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Social NintenZone Social 6.0 - L'Arachel Edition, Apparently?

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Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Calling you out on something =/= hating you.
I am not fond with calling other people out when it comes to opinions and stuff... but if it's harassing though... maybe.
But yep, hating on someone a whole other issue... and "hate" is a extreme term that shouldn't be use commonly... at least that's what I think.
After a while of checking on what did Lampy said...
I don't feel bad for picking on idiots.
Hm... this wasn't target at anyone... hell it even has strike on it...
I personally think Swamp might was just either be overreacted on that quote, or just being sarcastic...

You may be cool, but you can't be their level of cool.
I think this pic will look better if you slide down in Leftheria...

Something, something rolling around at the speed of sound.
Or rather, diving at the speed of sound in this case.
In any case, Morag & Zeke are the best duo ever.
Tora and Morag are the best duos lol... at least in one part of chapter 6...
It also seems like RNGesus appreciated my latest OC on this thread so much he graced me with one of the few Rare Blades I still miss before the arrival of the DLC ones.
One rare left eh? Who?
Oh no wait... I think I know who it is...

And here are two fanarts I found on Xenoblade reddit Discord group:

Oh wow... this is really nice Nia photoshop (But her eye brow is missing), I'm curious which anime is this pic from...
Is the idea of having a Xenoblade 2 anime far fetched? I can see Nintendo release Xenoblade 2: The Animation just like what Bandai Namco did with Xenosaga.

And these two should really have a quest for them...


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
This is the second time only.

And I haven't seen any of Opossum's replies on the matter as, by knowing myself, I risk to get even more bitter by reading them.
The one last thing I'll say about it is it's beyond stupid to give the absolute 0 as a rate by basing yourself on the design only.

Now quote this post all you want, that's my last word.
All I'm getting out of this is "How DARE someone dislike what I like! I'll show them!"

Get over it. Don't throw a temper tantrum over someone else's opinion on a video game character. It's kind of sad.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118
Man, this thread is becoming depressing as of late.

Good thing the 1st of april is tommorrow.

we need nesterboards imo
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
This is the second time only.

And I haven't seen any of Opossum's replies on the matter as, by knowing myself, I risk to get even more bitter by reading them.
The one last thing I'll say about it is it's beyond stupid to give the absolute 0 as a rate by basing yourself on the design only.

Now quote this post all you want, that's my last word.
Aww man, don't go on like this. I'm also not a fan of his opinion on Rex/Pyra (or peoples saying they don't like them because their desgin suck, it's really tiring I admit). But in the end, Rex/Pyra chance are still up in the air. If they got in, alot of peoples are going to be salty. But that's the Smash fanbase for you, any characters now those days make peoples more or less angry for one reason or another.

What I mean is: wait for for them to be announced. When they do, tell to yourself you be then able to beat Opossum with those two once the game is out. Or be just happy that your favourite characters make in it, I take the latter one to be honest.

Or you could like me: just avoid Smash speculation or Smash XB2 speculation altogether, maybe take a look from to time to time. But really, any discussion involving Rex/Pyra is always going to end up in a flamewar. (Which is quit ironic when you think about it) Me, I know I tend to react badly around peoples talking badly about the character I like. So I avoid them or just move on. You should do that if this is your reaction to that kind of stuff.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
I'm with Opossum Opossum on this one, why are you still talking about that? Opo doesn't like Rex and Pyra, that's how it is. No need to mention it again and again.
Doesn't like doesn't mean Opo can trash them... unless he keep it as his personal opinion though... hell I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even like Xenoblade 2, which again, fine, but don't biased trash the game's trivial stuff...

So what do I do if I don't like a certain character or game? I don't even bother commenting, it's just that simple... like how this thread is into Fire Emblem... I have yet to play the game and not really a huge fan, but I just don't care and no comment...

However, humorously bashing character that you don't like though... eh... sometimes is ok, but I can also say it's pretty savage lol.

Lol why are you obsessing over a comment I made?
because it's gold... (Half joking by the way)

It's just video games at the end of the day... @Final Smash Gamer Opossum Opossum , just chill... don't call other people out if it's just their opinion... as for the other side even though it's just opinion, be nice sometimes please... unless it's just a joke...

All I'm getting out of this is "How DARE someone dislike what I like! I'll show them!"

