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Social NintenZone Social 6.0 - L'Arachel Edition, Apparently?

Best Galar Starter?

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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
My vote today went to Sutr.

Because who wouldn't want that him?

Sutr: I have come to destroy Askr!

CYL Sutr: IT is I Sutr, I've come to stop my past self from the destruction of a such a beautiful world.

But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked....


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Nice. On a side note, is FE Heroes canon?
I think it's canon in it's own way. But more in that "Dimensional universes" feel rather than strictly. Kinda like the different "Earths" from the Marvel and DC Comics. So in it's own way, it's probably a mix of canon and non-canon.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Nice. On a side note, is FE Heroes canon?
No, because Caeda doesn't have her Wing Spear, dammit.

It's canon-compliant. Ever since the series introduced the Outrealms and alternate universes, it's hard to call anything straight up non-canon, honestly.

Deleted member

T-minus one day for an avatar change.
My vote today went to Sutr.

Because who wouldn't want that him?

Sutr: I have come to destroy Askr!

CYL Sutr: IT is I Sutr, I've come to stop my past self from the destruction of a such a beautiful world.

But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked....
Brave Sutr
Mounted Red Mage

I think it's canon in it's own way. But more in that "Dimensional universes" feel rather than strictly. Kinda like the different "Earths" from the Marvel and DC Comics. So in it's own way, it's probably a mix of canon and non-canon.
Ever since FEA introduced the Outrealms, everything is canon, like how Sun and Moon added previous games like RBY back into canon because Multiple Timelines™ shenanigans.

The way I see FEH, its world is sort of a converging point for all those worlds.
I also like to think summoning works kinda like Servants do in the Fate universe, where a copy of the hero is made from a certain point in their life.
Fate/Fire Emblem when
Just imagine tho, FE characters as Servants
Half of them are Sabers but it's not like that isn't already Fate

It's canon-compliant. Ever since the series introduced the Outrealms and alternate universes, it's hard to call anything straight up non-canon, honestly.
The only thing I'll fight with my life as being non-canon are the non-Priam spotpass Paralogues.
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to accept all those characters somehow survived and pissing on the most impactful moment of the game by effectivelly erasing it feat. an amnesia subplot


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
T-minus one day for an avatar change.

Brave Sutr
Mounted Red Mage

Ever since FEA introduced the Outrealms, everything is canon, like how Sun and Moon added previous games like RBY back into canon because Multiple Timelines™ shenanigans.

The way I see FEH, its world is sort of a converging point for all those worlds.
I also like to think summoning works kinda like Servants do in the Fate universe, where a copy of the hero is made from a certain point in their life.
Fate/Fire Emblem when
Just imagine tho, FE characters as Servants
Half of them are Sabers but it's not like that isn't already Fate

The only thing I'll fight with my life as being non-canon are the non-Priam spotpass Paralogues.
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to accept all those characters somehow survived and pissing on the most impactful moment of the game by effectivelly erasing it feat. an amnesia subplot
There's one other one I'm willing to accept, other than Priam, but only because it's an extreme case.
Walhart. I feel like if anyone, he'd be able to survive given he was a monster of a man. And hey, if Basilio could take a blow from him and just play dead, he can take a hit from Chrom and live.

Plus his conversation with Chrom on his recruitment map contains some of his and Chrom's best dialogue bits.

...That being said, **** Emmeryn and Gangrel coming back from the dead in particular.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Some interesting things I came about:

-Someone noted that Eirika's new look somewhat resembles her Beta sprite and compared it to her title, as anamnesis, besides meaning recollection, also can mean "the remembering of things from a supposed previous existence". So the person suggested that the new Eirika, besides acknowledging the Dark Magic glitch, could be her from what they had planned for Beta.

-I questioned a while ago that if Eirika got Gleipnir that if they were going to have a variant Ephraim get Garm. Some of the posts I saw did actually point out about how Ephraim was trained by Duessal, one of Grado's Generals and capable of wielding Garm due to being a Great Knight.

