Made a bit of a discovery while slogging through a Smash U facebook group, since someone posted this.
I'm extremely conflicted --- Mostly because I don't have a lot of information on this particular guy, and also for another reason but I'll get into that in a bit. Point is, the reasoning for this could make or break Ninten being "Brave". Not necessarily destroy his odds of being DLC altogether, but "Brave" in particular.
I would like some clarification as to who this is, because some people are saying this is a prominent Smash director, while others are saying he hasn't been involved in Smash's development since Melee.
And second of all, referring to Erdrick's shield as being "The brave's shield": This could be implying that it's "Brave", or the hype could just be a side effect of people not realizing that this is a Japanese fan of the Dragon Quest games who would probably refer to Erdrick as "Brave", since I believe that was his name ("Yuusha") in the Japanese version of the game?
Some people are also speculating that this is intentionally being done to throw people off, but that's just guesswork.
Things might be up in the air for now.