Welcome to the new NintenZone Social thread. Given this is a social, pretty much anything goes so long as it does not violate any of
SWF's Global Rules. Ex. Double Posting (please use the edit button), Media only posts (count as spam), flaming, censor dodging and inappropriate content, advertising,
Please report and ignore any posts you think are problematic. If you have questions, feel free to tag or PM a Staff member. Though if you wish to contest a Staff ruling or site policy, please PM the given Staff member or make a thread in the
Forum Support boards; lets not try to keep the thread positive and on-topic.
Given what we have said above, Leak/Rumor discussion is naturally allowed, but we do ask you not to create any rumors/leaks directly on SWF nor to make a new thread for the given rumor/leak or rumors/leaks in general without consulting a Staff Member.
Gaming as a whole can be found in the Light House boards, and Mario/Zelda/Pokemon discussion threads belong in their respective sub-forums.
http://www.twitch.tv/srkevo1 (Currently playing USF4)
http://www.twitch.tv/srkevo2 (Currently playing Melee)
http://www.twitch.tv/srkevo3 (Currently playing Persona 4 Arena)
http://www.twitch.tv/srkevo4 (Currently playing Sm4sh)