs 1 no items and winning. Not too hard against noobs
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