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Best Galar Starter?

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Henshin a go go baby!
Jan 5, 2017
Jaén, España
Switch FC
SW 7943 9867 0675
Also, Catria lost and this means Chrom cheated. I demand justice!
Last hour bonuses are the worst... Poor Catria, she was in the lead pretty much all the game, and because of the last hour multiplier she lost. I enjoyed using your Joshua Shish, it was pretty busted.

At least Kagero is still in this, I hope she wins now (Right now she's destroying Alfonse, but knowing last hour multipliers, who knows what will happen).

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
I finally finished my first +10. Love the border they get on their icon.

Mfw you promote a 3* Nino thinking you din't have a 4* but turns out you do so you just wasted 2k feathers

Also, Catria lost and this means Chrom cheated. I demand justice!
I still haven't gotten 11 Tharjas after the ridiculous amount of summons I've done since the start... I'll never get a +10 unit. ;-;


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
my favorite part of dragonball super is
outside of the second movie arc goku infact did not win any arc related final battle
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
For an odd coincidence, starters have an 80 something chance of being male, but every Blastoise I have is female

Kind of off it worked out that way somehow

Deleted member

Last hour bonuses are the worst... Poor Catria, she was in the lead pretty much all the game, and because of the last hour multiplier she lost. I enjoyed using your Joshua Shish, it was pretty busted.

At least Kagero is still in this, I hope she wins now (Right now she's destroying Alfonse, but knowing last hour multipliers, who knows what will happen).
Thanks, I'm glad to know Joshua works for more than just me. Only way to make him even more op is if he had innate DC :p

What unit do you have as your leader? I might have gotten them and not realised it was yours.
I still haven't gotten 11 Tharjas after the ridiculous amount of summons I've done since the start... I'll never get a +10 unit. ;-;
Nino is much easier to do since she's avaible as a 3*, and the Green pool is also incredibly limited so it's much easier to pull her in specific.
I've gotten, what, 4 Tharjas total? All became Darting Blow fodder


Henshin a go go baby!
Jan 5, 2017
Jaén, España
Switch FC
SW 7943 9867 0675
Thanks, I'm glad to know Joshua works for more than just me. Only way to make him even more op is if he had innate DC :p
I don't think DC is happening, but maybe you can expect a refine for his weapon. It got powercrept really fast with the refines, is basically a better slaying sword with res refine.

What unit do you have as your leader? I might have gotten them and not realised it was yours.
I had Female Grima during that round, running Vantage and double smoke. Nothing that special (Though I got lots of friend requests from japanese people, I don't know why). I now have my +6 Catria, to help those on team Kagero with some flier buffs, and to not have a colourless unit. Let's see if she can pull it off.

Deleted member

I don't think DC is happening, but maybe you can expect a refine for his weapon. It got powercrept really fast with the refines, is basically a better slaying sword with res refine.
Yeah, I know DC ain't happening.
Still, it was already pretty disappointing at base. The killer effect is fine but +5 Res? Compared to other Prf Killers that have +10 dmg on special, Fury 3 and ****ing Wrath(ok to be fair, VA!Hector was made to be powercreep incarnated). Same goes for Valter whose weapon is a literal downgrade compared to refined Mysteltainn
But now that the Binding Blade and Regal Blade are getting refines, I think it'd be safe to expect one in the future. Only "extremely bad weapon" left to refine is the Yato and I sort of expect Omega Yato to come with a Legendary Corrin or something of the like with recent trends
I had Female Grima during that round, running Vantage and double smoke. Nothing that special (Though I got lots of friend requests from japanese people, I don't know why). I now have my +6 Catria, to help those on team Kagero with some flier buffs, and to not have a colourless unit. Let's see if she can pull it off.
Must not have gotten her then. I do remember getting a Female Grima but she had CA2 on her B slot.

I'm now on Team Alfonse so I guess we fight now D:


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
Didn't expect this in-depth an analysis, so leading off - thank you man, I really appreciate it.

