I'm going to cover why this whole post is wrong. The first part I will cover is a clarifications of my past and present viewpoints that were obviously accurately misrepresented. To be blunt, that part will be boring for most of you. The second part is ultimately my major issue with this post, what it represents, and what it is doing.
What the Smash 4 development team gave us was an entirely different character than "the Duck Hunt Dog" you and many others presented." In your and like-minded people's vision of Duck Hunt, the Dog was the primary focus. With Duck Hunt in Smash 4, the Dog is only a part of the character, and acts as the primary conduit. In Smash 4 the entire game is the character, and it revolves around the Zapper and the parts of the game, including the Dog, the Duck, and even outside sources.
For the record, I disliked every idea I saw based around the Dog as the central focus. I still fundamentally disagree with all such ideas on them. I found none of those ideas useful. However, there were a select few ideas revolving around the gun or some functionalities of the game being the focus with the dog and 1 to 3 ducks as the basis that I thought might have potential, specifically if it revolved around the NES Zapper.
So yes, I opposed your and other people's "Duck Hunt Dog." However, I never had any opposition to "Duck Hunt."
As for you and your "crusade" of Duck Hunt Dog after the fact... you're very over-dramatic about it. You make it sound like you're super dedicated to a Holy cause.
However, that's not my big picture issue here.
My big picture issue is your portrayal of everyone who disagreed with you even a little bit over this as an antagonist.
You use Spaghetti Western good guy vs. bad guy portrayals of people, false recollections of events, and sweeping and incredibly low grade over-generalizations. You are taking advantage of people's ignorance of the topic, and using them to oppose anyone who disagreed with you, as well as to uplift yourself. We call it an ego trip.
You spend the whole posts taking shots, and then you reference "pay day." Most people don't get that reference. Arcadenik made a huge moveset for Meowth. 5 or 6 moves on it were literally "pay day." It was a rather humorous occurrence. Instead of humbling yourself by referencing that or how dedicated you are to your ideals (which isn't a bad thing), you're using it to shame others. Instead of making the focus of your story about your doubts about Duck Hunt, you had to essentially make up "bad guys" you had to beat.
You antagonize many people for the sake of melodrama to make your struggle seem harder to overcome in order to add real physical people as your dragons you had to slay. Instead of clarifying I thought the ideas presented to me by and large for Duck Hunt were boring by you and others, you created a false narrative where I was you said "detractors like... Johnknight1" and then bring up "flame wars," implying me and others are at fault.
And to top it all off, you commit your worst offense at the very end, and it's the worst hyperbole you committed in this post....
...You close by quoting Gandhi. By doing so, you de facto are comparing your struggles with the Duck Hunt Dog with Gandhi's, and also de facto comparing anyone opposing you to those that opposed Gandhi and his incredible quest for peace and equality in India, South Africa, and across the world. All this likely wasn't intentional, but it was still in poor taste and done with the general laziness that in my opinion is an accurate depiction of up your posting and shared opinions on such topics.
And to the 15 people who liked this above quoted post (that would be @
TaichiYaegashi @
Tree Gelbman
SegaNintendoUbisoft @
Aurora Jenny @
BluePikmin11 @
Awesomedude4444 @
CyberHyperPhoenix @
Curious Villager @
tehponycorn @
Jgt044 @
Lucimar @
KingBro1 and @
egaddmario of course) let this be a lesson to you not to favorite a sweeping generalization propaganda-filled post, or else you might get called out for being lazy for liking all such posts... like you are now.
Don't automatically agree with what you read from one side of the story, especially when the one side is gloating so much.