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Social NintenZone Social 6.0 - L'Arachel Edition, Apparently?

Best Galar Starter?

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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Because I feel like it, Imma do a bit of predictioning (I don't care if it's not a real world) when it comes to some of the new units' stats based on obvervations.

Obviously, since HP is straight up shown in the gameplay footage, I won't talk about that.

Not!Reina (Kinshi Hinoka)
  • Thanks to Luna, some math has already been made to calculate the defense of the foe she used it on, then said defense was used on the basic damage formula to give an idea of Hinoka's attack stat. Seems to be at around 36 (50 if you count her 14 Mt bow), which could actually the highest base attack for an archer unit.
  • Atk/Spd Bond leaves me to believe that Hinoka's speed stat is also going to be a good one, especially if you factor in the permanent +3 from the Warrior Princess bow. I can imagine her having good speed, which is further boosted by the bow's effect, like Brave Lyn. With that said, I don't think she's going to be as fast as Brave Lyn (though it's not impossible either), but definitely fast enough to make the Bond skill workable.
  • The Flier Formation and Flier Guidance skills seem to support the idea that her default kit would rely on granting herself and her flying allies extra mobility while also boosting herself through that kind of movement thanks to her Bond skill. This is very reminescent of VaLyntine's default kit which does a similar thing with Atk/Spd Bond and Armor March, thus backing up my idea of this Hinoka having good attack and speed.
    • EDIT: Yeah, I know VaLyntine's base attack is actually not that great, but in all fairness, she's a mage, meaning she has access to Blade tomes to patch up that low attack with Armor buffs. This Hinoka doesn't have that due to being an archer.
  • Of course, if both her attack and speed are good, this means her defense and resistance might not be so good, making her a bit of a glass cannon like Brave Lyn.
  • Darting Stance makes me think he's going to have decent speed. At least enough to make that skill a viable way to shut down doubles in enemy phase.
  • The fact that he lacks Sing means he's definitely going to get a better BST than his seasonal self. Which is good because Shigure could really use having a variant that doesn't have the lowest BST in the entire roster.
Female Kana
  • Her overall skillset is geared towards enemy phase, with Fierce Stance boosting her attack and Water Breath boosting her defense and resistance on said phase. Since she has so many stat boosts on enemy phases, however, I can't just say "attack, defense and resistance are all good" and leave it at that.
  • So instead, I think she's going to have some good mixed bulk, but that her attack would actually be a bit more mediocre so that Fierce Stance can boost it to something more decent, thus putting the emphasis on the fact that she's designed for the enemy phase.
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Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place

I don't like confrontations.
Shiny spawns are clearly higher in this game. I'm certain of it.
Do you also know that you can go to:
faraway island I believe. Iirc that’s what was said on thing I read up on the game for.
I'll look into it.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
One quip and then I pass out.


He does exist.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
View attachment 142154
I don't like confrontations.
Shiny spawns are clearly higher in this game. I'm certain of it.

I'll look into it.
that isn’t a bad color. And your luck is crazy lol. I only have snorlax but I might try to get something with more obvious colors. I need two more team memebers but don’t know who yet. I did probably over a hundred wonder trades so I’ve gotten most of the Pokédex lol. I might see what I saved from trades and go from there.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Job interview tonight, and one tomorrow. Hope I do well in them.
Hopefully you won't get an E-Mail immediately after saying the company isn't hiring anymore.

Speaking from personal experience. :bee:


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
So the Steven universe half hour special episode titles are out and they sound pretty. They are “a single pale rose” and “cant get back”. The implications of these titles are pretty hype actually. It’s only like 3 weeks away so I can’t wait!


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
Hey, what happened with redfeatherraven redfeatherraven 's Dwarf Fortress games?

It’s funny seeing people complaining about millennials when they’re also a millennial.
Dang millennials, complaining about mellennials, why can't they be more like Gen Xerox, they never complained about each other, except for when they did.
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I saw an article that said “millennials are taking over the work force”

Like no **** that’s what happens when they’re all 25-40.
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Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
I tried.
whelp all in all when week three started things were in quite high spirits for most people, kyler and blargg needed rest from their campaign so kyler went to go pray and blargg got sent to the bar, konnie was still suffering a bad hangover but all in all was able to fight, red was still in pretty good condition and could start another misson, also upgraded a lotta places had the guild up and running and fixed up our stage coast and tourism of the estates hamlet...the only problem was her

ya that vestal is basically a money sink (which isn't a problem as i had like 30k cause week 2 was so successful) and was so broken and completely hopeless in despair.... theres only one rational thing to do here

i sent her back to whatever convent she came from so she can wallow in misery back there, in order to claim back the nintenzone estate we can't have weakness, even if we did horribly break her, we abandon those who aren't useful, such is life

anyway after preparations and recurting uni as a leper and an unamed plague doctor we set off with a new group into new lands, the weald full of poisones man eating parasitic mushrooms and brigands

look! they even have a name!, the crew of red, uni, konnie, and some random *** doctor sets off!
things went amazing at the start, we instantly gotten a feast from some dead beast having plenty of food we could ever eat and our first encounter basically got destroyed by our party, only inital problems was red got really stressful for trying to handle two missions without any rest what so ever but he was managing

uni was literally being insane, the whole time he didn't do less than 18 damage and his every attack despite having the lowest possibility to hit, the rng gods was in complete favor for uni to kick everything butt only taking 1 or 2 shots of killing anything, the whole party did very well with konnie criting things and red general usefulness (unamed basically played decent support)