Get over it. Don't throw a temper tantrum over someone else's opinion on a video game character. It's kind of sad.
I don't like your opinion when it comes to Xenoblade 2's certain stuff... hell you actually hope Pyra gets censored in Smash Switch if she is in lol, because you don't like her design (but still have other fair reasons lol)... but you are actually right.

My advice is, how about you ignore things you don't like? I know you may disagree with this but that's just my advice. If you were being half sarcastic though, that's a whole other thing to talk about lol.
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Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118
I remember when I couldn't settle with the fact that some people hated some of my favorite fictional characters.

Frankly, I was about 10 year old at that time.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I don't like your opinion when it comes to Xenoblade 2's certain stuff... hell you actually hope Pyra gets censored in Smash Switch if she is in lol, because you don't like her design (but still have other fair reasons lol)... but you are actually right.
Yeah, that's the reason and totally not because the Tharja trophy got removed, upskirt shots got censored for Peach and trophies, Bayonetta got less nude and leggings or Corrin's thighs getting covered up. If you don't want Pyra's design to be changed in Smash you don't actually want her in Smash, you just want to masturbate while Smash is booted up

Deleted member

Everytime someone complains about Pyra's design and they get a bunch of angry responses, I'm reminded of this video


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Everytime someone complains about Pyra's design and they get a bunch of angry responses, I'm reminded of this video
This hits home base more than it should.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
So, I've spent probably way too much time today thinking about the future of Star Fox. Zero's lackluster reception and sales have me worried. Although Miyamoto has stated that he wishes for Fox to be a larger name, and that he'll be putting more energy into the series. I don't think the series is dead, but I really hope we don't have to wait 5+ years for another game. So, two questions:

1) Do you think we'll see Star Fox Zero ported onto the Switch, or maybe a whole new game, within the next 1-2 years? 3+?

2) What do you want to see in either a Star Fox Zero port or a whole new Star Fox game?
While a port would be nice, you know so people would look at game again for its own merits. I predict in about 10 years, we will have the actual opinion of Zero, meaning all the reactionary **** will have gone away, all those who loved it, will have come to terms with some of the actual problems, not the stuff that was just a fad to hate on.

Really what I'm saying, in away Zero will be vindicated, in that it'll finally have people who like it, for what it was trying to be, instead of having to have those who had the fad of hating Motion controls, and yes hating motion controls was a fad, just like how praising them endlessly was, cause with the current gaming era, we're starting to see proper criticisms for motion controls, as in what worked about them and what didn't

Also I'd rather have a Command sequel, so that we can go back to the universe that has the characters that I fell in love with. Yeah the Zero Universe would give them a better chance to better integrate Krystal and Dinosaur Planet, that still doesn't change the fact Command left a bad taste in a lot fans mouth when it came to the 64-Adventures-Assault-Command continuity.

So what do y'all think of this?
I wouldn't get my hopes up, cause from a business perspective, I see no reason for DC to do this.

I WISH we had Europe's Splatfest instead of this for once.

I don't care about sports, but I could murder sweet popcorn VIOLENTLY. Not caramel corn, mind you, although that might fall under the umbrella. I mean that DECEIVER popcorn that looks like salty popcorn but tastes like your grandmother giving you a backhanded compliment.

If I had popcorn standards to uphold, I could FIGHT.
Here's the thing, if Europe was to get that Baseball Vs Soccer (Its called Football you dang Americans *shakes fist*), no one would pick Baseball, so we can't swap.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I am still a 10 year old mentally though.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Doesn't like doesn't mean Opo can trash them... unless he keep it as his personal opinion though... hell I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even like Xenoblade 2, which again, fine, but don't biased trash the game's trivial stuff...

So what do I do if I don't like a certain character or game? I don't even bother commenting, it's just that simple... like how this thread is into Fire Emblem... I have yet to play the game and not really a huge fan, but I just don't care and no comment...

However, humorously bashing character that you don't like though... eh... sometimes is ok, but I can also say it's pretty savage lol.

because it's gold... (Half joking by the way)

It's just video games at the end of the day... @Final Smash Gamer Opossum Opossum , just chill... don't call other people out if it's just their opinion... as for the other side even though it's just opinion, be nice sometimes please... unless it's just a joke...

I don't like your opinion when it comes to Xenoblade 2's certain stuff... hell you actually hope Pyra gets censored in Smash Switch if she is in lol, because you don't like her design (but still have other fair reasons lol)... but you are actually right.