Been fumbling through tier lists and builds and only now beginning to understand the point of half of it. Any info is good info.

Responses line by line where I got em:

Just used your Grima in the voting gauntlet. It's pretty disgusting.
Best **** I've heard all day.

Honored to be of service. :denzel:

I'd give him armour boots as a sacred seal though, that way he can keep up with the rest of the team.
After Pivot that's mostly been a non issue.

Marching formation tends to be a Dragon Ball due to the support slots (and is likely to be more so as time continues), and especially with F!Grima around he can usually get wherever he needs to be rather fast.

Probably sucks trying to fiddle with him in voting gauntlet though. Sorry bout that.

I've been using female Grima and it's pretty underwhelming to be honest. The one I'm using has the same IV's as yours.
Yeah these IVs ain't great. Tried to pull a better one, to no avail. But she's put in some solid work nonetheless.

Hoping to make her one part flying support zone - hence Spur Res, and I suppose she could run a Ploy effectively - and one part pinch hitter/finisher, since she can't take much of a punch but she can still dish plenty.

Quick Riposte sounds like a viable option versus Cancel Affinity. Vantage...I'm honestly hoping she wouldn't get hit hard enough to trigger it, because she's pretty easy to ORKO.

Edit: You can give her guidance as sacred seal, it would give so much movilty to your whole team.
Mobility hasn't been a point of contention, really, outside of Pivot and Reposition.

Most of the time I let them get the first swing in, so the AI closes distance for me. More of them don't make it to Player Phase than do.

That Nowi build definitely work for countering red units, and seeing the rest of the team, it's obvious you need a counter for them, so as a budget build it works. Of course you can improve it with Warding/Steady Breath, but those skills are pretty rare, so I wouldn't change much.
Nowi's the anti-Falchion in training. Hopefully can make Tiki into something like that as well.

Could use with swapping out the A skill - one of the Breaths would be optimal, but like you say they're a bit hard to come by.

A!Tiki has defiant attack... I'd change that, not a very good skill. If you can't go with the Breath skills, triangle adept works pretty well with her (that's what I have on her and it does wonders). Also, spur Res isn't that good, I think other support skills are much more consistent. I'd say speed buffs, but seeing all your units are pretty slow, that wouldn't work very well. Maybe Spur Attack/Hone attack goes better.
Yeah, Defiant ain't great. Been thinking what to sub in. Will consider Triangle Adept.

The Res, on her and F!Grima both, is mostly to patch up the one thing this team truly fears - Julia's dragon cookbook, which has a habit of disassembling my team.

Divine Naga nullifies field buffs - Fortifies, Rallies, and the like...but, funnily enough, as I understand it Spur and Drive are considered combat buffs, and Naga doesn't touch em. As long as my crew can tank one hit, Julia won't get a second, so the current plan is to buff them enough that they survive round one.

It may still cycle out as better things become available - Drives, or Spur Def/Res - but it has its place for now.

The problem with Dragons teams is that they are always enemy phase oriented, so they don't work that well as defensive teams. But if you are using them then they are pretty effective.
Yeah, these guys are probably pretty simple to dismantle on defense.

Building a defensive team is my next job. Current thought is to run Horse Emblem and base it around Sigurd, B!Lyn, and whoever I can get to fill the other slots, but I could run my old mixed team in the interim and pair those two with Nowi and M!Grima.

That's my take on your team. Wish I had male Grima...
He is best evil dragon dad.

Hope you get one someday man.

Warding Breath and Vengeful Fighter on your Grima?

Seems strange to me since I don't think those skills stack.
The cooldown parts don't stack - they overlap, apparently, so two attacks only gets me two charges - but they don't overrule or cancel each other out.

Cooldown charges was never on my mind when I taught Warding to him anyway - it was about tanking as much as possible.

You ever seen Reinhardt **** his pants?

I have.

I'm now on Team Alfonse so I guess we fight now D:
Team Alfonse?