Those are the two main ones, but still, seeing some people's theories about the new Eirika are rather fun to hear, whether it'd be for what IS can do, but probably won't, or just because some theories are amusing to hear in general.
The way I see FEH, its world is sort of a converging point for all those worlds.
I also like to think summoning works kinda like Servants do in the Fate universe, where a copy of the hero is made from a certain point in their life.
Fate/Fire Emblem when
Just imagine tho, FE characters as Servants
Half of them are Sabers but it's not like that isn't already Fate
Grand Order is somewhat different. It's still a copy of the Hero, but the way Chaldea's system works is that when they do the summoning, the Servants have the option to answer the call if they feel the person is worth helping. So be glad about your 1-3 Star Servants who think you're worth helping. Maybe that's the case with the Heroes in FEH. Maybe they aren't just shot randomly, but maybe when Kiran activates the gun of his, the Heroes choose whether to respond to the call or not and if they do, they appear.
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Deleted member

-I questioned a while ago that if Eirika got Gleipnir that if they were going to have a variant Ephraim get Garm. Some of the posts I saw did actually point out about how Ephraim was trained by Duessal, one of Grado's Generals and capable of wielding Garm due to being a Great Knight.
Renais is ****ing robbing Grado what the hell I swear if I see Ephraim waving Garm around and Duessel gets an Emerald Axe or something I'm gon a flip
Maybe that's the case with the Heroes in FEH. Maybe they aren't just shot randomly, but maybe when Kiran activates the gun of his, the Heroes choose whether to respond to the call or not and if they do, they appear.
Innes is being a ****ing ***** with me then


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
>le me at Walmart
>is getting a couple sodas
>guy behind me says sodas are bad for you
>has three boxes of keystone in his cart

Sometimes I wonder why I shop here. I mean the prices are nice, but I get stupider each visit.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Grand Order is somewhat different. It's still a copy of the Hero, but the way Chaldea's system works is that when they do the summoning, the Servants have the option to answer the call if they feel the person is worth helping. So be glad about your 1-3 Star Servants who think you're worth helping. Maybe that's the case with the Heroes in FEH. Maybe they aren't just shot randomly, but maybe when Kiran activates the gun of his, the Heroes choose whether to respond to the call or not and if they do, they appear.
Just reading this makes me feel honored how Mordred and Scathach, two servants I really like, must've viewed me as someone worth helping considering they are among the very few 5-stars I have at the moment.

I guess that Chaldea system also explains why I still haven't been able to summon Tamamo no Mae yet. Hopefully one day she'll see my worth...

And if the same applies to Heroes, I guess NY!Takumi would just rather enjoy the New Years instead of seeing me as someone worth helping.


Sep 12, 2014
So there's a couple of characters sadly missing in the DBFZ story mode.

Beerus, Hit, Goku Black, Trunks, Kid Buu and Young Gohan are not in the story. For obvious reasons.

Though the Blues seem to be in bonus cutscenes, and the story still takes place after Goku Black.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
I'm excited to see Myrrh and L'Arachel since I loved their characters in SS and I think they made the transition to Heroes well. L'Arachel I do wish was another Staff unit since we haven't gotten a new one since Bridal Lyn, but at least Ivaldi makes sense for her.

Eirika I have mixed feelings on, I do like the idea behind her, but I feel that a reissue of the character wasn't needed for this banner. Popularity-wise, L'Arachel (and Marisa if they were to throw her on there) are popular enough to carry the banner for people who would spend on it, we had the CYL banner that she could theoretically win on and get a variant for, and character-wise there are still a number of SS characters they could choose from that are not in the game yet like Cormag, Gerik, Ross, and the like. I'm sure she's going to be a fun character to play, but I can't say I like having a second version of her yet as I feel it's a bit early to be dipping into that territory.