....i literally only explored two rooms and we killed everything that was in a room, fastest mission i ever completed, well since we had all the food we could ever dream of and it literally still being the start of the campaign i just continued on forward with the group

that turned out to be very very very stupid of me

this unamed idiot kept opening traps, stumbling traps, and literlly igniting every single booby trap spike and pit she could
fights thankfully still went amazing and easy

the rng gods really really blessed uni with insane lucky hits and max damages, everything he hit died in one or two hits never standing a chance, by the end of the campaign he already became a serial killer on his first week of the job, sadly thigns were going somewhat poorly for the rest of the party, red took beating after beating barely holding on till....

red broke, and went basically insane, he kept yelling at uni to bow down and worship him, had incorent ramblings at konnie and kept telling bugs his brichers needed sewing...ya he was not helping the party at all and things could not get any worse at the-

..............red......red i'm so sorry dude.....i'm so sorry....

whelp right after i basically doomed reds life with rabies, the mission ended....yaaaaaaaaaay, got nice basic rewards, good quirks around....but ya i now have to deal with a stark raving mad red who has rabies

oh and blargg got drunk off his *** at the tavern and now is completley missing for week 4 with no one having any idea where the hell he is....fantastic

well from low to high all the way back to low, got a lotta things to fix that happened at the end of week 3 we look optimistic to the start of week 4

and thats quite a story to tell....still positions are open up for whoever want to join the quest here
I can't get drunk in real life, so I did it in a video game, I guess.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
I saw an article that said “millennials are taking over the work force”

Like no **** that’s what happens when they’re all 25-40.
What's next a headline declaring Baby Boomers to start retiring?

Hahaha, I wish, companies are probably going to make them work till they die.

What do you mean we're all nearly 25-40?

You realise that soon we'll be out of touch, I don't want to be like Principal Skinner!!!
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Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
Gonna go catch Mewtwo and call it.
Why would you call it after you catch it?

Also, I didn't know that Mewtwo had a phone. I'd think he wouldn't really need it but, I guess you never know.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Honestly I'm not really feeling this current round in FEH either. Unlike Morgan I don't like Kana as her character does not interest me in the slightest and even as someone messing around with a Dragon Emblem team, she doesn't seem to bring anything new that my current ones don't. Shigure's OK, but I don't like him enough to throw orbs at his banner unlike Leif, and while Hinoka is enticing for my Flier Emblem team, I do not care for the alt obsession that IS has been on lately. I do think it's nice she finally got one since she was ignored in other seasonals, but I feel this should've been saved for said seasonals instead while another Fates characters like Ophelia were added to the permanent pool.

M!Kana is in the same boat as F!Kana, but he's a free unit. I will say though, it's a bit odd that he's a GHB since he barely has an antagonistic role in the games and there are other (albeit, very unpopular and disliked) villains they could've used for the role. Kaze I'm looking forward to, but I'm hoping he's free instead of being an off-banner unit.

I'm aware of that. Doesn't exactly stop that from being a bit somber for her.

I still wonder what's prompting IS to do permanent Alts. I mean, is it a marketing strategy they are trying to see the difference between the first year and second year? Did the 2nd CYL Banner inspire them to make them, to appeal to the fans of the characters who didn't get 1st or 2nd place? Are they trying to run a theme maybe, considering so far, the last 3 Legendary Heroes were related to the Banners and Alts that released before their banner, like Ike with Radiant Dawn and Zelgius, Ephraim with Sacred Memories and SM!Eirika and Grima Robin with Chrom, Male Grima and the Morgans?

It would be nice to get a hint on what they are trying to do.
It's probably not the CYL2 poll since this trend started with Eirika and arguably Zelgius, who popped up around the time it was going (ironically, it possibly cost Eirika her alt due to its timing).
The theming is a possibility as Ephraim did debut after the previously released Eirika and F!Grima came after the previously released M!Grima, so it could be an intentional contrast (though that may mean we're going to see a lot of heat for a possible Camilla alt to contrast Hinoka). However if that was the case, then it seems to be backfiring as the alts on the banner are usually getting more backlash then the ones that aren't.
Theoretically it also could be that IS may be worried that the new characters they're adding may not be popular enough to carry a banner, so they're adding the alts as 'safe' additions to keep fans interested. With that said, even in that case it'd be a strange choice since characters like Myrrh/L'arachel and the Morgans are popular characters and can easily get fans of their games interested without support.
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Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Kana and Shigure seem so uninteresting... and then on the flipside the new Hinoka is freaking crazy. What a strange banner.

Kinda disappointed myself because when I saw more Fates kids I was like "Oh gosh is this time for Odin's child?!" But nope.

Having a flying archer and also the first kinshi knight, I'm interested in pulling for her, but that's about it.

Still amazes me we have weapons with double type effectiveness, a stat boost, plus an extra ability. Like... I'd be happy with just the first part, it being effective against two types of units. Apparently that's not enough I guess.

P.S. Just give us Charlotte already, damn IS... .__.
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Gonna answer a "should I roll for the new banner?" question before you even think of it, @ShinyLegendary

You might get better stuff out of rolling for Ayra rather than the new banner, but you should still try to keep some orbs for the new Hinoka. She's looking really solid, especially on Flier Emblems (you need to change two skills to make her fit in other teams, but still looking pretty solid overall).
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I can understand shigure

But I think Kana is being look at a little bit off essentially.

I see her as likely being blue young tiki with her kit but you never know. Regardless if you want a dragon user she will probably get a lot of use.

I may pull for her, but everything will be focused on Hinoka first. Hopefully colorless orbs aren't scarce on this banner because that always sucks when the unit most people want is made harder because they make the orb of that unit's color rarer to appear.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Revere him, praise him, because we just got some new screenies on Zamasu.

As well as his render.
What a beautiful Subarashii, it make me feel like a Ningen, if I was one of course.
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