That ain't a fight, Shoe.

That's suicide by ninjabbit.
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Anyone been watching Spring 2018 anime? I watched the first episode of Comic Girls. As someone that is very interested in manga creating anime like Bakuman, there is a lot to talk about with this new seasonal anime.

I had my eyes on this anime ever since learning about its premise of cute girls making manga. However, I was really skeptical because I thought this could end up going to a New Game! direction where it does not explore its subject, being nothing more than an average SoL with sprinkled character growth and relatable situations for a really small demographic.

What I got from Comic Girls was a bit surprising. To get the major cons out of the way, I will start by saying that the pacing of character introductions/developments drive by too fast. The subjects being explored by characters are interesting, but I never got the time to sink in each character’s goals/motivations. Second, I find the character reactions to be over-exaggerating. The reactions get to a point where it clashes with the down-to-earth mangaka situations the anime is trying to convey.

But, there were many things I liked, the first being the visual narrative direction. I found myself paralleling my previous experience of Comic Girls to Hidamari Sketch frequently whenever I saw scenes being visually directed playfully. There is a bit of a SHAFT vibe got me attached to the experience in certain times. Second is the animation. Dear god, has animation for artists drawing art truly evolved? Multiple times, there was animation scenes that made my jaw drop low, when I saw how much emphasis was on the actual drawing being drawn. It is not spot on accurate, but it is definitely a huge step forward for the Japanese animation industry.

Thirdly, the character Tsubasa Katsuki. Although her screen-time was rather rushed, I was quite impressed by her focused nature and how she approaches drawing manga. Her openness and willingness to help out the other characters gives me hope that will she will be the driving force for the anime to delve into interesting topics regarding the real struggles of creating manga. So far so good for a 4-koma CGDCT series. I like this anime way more than New Game!, but Comic Girls really needs to slow down and take its time delving into its characters/topics for the next episodes. Not my cup of tea with the direction they took for this opening episode, but there is promise.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
So Max made a video about his experience with MvC:I

My god, it still hurts...
I'm still holding out a little hope for E3, but yeah support seems all but dead. He hits at all the right points and I couldn't agree anymore than I do with him in his analysis. There is a good game in there that I want to like (Winter Soldier's Easter Egg Lvl 3 for example), but Capcom/Marvel couldn't get their acts together.

I really think that if they had waited for a holiday release, put in the 6 DLC characters on the base roster and fix a few more graphical textures & lighting it could have been a modest success. Heck, I'm surprised they didn't try tying it to Infinite War's release. It came out way too damn early (seriously announcing Sigma, one of the two main villains, as DLC 5 months before release!?). I'm in the minority, but I don't care about the Fox characters bar Wolverine/Dr. Doom.

Hopefully if they go back to the drawing board a Capcom vs. Capcom game will finally happen (granted TvC2 would be cool too). Have a solid art style in place, make it colorful and light hearted, and fill it with 90's Capcom arcade cheese. A 30 character roster would actually be decent for such a game as it wouldn't be taxing on the developers nor would it leave out too many fan favorites.

And apparently he's received death threats for that video
Absolutely unacceptable...
Granted death threats are an entirely different matter and go well beyond what's acceptable but the sheer negativity is probably the other thing that bugs me. Capcom/Marvel both deserve criticism in spades but it's gone way too far into tribal pettiness. I still see DBZ fans trolling the game on Twitter & Youtube.

I hope that Max is okay. As a casual player myself, he makes serious competitive fighters fun to learn about and watch. His looks into the gaming industry and the mindsets of developers are fairly informative. While is reaction videos are pure hype.