Basically, Marth, Hector and Finn are the Top 3 Males mentioned while Top 4 Females mentioned are Micaiah, Lilina, Nino and Eirika. Also, the JP fans seem to like Soren, Ranulf, Mia and Marisa and they also want Leif.
That's a nice glimpse, good to see some love for Finn, Leif and Ranulf since they're three characters that could use more attention from Heroes. It's also nice to see Hector, Eirika, and Nino doing well on this list.

Deleted member

People really shouldn't base their expectations around these polls, it's the same **** that happened with the Smash ballot and the fan-made polls here and on Reddit.


Sep 12, 2014
People really shouldn't base their expectations around these polls, it's the same **** that happened with the Smash ballot and the fan-made polls here and on Reddit.
I remember when people called the Ballot rigged after Bayonetta was revealed.

Hilarious. Good times.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I remember when people called the Ballot rigged after Bayonetta was revealed.

Hilarious. Good times.
I lost brain cells from that.

Let's all promise to never sell short the potential of silent people's opinions ever again.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
People really shouldn't base their expectations around these polls, it's the same **** that happened with the Smash ballot and the fan-made polls here and on Reddit.
Which is why it's called a glimpse and is never stated to be otherwise. I'm pretty sure most of us here and on Reddit are aware that it's not very likely to be completely reflective of the Japanese base, it's just nice to see what some fans over there are voting for and thinking about. Plus, it allows for a bit of fun comparison between what both sample groups are voting for, with Celica being is a good example of that as the Reddit poll has her in the top 5 while this Twitter sample doesn't even place her.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
People really shouldn't base their expectations around these polls, it's the same **** that happened with the Smash ballot and the fan-made polls here and on Reddit.
Some of us aren't. At least I'm not. I mean, when it comes to votes across the world, anything can happen. I mean, on the Reddit list, Ephraim is the Number 1 pick, meanwhile in Japan, Ephraim is much lower. Over here, Finn is unknown while in Japan, Finn is very popular.
But that being said, it's not bad to see what other people are voting for as long you don't base your expectations around them. As much as Nino seems to be liked in both polls, I'm definitely not raising my expectations of her getting Number 1 or 2 since I know the votes that are seen are only a portion and not the whole meal.
Just reading this makes me feel honored how Mordred and Scathach, two servants I really like, must've viewed me as someone worth helping considering they are among the very few 5-stars I have at the moment.

I guess that Chaldea system also explains why I still haven't been able to summon Tamamo no Mae yet. Hopefully one day she'll see my worth...

And if the same applies to Heroes, I guess NY!Takumi would just rather enjoy the New Years instead of seeing me as someone worth helping.
I feel the same with my Servants. Across my two files, I got Altera, Vlad III for both, Kintoki and Tamamo. Also, 4-stars like Lancelot, Saber Alter, Carmilla, Elizabeth Bathory, Anne Bonny & Mary Read, Frankenstein's Monster, Siegfried, Chevalier D'eon and a bunch of others. It does sound rather nice to hear that they wanted to help me. Although admittingly, it's funny how on my one file, I have Elizabeth, Carmilla and Vlad III. It's rather funny how the 3 Servants with a history with vampires wanted to help me, a fan of Castlevania.
Now I just need to see if Jeanne Alter will want to help me, as I'm saving up for her.

Meanwhile, in Heroes, all forms of Lucina(besides Masked Marth) seem to avoid me, as well as Minerva, Ryoma, Hinoka, Leo and Elise. Also, Summer Robin and Summer Corrin during the Summer Banners.
On the other hand, Camilla likes helping me, as I have her, her Spring seasonal and her New Years Seasonal. Also, all the Brides from the Bride Banner and all the New Years characters wanted to help me. Reinhardt also blesses me with his appearance and I was blessed enough to get Xander and Camus while they were available, since they've been on hiatus for a long time now. Either way, I'm pretty thankful for the heroes that I do have and thankful that they want to help.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
When/if the Smash hype train comes back, going to love seeing *B-b-b-b-but this poll I found on a fan site PROVED this character was going to happen"

Whew, that was some gewd times.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I think we finally know how it all went down regarding Eirika getting that Gleipnir tome:

Looks like the pressure of becoming a viable unit got to Erika hahahaha!:laugh:
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Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2014
It's canon-compliant. Ever since the series introduced the Outrealms and alternate universes, it's hard to call anything straight up non-canon, honestly.
True, but I'm not sure FE characters really know what they're talking about when it comes to "other worlds". They seem to be actually stupid on that matter.

