Yeah ...Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 , Sonic Colors , Sonic Generation ,Sonic Rush series , Unleashed and Lost World Didin't count ...
Project Diva isn't one of their best Arcade game
Chain Chronicle isn't one of the best mobile game in Japan
Right GUYS ?
One more thing, he said ever since the dreamcast went belly up and you count sonic adventure 1 and 2...? Those are dreamcast games >_>
Sonic Colors/Generations yeah, I'll give you those. Those were very well received. However Sonic Unleashed was VERY mixed, lots of negative reactions, same to Lost World.
Even though I don't like Sonic Rush 1 at all, but I'll give you that since many seem to like it to this day. It had more praise than otherwise which makes it qualify.
Going back to the whole Metroid situation, TheAnvil's point is basically that Metroid had ONE really bad game that tarnished the brand (Other M. The rest of the bad games which might be just Prime Hunters did not hurt the franchise) while Sonic had multiple.
The fan reaction to that 3DS game is kind of out of control, I can see why some of the anger because the timing is wrong and there is no real benefit for the franchise to receive a random spinoff when fans has been waiting several years for another good mainline Metroid game. But Metroid's track record, despite Other M, hasn't been so bad. Meanwhile Sonic's track record is far far worse.
With all that said, I am disappointed too, but I think a lot of the Metroid fans should give this game a chance instead of petitioning to cancel it. It's really petty. Most of Metroid's games has been very good and there is a chance this one will be fun too. Metroid is not in the same situation as Sonic.