Deleted member

Slowly but steadily finishing Fate/Apocryoha, on Ep23 right now
"Sisigou better not ****ing die"

Ah, damn it, why does this always happen to my favorite characters?
I really liked Mordred's development in here, it's what builds her up to how she is in the London Singularity in FGO.
Her relationship with Sisigou also reminded me of my other favorite duos like Waver and Rider or Souchirou and Caster. Sisigou didn't need to die though :(

I also like how they both work to reflect on one another, with both chasing after a wish thinking they want it for different reasons than their true motivations unknown even to them.
Reminds me a bit of Saber and Shirou, with the latter seeking to become his ideal of a "Hero of Justice" when the former failed to reach her own ideals.

Also holy **** Mordred finishing Semiramis off like that was so damn satisfying. ***** got pulverized into the ground.
Team Alfonse?

That ain't a fight, Shoe.

That's suicide by ninjabbit.
Can't beat a man who's prepared to die.
Anyone been watching Spring 2018 anime?
I only plan on watching MHA S3 and continue with Darling in the FranXX unless something really good pops up


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Giant post I guess?
So Max made a video about his experience with MvC:I

My god, it still hurts...
Yeah and he got death threats for it.

He's the biggest enigma out there for me.

Like even aside the really bad stuff like you mentioned, the dude is a hack.

This was just from July of last year.

The fact that he still has a platform and AAA-tier budget to work with is mind blowing.
And he said him because we all know... women don’t play video games.

Max getting death threats for his video is ****ing unacceptable.

Max is one of the best faces in the fighting game community. He's just a really good seeming dude.
He’s one of only 2 fighting game youtubers I can stand listening to, and I enjoy his content even though I don’t really like fighting games, even though I want to.

So, anyone wanna fill me in on what the hell Dragon Ball GT even was? Did it suck? Was it horrendous? Was it just total bat****? Why is it considered noncanon everywhere?

I've been thinking of starting Dragon Ball for the first time and then transitioning into Z Kai since I've only seen the original DBZ series. Wanted to know if GT was even worth watching.
It’s not considered canon cause it never came from a manga. It was ok, but every other Dragon Ball show is better. GT was also majorly Goku time. Pretty much every other character was pushed to the side to give him more screen time.

GT was also pretty bad with it's side characters. Like, Uub was probably the biggest waste of a character I've seen.
GT was bad to everyone that wasn’t Goku.

For those who both play FEH and care - a Venn Diagram that is quite nearly two entirely separate circles - I've finally built my dragons to the point where showing them off seems viable.

Ain't finished. Taking feedback.

I like that you are using Nowi... that’s about all the feedback you’ll get from me. lol

Super does a far better job at balancing out the cast imo. In fact, despite being the main character and focal point, a lot of the other characters get to shine over him.

Hilariously enough, Goku's Win-Loss ratio is pretty horrid in Super, at least before the ToP.

He lost to Beerus, he lost to Frieza, he surrendered to Hit, he couldn't get rid of Goku Black and didn't do much against Fused Zamasu. Jiren was the closest he got at a legit W but the rules and nature of the tournament make that flimsy.

What's more, Goku only had two real wins before the ToP began. Which were against Botamo and Bergamo.
I wouldn’t even call his fight against Jiren a win when he couldn’t beat him without 17 and Frieza.

He did win against Hit, just not in the universe 6 tournament
Didn’t he lose to Hit in the filler episode?


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
I must be the only person that didn’t get hyped for Spyro. I never had a ps1 growing up.
You aren't the only one, I think I only got to play a PS2 but even so, the consoles that really had an impact into my childhood were the SNES, the N64, GC and so on. And like I have said already, I grew up with Rayman (R2 in an N64 emulator nonetheless, R3 on the GC, R1 on mobile and ****ty Rayman origins on PC for FREE), which makes me feel glad, despite there being times when Rayman himself seemed to be about to disappear from the gaming industry thanks to his own creator.
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Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
Can't beat a man who's prepared to die.
Fun isn't something one considers when breaking those who would dare stand against our Lady Ninjabbit.

But this does bring a smile to my face.

I like that you are using Nowi... that’s about all the feedback you’ll get from me. lol
Real talk. I adore Nowi.

I don't adore her fashion sense, but I adore her attitude.