A prime example is FE Warriors. There's dialogue with Marth where they bring up Valentia and Archanea existing in both their "worlds". Yet they keep treating each other's "worlds" as separate worlds and never make the connection that "Wow! Maybe these two continents that have the same name and have had the same wars are actually... the same place?"
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Sep 12, 2014
So back in late December, I ordered this mouse+keyboard combo, it had already been a long while since the estimated delivery date so I got a refund.

Then today the keyboard and mouse show up at my doorstep.

Free stuff.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
A prime example is FE Warriors. There's dialogue with Marth where they bring up Valentia and Archanea existing in both their "worlds". Yet they keep treating each other's "worlds" as separate worlds and never make the connection that "Wow! Maybe these two continents that have the same name and have had the same wars are actually... the same place?"
Valentia is in fact a different place from Archanea. In fact, in Echoes, after you do the main story, there's a part where Alm and Co. travel to Archanea IIRC. Also the fact that in Gaiden/Echoes, Palla, Catria, Est as well as Camus are around.
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Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2014
Valentia is in fact a different place from Archanea. In fact, in Echoes, after you do the main story, there's a part where Alm and Co. travel to Archanea IIRC.
They're different continents, yeah, but that isn't the issue.

The issue was that they were talking about how both their "worlds" had Archanea and Valentia on it and even referenced historical events that happened on both, but they never made the connection that both worlds are the same thing, and not separate universes.

Deleted member

I think we finally know how it all went down regarding Eirika getting that Gleipnir tome:

Looks like the pressure of becoming a viable unit got to Erika hahahaha!:laugh:
Caeda: "Hey guys, my name is Caeda, here you can all share the traumatic experiences you've lived through. I'll start, last year, my dear spear got stolen, ever since, I've been forced to use a sword but it's just not for me, it's supposed to break armor but I can't even do that. Who wants to share their story?"
Lucius: "Hi, my name is Lucius and my Light Tome was robbed from me by some chick and a fat dude. My boyfriend has been helping me cope with it and I've been getting better ever since I went to see a blacksmith."
Caeda: "I see, it's good to hear you're getting through. What about your boyfriend there?"
Raven: "Hi, my name is Raven, I still have my sword, I just can't use it for some reason. This axe just pops up in my hand when I try to."
Caeda: "That's... odd, but at least it'll always be there with you. And what about you? What's your story?"
Knoll: "My name's Knoll and I've always had bad luck but one day I just blacked out and my Tome was gone. I dunno who took it but I have to find it quickly, it could bring destruction in the hands of someone unexperienced and Lord Lyon entrusted me with it. Please help me."

Deleted member

I just put ":061 :" at the end of a college paper before deleting it.

What the **** brain?
The typo score is on point, brother.
You passing college to become a true Fire Emblem Warrior?


Sep 12, 2014
A 514GB Micro SD card was revealed, and it's compatible with Switch.

No word on price yet, but I imagine it'll be hella expensive for a while. But these things go down in price rather quickly.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
A 514GB Micro SD card was revealed, and it's compatible with Switch.

No word on price yet, but I imagine it'll be hella expensive for a while. But these things go down in price rather quickly.
Don't think I'll have too much problem with my 200GB one (thankfully it was $50 for me)

But yeah, that 514 one is going to cost an arm and a leg (the reason I didn't pick up the 256GB one was it was out of my price range, even with the Black Friday discount).