My advice is, how about you ignore things you don't like? I know you may disagree with this but that's just my advice. If you were being half sarcastic though, that's a whole other thing to talk about lol.
Why does censoring Pyra would be bad? :4bayonetta2: was censored, and nobody was angry about that. If Sakurai play his card right, he could still keep the good elements of Pyra design (the cape, her hairstyle, the good balance of red, yellow & black) while fixing the less good one (her ridiculous chest, her extremly short's short, her over-the-top fanservice design that doesn't working with her personality)

Change aren't always for the worst, ya know?


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
So, I've spent probably way too much time today thinking about the future of Star Fox. Zero's lackluster reception and sales have me worried. Although Miyamoto has stated that he wishes for Fox to be a larger name, and that he'll be putting more energy into the series. I don't think the series is dead, but I really hope we don't have to wait 5+ years for another game. So, two questions:

1) Do you think we'll see Star Fox Zero ported onto the Switch, or maybe a whole new game, within the next 1-2 years? 3+?

2) What do you want to see in either a Star Fox Zero port or a whole new Star Fox game?
Star Fox Zero was made specifically for the wii U. They’d have to do a major overhaul for it to work on the Switch.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Aww man, don't go on like this. I'm also not a fan of his opinion on Rex/Pyra (or peoples saying they don't like them because their desgin suck, it's really tiring I admit). But in the end, Rex/Pyra chance are still up in the air. If they got in, alot of peoples are going to be salty. But that's the Smash fanbase for you, any characters now those days make peoples more or less angry for one reason or another.
I mean even if I tried to be neutral back in official Smash Switch thread a while ago when the thread was getting so heated about that it eventually went off topic...
I was pointing out other stuff regarding Xenoblade 2... hehehe... sorry.
It's not really Smash fanbase for you... it's just some Nintenzone users for you if I do say so myself.
Or you could like me: just avoid Smash speculation or Smash XB2 speculation altogether, maybe take a look from to time to time. But really, any discussion involving Rex/Pyra is always going to end up in a flamewar. (Which is quit ironic when you think about it) Me, I know I tend to react badly around peoples talking badly about the character I like. So I avoid them or just move on. You should do that if this is your reaction to that kind of stuff.
First off, I am bias on this,
I think it's partially those who dislike Xenoblade 2 are the ones to blame... I'm not going to say who, but that's just what I think. I personally think those who explicitly showing their dislike of a character/game should also stop, or at least say it's their opinion before hand.
Yeah, that's the reason and totally not because the Tharja trophy got removed, upskirt shots got censored for Peach and trophies, Bayonetta got less nude and leggings or Corrin's thighs getting covered up. If you don't want Pyra's design to be changed in Smash you don't actually want her in Smash, you just want to masturbate while Smash is booted up
Masturbate eh? Why is it have to be Smash? lol you are underestimating the internet too much lol.
Pyra won't get changed, but I do think that there will be tweaks, I have said it dozen times and you are getting so biased when it comes to this.
Chill my friend, chill.

Edit: also I already explained that it was because of the leak that we know Tharja was going to be in, and Bayonetta and Corrin are in as DLC where the ESRB rating is set stone.
And last but not least, this is Smash Switch we are talking about, unless.... it's eventually a Wii U/3DS port, then forget it, you are right.
Everytime someone complains about Pyra's design and they get a bunch of angry responses, I'm reminded of this video
I don't really understand the most part of the video lol... but still found it hilarious anyways.
My response on people played XC2 but complaining Pyra's designs:
Oh, ok, so how was the game?
Why does censoring Pyra would be bad? :4bayonetta2:
Never said it's bad, I just think it's not very likely if you look how Switch's games don't really get censorship.
And if anyone looks at Etika's recent video, apparently there's a game staring a JAV star.... which isn't a Ao rated game but it's do odd that it's on Japanese eshop...
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Also for what it's worth it wasn't the first ****ty Smash speculation Twitter account. The first one got closed by whoever owned it but I know that several people in this thread supported it.
Just because someone did it before doesn't mean it's okay for you to do it.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Other wise-sounding stuff fueling my argument.

Deleted member

Just because someone did it before doesn't mean it's okay for you to do it.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Other wise-sounding stuff fueling my argument.
And I never said it is, it's just no one seemed to have commented on that when it happened.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Star Fox Zero was made specifically for the wii U. They’d have to do a major overhaul for it to work on the Switch.
And said major overhaul could fix one of the bigger complaints about the game, aside from it being another re-telling of the first game like 64 was.