Also the fact that all of ten pounds of manakete can tank ten tons of Black Knight and respond by handing him his own ass just gives me the warm and fuzzies.

Deleted member

Well, finished Apocrypha
Well, that thing about Fran certainly didn't come out of nowhere. Guess this makes Spartacus the most irrelevant Apocrypha Servant then.

So, Astolfo can just continue living? He didn't make a wish, right?

Wait, Waver has Iskander's cape? But... How? It shouldn't be possible for him to participate in the 4th Holy Grail War because there was none in this universe. Am I missing something here?

I really liked Shakespeare. He is "dying for your art" incarnated, his final moments with him frantically writing were amazing.

Reminder that Sieg waifu'd Jeanne before anyone else could :^)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
You ever seen Reinhardt **** his pants?

I have.
My Grima has Warding Stance 3 until I can shape him into a mixed phase horror.

So Reinhardt ****s his pants even more against mine. :p

Fun isn't something one considers when breaking those who would dare stand against our Lady Ninjabbit.
Speaking of Ninjabbit, I decided to join that team after Sharena lost.

If you get my Lyn, have fun getting March and giving her armor buffs :p


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I did it guys! I finally got one of them cool Spyro avatars everyone has!

Deleted member

Most of Melee aged pretty well.

But those character models are fugly even for back then.
Some characters did look pretty good ( :foxmelee::falcomelee::marthmelee::falconmelee::mariomelee::drmario::icsmelee::jigglypuffmelee: )
Some looked decent.... ( :linkmelee::sheikmelee::samusmelee::kirbymelee::peachmelee::roymelee::younglinkmelee::gawmelee: :ganondorfmelee::pikachumelee::pichumelee: )
Some other characters did look horrendous though. ( :bowsermelee::dkmelee::mewtwomelee::zeldamelee::luigimelee::nessmelee::yoshimelee: )
Edit: Feel free to judge this.
Honestly, yeah it is. It's nobody's fault, though. I understand that these discussions often strike farely close to peoples hearts. I was just trying to argue my point that I didn't think she was the most popular female in gaming but it kinda got spun into me saying she wasn't an icon, or that I just didn't like her or something. Quote soup can be a pain in the *** when you're in an English degree and are taught to add certain words to give your writing flare.

Basically, it just kinda stressed be out that my argument got twisted up and I really don't need stress right now, to be honest. Doctor's orders.
Wait noooo I am going to miss you....
I really hope you get better soon. <3
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Eggman dominated the last Sonic villain poll with ease. They may had gotten fewer votes in comparison, but more people wanted Chaos 0 and Infinite than Zavok.

Next will be a poll featuring members of Team Rose and Dark. Your choices are Big the Cat, Cream the Rabbit, Rouge the Bat, and E-123 Omega.

There was a problem fetching the tweet



Not the Break Man
Mar 8, 2014
The "Skilled" Halidom
Gonna have to pass as I don't think any of these are likely as a second character.

If it ain't Tails, Eggman, Shadow, or Knuckles, it's not that feasible imo.

Deleted member

I want Spyro to get in Smash, and then it is secretly Ridley in a costume.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
I only got a chance to play the first one, but I do remember liking it. The breath system was pretty fun to mess around with, particularly Earth and Electric since you could use them to trap enemies or for crowd control.
The breaths are very fun indeed. Those and the story were my personal highlights of the Eternal Night.

Earth was probably my favorite of the breaths. The damage and crowd control it gives you is tons of fun.

Honestly way better than how Crash ended up.
Yeah, I hear Crash's Titan games weren't well received by fans.

Ironically they are the only Crash games I own. :lol:

Most of Melee aged pretty well.

But those character models are fugly even for back then.
Okay, for those of you here who do have issues with the Melee models, I'm gonna ask out of curiosity; what are your specific problems with the models?

Because aside from maybe Fox and Falco, I've never really had any issues with the Melee character models myself.
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