I'm meh on E3 altogether. The one thing that would have bothered me to watch E3 on Tuesday (

...) is going to be shown off on Sunday right before he releases (literally) and outside of
maybe a DKCR3/Diddy Kong Racing 2 announcement with Kremlings, nothing that would be a must buy for me stands a chance of happening (stuff like Mother 3 Virtual Console, F-Zero, a great Mega Man game). I'm going to skip watching E3 altogether and catch up whenever I feel like it. Still, because I feel like it, here's my prediction for E3 (Smash included):
- Video on Lucas fighting (this will be the highlight of E3 for me)
- Ryu being announced
- Announcement of next wave of Amiibo
- Stage DLC revealed
- Details on Tournament Mode
- Details on Miiverse Stage
Nintendo's E3:
- Star Fox gets shown off
- Xenoblade X information
- Platinum shows off their new game for the Wii U
- Retro's new game gets announced (Either Donkey Kong or a new IP)
I have minimal expectations for E3. The funny part about this is that the
Villager Amiibo getting restocked will be the best news for me that happens around E3. Now I can actually get one.