Granted a brand new game from the get-go would be a better choice anyhow. They just need to not change the controls for no reason, and instead make new levels/locations if they want to have the series feel fresh.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
I think that's because people were more focused at being angry about the fact she made it in at all
Even if this was true, her fan reaction to her move being censored was just fine from what I remember. At the end of the day, peoples care about their character getting in than anything else.

But I think I'm going to stop talking about Pyra now. That was my first time debating on her design, and frankly, I don't want to go much farther than that. Malos & Zeke are better pick anyway/sss

In fact, I'm going on my bike now, men need to do some sports ya know?:4littlemac:

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I mean even if I tried to be neutral back in official Smash Switch thread a while ago when the thread was getting so heated about that it eventually went off topic...
I was pointing out other stuff regarding Xenoblade 2... hehehe... sorry.
It's not really Smash fanbase for you... it's just some Nintenzone users for you if I do say so myself.

First off, I am bias on this,
I think it's partially those who dislike Xenoblade 2 are the ones to blame... I'm not going to say who, but that's just what I think. I personally think those who explicitly showing their dislike of a character/game should also stop, or at least say it's their opinion before hand.

Masturbate eh? Why is it have to be Smash? lol you are underestimating the internet too much lol.
Pyra won't get changed, but I do think that there will be tweaks, I have said it dozen times and you are getting so biased when it comes to this.
Chill my friend, chill.

Edit: also I already explained that it was because of the leak that we know Tharja was going to be in, and Bayonetta and Corrin are in as DLC where the ESRB rating is set stone.
And last but not least, this is Smash Switch we are talking about, unless.... it's eventually a Wii U/3DS port, then forget it, you are right.

I don't really understand the most part of the video lol... but still found it hilarious anyways.
My response on people played XC2 but complaining Pyra's designs:
Oh, ok, so how was the game?

Never said it's bad, I just think it's not very likely if you look how Switch's games don't really get censorship.
And if anyone looks at Etika's recent video, apparently there's a game staring a JAV star.... which isn't a Ao rated game but it's do odd that it's on Japanese eshop...
"Pyra won't get changed but I think there will be tweaks"
They changed Corrin's thighs. Pyra's getting changed. It's a fact. Smash Bros CERO rating: A. Fire Emblem Fates CERO rating: B. Xenoblade 2's CERO rating. C. CERO is their PEGI/ESRB btw


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Just imagine if the April Fools Joke for Smashboards this year is Animeboards. That would be pretty fun!

Deleted member

I don't really understand the most part of the video lol... but still found it hilarious anyways.
My response on people played XC2 but complaining Pyra's designs:
Oh, ok, so how was the game?
There's a lot of subtlety in play here that's clearly going in way over your head.
Just because someone did it before doesn't mean it's okay for you to do it.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Other wise-sounding stuff fueling my argument.
Man, why do I have this weird sense of deja vu?
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Honestly I don’t like the design kf either Rex or Pyra. They’re both kinda bad, but I expect them to be playable. That’s the only reason why they’re on my “perfect roster”


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Man, this thread is becoming depressing as of late.

Good thing the 1st of april is tommorrow.

we need nesterboards imo
Well, I'm doing my best best to turn things around. No hard feelings everyone, even to those who aren't really friendly to me sometimes.
While a port would be nice, you know so people would look at game again for its own merits. I predict in about 10 years, we will have the actual opinion of Zero, meaning all the reactionary **** will have gone away, all those who loved it, will have come to terms with some of the actual problems, not the stuff that was just a fad to hate on.

Really what I'm saying, in away Zero will be vindicated, in that it'll finally have people who like it, for what it was trying to be, instead of having to have those who had the fad of hating Motion controls, and yes hating motion controls was a fad, just like how praising them endlessly was, cause with the current gaming era, we're starting to see proper criticisms for motion controls, as in what worked about them and what didn't

Also I'd rather have a Command sequel, so that we can go back to the universe that has the characters that I fell in love with. Yeah the Zero Universe would give them a better chance to better integrate Krystal and Dinosaur Planet, that still doesn't change the fact Command left a bad taste in a lot fans mouth when it came to the 64-Adventures-Assault-Command continuity.
I used to dislike the idea of port Starfox Zero, but if they refine the game and made it good, then hey I will definitely go with the idea.
> People arguing about Pyra again.
And things don't always go well sadly...
Hm... I wonder why...