Sep 12, 2014
Don't think I'll have too much problem with my 200GB one (thankfully it was $50 for me)

But yeah, that 514 one is going to cost an arm and a leg (the reason I didn't pick up the 256GB one was it was out of my price range, even with the Black Friday discount).
I'm thinking of investing in one soonish.

I didn't appreciate digital downloads as much as do now thanks to the Switch.
Man Square should port the first 10 FF’s to the Switch
FF7 on Switch would be wild to say the least.
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Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
The only thing I'll fight with my life as being non-canon are the non-Priam spotpass Paralogues.
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to accept all those characters somehow survived and pissing on the most impactful moment of the game by effectivelly erasing it feat. an amnesia subplot
Weren't the Paralogues, more along the lines of

These characters are from different realities where they lived?

Deleted member

Wild Ass FEH update datamine predictions:
-Nagflar having inbuilt Close Counter and Lyon is gonna have a ****ton of Def. Map is gonna be based on the first half of Endgame and The Prince's Despair will be his battle theme.
-Marisa is gonna be **** and come with a Slaying Edge+ to accuratelly represent Joshua's superiority. TT boss is gonna be Not!Brave Eirika and map is based on Renais Castle from Chapter 16.
-Earth Legendary Hero will be in the datamine and it'll actually be ****ing NotDead!Morva and introduce the idea of non-OCs as Legendary Heroes.

You heard it here first, folks.
Weren't the Paralogues, more along the lines of

These characters are from different realities where they lived?
Yen'Fai was the only one with that.
Walhart just says "his heart stopped beating but his body removed to fall" or some bs. Emmeryn and Gangrel are alive and well(save for the amnesia thing) like they never had a fall from 1000m off the ground or got stabbed by a Lon'Qu crit. No odea about Aversa, never managed to beat her Paralogue but probably the same bs as the last two
Last edited by a moderator:

Deleted member

Fire Emblem Heros is a good app, right?
I heard a lot of people like it.
"Look at my five-star!"


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Wild *** FEH update datamine predictions:
-Nagflar having inbuilt Close Counter and Lyon is gonna have a ****ton of Def. Map is gonna be based on the first half of Endgame and The Prince's Despair will be his battle theme.
-Marisa is gonna be **** and come with a Slaying Edge+ to accuratelly represent Joshua's superiority. TT boss is gonna be Not!Brave Eirika and map is based on Renais Castle from Chapter 16.
-Earth Legendary Hero will be in the datamine and it'll actually be ****ing NotDead!Morva and introduce the idea of non-OCs as Legendary Heroes.

You heard it here first, folks.

Yen'Fai was the only one with that.
Walhart just says "his heart stopped beating but his body removed to fall" or some bs. Emmeryn and Gangrel are alive and well(save for the amnesia thing) like they never had a fall from 1000m off the ground or got stabbed by a Lon'Qu crit. No odea about Aversa, never managed to beat her Paralogue but probably the same bs as the last two
Plot twist is Marissa is the only good unit and they somehow failed to make the other characters viable

Deleted member

Plot twist is Marissa is the only good unit and they somehow failed to make the other characters viable
Now, that would be an offense to the source material!
She's already coming to the game the same way Joshua did, all she's gonna have is a sword to give to Joshua and a bench to warm.
I hope she has some good fodder at least
Imagine if she came with Flashing Blade


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Weren't the Paralogues, more along the lines of

These characters are from different realities where they lived?

Yen' Fay

Was like that as far as Spotpass went. And IIRC someone told me once that


May have ended up undead. . .somehow.

The others were implied to simply have survived.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Now, that would be an offense to the source material!
She's already coming to the game the same way Joshua did, all she's gonna have is a sword to give to Joshua and a bench to warm.
I hope she has some good fodder at least
Imagine if she came with Flashing Blade
If she had flashing blade that be pretty crazy. Only being able to get two of her would kind of suck then though.
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