Here's a game for you guys, pick the three most likely characters to get in through the ballot not including veterans, 3rd party characters and characters with Mii costumes.
this is SERIOUSLY not something I think I put too much into, but I think I'll have to explain it before.
I can;t choose kkr nor inklings. To me that would make me want to wolf OR maybe snake, but can't.
So then I come to isaac, and I don;t think so, seemingly becomming not much for his series lately and his inconsistent popularity.
So I am left with bdee and paper mario which I consider have at least enough chances to be considered.
My reasoning is that I do feel if I compare both, Paper mario just feels more consistent and higher in popularity. I won't get into potential, because they both have enough. Also, they are both relevant lately (bdee got a name and as coincidental as it sounds, same for paper mario, lol).
So you get that I kinda have to say paper mario, but here;s the problem:
tbh, it came to a point where who I consider the most likely is pointless. There's so much assumed stuff that everything can go wrong. What if the costume somehow wasn't because they weren't there? What if they did intended to put wolf back? What if they did some weird stuff to get snake? idk, my problem is no one can be sure.
And then you have that SK leak showing that even my quite confident belief that third party were very unlikely might just be wrong too. And the last thing: who knows how many will be there?
Like my point is even if I might sound biased, it just means nothing because I realised that saying who is the most likely won;t get to much.....
EDIT: I also didn't mention that paper mario could be hindered by some people not wanting to vote for him because of redundancy and the con of him being a mario rep, who knows what sakurai values more......