That's what happens when someone dredges up a several-week-old post just to stir the pot. :p
And you could have just ignored it lol, just saying.

"Pyra won't get changed but I think there will be tweaks"
They changed Corrin's thighs. Pyra's getting changed. It's a fact. Smash Bros CERO rating: A. Fire Emblem Fates CERO rating: B. Xenoblade 2's CERO rating. C. CERO is their PEGI/ESRB btw
Um, no that's not a fact lol. It's just your speculation.

So you really expect Pyra gets all of her skin part being covered with black fiber just like that photoshop? Nah, having her pants longer? I actually agree and do expect they do that.

And yes, I buy Japanese games and I know that... I also remember a user giving a proper explanation on XC2 rating... it has a people get stabbed, about some mature issues, corpses... and yes what you and most people bringing it up a lot... partial nudity... but that alone isn't sole feature as to why XC2 has CERO C rating...

Remember this post? I think this explanation by Burruni is spot on:

I looked into things a bit.
Smash WiiU and Xenoblade 2 ratings
NA: E10+, T. ESRB specifically notes the depictions of characters being killed, references to alcohol, and a mixture of some character designs and moreso the way the game occasionally highlights them (rear shots, a character being called a pervert, etc).
EU: Pegi12 for both.
JP: CERO A, CERO C, effectively "Everyone" and "15+" XB1 was B, but XBX was C as well. But, given how some outfits in Xenoblade 1 were....
I feel like Pyra's outfit was not the major push. Praxis, Kora, Dahlia, Perun's jello-chest, Sheba's "harem" of women, and things like people being visibly impaled in cutscenes were more likely the discerning factor in the bump.

Edit: The image uploader seems to be on fire again, so I'm just gonna post the links.
Click at risk of Rated T for Teen sexual suggestiveness

Double Edit: This is not claiming Pyra's outfit won't have some minor tweaks, like FCorrin's armor losing the stupid butt window. But I feel it will be just that, minor, if it does.
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Deleted member

Honestly I don’t like the design kf either Rex or Pyra. They’re both kinda bad, but I expect them to be playable. That’s the only reason why they’re on my “perfect roster”
I used to say that before the game was announced.
Now I'm pretty doubtful.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
There's a lot of subtlety in play here that's clearly going in way over your head.
I don't know, I just think that video is funny.
The complains about Pyra don't always get angry responses... just saying.
If anything Pyra will have more of her *** covered.
And we wouldn't even notice or care lol.
Honestly I don’t like the design kf either Rex or Pyra. They’re both kinda bad, but I expect them to be playable. That’s the only reason why they’re on my “perfect roster”
To be honest as well, I won't be surprised if they aren't in... just disappointed.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Well, I'm doing my best best to turn things around. No hard feelings everyone, even to those who aren't really friendly to me sometimes.

I used to dislike the idea of port Starfox Zero, but if they refine the game and made it good, then hey I will definitely go with the idea.

And things don't always go well sadly...
Hm... I wonder why...

And you could have just ignored it lol, just saying.

Um, no that's not a fact lol. It's just your speculation.

So you really expect Pyra gets all of her skin part being covered with black fiber just like that photoshop? Nah, having her pants longer? I actually agree and do expect they do that.

And yes, I buy Japanese games and I know that... I also remember a user giving a proper explanation on XC2 rating... it has a people get stabbed, about some mature issues, corpses... and yes what you and most people bringing it up a lot... partial nudity... but that alone isn't sole feature as to why XC2 has CERO C rating...

Remember this post? I think this explanation by Burruni is spot on:
1: Corrin's thighs alone were deemed an issue and look at the Bayonetta leggings. Pyra WILL get changed in a similar fashion, CERO made Palutena get a slught change, prevented Peach upskirts happening and made Wonder Pink get censored tok
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Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
1: Corrin's thighs alone were deemed an issue and look at the Bayonetta leggings. Pyra WILL get changed in a similar fashion, CERO made Palutena get a slught change, prevented Peach upskirts happening and made Wonder Pink get censored tok
An issue? they just have to cover those part to prevent Smash 4 get "partial nudity" claim since it's already E10+ when she gets in Smash 4.

And again, it's just mere speculation at this point, you can stick to your opinion but don't treat it as a fact, it can't get to anywhere. You are just clearly showing your bias, which is okay... I guess... just say you don't like Pyra and hope she gets heavily censored to the part that it's significantly different from her original game.
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