New banner is revealed
Catria, Sharena, Alfonse and Kagero.
Flying dagger seems like an interesting combination...
So if I have this correct,
-Catria is a Horse Blue Mage who has a Prf-weapon, that gives -5 ATK/DEF to the one with the lowest RES and has a Chill Skl that lowers the RES of the one with the highest RES. Basically, she makes Tanks easier to fight against while allowing her to combat other Mages.
At least her weapon doesn't do what I thought it did at first, which was target the one with the highest RES, cause that would've meant the one with the highest RES would suffer a -ATK, DEF and RES debuff, which would've been horrifying.
-Sharena is a Green Infantry, where her Prf-weapon gives -5 ATK/RES to the one with the lowest SPD. It makes tanks weaker. She also has RES Tactics 3, which will go well with the DEF Tactics Seal.
-Alfonse has a Wo Dao Axe that is inheritable. Already I can hear the Meta trying to find which characters the weapon would be great for.
-Kagero is our first Flying Dagger user and our first Colorless Flier. Her big asset is the Wo Dao Dagger she has. NY!Takumi was huge just for the Killer Dagger, now we have a Wo Dao Dagger. Once again, I can hear the Meta trying this out with regular Kagero and Sothe. Admittingly, I wonder if the weapon will help out poor Jakob be decently usable.
Either way, this is one of our first Banners in a while that doesn't feature Armor units, thank goodness. I assume the reason we're getting a Dagger Flier is because of not wanting to take a risk with a Bow Flier or Staff Flier just yet, right? I'm pretty sure S!Kagero is still going to be a big threat, if her ATK and SPD is anything close to what her non-Seasonal has normally.
Admittingly, I'm curious what Sharena and Alfonse's role is. Are they still helping us and the ones we're fighting are from another world? Or are we actually going to compete against the siblings?
Tower of Smash was basically Mortal Kombat X's Survival Ladder.
With the mods and everything.
I inherently hate Survival Modes so w/e.
Was probably better than Smash Run/Tour tho.
Fight me!
Tour can go away, but Smash Run was great.